ace ae, GRUNTY GRUNDY SAVS: THE DAILY NEWS 9 Rupert's leading Paper Last night’s meeting made the is Prince local Tory ring squirm into the OLEAN RELIABLE ALIVE ; smbape of a twieted tire. LLL » fl Au 3 a = S a Sa — : = a RNCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURI APRIL 4, 1944 %, TO, PRICE FIVE CENTS ——_. aoe i SPLENDID RECEPTION TO THE LIBERAL LEADERS ITY SELLING SOME LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DEBENTURES —- 150,000 POUNDS HALIBUT ARRIVED FT. LUNCHEON fo ne Ee or ql OeeNG CY BONES SEVERAL BIG HALIBUT FOUND DEAD IN BOAT KKH HHH HHH ***** MAKE ANNOUNCEMENT PRINCE GEORGE)* 1% sovernment boast * FOUR YEAR FIVES AT 95 CATCHES IN TODAY) SUFFOCATED GASOLINE = weviide nar coneinut. IN MONTH'S TIME el nothing to the pros- aie perity of your eity W. P. Hinton Says There Will Be Our policy is the land Something to Say A 5 Mew Hotel for Rupert Soon 000 to aid agriculture, | Number of Seats Taken— which is Just $10,000 Splendid Spread by Chief Steward Newey | $50,000 Worth Being issued for! Three of the Bupert Fleet Total-|Charies a of Porketes| Some Much-needed Local ed 150,000 Pounds of island Discovered Dead in } more the the aid two nor ian they paid tw improvements Fish Own Motor Boat favorites for getting the Indians off the Songhees * * * * * for the settler—the mar * ¥ | aa reserve *) Phe eit nance committee | Three of the Prince Rupert Last evening the motor boat * ° * oo who will use it. That is the law of creation If vou defy the laws of crea- tion you will pay for it. This government is taking the money from the sale of lands to build automobile roads in the south, while the man who is trying to develop the land is too smal! for consideration. The attorney-general is a lawyer, but. unless you have his own assurance | } ai Pia iia siness mens W. P. Hinton, general. traffic imanager of the G. T. P., and Geo. A. MeNicholl, industrial cominissioner, Came in on the Prince George today. They left Los Angeles on Monday, making a rather quick journey. At ten o'clock they took the train for the interior to be at the temporary linking up of the rail- way. Mr. Hinton said the passenger traffic through to Fort George would not be open until about August, and it will be next year before any , transcontinental trains are put on. “What about the new Prince Rupert hotel?” “There will be an announce- ment concerning this in about a month’s time. The plans are all ready for the contwactor.” auspices of was held to- r. P. steamer These affairs and the ful al- 114 seats were has decided to accept the ffer|fishing fleet are in from the{Shamrock, belonging to Charles if these speculators al the Toledo firm for local im-|halibut banks today with big}Thompson, was brought to the jp verment debentures and are | loads of fish, leity with the body of her owner jarranging to dispose of 850.000 The Carruthefs of the Cana-jon board. [ft was brought in by [i rth of four year debentures|dian Fish & old Storage Go. |Charles Doolittle of the provin- | | had to go out and stake their own land the pack strap would probably sink out of sight in the | r Dearing five per cent at a price|brought in 130,006 pounds, and|cial pdélice, who had gone there of 95 cents on the dollar jthe Oox of the same company|to take charge of the remains. This will give the council a|has 90,000 ponds. |} The man had been found in fund to accomplish some of the The jorealis of the Atlin | the cabin of the motor boat, ap- jmuch - needed local improve-, Fisheries came in with 30,000{parently having gone to sleep | ments. . | pounds There are also some/and been suffocated with escap- | he bonds are being purchas-|small independent craft in with|ing gasoline. He was well known y the Toledo firm whose re-|smal!! catches, on the island, making his home presentative was here two Fishing in the past week has/al Porpoise island. ionths ago. been very good. The weather is - more favorable than for some Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Subscribe for the Daily News.) time past. Phone 4. tf fat of their backs rhe speech to- Mr. O. H. Nel- Prince Rupert . A synopsis lished Monday. Newey provided spread for the ne agreed that ce of the tick- vordinary The o . Your local member had a wonderful influence in * the drafting of