All the new things in Dress Goods-- in Cottons, Wools and Silks H. §. WALLACE & CO., LTD. —— 02 lomo mos ich oom e aioimio mio mo} joie A TCH the bread line form in any large city when hupger and poverty stalk abroad. It is a safe guess that those who relieve pinched face and gaunt frame buy the very best bread obtainable, because they know that back of the iH best bread is the best flour and that the best flour 3 on contains the most nourishment. a Similarly when the bread line forms for break- fast and supper at home, the wise housewife knows that the best way to appease sharp appetite is to provide home-made bread, made from the very best flour she can buy. Now-a-days she uses i OPENING Announcement ! The : London : Cafe Open For Business Everything is fresh and clean and we shall spare no pains in making this the most popular EATING place in the city London Cafe Hart Block 3rd Avenue “WE NEVER SLEEP” umbing, Steamtitting and sheet metal work Western Plumbing Co., Ld PAAR RRR RRR ERR IK RIK OI tn mH fligh-brade Work *! ; er 2 at fair prices AERA AAA AR AAR A AR AS A aR a a AA AE AR ARR aaa A RA ARR aE af a af a > 7 > * * Dr. Tremayne has purchases | Gilroy left last evening for an outomobile. ~ e on @ brief business trip. . . . e . . Norfolk swits are the pop Mrs. Albert Davidson will not stvle for well dressed men (th next Monday, season Martin O'Reilly. Edward is only a_ few \ V. A. Cole left this m« ites, by rail, from Prince 1 trip te the southe pert 64if) iti eee e é ‘ No tailor ean fit you better } spring suit-—gel a Li Martin O'Reilly, and ne nan tailored suit at Martin « e can show such a range of] Reilly s and material, 77 Bs ay gms OR gine Taffa curtains, material 48-10 The history of Seattle and wide, regular value $1 yard; Ballard will repeat itself | special price 60¢ yard at Geo. D. p e Rupert and Port Edward Tite's 74tf oe oe . Rin Inlaid linoleums, cork earpets } Mr. A. W. Agnew has take rint linoleums and floor oil-| jover the management of his th at 10 per cent discount for firm’s business in Victorja and cash Geo. D. Tite, the quality will not return to Prince Rupert. | furnisher. T4tf His residence will be leased by a , fied popular Prince Rupert man who We are glad to get up into will soon join the benedicts Prince Rupert's fine weather,” ee remarked H. C. Brewster, the Several prominent business! Liberal leader, this morning. men and members of the Liberal Mahe association were at the wharf| Passengers north on the City this morning to meet the Liberal|of Seattle last night were: Wm. leaders on their arrival on the/Simmons, P. N. Piersol, George Venture. Milner, J. ©. Knight, Ruff Brad- reli oO \ford, A. T. Harrison and wife. Mr. Brewster expressed his] ree ote pleasure at the news that the G. Watch Graham Island develop T. P. steel is to be tied Monday,|Get a pre-emption now nee rHE DAILY NEws JPR RB COO UG UU UG OUUOUUBUEUUBUROOG RRR tg IR IEE * : Local and Personal : FEI IK IES IIH IIIA II III I III ISI AISISIISISSIEII ICSI ASI IASI AAAI with all that the speedy comple-|Charlotte Islands Information tion of the line means to Prince! Bureau. 77-78 Rupert. He was agreeably sur- Re prised to find business so brisk Leishmen’s men's tai ored and to see all the indications of|ciothing is superior to any uar- activity in so many directions ment you may buy anywhere. ee are te Look in an see the splendid as- The boats’ of the Alaska;sortment of styles and fabrics at steamship company, which ex-|Martin O'Reilly's. 77 pected to make the Prince Rupert Pas haan call this year, are finding such a The sacrament of the Lord’s stampede into Alaska that every;supper will be dispensed next boat is crowded and there is NO/gunday morning in the presby- object in catering for Prince Ru-|yepjan church service There pert business while the rush is| ij) pe a preparatory service to- vas night at 8 o'clock sharp. Rev ae |Mr. Fortune will officiate. The finishing touches are be- e.. ete ing given to the Presbyterian} Graham Island is suitable fo: manse on Fourth avenue. This} .tock raising. Land there will will be one of the most comfort-| <6); high in the near future. able cottages in the city and| here are still a few good pre- sheuld be a drawing card wheu|emptions left. ‘See us today the vacancy comes to be filled. |Qyeen Charlotte Islands Infor Moe | mation Bureau. Suan Chief Gammon of Hazelton is| OR Piatt expected to be changed to the| After this week the Empress Prince Rupert office in place of}|theatre will be closed for a cou- Chief Owen, who leaves skortly jple of weeks to undergo a com- to assume his new duties as plete remodeling. It is the in- assistant provincial Inspector./{ention to put on ai series’ of Chief Mintz of Fernie will take! hich class pictures after open- the Hazelton office i | again There is nothing like a “Tea Pot”’ = — — — THE WEATHER Furnished by F. W. Dowling Observer For the 24 hours ending 5° a.m,, April 3, 1944. | } Barometer reduced to sea level . si ——$$$$—__ Tel. 4a | RITCHIE, AGNEW & 0 Civil Engineers and B, ©, Lang Surveyors Waterwork Struction, Rey Proving ing, Blue Prints al Town Printing McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.¢ EASTER SUITING The best after all the s none tk good ms cheapest. SWEDER BROS, MERCHANT TAILORS Phone 38 Helgerson Block Eee 7!) ol POOPOO OLDE LEE E OO LE LEEEOOTTTTN TY $10 Per Month 4-room house, Alfred Street $12 Per Month: Avenue house, 9t! Cc 4-room near PATTULLO & RADFORD ; PHONE 89 SECOND AVE Te seanncernsssetiae eee exmemeen nnn 3200 Acres _ ON SKEEWA RIVER ; 10.00 Harrison, Gamble & Ui eee SS Have a Look at These Fine Level Lots