THE DAILY NEWS THREE ——= ~ me — | by some of those w undeytaken to ence will encourage othe to \ | ‘ ‘ say’ fahey prices tor t outlying Owing probably to tl t o- N D Nothin y D y t Sr aia rhoug 4k dial ' buat pression in Canada the k m | oO ust £ ut : ? NOG) fragrant ness conditions ida are healthy, it} mtgration this year is n 1, though | N Di tea leaves, giving their full quota would be unwise t t an é@arly reé- | there will no doubt be sta a num irt f d li . é turn to the bounding rity of a few|ber of settlers. in t t! oO eliciousness in the tea-pot. | years ao No se ficulty is ex- | fact seems often ver k "1 the | | pected, however riod -of quiet] Maritime Provinces and i tar and | | and adjustment Quebec there are ¢ ’ w la | There is some unemployment at pres- | awaiting settlement I eat bulk t| | ent, due to slacker | the butlding | the emigrants still go t prairies, but trades This will happe riodically, and {steps are being taken | 1 attentl st the same may be railway con to the available ' eastern } struction provinces } 26 For more than a past a severe 1 cannot. offer a: ! st th check has been " by Canadian] tine When the full tid f prosperity will | banks on all transact t of a strictly | peturn to Canada, but it is well to keep | ‘ i ff re siness character money for ' ier busine is b a h “ d Portectlyy with the a eatin 1 remen GLEE dakeaiog, an. DF, PA You cannot imagine how good it rea y f we egi ate I ements means de pace, 1 mit y i SAME DYE. merehants, mannufact ind those en- 2 rests of t re ¢ r : , ~ Simple. : that the interest nk are almost | ’ y W f LY. DEI [ AY tee ce end tor ookdet i gaged in farming or ot stural indus- entirely connected with th atural indus 1S un ess y ou try i shu P qtr tries, but none for rea tate eee tries and With manufacturing and com- | or any speculative ent ses There 18) mercial enterprises. W ave no interest | no sign of a change in attitude OD} interest in compan) motions, mergers, | Sr ee oN —e - the part of the bank ind if it 18 COM-| op other operations of that kind, and few 4 SOR IAEA tinued, it will gradua uncover any|advances for other than strictly business |{( 3 weakness that exist rime will separate purposes A policy of perfection in this | | » the securities which represent good Valu€} matter is not possible, but as nearly as | li d S l Ww OR A A * and earning power from those which dO|may be we try to confine our advances | eau UY u ‘lerce l ver are —= SmmmRLINEPSIREID i 58% not, and will bring into the light the} tq joans to business people for the legiti a ee speculators. who have embarrassed them-| mate purposes of their business, and . » ‘ ARIO MANHOOD ASSOCIATION MONSTER PETITION OF ONT | inrougn res ; Cc ul S selves gh real estate operations. with a source of repsyment in sight an ass or pring rides This petition, bearing over 9000 name is 200 yards lond. It is T will now refer very briefly to geN-}trom liquid assets Pr o he Conservative member Ont 5 M eral business conditions, of which IT am Before I sit down, I would like to take | Our catalogue illustrates with especial prominence, those two fine . avi : ; ars of the ario ) ; an- : . ae : eye eo: ee : a? See ee glad to say a quite satisfactory account| this opportunity of saying what a pleasure | lines which are looked upon with the highest favor by all wedding gift hood Association, and asks the government to pass an Act |ean be etven it is to myself and to the members of | i f oF . | buyers and are exceedingly appropriate for this purpose. co 2 in the legislature abolishing all liquor shop, bar and club In the Maritime Provinces the cropS|the staff in Canada to welcome the visit INCE RUPERT AUTO x licenses, and to have a plebiscite on the question before the were good except the apple crop in Novaling directors who come to us from time We offer this silverware, which is manufactured in our own factory, we ” “9 a Lia Seotia, which was a disappointment. Thelito time. We feel espectally indebted in by expert silversmiths, at the lowest possible cost to you. ’ ERI III IISISIISASIS SISSY law comes into effect. oi ng this, the petitioners declared lumber. incites has, on. the: whole: MMllema MAND 6° Mah Hoare, whose | visits i : it would be their SraakG