our VOTING CONTEST GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: t you can | for just 4 emall wr eatoet expo~ Probably the militia department ines the ee jue name today. intends to use the new armory for ilo » ig just right an aerodome. im my A <. RS SNE es mire, sa smi RUPERT, B. C., WEDNESDAY, APRJ’ FQN =S== —————————— —— — Se = PRICE FIVE CENTS. SBANDED M AMEN CONDEMN TO REY MAKES CONCILIATORY SPEECH ON IRISH QUESTION — INCREASED CUSTOMS RETURNS BERAL LEADERS FRIDAY GOING INTO THE INTERIOR SRS. BREWSTER AND OLIVER WILL ADDRESS PUBLIC MEETING HERE FRIDAY EVENING — TERRACE, HAZELTONS AND SMITHERS LATER cements for|QOn Tuesday they will visit Old Brey Olive tour have} Hazelton, where a meeting will be hey will address a/held on the evening of the 7th. Prince Rupert | They will then proceed to Simith- ng Saturday/ers, and will address the citizens lerrace, where ajthere « the evening “of Wednes- held that night,}day, April 8. Great interest has th arrive in Néew}been manifested in this tour of ie new railway ithe Liberal leaders, and it is ex- Monday and hold a} pected that they’ will receive a hat night, April 6.}ereat reception. j SIR EDWARD GREY’S CONCILIATORY SPEECH) * = Wm. Manson, M. P. P. ‘ AS ONE OF HOLDUP MEN Suggests Establishment of Fed-| eral System Within Six a firm but epnnty of sutabiiattinar n would adopt time | is withdrawn peeeeeessevevesee PRISONER IDENTFLED HANDSOME PRIZES AWAIT Sek ea RE te VOTING CONTEST RESULTS * organs in the ty discuss «| l* local issues No. doubt # | Vancouver—Had Been in * Mr. Manson, H. 8. Cle- ¥| Coquitiam YOU CAN WIN THE PANAMA EXPOSITION TRIP FOR A FEW * ments, M. P., and other #| a WEEKS’ PLEASANT WORK—IT IS ANYBODY’S RACE |* members of the Tory ma- * ee Wa ENTER TODAY Vancouver, April 14 George ; Bee ‘ |* chine will appreciate the *¥| ! } ——__-— Edward] organs’ silence on the dis- %| Ball, who is accused of being im- Think for a moment what this | Eighth: Gotd Bracelet,. of|* bandment of the Earl {plicated in the holdup of the G jtrip will mean. The greatest pa-| value $6. Grey's Rifles—the most *|N. R. train, has been positively i#eant ever produced and a pan-| The above prizes are open to * brazen piécé of political ®)yqentified: by a+ Coquitlam wit- jorama of never-ending brif-jeach and every contestant who * iniquity this city has wit- #*|. Mig He had Ddew tn Coduitian jliancy: Aeroplane meets, athletic may enter, no matter what part * nessed. |i" ‘ , Eas “contests, international military of the Skeena district she may * % {Al the time and is supposed to}reviews, illuminated fleets, beau-|reside in, but in addition to this * Ihave been engaged in the holdup.|ty, pleasure, splendor, life, art,/list, we are also going to give OO ee ee The prisoner was taken tojglory, gerandeour, everywhere.|away a splendid list of district Mr. F. de Shiideay returned on|Skagit county, Washington, to|Again we repeat, the year 1915|prizes to those |who qualify, the Prince Rupert today. stand trial. will be historic. | which will be open to all contest- | It will see the lofty fulfilment of| ants residing outside of Prince Asks for| Captain Nicholson, Manager of Steamships, Arrived on the Prince Rupert Today gation and Petition Original Plan to Be Altered Capt. Nicholson, manager of egal headed by A Jel tin G. T. P. steamships, arrived the Savoy otel : voy hotel the Prince Rupert this morn- vere presented Lo | two world achivements—one the| Rupert. We therefore want can- official opening of the Panama | didates from Smithers, Hazelton, DING PROBLEM —_|G, T. P. STEAMSHIPS — ViFinl apenin of the Panann datas trem Smithers, Hazeltan, quroN AND FlrTH, IW PINK OF coNDTON FART CREY’S RIFLES DISBA soon teas i ae eer port, the final victory of man’s | for these attractive prizes which : greatest battle with nature. are put up for the .exclusive \n opportunity to witness this|competition of outside candi- dazzling spectacle is the award | dates. selected as the grand capital] As previously stated, ALL can- prize in The Daily News’ voting |didates may solicit subscriptions pinecone contest, and it is well worth ajanywhere; but the two lists much greater effort than our|of prizes will in no way conflict last evening in|, a0) gn ctenaont Wee |Company Attend Banquet and to a . Man Stand With Their Gallant} canciaatcs can: possibty. exerts [eines no: candidate eal win aes ral Superintendent W. C. C of raising the|Mehan up the line and may re street and lower-j|main fi the temporary linking f Fulton street in}up f the railway. the two-eonnast I Both the Prince Rupert and : ime George have undergone he ir’ fw ks presented), |, Llovd’s insvectio this. vear yin Inspec nh il ar, mending the ! were found to be in the pink g of Fult street on thejof condition,” said Captain Nich the idea that | son grade to allow for the] What about the Blue Funnel fth street could ers calling at Prince Rupert?” | was red The}asked The Daily News. if $25 606, | Well, T expeet that not only chargeable to|]the Blue Funnel but other boats ie balance to the!|™* here but several other ed ins-Pacifie lines as well are} Which was drunk in hearty iformed the s arrangements to call at]; to change | this port.” the Fifth rl iptain said he was not in uld be h h the hotel part of the bylaw and t he understood that provincial i were ready for the Ru-| pany q Grand Trun ‘ h | and the eontract may time This matter is favor of the hands of the president on is the ne cers a moment of weakness. came from headquarters saying man) done for the time. On February commodated were that the Ear! Greys were to be disbanded and the officers placed on the reserve list. » disbandment i December firmed, ¢ » was asked to lect ' that company was disbanded. Capt. Stork said will go down thé : » consent of Sian lbeen a lifelong Conservative, |all present was that the affair -|told of what he knew of the mat-jwas the worst blow patriotism in | "MPRESS HEA TRE ijter. When he heard of the dis nada has ever received. Should t-|bandment he went to the inner|a new battalion he formed it rifts of the party and they told|would be impossible to get a ... FO-NIGHT.... all ed the vative ¢ ; . | Liberal officers. Hadn't Fred}/man of any spirit would join Two|Stork sent a wire to Frank Par-}such an organization. “MISTAKEN IDENTITY” An excellent comedy from the No pleasure trip that can be|than one prize. Commander---Introduction of Party Politics Deplored-- Imagined: will eormpare with thts |