y NEWS leading Paper THE pail q brary Rupert's , (ABLE ALIVE OLE ; ccc a THE DAILY PRINCE RUPERT, — — B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1914 GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: Almost any barber will be Age to gratutiously clip the wings Morrissey’s mayoralty . sepiraion. PRICE FIVE CENTS WENTY AMERICANS KILLED IN BATTLE VERA CRUZ ARRANZA FRIENDLY TOWARDS U. S.---BRITISH OF FICER WOUNDED BY Y SNIPER—AID FOR C.N.R. sree ee eeeueeee el VANCOUVER B. OF T. Jenene nnneeneennes| : GROUNDHOG COAL SI THORUGH THE K PED SUMKALUM 5 WOULD BE BIG ASSET To THI THIS CITY—LARGE TRANSFER OF COAL HOLDINGS TOOK PLACE—DEVELOPMENT TO START \ private letter received from;Ottawa, and it is possible that this will be done. Ottawa states at strong 1S- ; 3 daedilacainendl bes iesarents tn oa: Mr. Thomas and his Associates sure is being brought on D. A.|have taken over a large part of Thomas, the coal magnate, to|the holdings of the National , Finance company of Vancouver open up the Groundhog coal/;, that region, and it is expected through the Kitsumkalum valley. | hat developments will start Thomas is at present at|soon. NEW C. P. R. PRINCESSES FOR TRIANGULAR RUN Charlotte for Alaska—No mation as to San Fran- cisco Service Inti- The new patatial liners Prin- cess Margaret and Princess Irene, now being built for the Seattle - Vancouver - Victoria route, known the triangular run, are nearing completion at the shipbuilding yards of Denny Bros., Dumbarton, Scotland, The steamships Princess Vic- toria and Princess Charlotte, which are to be replaced by the fine new craft, will be used for relief work. It had been. decided to use Princess Charlotte in 1915 excursion in the as the as an vessel Alaska and northern British Columbia service out of Vancouver for the first time. The Prineess Mar- garet and Irene are expected from the yards of their builders in February of next year. As to the probability of the €. P. KR. entering the coastwise trade between San Francisco and British Columbia during the Panama exposition year, there is no expression given out from any one in authority. It has, however, been persistently ru- mored for some time back that the big transcontinental line would handle exposition busi- ness coming their to west over their sys- own sleamers from San Francisco. tem by Vancouver THE BEST YET “Judith of Bethulia” at West- holme rere House There are features. in name only, and features in fact. To class certainly belongs and there features others are the latter the great features some are are four-ree! feature “Judith of Be- thulia,” shown at the Westholme Opera house last night. It is truly the best yet. The story is heroic and historical. It is a ancient war and violence coupled with noble sacrifice and indomitable courage. The char- of Holofernes and Judith splendidly east and superniy story of acters are acted, The costuming and stag- ing are absolutely true to his- tory and tradition, and there is not a dull moment in the action from beginning to end. These pictures are both entertaining and educational. They bring home the lessions of holy writ and ancient history in a way that can not possibly be equalled by any other method, They tainly deserve a large patronage. cer- “The Cradle Born to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ellis. of Balmoral Cannery a son, April 22nd in the Prinee Rupert General Hospital. ’ Born to Mr. and Mrs, C, A. G, Armstrong, a daughter, at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, 4 April 20th. Friday evening at nine o'clock there will be a public meeting in the court house for the purpose of organizing a ramblers’ elub, This should appeal to those who like to.spend an occasional hour ca /* MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS * TALKED OF RUPERT | * “T can outfit an eight VERA CRUZ WAS TAKEN : . , He ory Bost for + ten days * Ladic nd Gentlemer * a \* fishing trip $333 cheaper a WHEN AN Deciding to become ar, %*| Member Thought Not Much il in Ketchikan than { can #| oe . }* aldermanic candidate at * Agitation ae fee eed for i* in Prince Rupert. This * XICANS LOST ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY—BRITISH OFFI- & (he ensning election, 1 * U. S. Fishing Boats laa avin iu inde ‘on thred..