She c, the Conservative and join |q fair year The fisheries have been|are always helpful and encouraging. Last vo vg ass Ss the best grades on the market and is pooreret the Liberal “Abolish-the-Bar” party in Ontario, Acting Pre- | good, and the mining operations consti- | year we had the pleasure of a visit from made in a @ newest designs. mier Foy said the government was inclined to think that |!!te a record Mr. Balfour, who in the time at his dis- Ail goods ordered through our Mail Department will be sent prepaid $6 . the total prohibition was somewhat premature, but promis- c # i re oF bo be¢ yrad oe oe —— to see an extraordinary to points in B. C., and money will be refunded when goods are not ere satisfactory and prices go00C number of branches and to inform him- ed consideration. exception has also to be made here in the] seif regarding all the more important de- entirely satisfactory. rms of one-third cash, balance seat netalments one and two - - —— - - ame | case of fruits especially apples, which] partments of the business. ,These visits rs at 7 per cent, wuys Lot 26, : : ts « reached. | Were far below the average. In the lum-]are of great advantage to the bank, and ee stag lock 16, Section ui ovreees ae THE BANK OF BRITISH the coe 7 oa : a beri oa er ber industry, logging conditions during]1 speak not only for myself, but for the ulldin site nm w we have eposited wi 1 overnment, " yi ao . . ee trentege a 66 feet. NORTH AMERICA sieht ie ae Canadas sais aii wa the previous winter were not favorable, | whole staff, when I express the hope that H. Bi GS S ] s ¢ INE BARGAIN ea Me k cna f ‘ oe sai ata’ oe owing to the want of snow, and some/they will continue to be made at least enry r Ss ons, imi e A GENU SVE. Teer OWNER Ree et Tl iogs did not reach the mills, but demand|annually. (Cheers. Continued from Page 2 this special purpose. Under the new Act Exclusively with and prices were good, and the industry, The Chairman: Gentlemen, | am sure oe A ARP be well gece sega ON se get ne pe ee ae eee a sire JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS upon whole, had a you have listened to Mr. Mackenzie’s ad- ten years. On December 31, 1904, the|should we at any future time, feel that In Ontario the crops were a good aver-| dress with very great interest. I had no ; " STEPHENS & 60 LTO premises account stood at §876,000.00; it is na longer to our advantage to oa age and prices high The lumber indus-]idea of what he was going to say. He Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director) VANCOUVER, B.C . ” nue to hold that investment, we MaY]ir. while not so prosperous as in some] offered me his his draft, but I declined to | \& i on NoVember 30, 1913, the premises ac let | Estate Notaries insuranocn count stood at $1,693,600.00, an increase EPL LE LEAL OPEPPOLOOL OOD OD f #817,600.00 In addition to this we it go, and, as an alternative, we may deposit in the Central Gold Reserves gold or Dominion notes equivalent to any have appropriated out of the profits dur of excess former years, did fairly well, and in] take it I said that I should prefer that mining there was a good year with in-|he should come here to meet you en- f reased ontput tirely uninfluenced by any comments that circulation over the 75 per In the P Provinces there was an]! or anybody else might make on his ad- ne this period $632,666.66, so that the eas . ve ‘ . ia rve 2 R HARRY HANSON #8 tual expenditure on premises during the nv : ch on ia a ; is i ikns excellent crop, larger in quantity than} dress, and I am sure you will agree with A D ‘ ; ent iniention of making any suc rhange he previous ar 4 of exren , . as ov ten years has been $1,450,266.66, which as bar 3 we BOUND at uiffeserit th previ year, and f exceptionally | me that that has proved to be quite the you are aware, high quality Though prices were not] bes , ye be THE RELIABLE PLUMBER we think has been fairly divided between £1,216,666.66 in Dominion = of Canada be e v_ 1 as in Ot . Nei t of aa 7 : ees ang by indian cael 2 : . : . ns ostarity, J e so good as 2 » tots f , o > par 1s valua » 2D0) » f wae the present generation and p terity An bonids, maturing for’ repayment in 1914 tolor tne crop. was little ahead of. that}on