ivi4 a eee ¥ A q AXI } yey FOR 15--PHONE-~79 RT AUTO CO REMMI pRINCE | gk ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ > . s ‘ ‘ > . 1. VENUE Give us R Van PPLE LL LLOLILL LOLOL ODDO DOD DOD ee eed OE * gaeeeerre PHONE—667 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN Machine Seven-Passenger Large Prome Service Rates for Parties SPEER ERES ERE eB ES OURO OEE EH y ooo VI) DA ‘EWws Sir Edward Car: son Resta the Ulster.‘ Volant {| } | Pil T i ran ti | im tf liar cee ii tea at ca i ail Ky wii Te Te TE ee ee ici eee scvsseex eopeceuaeree wpe sy att a at ant yw reanization, nonths, a ~ 1 to have SEALING STEAMER spe : P. RAILWAY know,” said a man to his | > * i STAND, ROYAL MOTEL CR WV : |Multiple Route Tickets Intro- knowledge chiefly from motor car advertise- JO tok | duced by W. P. Hinton, Pas- —_. “i. the pr a and booklets RARE RE RAI RENEE circulate rou em (TERRIFIC STORM SWEPT ATLANTIC SEABOARD — ICEBERGS | senger Traffic Manager gh peeereeeeeeeeeet CRUSHED SHIP—SOME ESCAPED ON TO ICE ve sda dada’ tent ue “ All I know about pho eraphy," declared a well- d! Land! } re eee lbought this year for the opening| known amateur, “I have ed from the men who panic : Johns, Nfld., A ri be dead. Thirty-seven {tis year of 2,000 new stations | advertise cameras, plates, papers and films. _ ob fli pril ¢ \ e deac rtv-seve re ) he Grand Trunk Paeifie rail e sealing schoons Newfoundland ed according to. the|?™ be raha Island §)-:2!2 schooner Now ith dtatement of the copthin we the{Way,, for which” preparatiotis Advertisements have been as ‘ i et i! it ue Sou t } ! © i . snr , "he ts : isso! 9 var vou ingepengone, gf2f Belle Isle strait. The grea Bellaventur ilcsit "OF dladh tee wht tdexedes well called “The Poor Man’s meke y independent. : h 4 70 wh rl ie accounted foi ft jin t of dog-eared ne Kets will ; : $3 8 ve ‘ . f tre m displa. n the ticke of- —s heb ppristie’ ght dead and thirty-five living [Ol Pe on display in the ticket of University,” but other than , 1 > ea ‘ 7 h ( f the steamer Ste- ; ay QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ae he lead and two liv [COMtinental. This is the resul poor men have been schooled if ‘ , ‘iba ;0 h suc ssf ~ i il INFO MATION BUREAU h } i Le , , g ~ ime Floritze si it a ‘i thereby. MST, &. ENTWIDTLE,. Mere mt n ' lwhich, by afew left punehes, rince Rupert, B. ©. : € r | ae sig : ae j ane P | ‘ » RUSSIA IS ALARMED |' Inade to serve the same} If you are doing a locai bussmess Much of what the average individual knows con- en ee ya “ft ; oe OVER DRINK CURSE is three’ hundred dif- talk over your advertising prob- cerning personal and domestic hygiene, modern ooscbesdeel? ori vs rms oof tieket of the lems we ok tal ace office methods, books and authors, electricity, pre- COOOL LORELEI EOD lof tl he th bin honored style re an Mae raul pid cious stones, investments, and almost everything else, yo! 0 portunity in Land j i Oran Abolishes ree Time-honered | . 4 Ostia he a) for oP national business it would be well he has learned from advertisements. ‘ eae Custom as Result of Low three years, the rec- for youto have the counsel and j 4 : js ‘ anoth Physical Standard ind clear as to mis- assistance of a good advertising Advertisements have stimulated our intelligence, ofl vchenné, 6h ee Soutl ltakes, witt of 85 per cent agency. A list of these will be added enormously to our knowledge, and given us I weiered, ore cot - sea I , ake with . g M f 854 . ) furnished, without cost or > int aspirations which have raised us to er levels of row bulld- ‘ S feved UU ; s "e shure Ay s nm speed and ¢ clenc) ’ gation, by the Secretary of Can- “ 24182, furniture, ete, - eht r he ezar in his resolve|Hin ho promoted to be as elise Press: Aseodiations Bota thinking and living. Advertising is indeed “ The eves, 16018 See te i said tha si irunkennews | stat se] raffic mar 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. Poor Man’s University. one of the best val- rs ‘ Kenness | sista issenge i lan- n 8. C ha ‘deal place for ; the ha } . ‘ted { he Rus- |i rey f the G, T. P., put the time rasing of poultry and hogs or : ee . ‘ ‘ bay { or a dairy. Price $1100 cash. 5 Cross tha ere