ce RUPERT AUTO CO sant SA AEAAAAIAIANANE RIN ene FAL ESTATE BARGAINS Seana double corner e, opposite @. T. $60,000; quarter 3 years. Liberal re- | cash. ass residential tote, Section 7, $600 each; e arranged. sir on Graham Avenue, 500; terms arranged. M, STEPHENS & GO., LID. Insurance ena bes ated n Se ash, 17 Notaries POP EOR OD prove ere ee ongOoOo Os o April 14, 1944 a —_—— EEE EEE EES 567—P HONE—567 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN Seven-Passenger Machine Large FAO OU eX | 4 A RE | | pt we ’ me pw Zz ie s zx / Zr... ern TH E DAII NEWS J PRESIDEN T / FRANK ARNOLD! i Saskatoon Visitors Messrs. A. bk. kK . W. Hansford and } Sprige ' Saskatoon are \ he cits They have th: have purchased trans portation over 1! ‘ Pr. P. and arrived in the eits lq ago- They are ver I ‘ie the city’s future and believe that property values | ire vet reasonable For the housewi! there has been invented thre< measuring spi different sizes, fastened t at the handles with a { | D. MeD. Mi cipal of | publie school Jeft day morn ing to attend acners’ con | jvention at Victor ; | | Prompt Service : Special Rates for Parties hi — fj STAND, ROYAL HOTEL LI IIIA IAA IAI IAIIAIAAIAK pene tote tet tteeeePeaeaeaeeees i P.O. Box 1704 PRESENTING TITLE “ROYAL” TO CANADIAN INSTITUTE This is the first scientific institute in Canada which has been given this title. The membership includes scientists and professional men all over Canada. Sir John Gibson presided, repre- senting H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught. FIRST CLASS CUISINE t and Cold Running Water in all Rooms | ae owe BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHERIES Cee ae Cigars kept ene £ BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN The regular monthly meeting BRITISH COLUMBIA of the Missionary society was RUDLHOMME & FISHE? AL held on Monday afternoon. The Proprietors aa : |subject of the discussion was eercoereoeeerereereeere?| TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT ON THE REPORT OF ENQUIAY|))))) Crawfords new book, een INTO SIR GEORGE DOUGHTY’S ADVENTURE IN je ninkeng eck; Mrs. Muna OOO eg ey BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING oa a paper on hes i in a eee A | rica in regard to slavery, the ‘ ' } | As the outcome of the ap-(licity was successfully avoided question of cannibalism was re- r ; pointment of a committee of en-| until the Financial Times| y/e\ree Ds —_ Klower, and Mrs. quiry, the shareholders of the|brought the facts to light on| Nirkpatrick gaye @ most interest- British Columbia Fisheries, Ltd.,| Monday The committee's ones an, ae sais a of. the . 648 are being asked to put more|quiry was transparently farcical, | I00K, Which was much apprecia- ers P t 0) P wat ~ ee he rake abers P.R.L. Vintners Association money into that ill-starred con-|inasmuch as it was restricted " by those present. At’ the — —_ cern, which in a little more than|entirely to what could be ascer-|™2*) Meeting re tembie ah! age WINDSOR ae a ae ghteen months after its pro-|tained from the directors and|®!¥® a account of soine of the Ww a wi motion by Sir George Doughty,|the secretary in London. It’ is}P20Me®® missionaries of the eee C M. P., and his son, Mr. Wilfred|/in British Columbia thai much OURSt, ¥. Doughty, passed into thelof the capital has been squand- a ee = HOTEL CENTRAL a hands of a receiver for the de.| ered, and it was there, of course, Liberal Leaders Get Results Avenue nad Sevent St har . ropean ar {American Plan benture holders, in whose pos-|that investigation both with re- a eae Peter Black, Prop. session it still remains. It ap-|gard to the past expenditure and The tour of Messrs. Brewster ies auediueal Kaine pears that the committee made|the future prospects of the un- and Oliver through the Skeena KNOX HOTEL the so-called enquiry and drew|dertaking was most necessary.|C@UDtry is already bringing re- ‘ i ev Eighth aad Nintw up a report within five weeks of|The committee remark that the|Sults. Many of our delinquent Pia ae S0c w $1.00 their appointment, and that this expenditure has been lavish. but subscribers have as a result paid Sener & © , Prope report was adopted at a meeting|/a more forcible adjective than|UP and severa Lew subscriplions z 07 eae | of shareholders convened by the|that could be just applied to it have come it They all express | ) j Vv. D. Casiey 3{ directors before Christmas at]if the statements of loca { hearty appreciation of the con-}| EMPRESS HOTEL jor two clear days’ notice. Pub-|are correct. and the ¢ ftee's|Vincing messages which our : at bina and }opinion that “with good ige- | eaders have delivered, ropean Plan, 60 to §1 Per Day | | RODS S good on ; SE Ii t Idi ; er cl : re| a eae ee | CANADIAN PACIFIC ALY. ablished” would be 1 con- | L FODULCINE 8 Seren, Spire Summer Excursions vincing if it were back; by|in England recently a 45 horse-| <__ PREMIER OTe Prince Rupert to Montreal dependent expert qj}power electric motor did th e a European Plao and return hoes keke So $141.00 | : ly »} men ¢ : | witl } inti anes ce work of six men at about one F. W. Henning, Manager Do to Toronto and return. 