No. 3—Cut Out and Paste in Re- cipe Book 2 eges, % pint milk, 2 cups Royal Standard, a little salt tan ar Whisk the eggs well; add Royal 3 few drops Standard, salt and a milk; beat whole to perfectly p k smooth batter of thick, creamy con anca es sistency. Cook to size of frying pan; toss over and then roll “Appetizing, tantalizing, Sprinkle with sugar and squeezed here’s the recipe!” femon. BETTY BROWN OHN BULL Gave me this Recipe ! They first started to eat pancakes in Merrie Eng- land on Shrove Tuesday. It is safe to say that had the flour been ROYAL STANDARD, pancakes would have appeared every day in the week! I say use ROYAL STANDARD and not just “flour” because the best is the cheapest. in the Jong run. I mean by that there will be second helpings a’- plenty because ROYAL STANDARD GOES FAR- THER. And the quality!—well, just bake pan- cakes WITH and then WITHOUT Royal Standard and see! Your grocer’s ready with a sack, RIVAL STANRARD As BL AND Lay jolie iach S mfofmloimfo mio ito mimo} orasa Gift to your Friend PERRIN’S GLOVES The well known Perrin trademark as shown in cuts should be on every glove you get, as this assures you perfection of Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over seli the {Casualty Co., 218 Central Build- genuine PERRIN'S GLOUVES. ° Siris}) Read The Daily News Delivered by Carrier 50 cents a month : LOCAL NEWS =| Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream hin’ * ; Eat at the London Cafe. 8itf Orgs > | Have you a lot of your own’ |Secure one in Port Edward now. oe « | ET. Harlow, late of the G ;P. engineering staff, left for Se jattle yesterday morning. a 5 } Reversible scrims, one yard wide, regular value 35c, special | |price 20c¢ yard at Geo, D; Tite's. ee 56 | Mr. C. L. Madigan leaves ishortly for Discovery in the At- jlin district AO resume his pros- jpecting. * | Pe ae | Young man with business ex- | pe rience and some capital would |consider proposition to entel [Box 109 Da in going concern Box 109 Daily News. 79-85 Rei The salt works on the Skeena jriver will soon start up again. | Modern machinery will be put in iplace and the property put on a commercial basis. et ae Mr. N. J. McLeod of the Smith }island quarry has been _ indis- |posed for a week and is confined jto his home. He will be about in ja few days. | 2 ee | Extra copies of the Weekly News containing the report of | the first G. T. P. train can be jhad at this office. Help boost | the city by sending copies to your friends. There is a home waiting for you on Graham Island. A home that will bring you happiness. Are you ready to accept it? No one yet has ever regretted it Queen Charlotte Islands Infor- mation Bureau. 8itf An energetic, ambitious man ito act as agent for Prince Ru- pert and surrounding territory for a Dominion registered com- | pany. Apply The Merchants ing, Victoria, B. C. 85-86 The Princess Beatrice took the following south last evening: Mr and Mrs. Geo. H, Laney and fam- jily, A. N. Patterson, J. P. Roth- ischild, W. R. Jones, Mr. and Mrs |A. Reed, E. J. Cann, J. Whalen, Mrs. P. Kauffman. | > > © The Prince Rupert Rowing club have been compelled to | nove their boat house the Old Hazelton from its original moor- pare to a site at the dry dock, | mue h to the regret of the mem- | be rs of the elub. The former ite was particularly well suited | for its purpose, but had to give way to new developments. THE BIG THREE OF CENTRAL B.C. pacific hag NEW HAZELTON of the richest mining Trade centre of the Bulkley se man ee ¥ HUBERT in Canada. Valley. So strategically situated to the Groundhog An- that all branch railway lines will > coal fields. be built from that point. Has no junction of waterways possible competitor for trade » the lines of trade meet. that rich territory lying between continent has more natural ad- absolutely assured. Fort George and New Hazelton. you seek opportunities for business or investment, you BUSINESS CENTRES INVESTIGATION will prove eOMONT On - FORT GEORGE is in a class by itself. No city in Western Canada with the pos- sible exception of Winnipeg or Varfcouver will outstrip Fort George's growth in population THE DAILY NEWS i | | | The