Prened | sia ‘my ha t I ib “| efquired » ge a LICKE 0 a) ene n 1 th me-hi ed st puny | thie ew sor {5 seconds Ee i STEP ENS 60 LTD 1 Ne Hland irmy commanders ti raise a Phe preparation for traffie for| iter é IC H b ” r ¢ : 7 th | t the healtl f the ruler{the new transeontinental will in- = — rm rate eal Estate Notaries Insurance e ‘ on h wa ad ind the imperial family n front |volwe igencies extending around rate fo irds and snow plows in POOOEEOEEOELOEOOOOOEEOEEEEEE |. luesda \ fi f th troops at the cone sion|the world and the Instructions /eases where they were higher! Z « i New! i parades ind ian s,| will be give many tongues,!than f the corresponding ser- SOLEEEIEEELOLEOEELOOLEOOEEEEEES S . ° hres vith ou Undoubtedly the ala ing way injfor both passenger and freight|yiee on the Canadian Pacific. . of Gift P.0. Box 1708 Epi Bel i Seete beinare chen rltnge tua zinate in Europe! ‘ye incroaced pay becames ot. {{ n the Selection of Easter Gifts CAI t f j er s | the army has ha i ind from the Orient fetive with the beginning of the} ; np a = || Ou Booklet sta Poly wh t ZS es eae | eC. mor one Se as : 0h" PRISONER ESCAPED r aster OO A Onld = Running: Weer m s ! tn ( i ully FROM HAZELTON JAIL Rooms 5 ’ | | finest brands ' Ni i d ‘ rhe phys i ! s j T | c sere Pal en ‘ r h h th | wn 6 eune Down and JUS | will prove a great assistant to out-of-town buyers—in it a splendid HE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN “ { “ | a : o Pee Rifl Well assortment of gift lines suitable for presentation during this spring- 5 BRITISH COLUMBIA DR. GILROY, DENTIST i ‘ { an i, 4. madden ARRIVED time festival, illustrated. These lines consist of many neat produc- ow PRUDHOMME & FISHET and Bridge Work a y 5 i ° ‘ tions in Jeweiiery, small requisites in Table Silver, Photo Frames, Proprietors Specialty : - "sh Fron | omes word of | Novelties in many forms, Rosaries and Rose Beads. if one of theese y- h as and h general li I ; . et Gtiahiieiaon A large shipment of Neckwear in Booklets has not reached you write to us asking that one be sent to SOP}; RCO oe : ; . ; ithe most ¢ yract of ¢ sO we aL {Orr lon: Smith: Mike Third: Avenue ate: SLANGENG 16 “2 lheld there, b he name of Pe gi Collars, Fichus, Yokes, etc. A nice your address at once. = \ustria nee ‘a 2S aoe | Wha full de s are not obtain assortment of the new Veilings WOOOIOOOOE COPODOONODL ORDERS . 7 ae f AS th Q jable, bul e ch is known to es- These goods are imported direct. ' a CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY nister Of wa s “ltablish the that he made his a a gone eam itt ate bn fos ae beat Henry Bitks & Sonat tate | ote ; Uirectory Ai Prine TT An: Setar would ficer Peter { the provincia! ps ieee enry IF?RS ons, i and return 00 hess ABaAU > nar ce Ge : ’ ) ) ifo and return. 128.00 | ' ice and s¢ a carbine as he ‘ Bo ie at 'raut cmt ageanee Se 4s Sthhis* thin ico ee Pas DEMERS JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS D 1 t ar and return 108.50 i : Be ‘ 0 Do to New York and return 144.50 [| noarmy has ber The n , ell known in the ee VANCOUVER: B.C PRL ¥ Other nts correspondingly low sh ‘ . E Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director NCO’ . : Vintners Association Effective June ist Finst return A ' , district and his recapture is ex Third Avenue i ’ ————— limit ¢ 31st ; 4 den pected He had a pre-emptior \* j ’ Cheat ra to Norwegian e o lt-hes bas p Ps } hem , ae alas WINDSOR HOTEL ration in N rway, effective Apri : ind lived I in a cabin t Ave. and Eighth St oo ees tas dg er San- it the eure pul § ‘| Hazelton H vas arrested on : —— W. KH Wright, Prop. erbund in Chicago, effective May : th an Sunday ght for housebreaking t tt Oe me te etre eet eer roe geen ee ‘ma Southbound ran a DRF a0 nea New Hazelton, and was sc t : KAKA nore, eumenlll Princese May, South : i j duce hy a) cabcaee ‘in Hazelton ° RIOR RIKI IAD III IS AAI AAI AAS II AICSISASA SSS IAA SASS AAAISSAIASAAC }. McNAB, Generar age 140 3p ( ane at the @ffeet y id Mi ow? Sin. merece hia Corner ard Avenue and 6tb Street me . a rd Yesterday moramg aoe , é P ft eee ee eee eee pas a US consulny® ™*tters ¢€ e 4 duty and enterec Peter Biac Let ean I wu e ack, Prop —= bottle of beer for a period of the jail to take the prisoners out!