———_—_ —— —— —_——— inne UO Local and Personal 7 * RAIA AAAI IAIII III IIIIATH REE Reversible scrims, yard wide, regular value 35c, price 20c yard at Geo. D . . . Wateh Graham Island deveiv one special Tite's ca G ‘ 8 Ane Fresh cut flowers at Wark’s; W. Crawford and W ee Ete ve A ee ee today. 4tlof Stewart, who have been in the B cent neds “Infor : BSS es oe city on business, leave for ante He ureau. 17.78 The Venture will sail for the/art tonight. i Win. Belic south this afternoon. ere ee ? ae Selig, who left here ro eae It is not yet decided whether | er yg for the Chisana count j |18 PACK age satisfie rere Mr. and Mrs. Bryant returned|there will be an inquest on Ue] oti 1 ao atisfied tl today from a pleasant visit to|body of the man founded dead in| ‘a's in the gold rush Seattle the gasoline boat jtends remaining in the cits Shrewd investors are buying The Beatrice came in yester-| eee My ue local offi « in Pert Edward before the rail-!day at four o'clock with a big | oa: ‘ ey - 2 went up the : way is completed. cargo of freight and a number] '0°@ 0 Witness the tempor ° ee ay’ iy lot passengers linking up of the railway at N: 7 ; , ae ei thaco bridge Taffa curtains, material 48-in. & ™ ets ake wide, regular value $4 yard;|} Inlaid linoleums cork carpets, | M ret HivO3 -, | Messrs, . C. Brewster, John special price 60c yard at Geo. D.|print linoleums and floor oil- | G5, r and ap D Salt, i . er i : - Pattullo left on Tite's. one TALE | ojo th at 10 per cent Me a ig | the train this morning for the cash. Geo, D. Tite, the quality| interior. They will hold a meet Mr. J. T. Moore, who has been | furnisher. 74tfling in Terrace tonight ‘knd spending the winter in Victoria, | ae ie) a | Hesatth; iE Madde, g£ and azeiton o onds returned to the city on today’s Mr. T. G. Duncan. city elec - | or ee boat. Bip My bea ian, returned on today’s boat | Graham Island is suitable fo ma ina vi slectri. | Stock raising t el il Do not follow others, be A from a conference with electrt.- | ii Kio ing. Land there 3 the leaders, invest in Port ed. |' cal experts in the south in con-| Pe oe near = futur ‘< 5, | There are sti a few good pre- ar for » it i PC Lic t the dro-electrie “teste are the idustrial de machinery h the hydro-ele ~ |emptions left. See us today velopr . }Queen Charlotte Islands {nfo i in _ — =| mation Bureau. 6 ‘3 Seismic oa ‘ lo) B lof ormOor 9} ee ol} oma aS & The Princess May, southbound, | was in port yesterday afternoon. | She took as passengers from j} here: A. Bernier, Myrs. Mary An- ¥ (he: 4=-0ut out aad paste in re- json, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Monroe, ¥) : Ro al clpe book). |W. MelIvor, Miss G. Bertram and a y 2 cups Royal Standard Flour. j)P. J. Sinnot. 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. = ” . 3 Standard itr he nce Chip, “Galois Bidadibui = com. Ailes ‘ | ce ere sugar. pany intends opening an office se . . : of their own in Prince Rupert M a ingredients, add butter, 7 ; : 4a Biscuits then mix, with. beaten | ese (cp- The new order is to take effect | “ . tional) and milk. Bake for 20 min- } r or Me pune “hot; ares ates: Serve at once. May 1 Mr. John Barnsley, who me the recipe: BETTY BROWN. jhas been in charge of.the Vic- : ae : toria office, will be the Prince des 9 . . 