THE DAILY NEWS —————————— No. 4—Out Out and Paste in Re- Royal cipe Book. 2% cups Royal Standard Standard Pee sugar. 5 teaspoonfuls baking powder t tt cups milk. wee 3 tablespoons melted butter A jittle salt . Bake in cups or gem pans Muffins ive snows Do you know the muffin man jo you know his name? Do you know the muffin man Who lives in Drury Lane? D° you remember chanting this doggerel when you were THAT high? How good those muffins tasted! But now-a-days it is not necessary to have a speaking acquaint ince with the Drury Lane celebrity to obtain good muffins You can beat his wares hollow by making them with ROYAI STANDARD FLOUR. He, poor fellow, had to be content with any flour he could get The recipe quoted is anore popular than his If you are t of “flour ask your grocer for a sack of ROYAI STANDARD—your “buy word’ for the best, > cE be eh Uniforn i bid UR Tested ) eco miohmo lomo mofo iafo io istoicmioh hair beioolm Beautiful Pierced Silverware and Rich Cut Glos for Sorin Brides Our catalogue illustrates with especial prominence, those two fine lines which are looked upon with the highest favor by all wedding gift buyers and are exceedingly appropriate for this purpose. We offer this silverware, which is manufactured in our own factory, by expert 'silversmiths, at the lowest possible cost to you. Our Cut Glass stock shows the best grades on the market and is made in all the newest designs. All goods ordered through our Mail Department will be sent prepaid to points in B. C., and money will be refunded when goods are not entirely satisfactory. lene: Birks G& Sons, Ltited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director) VANCOUVER, B.C + RAKKH KKK HE E FE I IY High-Grade Work Plumbing, Steamtiting and sheet metal work CRON i at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld PII DRI III IKK IIIS IAI III I IIIS IISA IAI ASIA ACS FDA: OO OR 2S Seu x * 4 * * * 7 * Try Eat at Mr, § j turned |} Have jSecure one in Port Bdward 1 | Mr. jis mm New “American lace’s. | Graham jfor its jon its | i | | Ladies it will, | week-end | Mr. Bp, Ask lurday Wallace’ The | nadian | Monday, house Taffa curtains, wide, special price Tite's. Mrs tonight few weeks ern burg. Mr. returned extended | States. Smith & Killas’ the London Cafe. shipment of Mr. Vancouver city today. representing day from a trip to the south. 14 the week-end specials at 88-89 | Mr. and the CGa-'Prince Rupert cannery, A Real Lever Simulation GOLD WATCH FREE. A_ straightforward generons Watches to thonsands THE BIG THREE OF CENTRAL B.C. Rt Bae Bain a oe). % - NEW HAZELTON | HUBERT Centre of the richest mining|Trade centre of the Bulkley district in Canada. hValley. So strategically situated Gateway to the Groundhog An-|that all branch railway lines will thracite coal fields. be built from that point. Has the junction of waterways | possible competitor for trade where the lines of trade meet. {hat rich territory lying between Future absolutely assured. Fort George and New Hazelton. When you seek opportunities for business or-investment, you MAIN BUSINESS CENTRES INVESTIGATION will prove to New Hazelton are so strategically located that they will overshadow all Northern Britisn Columbia and the PEACE RIVER DISTRICT. Natural Resources Security Company, Limited Joint Owners & Sales Agents fo rt George and Hubert Townsites VANCOUVER, B. C. Head Office, Yorkshire Bidg., FORT GEORGE is ifl a class by Western sible Vancouver George’ and development continent vantages must be sure that FOO OOOO ORIOLE CU. YU UR URE Local and Personal * FOI III TTI Ie AIH IIA AAAI IIIS SSSI SISISSAIA IAAI AAS SISSSISACSASACS NS. ice cream.| ‘The }south tomorrow at 8 p. sitt| * . Mr. D. jof the publie ;on today’s ithe teachers’ ?