thé affairs oP the Dominion and ast THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 488 «Second Ave., near McBride oe _ * ave. ee amet eine “11919, and this is @ most convenient in- | yp4) own Bank. : g : a posit in rl ener on Ana | Yestment for a bank to hold, apart alto In British Columbia, the crops consist] Mr. E. A, Hoare moved, seconded by Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass 200.00, which I will explain ta Sf gether from the special purpose for which] principally of fruit, and were very satis-| Mr. Frederic Lubbock. that the report ani Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors DR. GILROY, DENTIST now, leaving the maze of these unaccus-/ 1) was made facts Mining, taken on the whole, was accounts be ‘adopted which was duly ane HARDWARE Toee ee w wmed figures, | come Ww the ons = me Now I shall not detain you any longer, | prosperous, in spite of a protracted strike | carried vas ish Ga : wn al 3 re rk ¢ loss ace t You will observe that (sti a oth an . s 7 ; ‘ ware wn i Bridge ork a t ' y for our general manager is here with US]jin the coal mines at Nanaimo. The fish Some ‘discussion of the Balance Sheet arnishes sranitewar in conformity with the Act) we Now BlVel i gay we invited him to come over and ries Iso had a guod year, 913 ein ollowe t pr -ssrs rr the figures for the whole year, instead of | »,, avira tate & car, 1 being | followed, after which Messrs. J. H. Mayne present at the meeting, so Mat We}ine ear on the Fraser River, which] Campbell, ©. W. Tomkins : atc yn ths as the past. This, ss , : ; . : ee : Caen eae e; Smith ris. Third Avenue} for six montis only, as in P hows | Wight have the pleasure of Introducing foccurs once in four years; the northern|Hoare, the retiring directors, were re- 1 think, is an-improvement, for It SHOWS!) in to you. 1 shall now request him to MONARCH MALLEABLE **° *3ce\seces Range.”’ \ . rianc ‘¢ su ri » year’s opera- : » , 2 4 Ser tek eae oie pen ai 748.00, address you and to explain to you (th@Jayerage result was satisfactory Theland F, §S. Price were elected as auditors : ION TRANSFER C0 tions The net profi aaa sae present condition of affairs in the DO-|inmber trade in British Columbia is de-|for the coming year The proceadings |" Tee ran “ST eL A. Sty See Tee ce which compares with, in minion and our prospects for the coming ; LOGE . Ss union and or pros pressed, ar those interested in this in-]| then terminated with a vote of thanks to ERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE 0, an increase of $11,240.00 seeing year (Applause. ) dustry have had a poor year the chairman, directors and staff RE ON EET SOIT NTT ENT TEN NTIS Specialty. canneries did not d so well, but the/elected, and Messrs. N. E. Waterhouse South Wellington Goal that he was . + sae ty Mr. H. B. Mackenzie (General Manager), wen the -abowe!bric synopsis it will i 5 & , * onae 6 Office RESIDENCE 110] Months, the resu would appea ) Plwhe was received with sapprause, said: | pe seen that except for the lumber trade Plumbin Steamfittin é I t ¢ . oa iaeaiaed PRINCE RUPERT | *°™eWhat disappointing, but it ts om eS Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,—Betore 1} jn British Columbia, conditions In the The Accompanist * ba ; c really, for the earning power of the bank) .ay anything else, 1 would Itke to tell you J patur t t . ay Gene Gerene, the entertainer, | ¥ sau . , ay an) ’ J natural industries of the country may be ‘ ’ " le and sheet metal work was better than ever There were, oon that it was very gratifying to me to learn}eatied generally satisfactory Manufae-|tells this story: ‘There were bass . ever, certain items in 1943 charged}rrom the Court of Directors that they t rOug i / ’ pe | fro : turers throughout the Dominion have,| floods once in Johnstown. They 2 BOAT BUILDER against the profit and loss account that} wicned me to be present at this meeting. [speaking broadly, done well, though the were the most tremendous aver at fair prices estern umbing Co., Ld did pot appear in 1912, amounting Why, gives me much pleasure to meet the foutlook for 1914 1s hardly so good. Gen- : ; s sie s ‘ieediil 7,866.66 The principal item in this} sharenoiders, and the visit affords an op- eral