Spokane { {1:30 today. rhe Chethosin p.m Miss E, Callum and Poole have given jtions at Demers’ The Gity of bound, will be o'clock, rhe way freight urday did not arrive lay morning owing mud slides, . Geo, A Clothier from Stewart. pects to open an here. Wednesday night byterian club night.” There is sure lively discussion. invited, We do upholstering pair work for spring Geo. D. Tite, the funiture dealer, Third avenue. Inlaid linoleums, print linoleums cloth at 10 per cent discount for cash. Geo. D. furnisher. R. Benfer, who southern California year, has returned to the city and will live here He able property in this city Albert Davidson, ager at this port for the has gone on to KE. Rosevear, the partment. Mr. Davidson will be back for some Martin Swanson tract for decorating theatre. ° This is and requires very ling in order that no interference shows. THE LORD MAYOR’S SHOW Great Spectacular Event Shown in Pictures at Westholme Rounds of applause the lord iyor's in the moving Westholme opera night. The brilliant magnificent sta by gail capariso and f 1 by ficers of s not eas fore having the od ness it means the only night's excellent Trail of the Lost to be a feature merit The beautiful lustrated by a séries of splendid pictures telling usual interest and music, forms an the highest order, long’ in the momory having the good present The addition gan to the orchestra at the brought out the of the “Lost Chord” and development. No city on the | vantages than Fort George. must be sure of the location of the | you that Fort George, Hubert and Hazelton are so strategically located that they will overshadow ali other towns in Central, | Northern British Columbia and the PEACE RIVER DISTRICT. | Natural Resources Security Company, Limited Joint Owners & Sales Agents fo rt George and Hubert Townsites Head Office, Yorkshire Bidg., VANCOUVER, B. C. | beauty and grandeur, feature alone was well price of admission. gram will be repeated THE WEATHER For the 24 ‘a osias : April 1 Barometer reduced to sea SVG cs ine cd'o:o ie oes st | Highest Lowest Rain cork carpets, has consider- Piano Recital very pleasing piano recital given by Mrs. Oarpenter's Thursday evening at the Dr. and Mrs. Tremayne, program, both in arrange- and the manner of render- reflected full credit on and pupils. The pro- ress of these young pianists is} marked, and the assurance which they come before the| promises much for their] Only the parents and a} friends of the pupils were Miss Martin and Miss johnston assisted Dr. and Mrs. emayne in serving refresh-| at the conelusion of the Snow Drops,” Op. 451. .Franz Behr Merryfield and Aubrey Sweet * Doll's Dream,” Op. 180 eeee oes Theo. Oesten Margaret Ljndsay » Dutch Kiddies’ Geo Frinkhaus Manson, Louise Rowell and Lorna Tite “Cheerfulness,” Op. 150..H. Lichner Lorna Tite Polka Rondo,” Ceci! Klein Constance McMullin and Dorothy Tremayne “Dance on the Lawn,” Op 62 : Theo. Kullak Aubrey Sweet Flashing Glances Geo. Frinkhaus Manson, Jack Naden and George Tite “Russian Intermezzo,” Op. 136 Th. Franke Lorna Tite and Dorothy Tremayne “A Paust Pantasy,” after the Opera Gounod Arr. by IL Streabog Dorothy Tremayne “Ppostillion D'Amour,” Op. 221 Fr. Behr Dorothy Tremayne and Lorna Tite » Journey” Alfred Oelochegel Loujse Rowell “March,” Op. 75 ..L. Streabog Sweet, Grace Manson and Margaret Lindsay oices of the Heart,” Op. 51 Henri Van Gall) | Jack Naden “Minuet,” Op. 01 Henri Van Gall Margaret Lindsay and Grace Manson Gypsy Camp,” Op. 424 Franz Behr Grace Manson Merry dJingling Bells Ge I Spaudling Tite and Dorothy Tremayne “God Save the King A clean swell eating place. The} Cafe. 81i-t! “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. this accompanied by Sir Arthur Sullivan's FOR RENT $50 would buy partnership in going business; being called Address Box 99 News Office RENT—-House of four rooms and close in Apply $40 Summit , back of Borden Street. sitf Small modern fiat, excellent close in, only $30 Apply at News Office sou Nicely furnished room with close in, Satisfactory references Apply Box 107 Daily News PHONE 535 The House of Qualiy P, & C. CORSETS, / # Just arrived large stock of P. & C. Corsets of new est models. We are offer ing for Wednesday only a very comfortable Corset made of heavy white coutil in low bust. Wednesday .. . 