$ » days tinhes fo My work As he opened the cell { z sell het — 7 r rib bapa and Nini UNION TRANSFER C0 j Whol ve after do for Pekel, the latter struck | + / : igh i it f , i rm ¥ . ic \ ic ' ; : : | ) , Kates 50e to 91.00 GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE | Phe Russky Invalid, -whiet he guard on the back of the : / Beever & Besner, Props South Wellington Coal the official organ of the ministry hea ind felled him to the = ' e ' p VHONES : 86 Office RESIDENCE 1100 wat, has recently drawn altten- ground He then pushed the of- ¥ i 1 Y i 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT | n to this aspect in a series of ficer into the cell and shut the, + THE = Be SS apnea udvek? Oasley is E eS hieanes -- | it article lt is the effect de making good his own es * ern ; ‘ y }of the drink habit on mobiliza i akin 30-30 carbine | * 1d North , yeep Sixth a | ape,and taking a i * 20 six » an BOAT BUILDER ' Fach tim is pointed as he passed oul Phe gun was | { * or rince u e European Pian, 50 to $1 Per Day a {, the reserves are called out} jo. loaded and he had no ammu- i] » ane ts ee ee H. JOHNSTON jfor their periodical training the] pition, therefore, with him + { : Ihe Daily News goes into nearly every home ” PREMIER r jauthorities have no end of trou. | Ywo of the other officers who | e e .e Rupert. It is the popular newspaper © Mii \ Seal Cove Phone Green 321) th “tsi hin Baie Phe men bape a , * Prince Rupe ; ; an Plan with } | were upstairs were aroused and x the city because it is clean and reliable. It hae al 0, Man — the training centres}. ae cs , g : 9, Manager i AeeUR ao i h = . a | ¢ ame down, bul too late ¥ ne * is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events Seconc enue | dead un Du SO] thy man before he escaped, e * . 4 : : 7 topics res 4 Northern British Colum- ret ae } vided with darge quantities of] 5. now being sought, { * and topics interesting to stan st WILLIAM 1, HOUSE \ bottles, which they then - : { sare bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- ; Rurepean Steam Hoated @.C. Land Surveyo> ndeav io sumeele into 1?) @RAND TRUNK MEN ACCEPT : i SANE misim and vetiability, ; > KS z ¥ 2 Ds News is the most valuable paper to Peart aie PRINCE RUPERT P.O. Box 6418) [barra NEW WAGE SCHEDULE 7 a The Daily News i ; BEAVER ESALE LIQUOR CO anti ee -| R It ae i x SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. Lim g s . ” Tha 4 - wna JAMES GILMORE ee [x mabicen!, Aprikeiane: mein i : IMPARTIAL It has a bigger cireulation than any Other paper in xth St | : ea tenance of way employees of the * tha’ aity It ta" wend: hu tha shinee ae people the 5 | $0 TRE DONE OWE Grand Trunk railway have ee : PRINCE ¢ es ee ie Street} 4! I oper \pril 3.*The | preached an agreement with the * / INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk te vr rt ” . e real ebrie : er 3 oo ure. ee 90 end Avenue, nea | ll the results of YeS~! officials of that company by } 7 INTELLIGENT ¥ e+ Sol oi Ge ee Ts ore aiee ® jterd in the coast lea | whieh the award of the board « Vy x ) {MPERIAL MACHINE SHOP gue , Commissioners whith dealt with * j SIP EIT op nskse-caeiederserienaaaaiae Ot Ores reece F Venice 0 i ¢ | the case last fall has heen ai { ¥ aaaheree ee Repairing Quickly Done i Epis { 9 2 eepted by both sides / 7 ! ‘ ‘ | 6. aA ae The new schedule of wages/] * { | vow BAY PHONE RED coh , {3 | makes the C.PR. standard rate } ee Me 1 an Cra 7 |! jWwhich were the highest in Can } ; j | JOHN CURRIE #3/Adn, ie'nct also mth tite | | * Household Coal 7 4/States, the vates also for the| [a ru 0a ; rs Ty *haravar : , 4 Nn Brightont, Rest Contractor & Builder vicatarnaanall Br rete tute ae : — ~ } + JUROR ICID III III IOISISIIOIOII III IOI TIO IO IIIT TAA AAI A AA | ven on Moving Bulldings f he ov mailers rales are ] e Pend avy, NOGERS |; me@mate Giveg ep Moving % ps 7 th its camels, 73tf/0, P. R., while maintaining the| he aN a ie seme mn Phone 116) Phone Biack 204 a i 5 | zg pond FOUNDERED NO DOGGEREL TICKETS ONES knows more about motor cars than any other man I ¢ The Poor Maris University ~ a J it zy