THE DAU NEWS salu Jay —— a sity pee REET TS FOR 7 — = prINCE RUPERT AUTO CO eee tet RAAT RD Bee + et siXTH AVENUE BARBER SHOP ned up a new the sehu | work; ev-Ty Prices. Give us a Call Vancouver oe peeeee eee eee ea Ge SUBURB 667— PHONE—667 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN Large Beven-Passenger Machine Prompt Service Special Rates for Parties STAND, ROYAL HOTEL ae Oe SERRE IK Land! Land! }/' raham Island A pre-emption of 160 acres will make you Independent. SEE US QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS INFOMATION BUREAU Rosy. B. ENTWISTLE, Mgr. Prince Rupert, B. C. POPPE OL OLE POLO ODE )pportunity in Land We offer 44.2 acres first class nd, well watered, 60 miles east of rincee Rupert and right on the @. . P., together with a store bulld- ing (frame) 24x32, furniture, eto., hicken houses, tools, ete. Thies is he gateway to one of the best val- B. C. An ideal place for sing of poultry and hogs or or a dairy. Price $1100 cash. NM, STEPHENS & 60., LTD. eal Estate Notaries Ineurance POOL ELILOLELELODLOLOLDODEODLD SOLEOLOEOLEOOLODORLOL DODO DELO TY —1 an — paee Cae | — |i r= ~I wi SPRPREEREEER EERE Re eeeret pee POCOOTAAOAATA TATE’ | * ‘ s 4 . FERERERERER ERE REE EY RYE He 2 ee: — iQ a e ny O'Leary the fast young boxer, have many sensational Naughton OURGET + MMEAFWAET7F CAILLAUX + FIGURES IN CALMETTE CASE THAT HAS THRILLED ALL FRANCE Herewith are shown the attractive wife of the French ex-Minister of Finance, Mme Labori, the lawyer who will defend her, and the counsel for the State. The Calmette, editor of Le Figaro, by Mme. Caillaux, is one of the notable Caillaux; M. shooting of M. murders of modern times, involving as it did the death of one of France's greatest journalists, the political ruin of M. Caillaux, and the reconstruction of the French cabinet. The trial, too disclose other matters that threatens to may involve members of past administrations. LACROSSE THE RING FOOTBALL 2 mr an — Prinee Rupert friends of John- coming received a newsy letter from him, written at San Francisco, and addressed to Jockey Madden here O'Leary is a Seattle boy who, during the past three years startled the Seattle fans by his perform- ances. His manager, Frank Pur- ell, then entered him in the our-round game in San Francis- o, and immediately Johnny be- gan to bowl them over. He took all. comers in his class and has never yel been set back, although his contests include some very clever boys. He ooked so good that Billy proclaimed him the lightweight of the coming world, and as many of the fans know, the much lamented Naughton seldom gave way to any wild bursts of enthusiasm. larly mentions Lem Kegg, and! Phone 37 P.0. Bex 1708 asks if there would be any chance|candidates to be named The|baseball classic has ever seen. - of a fifteen-round match in| Tri-city yacht has already been|The Cubs played errorless ball} SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert between Kegg and}|named Defiance, leaving the}and Overall yielded -only three} is himself This of course is up to}Cormack yacht the only one as|hits, Here's the Chicago line-up | Rdward; the fans cessitate < et nnamed, 0 at dav an¢ » fate t . piney CLAN guineiel ! in it would necessitate 1} u imed f that day and the fate that the ie substantial guarantee, but if a -0- players of that wonderful com- ee necnne Water in ass A contest. will stimulate Playing against fifteer f}bination met at the hands of| Only finest brands of Liquors and any real interest and then bring|South Canterbury cricketers re-|“Chubby Chawies” Murphy: | Cigare kept eee nee leently the Australia eam, Sheckard, If., sold to St. Louis. | THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN . ; ‘ ; Evers, 2b, let go to Boston. BRITISH COLUMBIA DR. GILROY, DENTIST which is touring in Nev Mand.) Schulte, rf, sole survivor | scored 922 runs for nine wickets . Pe = Rees ba PRUDHOMME & FISHE? Crown and Bridge Work a ls Met conning of the. pias eeee bt pe N. York. . | Steinfeldt ), baek to minors Proprietors Specialty. jers who visited Victoria last sea Hofmat f tredga lu Pitt SOOPOIOOTOOIOOEI GOODIE OOtES | Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue | 80), made 354, at one time hit- burgh : g 50 . nutes. The mate . - — = ting up 50 in ten Ree . rh Tinker, traded to Cineinnati remarkable score in New Zealand “ ( ¢ rene. : ; Kling, c, traded to Boston. by the Australian team musi Overall back t : as CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. ih BARA sank wiih tho 922. put ere) Ph Oa eee x pe take equal rank with the 922 pu Brawn. Reulbach. aniepraister 1 Summer Excursions up by Carlton against Melbourne}, ' : nuns oN : Prince Rupert te Montreal ; : “pee 1895.6,| Ue other Cub pitchers of that : x and retura ee eae $141.08 university at Carlton in 1899-6.) aia have also been disposed of © to Toronto and retura. 128 { 922 as onl een : Do to St. Paul and return... 