55c LADIES’ WATREPROOF COATS, $$11.50 Ladies silk waterproof coats, absolutely 1 unprool; seams are sewn and cannot possibly come asunder These are in Monica style and so light in weight do not tire the wearer. They come in the leading shades Vorth $20. Wednesday only . $11.50 BARGAINS FOR WEDNESDAY guy a eee F Latenern on Io yq Wednesday HOSE Wednesday . 3 pair for 5bg PRIDE, NASH & C0 PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. sereee ol Coming! Coming!! Coming!!! rhe Empress, next Wednesday land rhursda James J. Hackett’s great success “The Pride of Jen jnico,”’ produced by the Famous |Players Company of Canada ANIMALS IMPOUNDED One WHITE AND BROWN LLEWELLYN SETTER was jmpounded mn April 6th, which, if not redeemed within ten days of said dite, will be sold r destroyed THOS. O'BRIEN Pound Keeper Phone Blue 397 it PRINCE RUPERT BOAT HOUSE | Boats and Launches for hire. Gasoline for sa PHONE RED 391 North End of Manson Way OPPO PLOLOL LOOP LL EOLOOOD rere rere | | 78) j _| 9} THERE 18 a FOR SALE SALI Dresser, rugs beds etc; ] : t Apply 319 Third Avenue 84-9 Ranges and stoves cheap. | McBride Street. sou PERFECTION gasoline engine, y made over In excellent order $100. Box 110 Daily News, 7itf! TRY THE BEST WAY AT MASSAGE VIBRATOR—Slightly | and in perfect order; cost $30. sell for $20 Box 111 Daily} Fit) WANTED Sewing by the day Miss | , Phone 537 85-87 4 girl to work in shooting Apply 723 Third Ave 82-54) A partner with business ex | Yb and small capital, in gojug stand investigation Apply Dally News. 82-83 Second hand gasoline engine, 10 to 15 horsepower Must be in good Box 112 Daily News. Ti $3,500 interest in Erinoe a real estate, in exchange for auxiliary cruiser. Queen Char Isidnds Information Bureau. Tou MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN on property un clear wutle Apply Box 96 News 85-88 MATRIMONIAL AGENCY of highest char- Strictly private, up-to-date, de- patronized by best people; year. If wishing to marry, in- » our plan Ideal Introduction Box 264, Vancouver. B. C., * ALL KINDS—Fresh and coming Westminster Koad and Carle , Collingwood East Post Office, Box South Vancouver Phone Colling wood 99R, Jolin Crristy, cattle dealer. sou ——_—_—_- The POPULAR POLISHES Black, Tan and White 10c nal Tue F. F. DALLEY Co., LTD. BUFFALO, N.Y. HAMILTON, ONT. er fe er; we In. Our New Patent. RSW of RY 079.) eed 1) ae “Twist the Coin” | The Whisky BEST WAY of doing everything, and this is especially noticeable In the making of tailor-made sults and coats. i ee | SWEDER BROS., MERCHANT TAILORS J (Rowgeser"S,) pe NAMATH Mlle | of Quality Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Ll, mes Mihi Valea aA CAEL? UNION a9. COMPANY OF B.C, Ltd Summer Schedule effective March 24th: Sailings for Vancouver Twin serew steamers “Chelohsin”... Tuesdays, 9 p. m. “Venture”... .Saturdays, 9 a. m. Arriving at Vancouver Thursday evenings and Monday mornings, respectively. Arrivals from South “Chelohsin’’...Mondays, 6 p. m. “Venture’...... Fridays, 8 p. m. Rogers Steamship Agency Second Ave, Phone 110 | $10.00 P. O, Box 1714 RITCHIE, AGNEW { tl Civil Engineers and B. ¢, Surveyors Wa k Wat te t j a oma af Prov : Xue g shook teame B ‘ se ue McBride St., Prince Rupert, tt CLP OL LLL PEL EL EEO EEL ECTIE FOR SALE Lot 90, Block 20, Sete & $1,300; quarter cash, 6, 12 a4 Lot 7, Block 36, Sect & $1,400; third cash, 6, 12 tf Lots 13-14, Block 32, Sectiee} 2,100; quarter cash, 6, 12 4 # Lots 28-29, Block 21, Section} $1,500; terms Lot 15, Block 3, Section & $750; easy terms FOR RENT Four-roor use, ner dock, $10 per month Tw moder five-room hewl on Sixth Avenue PATTULLO & RADFOR PHONE 83 SECOND AYE PROPER OLDE Oe el ee ne eee Neu Welingtnd ont usenold Coe , Best e Cleanest, Brig? ROGERS & ALBERT , Second Avenue ss ON SKEENA RIVER railroad and adjoining , very eas) pe I Harrison ante bt ee Have a Look al Tes Fine Level Lo | ae ia $050 each, *°° Os j cash: + Li $1,400 pall °°. ion ts ; $1,500, a §6 joo ” $1,000 ve at th 4 op Nae (0, jy avenue ot