CHE DAILY NEWS ¥ — — — FRO OR a OUI UNO yey UR gE * . * J * Possessing exquisite freshness and aj: i ond Pauaae ; x fullness of flavor not found in other teas |: Local an sere iF FEI IOI III II DIODE III IIIA III IA IS SSISISISIS SASS SIS SAA AAAAIA AAAI A 7 Have you a lot of vour own? Che Princess Ena is due in to- F Secure one in Port Edward 10 . with coal, | * * . 7 ® | _ TY vince alain 4 Mr. ¢ Mrs ; ras | BAS. 2a re Jolin leaves | | mn Mrs. A. 8, B. Luca Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Martin of Pi i ‘30 for Massett ind family are expected home New Hazelton arrived in the city ; Ze 88 ext Saturday. They arrived in! ’ Mr. Jot Pita a ra a Sake ated jlast evening. pte C [ ohn Anderson of Stewa Va ouve!l from California to . . . bepopdien on the Prine George | day ' “ rince el ce r’'s cage 20 CEYLON TEA Pure and Clean to a Leaf” last evening: Ce \ a . Seer, sean has been installed in the city assessor's BLACK, MIXED OR , Sealed Packets Only Be aes Roy Moseley, who has been in|") NATURAL GREEN ! Beware of Imitations 05 Shrewd investors are bu he cits on business, returned t ee ss | jit ae ae it elto é ; ; ‘ jin Port Edward before the am n tod Bat tS ' ‘The Chief Zebassa of the Ca- : jway is completed. | ' Huish’ ‘i - lnadian Fish & Cold Staroge Co. : 5 : _— —~ “ . . 6 ine aughters of le Jinpire | . , - ‘ 5 i fi started off for the halibul ia) lo) lo) lo} jot Oro & 8 OmmoOr OP 2 oh The creditors of J.8. G & | Wil give their annual Daffodil}, ).. eee Mees Son will meet tomorrow ra on Raster Monday in the St ba? eal aie a } ; ; Pion ; ‘ \ndrew's Society Hall Tickets } noon in the Offiee of the ¢ itl P : oe A oe Mr. Ikeda of the Ikeda mines inental Trust Go ale at Werner's 79-81 | * ppt * ‘ ° ° ‘ is in the city today... He is leav- (No. 1—Cut out and paste in re- s sce ; ’ tonight on the Prince Jobkn Royal diva ueeh). | Saturday's’ train carried th Young man with business ex- ont tee Eten 2 cups Royal Standard Flour largest passenger list ir A a saa eee eee woul’ . . . 2 teagpoonfuls baking powder jyears. ‘Toda’ys train was rathe msider proposition to entef ieee aN sais : Standard iy soon eats, wl light. but till had a good num-|Pattne rship in going econeer The Vancouver Portland Ge i dessert spoon sugar. ber of passengers Box 109 Daily News 79.g5}™ment company steamer Leona Bi it {i cup milk * e . is discharging a cargo of cement Mix dry ingredients, add butter Renee ree saa ae : here for Bates & Rogers, con 1scul Ss then mix with beaten egg (op- Yesterday a number of sports Rev Wm. Crarey has been tractors “Creamy, steamy, onal) and milk. Bake for 20 min- ides WE Atihine ond ant ,j licensed by Bishop Du Vernet to]™* fi piping hot; here’s les. Serve at once. vie te te ee. | take ‘Charges of the mission of : , the recipe BETTY BROWN. quite few trout. Hays creek Massett, left vacant by the death Seattle looks upon Prince 9 ° . 9,° rroved a profitable prospect for : , he . vs art as ira 0 al for . OU don’t know biscuits ’til sorha of Rev, Wm. Hogan. Mr, and|Rupert as here only rival for the : Mrs Crarey and their little |’@de of the north,” says ex-Ald you use ROYAL STANDARD Mr. Simon formerly a resi daughter will leave by the G. T Hamilton ae ay has mar. f ONS, ) ariy ¢ es! > bee aie © ate o ‘ just returned from Seattle to make them. dent of Prince Rupert, is here ; a for Graham island” bik tian ; , ‘ > ba . tonight. Make a bateh with ordinary flour and then with representing the Koenigsbure rer Robert. Boyd, who was fighting ROYAL STANDARD and note the difference. Jewelry company of Vancouver, The C + -C drunk yesterday and gave the Ye It gives them lightness, whiteness and a breath of one of the creditors in the Grey fei aera en a kata police some trouble getting him j full, ripe