or ce) | THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. EDITOR AND GE H. FL MeRAR, ONERAL MANAGE! HEAD OFFICH Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico Daily, 50¢ per month, or $6.00 per yeai $5.00 paid in advance}. Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per vear. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly 1dvanece BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—-Nalional Newspaper Bureau, 219 Fast 2srd st New York Oily Seatlle-—Puget Sound News Go London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Graud Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. (TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING——50 cents per inch contract rates on application. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling uf Phone 98 in ease of nun-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers DAILY EDITION ae eiine Friday, Ap 1914 | welcome, Prince Rupert will better reason. Borden himself today two of the province's | never really favored a Gana- noblest sons. Mr. Brewster, dian contribution. He was leader of the provincial Lib- forced into it by his powerful eral party, has a record behind henchmen. The real reason why that policy has been with- drawn is because it was found out that the best part of Can him of which any man might | well be proud. He is one of} the men who haye grown up| with the province. In business | adian opinion was against it he has been eminently suc- Not only that, but throughout cessful and as a public man he} the empire it is realized that stands without spot or stain. | the ultimate system must be The Liberals of British Co- alone the line of local navies. lumbia are fortunate in having Only in this way can enthusi- such a clean, strong man i asm be aroused and the au- lead them in their battle for tonomy of the dominions se e clean polities. cured, * . * } . . . Mr. John Oliver is almost} It is even now admitted in th too well known to require} old land ro pares ae much comment. Although yet| ae urea saps mee ap ta oe a young man, he has been 8} one for Canada. The follow- leading figure in the Liberal! ing clipping from Public party from its inception in the) Opinion, a leading British pa- province. He has justly earn- |} per shows the change that has ed the tithe of “Honest John,” taken place. In speaking of and the citizens of Prince Ru- the naval estimates it said: pert will be glad to honor a “Mr. Churchill said there was man of such sterling qualities} no possibility of the Borden and of such distinguished ser- program being adopted this vice. Being a man of the soil vear. ‘IL would be perhaps himself, his message to the! more exact to say that there is farmers of this district, as no possibility that it will ever well as to the business men, be adopted, says the Daily will be one of interest and of| News, ‘Yor Canadian opinion profit. is ¢learly moving in the direc - a tion of the Laurier scheme The Borden naval policy has rie tee been presumably withdrawn This statement from a lead for fear the senate would ing British paper is interest- again turn it down, As a mat- ing, and it illustrates” the ter of fact there is a much} predicament in which Premier = FRED STORK’S HARDWARE i 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle { Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition i Pumps Hose Paint \\ Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron i “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” ————_——— a nn a = { 9 { FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | ) a om mmm am y i we “CARPENTERS | ! 50 PER CENT. discount. from it qi. Mouldings with lumber List on Doors wa algae orders PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C9. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager. 1st Ave. and McBride St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | | Sey ‘ MR. L. WERDEN First president of the Caled branch of the British Impe iss ation, under whose lead ership the associatio crowing rapidly Borden finds himself He must now drop all notion ofa naval poliey or swallow the Laurier policy, which he ts hard big enough te do It is too bad that petty politics ts step in and prevent her duty at allowed to Canada from doing this time when the dominions should be shouldering a part of the mother country’s load. It looks as if the degenerate part of the Tory machine would destroy the effective- ness of both the army and navy rrder to gratify their passion for private gain. The ecent