THE DAILY NEWS New Foreman Appointod Jack Anderson, who was assis- tant to Road Superintendent C, THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by J. Gillingham last season, has THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. eturned from Prince Rupert and} eens Seana en? Hes a vill have immediate charge of| H. F. MeRAEK. EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER the local work by reason of his | xceptional knowledge of the re | HEAD OFFICE juirements of the whole camp, Pelephone gs, | : quile probable that the new Steamer Prince George leaves Prince Rupert | Steamer Prince Rupert leaves Prince Rupert id superintendent will b re | pe | be here Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert ty. Prin, Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. © Saturday evening for a pre minary survey of the whole} Low Excursion Rates tuation as. to the needs for To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED STATES, Daily, 59¢ per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico | advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, | $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. iil, road and bridge work this | with NORWEGIAN CENTENNIAL, and to cHicang WAY In conngg | ear, No -announcement has | with NORWEGIAN SAENGERBUND, " "nection na . 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rough f t .on made by William Manson, | Oh UPeGHt, gasoline ang explonives. Vv poe as to the ‘allotment! For full particulars and all information of interest 4 , Fican THE G. T. P. TIOKET OFFICE, Hart Block, Third av. Stewart wi eceive from = the AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC Steam: nue, Phone 2 TEAM 60, listriet apppropriation for 1944 SHIP Linas Portland Canal ‘Miner a BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIIS New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 249 Ka}. Mark's Episcopal Chureh , Will call any time. ‘ Street and 3rd sna ing word of the new tariffjhere, has been given charge at B.C. Land Sui veyo~ F. M. CROSBY 1 PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. shane toh tyereeae. 9 eed econ, °° Qusen arias 155 | ieee Oe Tee teen ei Ave Wi pianenes ses PACIFIC TRANSL shapes and angle iron A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager affect local concerns. made by the death of Father’ Genera! Cartage Hogan some Dur- JAMES GILMORE LADYSMITH COAL ee 1st Ave. and McBride 8&t. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. ee ae me weeks ago , Hamilton, Ont., April 18. ing the past winter he has been Architect A IVARSON & CO. 93-—Phone—03 : aaa ae oh N ae The Hamilton Spectator says » charge of the mission at Lake ond Avenue, near. McBride Street Blacksmiths & Horseshoers — a EUROS EN ern Cre ee Se ee et editorially: “After all, Mr. W hite | Kalzap, an Indian village on the Pet oe ag e w ss eas bok 208 Phase @ j D has bent before the storm. For|Naas live between Kincolith a oe ‘oat Work SON ; e sufficient reasons reason s |} and Ayansh It had been koped {MPERIAL MACHINE SHOP Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson Way P. ROBERT } “|| FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ||") °° woot 0) oe es ee toe B, tofore advanced—he has refused; Stewart for the summer, but the Repairing Quickly Done i ae ic i Audits, Investigations, Aa,vaimenity U 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery the western demand for free| bishop deemed the needs of Mas- mens : ae : mm 1OW BAY sHONE iz 56 i dations and Assign wheats But something bad to be{selt snore pressing. The rever-|COW BAY PHONE BED 18614 SEEDS) SEEDS! § jo accu are me orae oot thrown to the wolves. end gentleman has been here OPE PP — saying goodbye to his many : Have received our 1914 6&pring i Brantford, Ont., April 18. friend During his stay here he JOHN CURRIE 8 | ceeds ] { Mi | \) Wire Cable Stee) Blocks Fishing Tackle Local manufacturers are practi-|gained the respeet of the com- ie Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns cally untouched by the tariff|munity, and he will take with Contractor & Builder re ac SEEDS ft Rope Valves Ammunition changes announced, save the}him their best wishes.—Port-[--Estimates Given on Moving Buildings. . Sas how Pumps Hose Paint Massey-Harris plant, which hasj|land Canal Miner. Phone Black 294 Agente f = O A L Stoves and Ra i had the tax on binders, mowers, - decoaneteishins DOMINION NURSERY & nges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron and reapers reduced, Inlaid linoleums, cork carpets ORCHARDS CO. “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” —— print linoleums and floor oil- Pe 8 Coe a Destore in Feed of all Kings ene f ———— - Toronto Mail and Empire:|cloth at 10 per cent discount for y i Tt $ CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Complete Line 0 1ES “The National policy is @ se-j|cash, ieo. D. Tite e qué ® wise man uses 1e = 8 Mall orders promptly attended to se gos aa FRED STORK’S ia naa: fish ; rorhisiien Che neem vattt® News want ads for his $ P i R : F d " BUILDERS ue be The changes announces a 1e ,8 needs Are you a wise 8 B . C0., Lig HARDWARE Hesine Mrtcleter in a. Mic { Your opportunity is in Port |* ent « . any pi gpa’ an WESTHOLME LIM speech yesterday are not numer- Kdward; investigate prices. i? ® § % $ $ ° $ $ > Ieee en ae iy : : : y “Hop. ‘) 7 : Drawn for The Da News 03 : It Looks Like the Stuff is All Off Drawn £0 3 ie ‘aa - — we reed , y oer THEY a / WHY-IFT QUIT \ ~~ THAT SURE oe = eee “i GOTTA GET ME eee GET { TODON -THEY WOULDNT BOSS-NOU TAKES ABIES syst WONT a A RAISE IN PAY- iS PAPE BIZMUSs HAVE A SUBSCRIBER. || COME ACROSS LOAD OFF HOW I COULD 7 WHY DAWGONE IT- P OF LEFT TOMORROW - WITH ARAISE. \_% \ pown MY PA MY LAST WEEKS TILTING NN THEY DONT DARE. [] OR T QuIT- ROLL | iF LADNDRY BILL | MAT AT ( ToLET Me / \DYAGET ME? 1 CER rt MY SALARY - exe y GOL ji | —— FON GS AND I AINT ANGLE \ Ans , GOAT ENOUGH < ee TO EAT MY -Goo-BYEY SHIRTS a tee ae JN ik @) \4\4 INTL- SYND-BALPO-mp a - 7