mercantile business has been good,| 2OW" !! the United States. PIII III IIIA DAI IA AIAIAII IIA AAASIAI ISI ASA AIA SISIASDS ASIII ASAA AAO G0 JOHNSTON total was in anticipation of probable 1058] nortunity which I greatly value for per though retail trade has suffered at those Charlie Straight and [I were in Cove Phone Green 321|'" "esvect of the guarantee for the Sover-) sonal consultation with the Court of Di-| points where it has been stimulated dur-|them. We were stopping at a ee ae a eign Bank; another was for oe orp rectors regarding our various business |ing recent years by the spending of the hotel in Johnstown, and the wa- a Fin investments With this explanation operations, profits so easily made in real estate and fax started ta: Hee We avaneno \ econd Avenue Phone 43] think we may be fairly well satisfied with Mr. Hoare has dealt with the affairs of | other speculations ta ved: ( se. € € n . as the results of the year’s operations. You]the pank, and 1 have been requested to] ‘The action of the United States Gov-|the first floor and reckoned we one WILLIAM y HOUSE have already seen, both from the report] aqaress you regarding business conditions ernment in removing the tariff from lum-| Were safe. The water came up For Yourself ° and the balanee-sheet, the proposed dis-/in the Dominion of Canada ber, agricultural products, cattle and|inches at a time} and finally it B.C. Land Surveyor tributior : f lined ig as Seer ae sph segs 1913 was not free from anx-|fish, is expected to stimulate trade|erept up to the window sill and orasa INCE RUPERT P.O. Bux $18 goes ue ve \ ) . *jiety, but at the same time it was a/jthrough giving r people wider markets wer . 0 a we 2 eal £07 3 to the reserve fund, $97,333 profitable one for the banks ractl-]One immediate effect was the shipment ved into the room, i reck Gift to your Friend om ihe bank premises account, 4nd] eany all of them show increased earnings. |to the United States of large numbers of |ONed it was time to leave. I got IA MES CILMORE * n the payment of a bonus < f There have been references late t cattle, and t felt that too many of|a atrass off the bed and push- f per cent, to the starf, You have, !0/ the likelihood of a financial « n Can-| the farmers we induced by the high}ed it out the window and rafted 9 Z , t ry vs SO wé or 4 sanctioned . . » mistic er Y « ' t ep > air » « } : Architect pa alwa generously an i ote ada, and some quite pessimist itter- | prices ‘offering leplete the ir herd jmyself out on to the seething the payment of the bonus to the staff that} ances have been made: there is not the In the annua idress of the chairman | te of water Charlie Straight Avenur ear McBride Streetjwe are encouraged to ask you to do 80) sane readiness in London to buy r se-|three years ago, reference was made to|*“ r P NBEO MAS a fed Ses more, and we couple this request] cupities, and a higher rate of terest has |the establishment in Canada by American | accompanied me on the piano. with the assurance that it is deserved, for | to pe paid on the issues that are accepted. | manufacturers inch =manufacturieg | -_— PERIAL MACHINE SHOP I cannot speak too highly of the toyalty|qnere is no doubt that the country has plants, and the } was expressed that | There are still a few good pre- and the energy displayed by all ranks Of | neen developing very fast and it Is]this example w 1 be followed by Brit- | tion left on Grabam Tela r eir » bank. We . on - * athale the pace nthe . Re “ jemp ons 1e mWavdé § * Repairin the service in their duty to the bank recognized that a slackening of the pace/ish firms, It is gratifying to see that : : p g Quickly Done seve also tnade: sib Tabs) sepropriations \4p).aeu panies since that time several British firms ot|\We know them. Queen Charlotte The well known Perrin trademark as BA PHONE RED 156 for the Officers’ Widows’ and one: The large borrowings of recent years|the highest class have arranged to estab | Information Bureau. 87tf shown in cuts should be on every glove : 2 Fund, the Pension Fund, and the Life IN-/ape mainly a reflection of the continued | lish branch manufacturing plants in Can- | : . 