the * amendments to the elee * tion act jowser pul it * a charge of one dollar for * * for it you would never “ know it, * Great nations fall from * rottenness within. The - present condition of af- fairs in this province de- * notes corruption and rot at work within, geting copies of naturali zation papers and Wm Manson had it reduced to 75 cents Sardines Celery TEETH = eee: OF POLITICAL ADVENTURERS ocibaad Se RR Mr. Hinton will go through to f beef Tonight's picture program at ? = Fort Gearge. Several goes a ii a ere sate oukde ai British Columbia. says the} business men were on the wharf Roast Lamb opens as usual with a new and scheme is tainted with fraud and te meet him, Potatoes very intersting Weekly Gazette * ot yok no land staker need bring those Vinaigrety Next there is a comedy with a a fine moral entitied “The Socie!/Liberal Leaders Brewster and Oliver Ilustrated Unhealthy Poli- |‘! ° ‘ses ‘¢ mm for he win WOMAN DISAPPEARS said Be lik inte After that a two- throw them out. With rulings BELIEVED MURDERED with Cream [reel Thanhouser feature, “The tical Condition of Province and Aptly Described Men like this in the courts, what will rted Blight of Wealth,” and finally a become of the 13 millions owing eg cy 3s aor A im in Control---Splendid Reception on such lands? The land hold- venyenee core Aland iy 3 : rey tery which the police department re Saabs ‘eel tha Reta v rae 1 Prince Rupert citizens enjoyed|mental to the welfare of thel{lators who will make the settler|ers will get uneasy about their|{believes includes the murder of ) ing asi ae saree th ae aes 1 new experience last night when|/province. He had no bitter at- | pay him unearned profits be-ttitles. Will they pay up? Mrs. C, J. Millard. is, baffling the 3 FISHING PACK eneitémall There will he no|tbey heard two of the big men}tack to make, bit hada right to;fore the soil “can be broken. The 7 cient 4 _ tdetective force of the city. Mrs. | government say they have ame ; 5 of the provincial Liberal. party}criticize the public actions of | Sixty-seven of these snydicates},,, official knowledge of -.| Millard, wife of the chief ticket L idvance in prices sound fficial knowledge of this : ‘ : aN ARGEST IN HISTORY discuss provincial affairs. It was|those with whom he did not|average 15,000 acres each. The agent of the Canadian Pacific TORONTO WOMEN TAKE the occasion of the first visit of |agree. ivovernment has altogether alien- KH KRHKK KKH KRK KKK HERR KKEHEEESRSR EME KRM HE & * ee OO OO OR OK OK fraud “It is time you voters : f o a railway, has disappeared and not gave them official notice. of ; ‘ at Mkdites andl 1 mie ne ad ‘ J aan « i acre a8 io ; a clue of wh came of her res Taken from Annual Re- THE CIGARETTE CURE the provincial Liberal leader and The prese administration | ated x million acres. It was The chairman of the agricul. * _ . me became port of British Columbia his worthy lieutenant to this cit had never put one of the planks|claimed necessary to sell these can be tound. Fisheries Poronto, April 3 A dozen or} The Westholme theatre was|of the Conservative party of 41/lands as when thew came into Europe to find how to improve The police has arrested a Chi- nese servant employed at the mto ladies are taking/filled to the doors and the re-|years ago into operation. He|power the treasury was broke.}aerieyitural conditions in the rette cure, which is be-|ception tendered — the visitors|asked for the people to put on|They had been in power 11 years} mountains of British Golumbia. Millard residence, whom they be- stered by doctors wh vas ¢ plendid one The au-|the treasury benches men who/jand t reasury is broke again. I cat magine him walking lieve ean solve the mystry. ‘ ated with the boys'|dience was of mixed | al} would give the provinee honest nder the spirit of the land} qoywy Piccadilly conjuring his Mr. Millard went to Victoria to b. All the lady pa-|complexion, but “it wa pa-|administration The Conserva- ja e person can Only purchase}prain on how to grow more 06- tmneet the steamer Makura. Mrs. : : Millard remained in town, appar- tatoes in the Skeena river val- ; et aoe although they eakers. and enthi yithe governme and he asked a; v and until such time as|jay, Gthox. tamhere tina’ ane ently intending. to visit at the they sincerely