128.00 wilh the companys | pe es ‘ ee |{ Do to St. Paul and return.. 96.00 [lond the fisheries twentieth the cost. Do to Chicago and return.. 108.50 ; . on ROYAL HOTEL Do to New York and reture 144.50 |} To rescue the company from} Pk aT ee Other points ¢ y low. o yc or > rt & | rgess, Props Bifoctive Tune an Pont tesen, | the receivership and prov de | Do not follow others, be with and Sixth St limit October 31st, lworking capital the shareholders|the leaders; invest in Port Ed- wropean Plan Cheap rates to Norwegian Cele- 2 ar np > stp > en rien Steam Heated ¢/ i pration in Norway, effective April jare invited to take up a further ee before the industrial de- — 20th, 26th and 20th. er aie aly a . , | veolpment. | EAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO Cheap rates to Norwegien san- [| 120,000 debentures, and by wa cae ” gerbund in Chicago, effective May fjof inducement they are offered 2 | ===——mmmee = ————=— ED 19th and 20th. | nus” of ‘50 i ant { | Ave. and Sixth St | incess May, southbound, Monday [| POUUS OF 90 per cen : Phone 109 | noo |pa d preferred shares, this rep- | J. G. MCNAB, Generer agent Sa a 95 000 ‘ f he ce aI | Corner 8rd Avenue and 6th Street resenting £20, OUy, Os ° — RUPERT IMPORTING CO., | £35,000 in shares (in addition to t A d LIMITED meee | {3,00 in cash) which Sir George us rrive PRR Fras ana Gixtb Sts ROY ENTIS Doughy and his son received fo! . Phone 7 | DR. GILROY, D T their ‘services in the formation hi voeee Large shipment COLE OPEREREEEPROEDIEDO DS | Crown and Bridge Work a and organization of the com- of | HAR Specialty. pany The promoters have, f } A RY HANSON ; thermore, consented to a cancel- Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue lation of the management agree- SPRING THE RELIABLE PLUMBER ment under which they were en MB. os ee titled to a commission of 5 pet CORSETS 0 ve., near ol UNION TRANSFER C0 cent of the amount received by "@ Land Disirict—District of Coast,) GENERAL TRANSFER AND sToRAGE j!he Company from net sales for AI nee Fee South Wellington Coal a period of twenty-one years. BC enccune: | PHONES : 36 Office RESIDENCE 110|Neither the precious bonus of pert, ay €§$OCc -| 1 to apply for per-| 333 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT| Worthless shares nor the aban- DEME! .S | ennak teat ore! — —————_—__—_—_—_—- donment of the commission is, I east and do, chains | should think, likely to appeal to Third Avenue corne . ene sons! = BOAT BUILDER — [ine unfortunate shareholders Ve oe qnaine. Sa who have lost their money in this & chains along the ” ‘ The “7 i mower iene 4, JOHNSTON w segs ee ie i aa WM. McK. LOGAN. mittee stimate 1 CCTlOIls | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Seal Cove Phone Green 321 profits ean be made if the de- Charlotte tsiands Na Land District—pistri sired £50,000 is provided, bu TAKE NOTICE that I, Frederick L. / mn ct of Coast, on . > y . | Range Five. *|215 Second Avenue Phone 43) there is no assurance that these] Pusch, oceupation clerk, of Prine Rupert, | it 1, Andrew MacLean, ee B. C,, intend t apply to the Commis- C., occupation WILLIAM T HOUSE estimates will not prove a | illu~'| iene er Panes ror & ‘eense to. prospect t apply for on sory s those of the origina yeo.{for coal, oil an etroleum over the purchase the’ following de. ry as th “ie a "” |rollowing. desribed lands on the west IAmencing at @ post B.C. Land Surveyo" spectus, and I should not advise | coast of Graham islands Sommencing ats chains east and 60 . : ied vada ‘ , g post planted at the morthwest corner 0 ‘theast corner ot] PRINCE RUPERT Po. Bux 648 jany one to risk throwing god | POM Bisnied Ot south 80 ching, thence 1838 at @ point on aah: money after bad by subscribing cast 80 chains, thente north 8@ chains, | ine of @ mye . ‘ Whe KAAS thence west 80 chains te lace of com- Mins to the aes for the debentures. The COM-|mencement, containing 640 Seren, fl Westerly, northerly and LMORE vanv ought to be compulsorily FREDERICK L, PUSCH, Locator. the sinuosities of tb pan; ” Wilfred Charles Macdonald, Agent i osities o ne t ¢ 2 clr . . nt of commencement; Architect wound up, ‘so that all the cir- Date, December 29, 1913, | ANDREW Mite pan cuinstances of its promotion and Advertised Feb, 26 to April 7. \ ‘cK. Logan, Ageat. |2nd Avenue, near McBride Street). nacement can be properly in- — — ~| RY gee cerneevstntenameaanseaniaetee cant PL ECS AE —| vestigated London Truth. NOTICE “ Fand District—pistric SHOP : t | Range Five Of “Const, IMPERIAL MACHINE ’ ing!! Coming!!! IN THE MATTER of an application for! . EB thas 9,.) natees pagel Coming! Coming 9 the tseue of fresh certificates of title for| ur ° ° si cilaalls oO ° ock 44, on 5, a * : | 10 apply abe eres Repairing Quickly Done ; ‘day (824. 