Sones =~ bi THE DAILY NEWS | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by } ‘THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. McRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., SUBSCRIPTION RATES advance). $8.00 per year. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch rates on application. Prince Rupert, B. © To Canada, Daily,, 50e per month, or $6.00 per year Weekly, $2.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advancer Telephone 98. United States and Mexico: $5.00 if paid in All Other Countries: Daily, Contract Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers. DAILY EDITION British politics have a habit | of becoming very dramatic. Of course interest in drama depends upon the size of the issue at stake, and as the present issue verges on civil war it is natural that the whole empire should be aroused, The question of Home ule seems to be almost lost sight of in the face of a larger issue. It seems now to be largely a question of whether the army or the commons shall be sa- preme, and the British people are hardly likely to favor ihe former. * . * The resignation of several British general on the eve of their being ordered to Ulster is a very serious matter. It shows that the army is not the machine it was in the past, ready to carry out its orders without a question. It is possible, too, that there may be politics at the bottom of it, and any siding of the army with either political party would be fraught with serious consequences. The question of Home Rule has so many phases to it that it is impossible at this dis- tance to give an opinion on it. Indeed it appears like a case of “being damned if you do and damned if you don’t.” The fact that so many out- standing men have favored it carries a great deal of weight with the majority of people. The recent offer by the gov- ernment to make it optional with Ulster whether or not they enter the scheme seems to be fair to all concerned. The outcome of the whole matter will be watched with a great deal of interest. —— Tuesday, March 31, cisions of the courts this land has been going throughout staking which on promiscuous) the province for the last num- ber of years is illegal. Mr. Justice MacDonald made this ruling at Victoria recently, and this had been preceded by an order of the Supreme Court of Canada. It will thus be found to be a rather strange anomaly that the attorney- general has been countenance - ing a system that the courts of Canada have declared to be illegal. The land act specifies that only one section shall be pur- chased by any one man. The got around that, securing powers of attorney whereby one man after all controls the pur- chases of hundreds of people. Bowser knew that this was be- ing done, and it is very likely that he shared in its profits. Such practice is plainly against the spirit of the act, and now that the courts have given a decision it is likely to open up a rather’ nasty prob- lem speculators however, by In the first place, it will jeopardize a large portion of that thirteen millions which is owing the government on land. They cannot now collect the money as the courts have decided that the land act has been violated. In the next place, it will seriously affect the title to those lands since they were secured under false representation. However, the McBride gov- ernment are never seriously concerned over a breach of the law. What they will do is “enabling act’ this breach to pass another that will legalize were According to recent de- of the law and enable the land THE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWS Votes allowed on paid-in-advance subscriptions as follews: THE DAILY NEWS Priee Votes ti year: eubsorintion . 6... oS, oo eee bes $ 5.00 3,000 B'VORP- MUDSOLINGION 5. 6555 <5 bsckce 0s Ade ds Ove 10,00 8,060 Bi FORD BUDROMIOUOR: © oo 8 6.55 Poko dae ete 15.00 12,000 4 year subscription........... Fe eae 20.00 18,000 > year eabsoription. .'.6)s.+ 5 san spa packs 25.00 25,000 THE WEEKLY NEWS Price Votes a eer. subsorintion.”.' . i... a date ee $ 2.00 1,500 » year. subscrintion «605035 «sess eee 4.00 4,000 es Re. TIARA NTE oi sn te eae 6.00 6,000 a oer’. BnneorIOUon |... 