9,° } OU don’t know biscuits ’til Rupert representative. Mr. E. H. Beasley, manager of the com- you use ROYAL STANDARD | pany, will be in the city on Mon- to make them. | das and make arrangements for Make a batch with ordinary flour and then with |the office. : ROYAL STANDARD and note the difference. It gives them lightness, whiteness and a breath of i full, ripe golden grain. ort a C - wa @ Ke Royal Standard Biscuits are warranted to put an es edge on any dull appetite and bring any youngster amenity ti down to breakfast before the second bell. All grocers sell ROYAL STANDARD. | By virtue of a mortgage given |by Gaston Carrillion to me on ithe 19th day of August, 1913, 4 jand which remains unpaid, I tly sae jhave seized the chattels of the our BY OTR Tested | said Gaston Carrillion, consist- jing of : é | EIGHT GOOD WORK HORSES | THREE SETS HEAVY SLEIGHS TWO WAGONS, HARNESS, ETC. Ghiciicinicinisbi cial mionichnfcletomiomiote besides a variety of other arti- es. Pie's MR os IE eas ee eae) ;cles connected with the teaming ABU UU UL UR aE aE ER EO outfit, which I will offer for sale ee : it public auction in New Hazel- Plumbing, Steamfitting Fe"); grit am ao Hi h-Grade Work U q, C Ing x Apr 1914, at one o'clock p. m. me and sheet metal work t TERMS: CASH. “3 * | at fair prices Western Plumbing Co.,Ld 7 ri Pp ” * JAMES RICHMOND at » Bd BAAR EKER New Hazeito March 28, 191414. m ——_—_—_—__————— — € a ore ] s v3 G ° { ¢ < xy Pn o 7 i & . F 5) ; Lie . ; a) ea ep. [2 {| < eS Hl Sot ere Ras Ae The three best towns in B. C. on the line All other towns and cities in that im- 3 ‘ of the G. T. P. are named above. mense territory will be tributary to the eal . if Fort George, Hubert and New Hazelton BIG THREE. are sO strategically situated that they command the trade ef Central and ma Ha Northern B. C. and the PEACE RIVER For business or investment opportuni hae District. ties, the time to investigate is NOW. is 3 WE PUT FORT GEORGE ON THE MAP AND KEPT IT THERE )) Natural Resources Security Company, Limited | biahy ? Joint Owners and Sole Agents Fort George and Hubert Townsites Head Office, Yorkshire Block VANCOUVER, B. C. THE DAILY NEWS ‘GANG OF POLITICAL ADVENTURERS IS DENUN- CIATION McBRIDE GOVT. Continued from Page One there will be of million 100 a city here fa people, and feet of Mhat the only waterfront the government f your City. deal is got from support, rhe to give vou policy Liberals is such crown for or of the to the people jlands a8 are necessary development of the city trict The 1s a dis- administrati politicat present fang of adven- Lurers,. rhey The Conservative first plank of their cate are Gonservatives party ir platform ad- ownershiy of vernment railways. The obligated the of 200 guarantees of The in- mile not government iilways and rates. control have the have to the dollars on bona, principle and CG. N. R. has an autho debtednes of $130,000 for every mile of their line British Columbia and there ot a line in all the railway islation to prevent Mackenzie & Mann from diverting monev to other industries. »The govern- ment have provided the legal machinery whereby these men can rob the widows and orphans and your member has approved of it The Conservative vocates legislation able adjustment between jInstead we aX whership by jrailroads Ip rovinee extent million interest. rized per in is leg- platform ad- for the amic- of differences employers em- Are that and not ashamed plank ployees. of the carried out? We told we structive ability, commission vou way has been have not yet their agri- reports are rone cultural in had Le- years favor of a policy we fore the ors for This government ing out railway policy in 1909 The present conditions of pre- emption lends itself to tion It cheaper to acquire lands by putting a pre-emptor than by purchasing outright One hundred thousand of the best timber province held cents have elect some IS noW Carry- a construction we advocated specula- is in acres or the pulp per lands under per are leases two annum Number Conservative shall in the In the at acre of says the the its ef seven. plank platform party persevere forts labor of As two exclusion the Conservative govern- at Ottawa the re- Chinese head tax has doubled that of’ the of the Laurier ad- How Ww it have atic last vears since ment got in ceipts fr than Lwo om more last years