desire}applauded the many eg poir scrutiny of the other side of the ey | » made certain improeve-|tg other parts of the world, spent home of her sisters, When Mr, f the habit Only ¢ nade in the addresses glowing pictur ¥e on the purchase. Butte iat ottime ehd'a lol of tance Millard returned he found that of the patients ars While the time at the pose The speaks dealt at some} or 412 lawyers in the and then brought in a_ report his wite Wane cane: : of the number being|of the speakers did no ormit | length on the nd question, The} house, aided and abetted by hun - After telephoning Mrs. Mil- recommending the same thing as La fil sian Rs aed alot na ca d mothers them to go into more than one|land is what the country must/dreds out of it, the speculator|tpe platform the Liberals adopt- ard’s friends and relatives with- out suceess, he became alarmed 1912 its pro- deiitidipeliateen 1 two of the chief issues in pro-|build on. It must be started pro-|had found a way to beat the act.}eq three vears ago 2s bu . ; . ; len ’ : nev : i and called the police. The de- is but one Baptist Services vinecial polities, they made ajducing. If our cities were living}They get powers of attorney The speaker dealt at some Sa rovinct morning worship the sub-|Virorous and effective denuncia ving off the production of our] fr waitresses and pick and/iength with the amendments to actives. worked ou, nigit 40 fh was much | jg, fo nsideration will be|tion of the administration of land instead of off speculation a|shovel men all over America. He] the elections act and showed how solve the mystery without suc- ' , | i . y 20 “J . In any pre~ | erp, 1 Shepherd.’ In the|@ang of political adventurer money stringency in Europe/had seen one in this riding se-|it affected naturalized men with-|°°%® b ‘ increased iN | evening 18 pastor will speak|Wwho were not Conservatives would not bring stagnation to our|cured in-Liverpool. The govern- the ficul No signs of .any struggle cap in > province and how difficult s tos : ; ; s . ‘ aa , » found aro , se. . 600,000 Alon The lransformed Life.” | cause they have never atlempted|cilies. vent claimed they had to sel! the it would be for them and their ne found sound the Rouse. : Fm Chinaman refused to say any- shown in thelyoung py e's meeting at 7.{to carry out the planks of he; Year after year twenty mil-|lands to get money to build pub-|ehijdren to get. on the voters’ . t fishery. In| Ripe class al 2:30 You are al-|Conservative platform lions of our money, taken from|lic works and transportation te list He gerested the motive thing when questioned. The Value of the | ways ome Mr. Brewster won’ the confi-|the industries of this province,|get people on to the land. When|was largely. an attempt to keep a house and grounds have been ir years in co dence of the audience by his|is sent out of the province to buy|transportation came in the way)jo; of searched, but no trace of the 90,000 to 82 Hamiltor Douglass, one cf|business manner and logical ar-|farm produce which ought to bejof the G. T. P., the government |ipicets where thers was: een eae body has been found. Ruhait's / ners. is batk fro ruments f the public es.}raised in the province. sold a he lands along the rail-|p, ten) with the administration. Lae er anet tae amare tote British Golum O Sake te - aa He prong — His speech was kein from Ler- When McBride came into}|Way to speculators. They had Througho nfs From the South ' in connet absent some time but expects ‘o]}ness, but his criticism was most] power he had unprecedented op-jreceived from all the alienated] finds there is a growing feeling Spe heries last yeartpemain here now He found|effeetive portunities Mhere were thejlands $7,119,998—about enough lissatisfaction and lack of evervbods Seattle boosting for Mr. Oliver demonstrated in his| wealth of lands, timber, miner-|to rut the government. five} oonfidence the administration. their own city and advocates ajmanner the rigin o iis nick als and fisheries After 14 years |months That is the méss of tural commission went over to reported as good, self-|thetie in ts attitude the! tive press |i the ministers of | on: ction rs 640 acres of ne-quartelr the prov- voters off the list in dis- mber of per province he ) 5. Patterson, M. Sprag, S. Haslam, J. MeMullap, 8. Snow, Miss M. Knott, Mr. > Me , + 8 », Mr. t was not a party feeling or a icBain, Mr, Hamilton T. Moore, M Shannon Flows little publicity work for Prince}name “Honest John ‘has ajof office what has become of|/pottage your lands have been] 9) al movement, but mikerson, Mes. 