golden grain. estate ins sheries teetiis at the whar Q45 ' ; p= me a vant p : to the cooler, was fined $15 or Royal Standard Biscuits are warranted to put an f the Rupert Marine and Iron tb ds ‘ ha a works today having a 4-h.p. sta-]°” days, this morning. edge on any dull appetite and bring any youngster down to breakfast before the second bell. All grocers sell ROYAL STANDARD. STAN om FLOUR 2 tionary Fairbanks-Morse engine PRINCE RUPERT BOAT installed, The engine will be th : is morni used for the boat's s and anuee lighting plant ee we by the po with $5. other old timer got 10 days and Boats and Launches Mr. E. H. Beazley, manager of a first offense victim was let off Emil Anderson, an_ interdict, ne was given 10 days lice magistrate. An- LADIES’ SKIRTS We have a broken range for hire. Gasoline for sale the Union Steamship line, came matin in on the Chelohsin this morn- PHONE RED 391 ing and went on to Granby Bay North End of Manson Way Mr. J. Barnsley, late agent of the “ The company at Victoria, is in the co lo melo eal mel ol S ial o elo lo alo eal oS e' ment concession to be known as |——————~ cial re 7 KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY ‘The Joy Parlor’ opened for |FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room with d By virtue of a mortgage given |»usiness ae Spent on Third fancited ABD er in? bale toe ‘ - o , by Gaston Carrillion to me on;/@venue, directly opposite — the 7a nD AN ENO et eee eee ee the 19th day of August, 1913, Empress hotel The place is]|roOR AENT—Furnished room in private Builders’ Supplice th nadimnittisti ane and which remains unpaid, I ae ee arranged and con one references required range Plumbers’ supplies Plate Giass Mirrors have seized the chattels of the|'@ins shooting gallery, weight DESK ROOM FOR RENT in ground floor Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges said Gaston Carrillion, consist- machines, kinetoseopic views central office Apply Mack healty « Oils Tinware ing-of punching bag, together with the] ‘suranee Co,, 615 Second Ave. 78-81 Varnishes Graniteware ever-interesting “nigger baby" : shai intel EIGHT GOOD WORK HORSES [alley Mr. Ernest Marshall. a FOR ‘SALE oe Satisf e arrives Pa ; ‘ i a i ith lah al hated MONARCH MALLEABLE = “Range.” a Tee toeterua Linen Ga Pete oh peer SIX-HORSE PERFECTION gasoline engine, TWO WAGONS, HARNESS, ETC. ment Only $100. Box 110 Daily News. 7itf ee — besides a variety of other arti- - ARNOLD MASSAGE VIBRATOR—Slightly cles connected with the teaming used and in perfect order; cost $30. ABA AE AE OF UE OE aE a a UR OO OF Ok OE OR OO OO OR a Ok OO OF OE OR OR OR PCE eS SS Ss 5) { High-Grade Work Punting, Steamfting and sheet metal work at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld PIII IIIS IPI III III IAI III IIIA IAI III II III III IAI IIA I OU E the company's office here. city arranging to take charge of CLASSIFIED ADS. Daily News’ new establish- sulfil, which I will offer for sale|Skeena Land District—District of Queen} Wil! sell Charlotte telands for coal, ol! and petroleum over the engine, col following desribed lands on the west and the ver Mortgage - Sale A hew-ahd unistele amnion: <5. “FOR RENT ae newly made over In excellent order. for $20 Box i111 Dally 71 at public auetion in New Hazel- : - ; ; om LAUNDRY MACHINERY FOR SALE—For ey as on the 9th day of| TAKE NOTICE that 1, Frederick L. . : . i ' ! vtn a) ieieeh ts occne tion ‘eek, ‘at eriak munert immediate sale the modern, complete \pril, 1914, at one o’clock p.m. |B. c/ intend to apply wo tne aaa machinery and equipment of a laundry TERMS: CASH. sioner of Lands for @ license to prospect} comprising 42 bh. p. boiler, 20 h. p. mplete electrical equipmeat y latest and best appliances coust of Graham Island: Commencing at a 5 uch as Tray Washers, Toronto Wash JAMES RICHMOND post planted at the northwest corner of ‘rs, Toronto Extractors, Tray Extractor, oer ° ©. L. 7977, thence south 80 chains, thence Tor nto Tumbler Toronto Mangle, To- New Hazelto March 28. 