long the talk a ministrat be before British Col A vo Well adm we white umbia be Never are we ice to change we going mn the speaker timber ncrasing shipping gh mber the nistrati In critic legislation out that escape the b nber pointed owner could royalty on his lumber instead of as The difference lumber and is represented by labor taxed fi How is that for the manufacture rial in the province? suffrage was planks Unde: there was evidence to show sold at $10 eagh men who will do not give. votes women who train the Is it logical? Where lsuffrage is in foree a zing the the new timber out in r dressed state between lumber labor. That per cent couraging raw mate Woman ithe Liberal | made dres- the rty en- of igh sed 1s of man- one laws document- that We give them, to the children, woman Lhere proposition ary votes were votes but sell we has been £0 it. attorney - eleven j nevel to back on |} ‘The taken general has to the privy lcounvil and spent a lot of money Cases jon litigation, but pever won a jease. He spent $140,000 in four | |years on this litigation. His new | | fisheries tax law means that the! | Hieutenant-governor iD couneil | |< ‘an do anything they like and if lis all right. They can tax a man you the | mn] an- him fishing 1e place and exempt he Chey can prohibit and allow member harbor it in an- Your egislation. Conservatives can ster hon- reiv vou en who can admit of the vou ffairs If a chance, of in province give i cannot, ] erals offspring province vr the sake your this you nditions id as £0 as rec T. D. Pattuilo r. D. Pattull ike briefly the He that mclusion of the meeting Oo the attention t of four mentioned in this city went to the The provi ernment had given ¥(¢ to the Conservative assoc arew none the street ends water ncial gov yur water president of iation rhey water pt 7 domain has bee But what of the the city the citizens shovel job and become supply a gave ywwer, publie n debau ed. power ing in among pick and pay ber Ww i was work- was rse machine enmity get a had to a mem- creating To one a dollar of the tion. The tered the extermination should Conservative associa- en- of ecilizens machine has even It The an militia. is wal a wake to their up duty apprecia- on of Faith be all right in its { doesn’t enable a may man schedule “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. ods on 7 : FOR RENT FOR RENT Nict furnished room with bath, close in Satisfactory references required Apply Box 107 Daily News 78u POR RENT-—Furnished room in private family, references required Phone Hed 324 78 DESK ROOM FOR RENT in ground floor, central office Apply Mack Realty & Insurance o., 615 Second Ave 78-81 FOR SALE SIX-HOKSE PERFECTION gasoline newly made over In excellent Only #100 Box 110 Daily News. ARNOLD MASSAGE VIBRATOR used snd in perfect order; Will sell for §20 Box News der cost $30 i411 7iul SALE—-For complet MACHINERY FOR sale the modern, and equipment of a laundry 42 bh p. boiler, 20 bh p muplete electrical equipment latest and best appliances Washe , Toronto Wash ers, Toronto Extractors, Tray Extracwr Toronto imbier, Toronto Mangle, To rout ys,” tinicuding 8 racks, Polisher Neck Sander, Collar Moulder Shaper, Mangle Dampener, Body lroner, starchers, etc., eu Also Steam Table, Shafting Pulleys, etc., covering com piete plant This machinery and equip ment to be sold at a great ice Any one at present in the laundry busi ness or any one can effect an immense saving At the demand of the creditors this plant and equipment has been appraised. No rea sonable offer refused Baillie, Receiver, cjo Anderson Ltd., 207 Hastings St. W., Vancouver, British Co lumbia 76-81 LAUNDRY immediate machinery comprising engine ( and the very uch rray T WANTED WANTED-—A capable Apply Mrs. P. 1 Avenue East GENERAL SERVANT Mrs. D. G. Stewart, West. WANTED—-Position