} couver, Heavy wide, 46 | Saturday Pride, Nash & The City from the will leave | Skagway. Mr. C, schools gifrom a conference of teachers in Vancouver. | Pride, | imported lin checks, regular iday, 10c. | Mr. John original | jaurvey, i been in ; winter, returned this morning ithe’ Prince George. Bert Long, yard; | known chauffeurs of Prince Ru- pert, left ; morning, jlac car up Gi A, the line this morning to look into some mining propositions. jhis return in a week or s itends to open an |} Prince Rupert. } KR. Anderson Tilychulme suffering |The doctor the hospital | prevent | blood poisoning. A number in town Male Voice sacred concert theatre vening; Mr. and lcame in ¢ ito Stewart, main for mendorf jland Cans mr. | j}came up registered }Orde is | Rupert | looking | | terests. The Princess carries ing four for the }pany and lfor the | Jack Ke jman who ing Mrs | couver, | yesterday, } immense }room was packed, ithe prisoner } paper reveals of cruelty ¢ | Rev. and will sail Mrs. H. newed many | college day 8, | their holiday turn to | | | } ; | Pleasant | Rupert. Gili Pra ae as en ee of Seattle will Murray of the public Fitzsimmons, one of the boys who were on the came in from the end of jsteel yesterday. shipped his Cadil- We do upholstering and re- pair work for spring cleanups. Geo. D. Tite, the funiture dealer, Third avenue. 74tf The Misses Eason attended the ichers’ conference at Vancou- ‘rr and returned today. Things you need every day—a {big new shipment for our bar- igain counters just received. ah allace’s, 88.89 . . . Bishop and Miss Du _ Vernet left today for a few days’ visit with Mr. and Mrs, Horace Du Vernet at Kitwangah. . . . There are still a few good pre- emptions left on Graham Island. We know them. Queen Charlotte Information Bureau. 87tf Mr. Duket and family have moved down to Seal Cove. Mr. Duket is taking charge of Mr. Keith's general store at that place. . * * Week-end specials—we won't deseribe them but it will pay you come and ask for’ them. Wallace's. 88.89 Among yesterday evening's ar- rivals on the Princess Beatrice was Mr. Peter Doiron and family six from Prinee Edward Is- land. They have come with their furniture to this city and intend to make it their future home. Mr. Doiron says that he is a boat and vessel builder by trade and be- lieves the opportunity in Prince Rupert good for his business. complication today's boat s in charge of the Port- of Vancouver | | | j} afternoon ' ' | | countenance day morning. they were happy memories They have enjoyed | CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE is ‘indedy given that a sitting of the Court of Revision r the purpose of hearing com- plaints against the assessments as made for the year 1914 will be held in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Prince Rupert, B. C., Thursday, May 28th, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m. Any person desiring to make complaint against the said as- sessment must give notice in writing to the Assessor, stating the cause, at least ten (10) days prior to the sitting of the said Court. DATED. at Prince Rupert, B.C., this fifteenth day of April, A. D. 1914. P. LORENZEN, ai8-25-m2 Assessor Real Estate Bargains ! | Lote 7 and 8, Block 2, Section 1, with 18- | room building, $10,600 cash. Lots are | level and about 8 feet below grade. This | is the BEST BUY in tne city. Lots 1 and 2, same block. 1! will sell for | any reasonable cash offer. Lot 21, Biock 28, Section 6, Summit Ave., $1,200; $500 cash, balance 6 and 12 months. Lot 3, Block 24, Section 5, $1,675; $5675 cash; balance 6, 12 and 18 months. Lot 12, Block 5, Section 7, $750 cash. Lot 14, Biock 2, Section 8, $6560 cash or $726, one-third cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. (. E. BAINTER A portrait of | oftice second Avenue Phone 387 || RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. |Civil Engineers and B. C. Land Surveyors Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con- struction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and Provincia) Land Surveying, Mine Survey- ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric Blue Printing, Negatives and White Prints, McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. The Princess May is due from the south at noon on, Monday Gee Highest price for second hand clothes, boots and shoes. Phone} 565, 825 Third Ave. it} . . . Best English prints, fast col ors, all new patterns, Saturday | and Monday 9c at Pride, Nash «| Co. 41 | sae The Venture leaves for the} south this afternoon. She has al large consignment of fish from} the cold storage. Pride, Nash & Co. are selling imported ginghams, fast colors, | in checks, stripes and_ plains regular 15c, Saturday and Mon day 9c. 1t | The Star Dye Works is now | open for business. We clean, | press and repair as a specialty If we cannot renew your clothes then burn them. Give us a trial and you will be more” than! pleased. Phone 565, 825 Third Ave. Rankin & Miller, props {| Police Court Doings In the police court this morn ing the “ways that are dark and | tricks that are vain" of a certain} heathen Chinee cost him $52,! Lim Young was caught by the} police packing round a bunch of opium, and had to be discour-| aged accordingly. A NEW SHIPMENT OF | Serge & Wash Dresses JUST ARRIVED Prices from $3.00 to $25.00 DEMERS Third Avenue | CLASSIFIED ADS. “The Daily News” | FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished room for gentle man with private family. References required Phone Red 324 it SNAP-——$50 would buy partnership tp good going business; being called home Address Box 908 News Office. FOR RENT—House of four rooms and bath, close in. Apply 840 Suramit eA LLL OLLI LLL LAA AL (AAALALALAd in Our New Patent “Easy-Opening-Box” “Twist the Coin” « SOFP ODP OLE OPP THE F. F, DALLEY Co., LTD., BUFFALO, N.Y. 77 Td dddaddhdubadddubddeidd ddA ZT LEIAIA IIT} lala teed da dd a ea FOOT edt et ehh AAA ad A AA AAAAAAAAAL AAA AAA A SHOE POLISHES ITI II ra PD DIT III IIIT Te ae rrr TTI Sn) |“Chelohsin’. .. Tuesdays, 9 p. m. |"Venture’. .. .Saturdays, 9 a, m. j }Arriving at Vancouver Thursday lfevenings and Monday mornings, “Chelohsin”...Mondays, 6 p. m. Ave., back of Borden Street. sir }FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with | |} bath, Close in, Satisfactory references | required Apply Box 107 Dally News. | 78ul | | | FCA SALE eee | FOR SALE—Dresser, rugs, beds, etc; | reasonable Apply 319 Third Avenue. | 84-90) |PoR SALE—-Ranges and stoves cheap. | Galland, McBride Street. sou SIX-HORSE PERFECTION gasoline engine, newly made over In excellent order Only $100. Box 110 Daily News. sa ARNOLD MASSAGE VIBRATOR-—Slighily | used and in perfect order; cost §30.| Will sell for §20. Box i111 Daily News 7iu WANTED WANTED A boat hull in good condition, about 20 feet Price must be reason able Apply Box 94 Dally News Sor WANTED CASH——WiIl sell agreement for sale or give business property security Apply Box 116 Daily News seu | WANTED—-Sewing by the day. Miss | Kroll, Phone 637. 85-87 WANTED—Second hand gasoline engine, 10 to 15 horsepower. Must be in good order, Box 112 Dally News. 7iu MISCELLANEOUS MATRIMONIAL AGENCY or hignest char- acter; strictly private, up-to-date, de pendable; patronized by best people; eighth year, If wishing to marry, in vestigate our plan. Ideal Introduction Club, Box 264, Vancouver B. C, COWS OF ALL KINDS-—Fresh and coming in Cor. Westminster Road and Carle ton, Collingwood East Post Office, Box 20, South Vancouver, Phone Colling wood 99R. Jolin Crristy, cattle Gener, UNION a, COMPANY OF B.6., Ltd Summer Schedule effective March 24th; Sailings for Vancouver ‘I'win screw steamers respectively. Arrivals from South “Venture’...... Fridays, 8 p. ™. Rogers Steamship Agency Second Ave, Phone 116 ‘Proot of Vay j PRINCE RUPERT Boir | Wererrooorroorroooooes rer y 1 OTIG-triag au ; iy, abe home ich Sold everywhere, In box et, 25 coats | 1836 THE BANK OF 1914 Br itisNorth Amerie YEARS IN Business Capit SunPius §7 786,068 Bank Money Orders Are Safe And Convenient The PRINCE RUPERT BRING P. MARGETTS, Manager, POPPOEOPOLOPPOODOD ODEON HOUSE Boals and Launch PHONE RED 391 North End of Manson Wy THERE i8 A BEST WAY of doing everything, and the & especially noticeable in the mating of tailor-made sults and cu TRY THE BEST WAY AT SWEDER BRO, MERCHANT TAILORS POPOL EL OL OPEL I LEE LETOTE, FOR SALE Lot on Fourth Ave., Block 6 & 5, $4,000 rms New 3-room house and lot, Bet 27, Sec 7, near Seal Com $11350; $350 cash, balance per a ‘ Lots 28 and 29, Block 21, Secor 7, $1,300 per pair Lot’ 15, Block 3, Section 8, $i good terms Double Section 8, $1000; terms Safe, FOR ‘RENT Five-roon ise with bath, x Ave. and "Tt mpson St, nth Rourct m house near dry 6h $10 per m r bes four-room flats if Trace Building, $18 and $20 nth me PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AYE PHONE 83 POPOL OEP ELEEI IIE 3200 Acres nted i ON SKEENA RIVER and adjoining railroad al, 00 Harrsoh, saith a To Rent $25.00 GR. Naden (0, ls a. pecoud Avenue