5. os et ORES Co 8.00 9,000 reper SUDECTIDLION. . ous sk stk ee. 10.00 15,000 8 —— Ct JRO OO Aa a [ee at fair prices High-Grade Work unbing, Steamfitting Western Plumbing Co., Ld and sheet metal 1 A MAILeveur Shoal! NX COBALT oN 4 Cass dy , / SQ Lofebjors THEY WANT TO FORM A NEW PROVINCE Map showing the latest agitation for secession from the prov- ince of Ontario. There has been an agitation for a long time to join the White River district to the province of Manitoba, but this has been steadily blocked by the au- thorities at Toronto. It may work out that the whole of northern and upper Ontario will eventually be made into a new province. grabbers to continue their ne- farious game. i THOS This whole question, how- ever, should open the minds of the people to the manner in which their government is be- ing conducted. There is no respect for law and no attempt made at its enforcement. At the last session two members of the government who had been in the government pay in violation of law were allowed to take their seats through an enabling act. A land act which specifies that one man shall get only one section has been twisted around so that one man can get a thousand. What are the people going to do with a government that disrespects the law of the jand? Dairies in Saskatchewan The government of Saskatche- wan has just completed a series of dairy meetings held at towns along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific in that province, ing at each point before the cars moved on to the next sta- tion. Reports from all stations indicate a remarkable’ success for these meetings, THE WEATHER Furnished by F. W. Dowling Observer i hdburs ending For the 2 5D a.m., March 314, 1914 Barometer reduced to sea ROUGE aki 6 40-05 © pia ei 29.774 PUMA ad «0:0: a'0:4 a eee 52. RAOUNIIG oss! 4.050 wie 2 ¥en atalee 38, When you buy a meal get it at | job, } readjustment ithe | THE DAILY NEWS RAILWAY CONTRACTORS SCATTER AS WORK NEARS COMPLETION MEN WHO STARTED AT RUPERT AND WENT THROUGH TO FORT FRASER PLAYED FRPORTARY. PART IN DISTRICT to|\ i rhe contractors who have been on the construction of the west ern division of the G. T. P. and who have become well known figures in this town and in the|; district, are now beginning gather around the head offices of Foley, for the last Trunk Pacific pleted, The Grand is so nearly so far as this end is con cerned, that there are only tw three contractors left the and they are what one might Just cleaning up. To all in- ltents and purposes the road finished, and already the coun try is undergoing the process of made of the the excellent for all farm produce. the district the time. com or on say, is necessary by construction market removal camps and they made While in jtractors were all good sports and were willing to take a chance on a mining proposition, a coal deal or a land deal. Many made con- siderable money on these side lines, but now that they are gone the money heretofore easily obtained will have to come from another direction. A new popu- lation must come in and all lines of business conducted on a dif- ferent basis. 80 The district will miss these men, not only from a business standpoint, but socially as well The same bunch started with the first work out of Prince Rupert and continued with the main contractors | right threugh to Fort Fraser. They were well known and were looked upon as part of the life of the district. Fortunately some of these men have made successful invest- ments in this immediate district and their interests will remain here and frequently they will visit in the town. Among the contractors who have taken such a prominent part in the construction of the railway and in the development of the district are: A. L. McHugh, who finished his work some time ago and has | since devoted his mining interests. Capt. McLeod has gone back Ontario. Norman McLeod will £0 on to the P. G. EB. Hugh McLeod has still a large} amount of work do on the| yards at the divisional point at Endako. M. Sheedy will take ed holiday. attention to has to and in retired the farm probably to an exte and as a direct result of these meetings a pronounced stimula- R. E. Paget is now holidaying tion in dairy industries is looked]|!™ the east. He will likely be on for this summer. Commencing| te new work along the P. G. F. on February 2, two cars left Re- Stewart Bros. have not yet ue- gina, one a sleeping car for the cided upon their future move- accommodation of the lecturers, | ™&"'s and the other a day coach fitted Bostrom & Green have still a up with a platform to serve as ajconsiderable amount of work to lecture hall. For over a month|do at Fort Fraser on the yards meetings were held every week|after the railway is through. day, and as a rule there was an|They have also a big steam afternoon and an evening meet-|Shovel cut to make on the The Dye that colors ANY KIND of Cloth coceee “a the SAM ica eee ee Booklet. Pie Soiason-icharéscn Co: Leaked" Welch and Stewart here |‘ nd- rade ind this cut. Inlaid linoleums, A shoo fly has been built GRAND Bs S.S. PRINCE ALBERT op Sundays at 6 p.m S.S. Prince George oth Fridays at 9 JOHN you'll borrow the money if neces- sary, to have it yourself. HOT WATER—fioods of it—for baths, cooking, laun- dry, etc., ready almost instantan- eously, and with far less fuel than you are now using. Enjoy this INEXPENSIVE luxury, and at the same time allow your family to the daily household duties. There are 21 families in Prince Rupert who will stand behind this Statement, and they are your own friends and neighbors. The cost is not worth mention- ing. In