1% Block 41, Seetion T city, of wing described tandst | The Empress, next Wednesday | prince fhupert, Map 928. Dene des (Fe é 'E RED 1561, ee ames J. Hackett’s| . NOTICE 1S ‘HEREBY GIVEN that it is ‘nguinted about 160| COW BAY PHONE REI and Thursday, Jame s J. Hackett my intention to issue after the expiration Pre-emption ‘hecmes aan ———| creat success “The Pride of Jen-|of one month from the first publication | nN the northerly “ahene nic produced by the Famous mais of Willem Be meets a for the | thenoe a rly sho 0, oduces ; F : ass for the | i n ne thee ens JOHN CURRIE Players Company of Canada. above mentioned lots, whieh certificates | ; y 1 westerly’ rote ice east- ayers é are dated 12th January, 1911, and 80th) the shore tad rg A amr July, 1918, and are numbered $49 | and | containing 480 acres, Contractor & Builder What everyone should know: } 4148 1 respecuively, Se ce! DAVIT . , idings..| People of discriminating taste District Registrar. Ba w 4. Mex Ok, STRANG. .. Estimates Given on Moving Bu es Pec pl ‘ & T. P. Cafe B3tt Land Hegistry Office, Prince fupert, B, wae aon Phone Black 204 dine at the G, T. P. . €., March Sth, 1044, 200,000 Have Learned to Play the Piano | in One Hour Without Lessons or Knowledge of Music Anyone Can Play the Piano or Organ in One Hour. Wendertul New System That Even & _Ghild Can Use, He —“Yoo surprise me! You told me yesterday you couldn't play a note!” | She —“I couldn’t; I learned to play in one hour | by the wonderful ‘Easy Method Music.’” | i i Impossible, you say? Let us prove it at | our expense. We will teach you to play the piano or organ and will not ask one cent until you can play. A musical genius from~ Chi has invented # wonderful system whereby any- | one can Jearn to play the Piano or Organ in one hour. With this new method you don’t have to know one note from another, yet in an hour of practice you can playing your favorite music with all the cngers of both hands and playing it well. | The invention is so simple that even child can now master music without costly instruction. Anyone can have this new method on 4 free trial merely by asking. Simply write saying, “Send me the Easy | Form Music Method as announced in | the Prince Rupert Daily News. FREE TRIAL The complete system together with Icy pieces of music will then be sent to yor | Free, all churges prepaid and absolutely not one cent to pay. You keep it seve. jays to thoroughly prove it is all that is tlaimed for it, then if you are satisfied, | send us $1.50 and one dollar a month until 6.50 inallis paid. Ifyou are not delighted with it, send it back in seven days and you will have risked nothing and will be ander no obligations to us. Be eure to state eae Ree of white keys on your piano Or organ, a! Dost off. \- iress Easy Method Music OCo., Sind » Toronto, Canada. 114 of Cloth Periectly, with the SAME DYE. No Chance of Mistakes. Clean and Simple. Ask your Dru; or Dealer. Send for Booklet. 'dson Co. Limited, Montreal The Dye that colors ANY KIND@ | | ' “Why use Teas of uncertain = quality and value, when delicious “SALADA Tea can be had on demand. , Black, Green or Mixed. Sealed Packets Only. FREE Sample Packet on Enquiry. Address: SALADA,” Toront* rere STORK’S HARDWARE | FRED | 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Giass Mirrors Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges Oils Tinware Varnishes Graniteware ** Stay Satisfactory Range.’’ MONARCH MALLEABLE *" In the Selection of Easter Gifts Our Easter Booklet will prove a great assistant to out-of-town buyers—in it a splendid assortment of gift lines suitable for presentation during this spring- time festival, illustrated. These lines consist of many neat produc- tions in Jewellery, small requisites Table Silver, Photo Frames, Novelties in many forms, Rosaries and Rose Beads. if one i SAFE SANE SPICY IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT FOO I I I A NEWSPAPER fax! Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. in of nearly every home popular newspaper It has all into the The News goes It Daily Prince Rupert. is the city because it is clean and reliable. the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the city It is. read by the elass of people the advertisers want to talk to. DAILY NEWS NS Oe * JXISIDIDIDINISINISI III IIIS III OITA II IAD A IASI AA AAS. * omer