# CER RECEIVES WOUND FROM SHORE SNIPER '* ask your suffrage in my -* is aa items only: bait. ice and. * | + uDpt M oe “ The question of free bait for} distillate.” * = - supp y attitude is ‘Nate ee aka é ‘ ; ean [silencing the heavy fire from tine |» the immediate nstalla % pal a So as ; * and | This was a remark of * ( April 23,—Twelve|naval college. The shells of the}* {j of the Woodworth #12 + toes oe ae Acc Sal the manager of the Atlin * “dis the|Prairie finally shattered the}* Lake h electric city ee OE AMEE F189 Hen aSi% Fisheries made to The * vounded i : ’ : : been agitated by the Prince Ru- ; ; : i} Americt ; Walls. * owned utility Am abso . RA é : tl Daily News, and it puts * me ee et The paymaster of a British}* lutely opposed to the deal + oom Monier, ae ¥ Focen me in a nutshell the problem ¥* the investment. |. nuiser vessel was wounded on}* with the Prince Rupert * aul pe? tail e e es |* Prince Rupert has to face * Me es are esti-|board the’ ship by a sniper|* Hydro -FElectrie company. *| Ga bite | t l* in making this a big fish- * | ye member. in speaking to 5 PRICY Mt ut 154 jashore, |* Will oppose any sale of * the queationt-eaid . did nett ing port. Being adjacent * inded during a Admiral Badger is undecided!* the city securities pro- * chit there aes eiiah 4a of I to the fishing banks and * ihe guns of the|whether to proceed to Tampico|* posed at 90 cents. Also * The Gudetien ‘weak ion seatg * having a transocntinental * Chester assisting in!or not. i* will oppose shortening * aed eee tn iccal las aii ma i? railway is not in itself * * the term of such securi «| sis , 1 7 ~|* enongh to bring the fish- & * ties from fifty to twenty |?" °™ nes |* ing boats to Prince Ru- * * vears. Yours truly, * . | a pert. If the fishing boats * BEL LEADER IS FRIENDLY * DANIEL W. MORRISSEY. * YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL pe find. it cheaper to buy * * * |* supplies in competing * * The above is Ald. Mor * Sih wielson |* ports they are going to ¥* * rissey's recent election * a , |* the cheaper port Boost- * * ‘card. Now, as chairman * Oe 8, ar cp nis De |* ing will not overcome * * of the finance committee, * Portland 3, Spokane et |* high priees, and Prince * ESTMENT OF VERA cruz ‘NOT CONSIDERED AN ACT OF © he sella dihenturas ue ene ca Seatt 3. Vancouver 5 lt Ripert: bosiiess men’ WAR AGAINST THE MEXICAN NATION * What do the people think * Coast * might better face up to * i Ninel Paha of Maine Urae nitian. act * of a man who breaks his * Venice 4. Portland 8 ;* real facts now rather than * - - vestment o era Cru n an i * promises that quickly » Ts * Sa Francisto 4, Oakland 8. | * wait until other ports * ng April 23.—Hu-J/of hostility against the Mexican * hea fit man'to have in- * Sacramenmeene < tink Angeles | * have the trade establish. * d td Ambassador | nation This is creating a new|* charge of the purse- *|game postponed ;* ed. It will pay to get * me passports ind acute crisis in the situation|* Strings of_our city, or, for * American \* busy on this. problem. : eparing to leave ; * that matter, to be placed * . | * and 1 hasty conference was}, iv: @baitio’ ¢ publi Philadelphia 9, Boston 9—| 4 y x x x x ee eH ‘ In an 08 on o yublie ; : aap. sent a letter|called, the president being wak-|y% (rust9 * acct 1 Louis 2 ‘ considers the in-|ened from his sleep. © * aan VAS fee, OR a. , sa OK OOK ROK KOK KKK oo Be wate 0. ‘MUST MANUFACTURE ; . ; ashingion 2, New ork ‘ WITHIN THE PROVINCE ( National , E KLOOCH BOOZE PREMIER BORDEN BACK TORONTO hae ol ERT Boston Philadelphia 3. ee FINED FIFTY DOLLARS: FROM HOLIDAY - TRIP} ee eee Vineinnati 4, Chieago 3. Quebec Places New Sort of an : irae Embargo on Pulpwood mete Mr. W. H. Leishman, of Wm. 9 P For Sale Limits pshoreman Pays a Heavy Suggested eae ite Sittings Of! 1]. Leishman & Co., Lttd., whole- 5 Blundall lightly used ~—usiness » and is staying at/tl egions of Ottawa lakes, St. site | : { ibelieves that there is tf the Royal | He intends re-/|J Rimouski, Matane, Bona- gave the girl ig sittings il a ve ha h joni get out of the] tine portant legislation had | tur » before Prince Ru urning Saturday. e and Gaspe. Some limits duced He made ref | Mr. Leishman's compa s i have an area of over 2000 d eguiliv of /ere et the CG. N, R. proposal.j;one of the largest purely Se miles. to an Indian} Mr. Borde admitted that there | tailoring establishments Can \ new condition is imposed on S50. the mirinium / would