scandalous disband- ment of Earl Grey’s Own Rifles in this town in order to eratify local politicians Is a good illustration of this. The question is really so serious that one termbles at using for party advantage deed of sufficrent ) wreck irrevocably any poli- ‘al party if properly hand ed, but the question should be handled on a higher plane It = a case where all high-mind ed Conservatives as well as Liberals should protest with the end in view of reversing such an intolerable state of affairs and of protecting the fair name of Canada’s militia \ ember who will sacri- fice his mstitueney in order that his political masters may urr’s their nefarious | | other poftions of he province, is a poor ecrea- ure Make your money earn money buying in Port Edward. 64uf DR. A. McKINNON Port H Popular iron physician who died suddenly on the 40th of this month from heart failure, i Third avenue. Pik’ DAILY NEWS UNNEL AS REFUGE FROM MOSQUITO PEST | Stept Against Propeller Shaft to Escape tnsects—One Driven to Commit Suicide Vancouver News-Advertiae seaport of Reua the Weir line just com quil, a om whieh | ha the hottest spot on Ge d th. but wt prust he we Ss nee Wert be at ry neal HHpression et Mawinnes, her wenty-four hours The Lord Erne ts oading 38,23 feet Hastings mill for Robert MeM \ the capta Ulster, is Capt. rn there Oo the Mr. who nber at tralia, mate, like es from alify such tle, but both spe 1g of the mo s the heat, muayaquil You have etl in the tones sel pre} d a statement st ak dis¢ sq toes as iasmatt 1% must be n Lo place your middle of one in the uu put it on either side the evil-stnelling slime that beneath will squirt up and patter vou, observed the per He added that he went into a side street—the and he only times, VOL eX f the main street; if mass hides | be- | skip- never | main was sufficient went ishore four Two of these caused by a particularty that ashore sad cir- | aboard |} of a young British This poor fellow had been hiltten from head to foot by mos- and driven desperate by he finally hanged him- below The ashore to so visits cumstance occurred the suicide quitoees the heat self down had to go stitute that the captain | sub heat in the | get the sleeping great was men took to tunnel right up Lins! pe the bottom of the ahi ip because it was cooler down | and the the s distasteful to ovel agi ller at sinell of ! the there oj \ sen mosquitoes pasate © SEATTLE BIDS STRONG FOR SALMON STORAGE New Warehouse Wil! Provide Facilities for 500,000 Cases Plans and specifications have} been adopted by the Seattle port} mmission for the erection of a four-storeved conerete ware | house at the Stacey street docks.| Construction of the central unit | vhich will cost $150,000, is to be| completed in time to handle ean- | ned sal when the pack be gins to arrive in the fall. | The sj fic ms call for the | { wdern equipment and fa-j itie The central united wili] » able store 500.400 Cases | fanned saline it one time i] is planned Tor peneral wareh mf poses, however, and w not] f ‘ tself exclusively { the | salinon business \ considerable part of the | North P: fic pack goes san | Francis¢ for storage, but ine| Lew | arehouse will prove aj big fact the diversion of the| pack tos which lays clajm | as its or i] storage point Phe 1 init Lo be eon structed mediately will have a} le I 300 Yeet, a width of 80] feet and a floo space of 10,000 feet, I ‘cording to 1e plans, both docks will be extend ed the ter is forming part } house structure and Z uy i otal length of 600 feet | The structure designed, it is said I! be one of the hand somest architecturalls on the Beattle waterfront We do upholstering and re- pair work for spring cleanups, Geo. D, Tite, the funiture dealer, TALE | Villian | mp OAL LO The Whisky of Quality Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA UM bl Melis hl Wi he LLL LUE AODEGE: MDE EV STATIONERY Victor Gramaphones Books Magazines Photo Supplies Developing and Printing Enlarging and Picture Framing Best Selection View Cards. W.W. WRATHALL 606 THIRD AVENUE Phone 551 of Interior Senne 1836 THE BANK of 1914 Te YEARS in Business VAPITAL AND SurPius $7.786.666 A Service Business Men | ieee: Appreciate The complete and valuabl service rendered by the Ban} of British Noith America h secured and retained th accounts as well as the con fidence of a goodly proportio of Canada’s prominent busi ness men. The same service awaits you, whether your account be large or small. P. MARGETTS, Manager. -BritishNorthAmerica | PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH WE OFFER Very desirable double corner on Fifth 5, $6,000; quarter cash, one and two Avenue, Section price years at 7 per cent. Lot 21, Block 17, Section 6, proved with two houses now rented at $35. Price $3,200, cash $1,000, balance five years at 7 per cent. ime Lots 13, 15, 16 and 18, block 22, Section 6, price $2,256 each; $600, balance three years, 7% cash The Rand Sixth avenue $30,000; quarter cash, balance five 7%. Apartments, corner and Fulton street, years, Front 75 feet, Lots 40 and 46, Block 22, Section 6, with two four- roomed cottages, rented at $38 per price $3,690; cash $9890, balance three years. month, ESTATE C. D. RAND 133 Becond Avenue Phone 112 oF * & $ s 3 * $ 8 $ A wise man uses The % News Want ads for his = needs Are you a wise Ss man’ $ % $ $ $ § $ 3 PEOPLE L LDAP PLLEPEL ELLE LOLOOLLOOD OD s « x « $ $ | | with NORWEGIAN CENTENNIAL, and eatin with NORWEGIAN sAENG a 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rough freig For full particulars and all information of . THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Hart B : Pply AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC sTEAms) ae ee! ——— ’ = ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY ft PO tag ROOMS : nd enue posite Empress 7 are RHA} hoom open i a o. to if > m™m : NUING siting Scolamen are wdiaily invited \ TING For ates for hall rent apply secretary Hloun D. MACDONALD, CHAS. DENNIS LISTING AND President ‘ WALL TINTING Bookkeeping Taught Phone 639 "é By Private Lessons " WENDELL R. JONES Martin Swanson EXPERT ACCOUNTANT 3rd Ave. and Sth 8t., PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0 Bride KNIGHT & HICKEY HAYNER BROS Contractors and Builders os snp EMBALMERG Jobbing & Repairing ic. va ! oe Phone Ne i Shop: Fraser and Sixth Streets | .—_—__—_——eeess PHONE GREEN 269 — If yo all up to-date ‘ 1) pit ~ TAXIDERMIST ao a Animals, birds, fish and all) “&0's8' kinds of game heads mounted; ; ’ , jhides tanned and made into rugs GEORGE LEEK land robes. All work strictly first) 220 i P hon A, MITTLER, Expert Taxi- - dermist, 728 Welmeken SL. Van- Phone ‘ bor Mi. jcouver, B.( FOR PLUM@ING AND HEAT GEORGE LEEK SMITH & MALLET Largest i wh Va ‘am | Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker tings Notary Public. Rents and Collections Third Ave sree of Coceet Pr e upert AUCTIONEER ee sa 1220 Seeond Ave Prince Rupert | | cece | | | = a | to Steamer Prince George leaves Prince Ri Vancouver, Victoria Steamer Prince Rupert leaves Prince Rupert Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert tv. p Low Excursion PR To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED STATES mare: ~ pe LAND CLEARING open to take coutracts in and around Terrace etc Terms, etc., Peter Nelson ts for clearing land siso cordwood for fuel, nh application, HARRISON W. ROGERS Architect Suile 1, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, B, C., Phone 300 P. O, Box 1655 it a HAND GOODS or sell all kinds [ i 3 } ha F. M. CROSBY 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 245 A IVARSON & CO. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work Way Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson SEEDS! SEEDS! Have received our 1814 Spring Seods FIELD, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. Dealers in Feed of all kinds CHICKEN FEED A_ SPECIALTY Mail orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 608 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 UNITED TAILORS PRESSING AND CLEANING will Call 808 2nd Are Prone PRINCE RUPERT, 8. 0 — W. E. Willaps. 8. A, LUE WILLIAMS & SANSON Solicitors, Et TO LOAN Barristers, MONEY ' per, 8G ¢ anett PACIFIC TRANS! FER (0 Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 93-—Phone—03 Helge Block P. O. Box 203 P, Rf Charters )BERTSON Accountant +, Ac, verments, LOM Asse gnments noe Rupert, 86 Audits, investiga del Smith Block, 3rd A Line of HER CO., Linked Compl te BUILDER WESTHOLME It Takes a Slip on a Banana Peel to Jar bans a Thousht:. THE MORE LTHINK ABOUT IT THE MORE IM CONVINCED THAT T LOVE MY TANGO TEACHER: SHE WOULD BE SOME ONE STEP 10 LAME DUCK THRU “ESSER-THATS ME-ILL PLOW RIGHT OVER AN ASIC HER. HOW SHE WOULD Lite “YO CASTLE WALIK WITH ME M TO A JUSTICE OF PEACE THEN - TTT WELL BE MARRIED- AND HAVE ACUTE LLL FLAT- BUT WOULD 4 TANGO TEACHER EN JOY —~WHENT Meier 71 PICTURE OF QUIET (/ EVENINGS SHE MAN INSIST ON —) (MENTAL PICTURE OF aege TEACHERS IDEA | Quie Wan Y/ for Tl we — OW WELL wey \ ni SPEAK Of WHEN THE! WORK 10 | aa