a8 waitress, eneed in army and tray work Box 100 Daily News GENERAL SERVANT wages Apply Mrs Avenue WANTED—-Second hand 10 wo 15 horsepower Must be in good order, Box 112 Daily News. 71 WANTED-—$3,500 interest in Prince By: pert real estate, in exchange for h. p, @uxiliary cruiser, Queen lotte Islands Information Bureau WANTED—Want reliable agent town to sell townsite lots, Smithers, B. C, Cast-iron money- -back | guarantee to purchasers; easy terms; good commission Apply today, Stur- gess & Co.,, ¥istoris, B. C, servant Fourth 77-83 WANTED——Apply to 400 Fourth Avenue 76u Exper! Apply 76-83 general Palmer, 720 WANTED Lando, 717 Second 7ou gascline engine, Char. Tow AGENTS in this MISCELLANEOUS MATRIMONIAL AGENCY acter strictly private, up-to-date, de pendable; patronized by best people; eighth year if wishing to marry, in vestigate our plan Ideal Introduction Club, Box 264, Vanvouver B of highest char “EASY-OPENING BOx’”’ SHOE POLISHES Black—Tan— White Tue F, F. DALLEY Co., LTD., Burr azo, N. Y., HAMILTON, Orr, 10c supported | the} eived | at} fact | engine, | 7itt} Slightly | Dall | Shirt} anticipating that ficld! Archibaid | Good | PHONE 535 P.9 14g | The House of Qualiy a Clothing Bargains fo; Men SUITS RANGING FRoy $15 to $35 © «$14.75 } Thursday, Friday, Saturday We offer you the best brands of clott 0 fit and quality. All new Spring go ee ade of tweeds, serges, worsted. These are in checks mixé with best mohair linings and very dress, vine ae v Very clever appearance. PRIDE, NASH & (0 | he PRINCE RUPERT, B. © OOPS POTOODO+ FCC bbb edie $$ RITCHIE, AGNEW & ivil Engineers and B, ¢, Lang 1836 THE Bann oF 1914 BritishNorthAmerica |. TS YEARS In BUSINESS Surveyors CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $T Te6.6n6 Waterwork v wer sg 2 , Tatas in Wane y in Our Travellers eb ghee item, all Blue Printing gative and Cheques ae are iesued in denominations of $10, $20, $50 with the exact McBride St., Prince Ruper, gf $100 and $2 value in the leading foreign stated plainly They payable discount, that realize their full value without trouble. Hotels and Trans portation Companies accept them as cash PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. currencies the without on face are NEW SUIT and Fine Weather together s0 you can go SWEDER BROS, MERCHANT TAILORS eee Ee) SO e —— Good : Rents a ee } We are instructed to sell the } furniture of a three-room flat with ' bath for $160; cost new $3650. | Rent only $26. Down town. Worth giv rer mom onth investigating $36.00 SS | | for a four-room fiat, modern in i } every respect, disappearing beds, 4-room house, Alfred | good location. 3 $20.00 Street for a four-room cottage, close in STORES—OFFICES Store on Third Avenue, cheap P M h | rent. t Three-room suite of offices in $12 er i on 2 Heigerson Biook, aleo emali store on 4 — is Bixth Street now occupied by ; Sweder Bros. | @<-room house, 9th Avenue | . . + HG. Helgerson, Limited near Conrad 8 | . . ’ ; PATTULLO & RADFORD JINGLE POT ‘ PHONE 83 SECOND AV D nmoocnccoonccoscocnseertTntny a delivered by Lindsay Transfer 3200 Acres H. B. ROCHESTER = | Phone 115 231 2nd Ave. ; iz ON SKEENA RIVER and adjolr railroad UNION $.5. COMPANY OF B.6., Lte $10.00 per Schedule effective 24th: Summer March Sailings for Vancouver | Harrison, Gamble 6 Uo a Twin screw steamers — | — “Chelohsin”... Tuesdays, 9 p. m. | “Venture” Pre raael 9 a. m. [ These | | Have a Look at ! j Arriving al Vancouver Thursday jevenings and Monday mornings, | Fi Lev | L 5 | respectively. ine evi 0 Arrivals from South se I | “Chelohsin”...Mondays, 6 p.m! |. geno | “Venture”... Fridays, 8 p. m.| - $1.4 Rogers Steamship Agency ote, ‘Second Ave Phone 11¢ | Le | $1,000, # g. es a #8 8 * * j Wise mau uses The §| . Lit vs Want ads for his 1G R h aden (0., | , es Are you a wise yeuue