1914. |@@$t 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, rom Drys,”’ tnicuding 8 racks, Shirt me : thence west 80 chains to place of com- Polisher Neck Sander, Collar Moulder, mencement, containing 64@ acres. Shaper, Mangie Dampener, Body ironer, PREDERICK L. PUSCH, Locater. Starchers, etc., et Also Steam Table, Wilfred Charlies Macdenald, Agent. Shafting Pulleys, etc., covering com Date, December 20, 1918. plete plant This machinery and equip sold at a great sacrifice present in the laundry busi Advertised Feb. 26 to April 7. iment to be ( i re sac e. aisle taatatiltdnarbncadipinedl Any one at , . ; ness or any one anticipating that fielc Skeena Land Oitelet—aeeoriet ef Coast— can effect an immense saving. At the a . ve. Y demand of the creditors this plant and © e TAKE NOTICE that I, Thomas McCly- equipment has been appraised. No rea- mont, of the City of Prince Rupert, in sonable offer refused. Archibald the Province of British Columbia, broker, Baillie, Receiver, cjo Anderson Ltd., 207 intend to apply for permission to lease Hastings St. W., Vancouver, British Co- € thirty (30) acres of land bounded as lumbia 76-81 QS foll-ws ms <0¥ < cre? plommencing at this post planted where " the northerly limit of the right-of-way of 1 es ev QB ‘ A : the Grend ‘Trunk Pacific Railway Com- WANTED 24 S) 3 EOMONT On pany crosses the westerly bank of the ¥ C a Zimamergoetz River, and being about 400 saith vy: feet east of Mile 87; thence in a north-| VWANTED-—-A_ capable general servant, ae eastiriy direction along the westerly| ‘PPly Mrs. P. 1. Palmer, 720 Fourth 4 v6 i| shore ‘ said river a distance of thirt Avenue East 6 ; = i } $0) chains; thence easterly parallel with} GENERAL SERVANT WANTED—Apply «& % a ‘| “ the northerly limit of the rand Trunk . Mrs. D. G. Stewart, 400 Fourth Atonne < s} Pacific right-of-way, a distance of ten West. 76u 3! (10) Chains; thence southerly paraliei Glen saan with the westerly shore of the sald river] WANTED—-Position a8 waitress, Experi- j to the northerly Umit of the right-of enced in army and tray work Apply a < way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Raiiway Box 100 Dajly News. 76-83 me The three best towns in B. C. on the line All other towns and cities in that im- Company ; thence westerly slong the sald GENERAL SERVANT WANTED — Good tmy ’ . im aid i | : northerly limit of the said right-of-way} oes” jhe j sec : of the G. T. P. are named above. mense territory witl be tributary to the ten (10) chains more or less to the place} Wages. Apply Mrs, Lando, 717 Second A ' of commencement Avenue. Tote Fort George, Hubert and New Hazelton BIG THREE. DATED this seventh day of January,} WANTED—-Second hand gasoline engine, 1914 } 10 to 15 horsepower. Must be in good are so strategically situated that they Cub. web. 8 THOM AR (MeOLY MONT order, Box 112 Datly News. Tit : : ?ub ub to Apri i . command the trade of Central and ee set eet WANTED-—-$3,500 interest in Prince Ru- : : Cre : on a 4 reat se 8 : a —* peer pert real estate, in exchange for 24- Northern B. C. and the PEACE RIVER For business or investment opportuni- NOTICE h, p, @uxiliary cruiser, Queen Char- P A E ¢ i eo lotte Islands Information Bureau. Totr vee h District. ties, the time to investigate is NOW ro rk IN THE MATTER of an application for|AGENTS WANTED—Want reliable agent the issue of fresh certificates of title for in this town to sell townsite lots, WE PUT FORT GEORGE ON THE MAP AND KEPT IT THERE Lot 11, Block 44, Section 