'Landen, B. L. Laundys 28 p cal a patri- , : Rupert “Tl beg to state that I]strong personality; he is a born|this wealth? The tands have|{sold for by Premier Esau Mc-|],, movement. eens, 2, . Ganhem, 2, RONG Where al ‘ } . : t y int s s ) jv Py nnon, Treland,/am not dead yet,” was the char-|fighter, and wins his audience by| been ahenated Bride. They claim the amount | Honest John Oliver Philps, H. Bishop, Mr. Livingston, Mr , g » lines of GT ving on se lands bears r ny rife, vi ng mass of bogjacteristic remark of the ex-ald-jready wit and repartee \long the li of the G, T. P.] stil wing on these lands bears} john Oliver was greeted with Pe ee ee ee re in area is lerman The chairman of the meeting|2@ id the P. G. J {44 syndicates |interest at six per cent and a wild ia ia ane od Oritehley, Mrs. Sproat, Mrs. Mulhan, Mrs. ; Clark, Mr. Carlson, Mr, Lindsay, Mrs. Given, Mr. Bramwell and wife, Mr. Ep- stem, Mr, MeIntosh, Mr, Hatherley, H. opened his speeeh by inviting ain . ‘ i ; ; ‘ | areas ¢ : ‘ ouglas ackenzie, 1% ) re the threaten ae : the next premier of British Co- faxes on this land, whereas atiwm. Manson, the member for | 208! Mt Mackenai ee bog slide has F r lumbia four per cent it ought to brings Miss A. Lefleux, Miss G. Lefleux, M. Beir, 9 keena to come forward: he . ye by abnormal a H. C. Brewster over a million dollars a year. Mr. Levinster, G, A. Macdonald, W. # | jwanted to talk to him, ae ae Senabh: ‘ at san ‘ » have aa i 1 6 rNic vine! sands of acres 4 4 M Brewster opened with a} E ST H () |, M Premier MeBride says we have rhe transcontinental railway . nos A - ie - aia - i ! Leitrim and ; brief mention of the fact that he 103 million acres of land for the/and the city of Prince Rupert warthout and wife, Mr, Muldoon, Mr, Norrie, T. C. Duncan, Mr. MeGee, Mr, ibmerged, The . had visited Prineg Rupert {7 i owe their existenee to the Liberal tances have rT . vea o and that he now found] OPERA HOUSE 107 million. Hon, Mr, Ross S8YSipnariv and Premier MeBride used WHR) A A RRR. i jm communica- well graded streets and progress | Te it is 93 poillion, and R, E. Gos-|his infiuenee to try and defeat Mr, Halt and wife ghbors owing ‘ ; 2 being made toward a great City} jnell, who knows, says it i8 onlY/ihe Laurier administration when breaking its » ~~ where towering trees and rocky Tonight Onl ! | 20 million, ‘The provincial treas-]ihe were inaugurating the rail- Two Men Killed : Ry 5 hills then existed. Evidently the y jury has received only half of the} way The speaker said he had The provincial police are in : Res ar ys a people here were not frightened jamount owing on these alienated fought to. give Prince Rupert a receipt of spartioulars of the son, who has Ri : : es by trifles He was glad to wel- SPFCIAL PROGRAMME } bern square deal when the provincial death of two employees who met service on the iN “= Bees. saa ; eome the ladies because his ad-} Conservative platform | government and the G. T. P. were | their death at Granby Bay. Gus ind papers, : voeaey of woman suffrage was| none romised a reserve of coal areas|making a deal for Prinee Rupert.|}C@rlsen, @ miner, was suffoeated boat ‘ : overvwhere received with enthu- 1. Weekly Gazette. lfor state-owned mines Where | “pid you get it? by gas in the mine on Mareh 26. advi om : ; é siasism fe are they? It promised diminish- | niog:No }On the following day John Me- hs - : = aha: » his tour of the|g 2 “The Social Secretary. taxon.” The teaxesare ip Re pe a vou of it|Hachern was killed at the smel- on says that : rN. Se province that on every hand the 8-4. The Blight a Wealth" breasing. |but the men whom you support-|? The inquest resulted in a the southern a ¥ : ; ee people a jemanding arguments Two-ree! feature. | Phe judgment of the Supreme | “l at the last elections?” verdict of accidental death in thbir cities Ped Ae e and reas here they formerly | od 4 ie | Court of Canada states that the| yoy | both cases. Dr. Hyde is coroner. d (hes Meee : a . Sa s word They r Raystane Comegy