fact it costs you ABSO- LUTELY NOTHING Ir you are not pleased. PHONE housework, new lessen RIGHT NOW—489—TO HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER 138 Second Avenue A.M class, 220 Second for clearing also cordwood on application. Suite Phone 300 WE OFFER Lote 5 and 6, Block 18, Section 5, price $3,585 each; cash $960, balance five years, 7 per cent. Lote 1 and 2, Biock 32, Section 5, price $3,075; cash $825, balance 5 years, 7 per cent. Lote 13, 15, 16 and 18, block 22, Section 6, price $2,Z55 each; cash $600, balance three years, 7%. The Rand Apartments, corner Sixth avenue and Fulton $30,000; quarter cash, years, 7%. street, balance five Front 75 feet, Lots 40 and 46, Block 22, Section 6, with two four- roomed cottages, rented at $38 per month, price $3,690; cash §990, balance three years. ESTATE OF C. D. RAND HARRISON W. ROGERS 0.07 sae PRINCE 839 3rd Ave. W. Srd Ave. and 6th St, PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0 cork carpets, | —____ print linsleiiins and floor oil- cloth at 10 per cent discount for KNIGHT & HICKEY cash. Geo. D. Tite, the quality Contractors and Builders furnisher. TAtf Jobbing & Repairing The only thing most people Shop: Fraser and Sixth Streets ever achieve is old age. PHONE GREEN 269 weeeeceenseeee TAXIDERMIST You Won't Believe This Animals, birds, fish and all kinds of game beads mounted; ae hides tanned and made into rugs untll you actualy 900 K- Thee and robes. All work strictly first ITTLER, Expert Taxi- dermist, 728 Helmecken S8t., Van- couver, B,C, Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Notary Public. Rents and Collections AUCTIONEER Ave. Prince Rupert LAND CLEARING Peter Nelson is open to take contracts land in and arvund Terrace for fuel, ete Terms Architect 1, Federal Block B. ¢ ALPERT, P, O. Box 16535 “SECOND HAND GOODS | { will buy or sell all kinds household goods, mechanics tools, guns and menus cluliuing Will call any time, F. M. CROSBY etc., Phone Red 245 Phone 525 A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work ist Ave., Mauson Way Have FIELD, Dealers CHICKEN received GARDEN, OOMINION NURSERY & “ORCHARDS CO. Mail orders promptiy attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. our 1014 6&pring Seede AND FLOWER SEEDS Agents for in Feed of all kinds FEED A SPECIALTY John Albi has been in Spokane For Vancouver, Vict some time, For tt : iat ‘ ; LS rea ir those contemplating a trip to Dp, A. Rankin has a large con- TRURK RAILWAY SYSTEM ict on the P. G. He is asso- service second to none vi ited with Burns & Jordan Freeburg & Stone, who have Wor Fall paReweutess Gnd Haformation r ri ntracting with Foley, Welch & ALBERT DAVID ON ot: Sab avy + ory ; (Agent for all Atla Stewart for nearly twenty years, Genera) Ageae have just finished their last nee Rupert work, but expect to start in on e ‘ithe P. G. E. in a very short time ’ a - ' 4. McDougall is building the ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY one d04 P.O Ba yards at Prince Rupert ROOMS : inear as spen e |Second Avenue, Opposite Empress Theat APr| ANCTNG Duncan Ro wily oe th noose open from 8 @. m. to 11 Pp. @ NGING summer at his ranch near Vic iting Scotsmien are cordially invited AINT NG toria, but will likely break into Fe w rates for hall rent apply secretary OLISH the game later in the vear 8. D. MACDONALD, CHAS. DENNI ILUSHING AND President Secre At) Tre: With the exception of a few eee or WAL TINTING smaller contracts, these men Ms Bookkeeping Taught Phone 639 7 have constructed the entire west-|By Private Lessons a ern division of the Grand Trunk M . Pacific, a distance’in the neigh WENPELL R. JONES artin Swanson borhood of four hundred miles EXPERT ACCOUNTANT ae HAYNER BROS INDERTAE AN MHA ung | ard Ave “Noah If y rane to-date vias your | nds treorge GEORGE LEEK 220 2nd Avy Phone Phone 174 ba % FOR PLUMBING — HUTS SMiTH & “MALI Lare wad Vai an ting Third Ave., Head of Second te Prince Rupert UNITED TAILORS PRESSING AND CLEANIN will Call Prone , Next CPR D. C. STUART PRINCE RUPERT, 6. 6 1 Le WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Ee MONEY TO LOAN wet PACIFIC TRANSFER Ut General Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 93—Phone—3 P. 0. Box 203 n- P. ROBERTSON «. Acjustmenth LF Assignments nce Rupert & Chartered Audits, Investig dations and Smith Block, 3rd Ave, °F LUMBEW COAL | Line of sUPPLIB ABER CO. Lisl] Compk te BUILDERS’ WESTHOLME | DIINO It Ge bet the pom de mee | Oe 2 eiey | a ae ras Meee oi —s One Study Left Out of Scant s Cisibosbinns: Sistem for 0 —— eS) = ITS MY AMBSH SOE GUZZIN100? nT NOPE -1 WHY GUZZINTOO \( (| DAY TO HAVE A FINE MAN T ASK DONTCHA = = WASNT TO is 2 GUZZINTOO 4 ie BOY OF MY OWN LIKE THAT LAD-TLiLBET HED BE As BRIGHT As A DOLLAR- JUST LIKE HIS DAD Anim] li uit READIN - WRITIN — AN’ WHAT GULTINTOO 157 / KNOW WHUT GUZZINTO SCHOOL THAT Srrrertit7 An’ 3 GUZZINTOO 6 DON CHA KNOW ?