5, and Lots 18] Smithers, B. C. Gast-lron money-back en Mey ae 7, City of guarantee Lo purchasers; easy terms; c upert, Map 923. good commission. Appl today, Stur- NOTICE I8 HEREBY GIVEN that it is ese a Co., Victoria, B.C. rm : my intention to issue after the expiration above mentioned lots’ which certificates ) Natural Resources Security Company, Limited 2:25.02) ~~ msocttaneove ee are dated 12th January, 1911, and 30th]/MATRIMONIAL AGENGY of hi . ' | 12 * ’ i MONIAL AGENG ghest char- | Joint Owners and Sole Agents Fo rt George and Hubert Townsites July, 1913, and are numbered 349 I and acter; strictly private, up-to-date, de- iy 4149 | respectively. , pendable; patronized by best people; Wes H z NatheOD. eighth year. If wishing to marry, in t ay stric egistrar, vestigate our plan Ideal Introduction Head Office, Yorkshire Block VANCOUVER, B. C. Land Hegistry Office, Prince Rupert, B Club, Box 264, Vancouver, B. C ( March 65th, 1944 Cf ey) “D7 yO HHMI. SHOE POLISHES Black—Tan— White Tue F. F. DALLEY Co., LTD., BUFFALO, N. Y., HAMILTON, Onr, 10c | ida \ % 104 ' Sete mo Sa o rr ONC ebaiiL 65 O04, P.O, 184g The House of (ualiy Rousing Bargains fo, WEDNESDAy LADIES’ Hose RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. Civil Engineers and B. C. Land Surveyors Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con- struction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- Blue Printing, Negatives and White Prints. McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Good : Rents We are instructed to sell the furniture of a three-room fiat witt bath for $160; cost new $350. Rent only $26. Down town. Worih investigating. $36.00 for a fourereom fiat, modern in every respect, disappearing beds, good location. $20.00 for a four-room cottage, close in. STORES—OFFICES Store on Third Avenue, cheap rent. Three-room suite of offices in Heigerson Biock, also small store on Sixth Street now ecoupied by Sweder Bros. H. G. Helgerson, Limited JINGLE POT COAL delivered by Lindsay Transfer H. B. ROCHESTER Phone 115 231 2nd Ave. UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF B.6., Ltd Summer Schedule effective March 24th: Sailings for Vancouver Twin serew steamers— “Chelohsin"”.. . Tuesdays, 9 p. m. “Venture”... .Saturdays, 8 a. m. Arriving at Vancouver Thursday evenings and Monday mornings, respectively. Arrivals from South “Chelohsin”...Mondays, 6 p. m. “Venture”’......Fridays, 8 p. m. Rogers Steamship Agency Second Ave, Phone 146 Re ONS Rae Bes * * A wise man uses The & News Want ads for his needs, Are you a Wise > man? #nn of ladies’ skirts in assorted — of nade sizes, made of tweeds it serges, meltons, vicunas; les they are in different colors — siz et and styles We tbe Vednesd . $1.7 Wednwotay.-. #1.76 BEDFORD CORD DREgs Goc P. & ©. CORSETS meine All P. & C. corsets in ii | stock, comprising the new n est models of coutil, in d 7 white only Levia } Wednesdi Wed ednesday . Halt ‘Price 50 | MEN'S COLORED SHIRTS oo Negligee colored shirts striy for men, fine neat stripes aq) of fast color and good ma ishec terial, cuffs attached, large and roomy, 14% to 17 « Wednesday . $1.00 . Off |S. ! Pe RUPERT, B. © P. O. Box 1714. Tel. 448. ing, Townsites acd Subdivisions, Electric | NEW SUITS and Fine Weathy go together ie SWEDER BROS, MEROHANT TAILORS $10 Per Month es 4-room house, Alfred Street $12 Per Month 4-room house, 9th Avent near Conrad St PATTULLO & RADFORD PHONE 83 SECOND AVE eee 3200 Acres a tad Ore Grant ON SKEENA RIVER railroad and = adjoining $10.00 apy easy per a bbe: Harrison, Gamble Ul a i eat Have a Look at The} Fine Level Lots Lot I . tion 38 $650 euch g, See Lots | we tion 8, $1,400 pall il Lot | 6, > $1,500, 1 Lot I $1,000, a ths at! Tet GR. Naden Co. I nance j yeure iatal I fieal