66,00 . < al of § th * my b And that brilliant 2-0 vietory RN Do to Chicago and return. . eaten onee, le = Diggest scores... a; id onl 7 es Do to New York and return 144.60 ever made in minor cricket be- we earned ly five years agi Members P.R.] Vintners Association Other poimts correspondingly low. , ; Would any other big league ” Effective June ist, Fieal reture ine 1,094 by Melbourne univer- at : Da iad } =—— limit October $48t. , magnate dare wreck a machine} WINDBOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave, and Eighth St W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL OENTRAL First ‘venue and Seventh St Uropean and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. S KNOX HOTEL des Ave, Between Eighth and Ninth ‘ropean Plan, Rates 60c¢ to $1.00 Per Day Besner & Besner, Props. —_——. 4, Y. Rocheste) D. Casiley EMPRESS arte. Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL Ameri 40 and European Plan row Henning, Manager WOYAL HOTEL re y i Burgess, Props * AVG, and Sixth st. European Pian Steam Heated ; Se th EAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR co. LIMITED yh 1 Ave, and Sixth St Phone 109 RUPERT IMPORTING co., LIMITED afer ana PRINCE 3ixth Sts Phone 7 PoP eoes ve Pree a eee VHONES ; 433 Second Avenue Seal Cove Cheap rates to Norwegian Cele- bration in Norway, effective April 20th, 25th and sot. Cheap rates to Norwegtan San- gerbund in Chieago, eMeetive May 19th and 20th, Beatrice, Sunday night, 8 p. m., for Vancouver, J. G. MeNAB, Generar agent Corner Spd Avenue and 6th Street UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington @oai 86 Office. RESIDENCE 110 PRINCE RUPERT BOAT BUILDER H. JOHNSTON Phone Green 321 ¥15 Second Avenue mc ev llngon Goal (0a Th M@ favorite Household Goal ar Brightest, Best Bicong ye M, ROGERS Phone 116 Phone 438 WILLIAM T. HOUSE B.C. Land Surveyo" PRINCE RUPERT P.O. Box B48 JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near McBride Street (MPERIAL “MACHINE SHOP Repairing Quickly Done PHONE RED 156 JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder Estimates Given on Moving Bulldings. . Phone Black 204 COW BAY (2 DNS MUA CAUAs 5S PP PL SPU, PPE HEL ‘club flag officers’ snydicate de- jwards, Walden }spur), Fleming | Mosecrop ben Oe PMD, BASEBALL 2 LAWN TENNIS 4 HOCKEY é oes : eas Gi i PE: Ll ia CG ae POZE EZ fa eG them out, this match could be|couragement of the other. attract a bumper house. It isidelicate; but, with a precision now up the local fans. only equaled by his ingenuity, he —-0--—- flicks the pitcher on the raw, un- Willie Hoppe, champion of the|til to a flush succeeds a scowl, Pacific coast, won the decision in| (o a scowl a bitten lip, to a bitten| a four-round bout with Joe Bay-j|lip to a savage retort. No chew- ley, champion of Canada, at thejing gum can soothe the nerves} Pavilion rink in San Francisco|under his attacks. Finally the for the championship of the Pa-!|player crumples, and a_ feeble| cific coast. Bayley weighed in at|ball sets the ‘fan’ dancing and | }133 pounds at 6:30 p. m yelling all the louder.” -O— Siew Official announcement of the Reach’s Official Guide of 1909, | selection of the name “Resolute” fence candidate has been madé|machine won, 2-0, from Detroit, by G. A, Cormack, secretary of}and ended the most remarkable In his letter, O'Leary particu-|the syndicate. The yacht is the)two-year demonstration of world second of the three defending |series superiority this American sity vs. Essendon, on the univer- sity ground in 1897-8. ee ihe like the 1906-8 Cabs in sueh jmereilessly quick time? Those} put through very nicely. iwho remember the London. om- O'Leary meets Johnny Kilbane}nibus driver in his great days, or on May 16 for the world’sihave heard a small Glasgow boy} featherweight championship, andjat a football match, may think Lem Kegg is also showing top-|that they know what insult is. notch form, so a fifteen-round go|Let them wait until they have between this pair would not only|heard a fan in his happy mo- be a genuine treat, but is should|ments! He is never ribald or in- If you are doing a local business talk over your advertising prob- lems with the Advertising De- partment of this newspaper. If you are doing a provincial or national business it would be well for you to have the counsel and assistance of a good ‘advertising agency. A list of these will be furnished, without cost or obli- aition, by the Sonvecsey okGaes aspirations which have raised us to higher levels of adian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. |page 138, shows the final game| as the title of the New York Yacht) of the world’s series of 1908, in| lwhich the famous Chieago Cub] IM rT i i l a) We is hi il Wi tves es censensen cre rte the Poor Man's University ~ ONES knows more about motor cars than any other man I know,’’ said a man to his friend. ‘* Hehas obtained his knowledge chiefly from motor car advertise- ments, and the catalogues and booklets circulated through them. “All I know about hotography,” declared a well- known amateur, “I have learned from the men who advertise camera§$, plates, papers and films.” Advertisements have been well called ‘The Poor Man’s University,” but other than ‘poor men have been schooled thereby. Much of what the average individual knows con- cerning personal and domestic hygiene, modern office methods, books and authors, electricity, pre- cious stones, investments, and almost everything else, he has learned from advertisements. Advertisements have stimulated our intelligence, added enormously to our knowledge, and given us thinking and living. Advertising is indeed “‘ The Poor Man’s University.” work for spring cleanups.' f Tite, the funiture daaler, | 1 avenue. 7T4tf opportunity is in Port} investigate prices. } | upholstering and re- In the Selection of Easter Gifts —-|| Our Easter Booklet ARRIVED ; A large shipment of Neckwear in | Collars, Fichus, Yokes, etc. A nice assortment of the new Veilings These goods are imported direst. DEMERS | | JUS ! will prove a great assistant to out-of-town buyers—in it a splendid tions in Jewellery, small requisites in Table Silver, | Novelties in many forms, Rosaries and Rose Beads. your address at once. j assortment of gift lines suitable for presentation during this spring- time festival, illustrated. These lines consist of many neat produc Photo Frames, if one of these Booklets has not reached you write to us asking that one be sent to Be || Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director: Third Avenue VANCOUVER, B.C The following are the teams taking part in the international association football match, Scot land. vs England, at Glasgow this afternoon: Scotland Third Lanark); backs, McNair Celtic and Dodds Celtic half-backs, Glasgow Rangers land) and Hay Goal Brownlie Gordon rhomson Neweastle Unit Sundei Supplies Direct From ed); forwards, McDonald (Bol- 'f srers McMenemy We are the largest plumbing house in ton Wanderers) British Columbia selling direct to the Celtic), Reid (Glasgow Rang- | § pubite. We buy in big quantities and 5» ‘ , : for cash Thus we save you the middie ers), Croal (Falkirk) and Don- | mae's profit and you do set pay fer th. nachie (Oldham Athletic England—Goal, 8. Hardy (As- bad debts of others, For tus reason \ can sell for less than any other plurr ing house or plumber in British Colum bia, Compare our prices, For instar ton Villa); baeks, Crompton Our prise for. dslnch walvanined PIP ? . per 100 feet; §-inoh Rlackburn Rovers and Pen-|B pipe, $6.20 e3 7, tee nington West Bromwich Al- hea pipe, 88.15 per 100 bion) ; half-backs, Sturgess NO Marron WHAT You Sheffield United), Me Ga 1] Bae es te eae Preston North End), MeNeal, ar SELL YOU FOR 95% West Bromwich Albion); for- Tottenham Hot- Swindon Town Get your plumbing sup- Plies direct from us and Save money. Send along your speci! tlons and we will give you price « Plete delivered tn your town, by re | Hampton Aston Villa), JOS.|[iman, WITHOUT COST TO YOU. Smith (Bolton Wanderers), and|{) Then compare our prices with others j Don't pay two prices for your plum! Burnley oO supplies, We can supply everything for your bathroom at great saving to you Write us today about your plumbing «od heating problems, It wil) cost you not!- — ing for advice An American baseball fan is Of encouragement to his own side he is not sparing; but what is asked of him chiefly is dis- COMPLETE $16 Vancosver, aby wey 11 Ores eee ee mes earn rete tema retest hh ns ene Ot ge PORT RRR TI RADIA AIA AAAAA IAAI FRIAR IIA IAA AAI AA AAAAAAAS AAA ASI AAAI me re ee re rt ren ee tt et te Pt Buy Your Plumbing Us and Save Money — oe 2 OOOO OI OI EO YOR I described by a London newspaper} Remember that as follows “The fan may be| A vA Says seen at his best only in smaller | wm bt nad games. He is a kind of reserve panei, aaa man: and, wearing the colors of KYDD his side, he roams from square- lee to mid-on, raising meessant- Bros. Ltd. ly a voice that can be, heard 155 PENDER above all the din of the shouting. —— ST. WEST — — = ~\ A NEWSPAPER | DAILY for | Prince Rupert eal Nesthden B. C. NEW 8 tere i eee ee the cily because it is clean and reliable. It has all is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topies interesting to Northern British Colum- { sare bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- SANE mism and feliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to spicy advertisers because it is read by the buying public. IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the city. .It is read by the class of people the INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to. INTELLIGENT —__—_—__-THE—_—— f DAILY NEWS t + tere per ee —_— eke ORR RR RR RR IRI RR RI IA AIA IA AA AAAI IIS IA IAS ASSIA SI IANA IAAI kkk es! Re OO