3 | u t, as this assures you perfection f ————— ] surance Fund, of which I feel confident! excess of imports over exports. For the|ada. These form a welcome “addition to | “ sce 9 you get, y ; ° a Land District—-District of Coast, | you will approve. The Pension Fund 10-/ ten years ending March 31, 1913, the ex-|the business community, and there seems | JOHN CURRIE Style Fit and Finish KE NOLICE mh ae William Mck.|@Yitably increases with the constant! cess amounted to $1,149,000,000, and of }every reason to expect that their experi e f ° : ton | @ f the s f ‘ > re ome f 54s > 7 ner e Rupert, B, C,, occupa-| growth of the staff and the retirement Of | inis total 543,000,000, or 47 per cent., pros, tend 40 ‘apply TOP per: | the senior members but ft is mpossthle foocurred. durine dhe last two years of the Contractor & Builder Best dealers ae ee a the a I se tie following de- over-es te the value of it, apart] perio a wes .” s enuine ‘ a ' Commencing at @ ] 08st 7 Ae oe ; ; j ur Poe ean er eyemene wo: S60. tt we Estimates Given on Moving Buildings. . s a x oun. . a ite ins east and 40 ehains| altogether from the fact that it Is 0 easy for issues of Canadian securities to fee ‘ ; Srrta} } Rec, east ane of a nk manifest duty to make provision ror tMos€/ he floated in London, and it was perhaps | Phone Black 294 ; 1838. thence sout ; “ -anent lifetime In the service . ith el s sanguine | ence. west 80 chains tu who hay I . natural that an enterprising and sanguin eS t 80 chetns along the}of the bank people should take advantage of tue oF | hs ‘ of commencement; In dealing with the balance-sheet I} portunity thus afforded to extend their | as re + hing ne: “ a. ¥ Orr ve Wi Mo oe has been necessary to refer to the Bank | operation Governments, municipalities : o-— ~e one i pa, 1914 , " JAct of 1043. The two clauses In that} raitways and industrial enterprises—all FO sR ISIS ISIDIISISIICICISIA IIIT III IIIT I IIIS I ISI IIS IIIS ISAS SISA ISS IIAS > | ewer FACt which, in my opinion, stand OUt} came to the market and“few were turned § ( a Lang © sirict—Distrlet of Coast,| prominently, are the Compulsory Audit DY | away It is a matter for regret that pmsl seme coms et sete ermnnoaes — Pommermnedy KE N Bee Five. independent and duly qualified auditors,’ amongst these issues there were some | t Sours atl, Audrew MacLean, ted and elected |} nie t B C., occupation who require to be nomina 4 which did not represent commensurate | » ; ¥ : \ apply for per-|according to a definite formula which Wel yaine or earning power and the disap i * { 7 ise =the following de@-| 41; nave to observe This independent | nointment experienced by the purchasers . ) tunencing at @ post ‘ hing w to this bank ; re | ack * .e chains east and 60) %Udit means nothing ne “1 Of these securities is no doubt in large |) & j { mpt ni hortheast corner of| for we adopted it of our own free WIIl AS} nant gecountable for the curtailment of Ue om be Nort} 1 fics A polps an long ago as 1889, and have continued It] our epredit It is probable, however, that if 7 l ‘ , ( we ¢ 3 rae nes uns to thd, BDUTRETIS ever since This is sufficient evidence} manada will, for many years to come, re ] ¥ } x i ri ve rly, northerly andj that we consider the new regulation to quire to be a_ borrower The good and } * } THE = Se ee == * 7 ioe sQuosttiee of the/he a wise one. Secondly, provision MAS) onean land awaiting settlement in a if * i { 4 r more'Or ba been made for a much greater elastlctty | country where law and order prevail and : / . . { ‘ \NDREW MACLEAN, in the circulation of all the banks by the | ine pignts of property are respected will | * 3 or ce ae an or ern oe { ; Meck. Logan, Agent, deposit of gold and Dominion notes in Me] narmrally operate as a magnet to draw | 7 { , j “Central Gold Reserves.” These “Central settlers from Europe and the United * j { a » he » jo ‘ ) . arr « compe » i ny ; ar j Le Diet ret District of Coast,| 0d Reserves” will be undet the Jolnt) states; and these new arrivals compel the 1) : / Yhe Daily News goes into nearly every home in { : Nange Fiy control of the Canadian Bankers’ Associa | expenditure of large sums of money for Lt: Soe 'spaDe ¢ y that 1, David Cook] ton and the Minister of Finance, and Will} paitway building in order that they may i¢ * / Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of t . ! pert, 8. C.,, occupa-| be subject to inspection at frequent | peach the land, In earlier times railways if y / the city because it is clean and reliable. it has all t ih lL ‘PDly for permission | tervals by that Minister were built through the districts already | * ‘ : i mea ; st planted Abe woe The banks are entitled to issue in 0 ‘5 1 whith seemed likely to afford i * i is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events iy nS ea a planted about 160 oie Settier x . eer | * “ : , 4 t hains north of the}ereased circulation equivalent tO their] yporitable trade Now, the railways are bs tag and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- j \ Pre-emption Record] deposits for the time being, This 18 the | pushed or to unsettled districts in +e) fa ‘he northerly shore yr hh rs ut ; 8248,200,000 under Bre a I a ay be dh available ( » ! sare bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- hi ence south 60 ghains | ®*Planation 0 eke wave Sinai ts Ber sarees ene. FRY ; 7 i SANE mism and reliability ; ore line, thence “east-| this heading to which | have ju for settlement 7 he : hone iad oewing the eevee’: We, Gd’ not, 0 “the SOGNeR OFF: The growl!’ OF the fowns And cies } » The Daily News is the most valuable paper to ¢ ' e . ¢ 0 oO - . ‘ © , rte “ulatio show, exceed OUP] aiso makes increased expenditure for pub a SPICY j taining 480 acres. the note circulation Asc ‘ er oe calla . ae ; , i ved "| authorized circulation om November 30 by] jie improvements a necessity whieh can i * advertisers because it is read by the buying public. 7 ; a LOOK STRANG, more ‘than $9,640.86, but by making this} not be avoided, but I think it ean safely \) * i IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in ‘ly f td OBan, ABeD Jdoposit we were protected against ANY} pe said that the money raised tt qc ; } : / the vity. It is read by the class of people the i aes unexpected demands purpose is in the main spent In @ Jegiul | ; INDEPENDENT J } rie. ee ’ . us im no|mate and productive way, and that rea |] - { advertisers want to talk to. 4 NOTICE This new privilege affects y . Y idae te oi tes | * ‘ . ok small degree, principally because tt fia- | sonable te om ne pro : | ) * / INTELLIGENT re ad SE OES ee SNS ae a ia { t ralieves us of i iety which, dur- | terest and principa | * if ER of an application ror | ‘ly relieves us of an ana been} Specylation in real. estate has been | ‘| Bloet ' certificates of ttle ing recent years, has sometimes De * } —_———_ - -T HE __—_—_—. ' x Ad, Sectl 5 e for 1a} going on for some years, There are many | | a ick , “ton 5, and Lots 18] quite disturbing lest we should exceed) Boing ‘ekl ie in this | | * { : oo3e" % Clty Of} the Mmits of our authorized circulation | instances of fortunes qu ckly m ms iy 8 | : OT! Vee . l } that others have | . HI 9 add ring or al onths when the} way, and it 4 atura ; Peg KEBY GIVEN. that it is oe ane a we ” . ses unavoid-|been influenced by these examples and } x / 4 Mi me 3 ‘© after the expiration |" siren OF he harvs t s indi-|have endeavored to take @ short cut to A REST GOWN ¥ ¥ y f ‘rom the first . able expansion, Lt also affects U ¢ chases re * ; Uftleat St publication | . f I have often | Wealth by making heavy purchases of real , y 0 . “g - . litle in the! Vidually in another wa re en te va y amall first payment ands In crepe de chine or soft satin } ¥ ] [i nal n Snoder: rie : 0) t our annua ee ‘ sti i raf . i lated join lots which. certificates tee a > oolge liability on} long serie f deferred payments, The with double tunie to form pan r , ie 194 , ‘anuary, 194 , 1 espa ; 8 mey § el however, has imposed . , . sa , ae | BT reap are numbered’ 4p 1 et the shares of the bank under our Royal | me a 1 Dn k upon operations of nier, finished with sash. of ‘endow: we panes Cabins hes: ve Vely 7 . i It & re a wholesome che upo , be » 2S , +] ' Charter, our note circulation has been r eontrasting ribbon, and = soft 1 H. FP. : . here has been no break In hk eto RARER KERR } ANG Regist Distnier To ntbiar. Baeredy tap Me Canadian Ben i ic = a - oe inside town and city tulle at neck. In black and + i nlelalalalalalslalatelalalalalalatalslalatel Peek eee h Ree weet ] iH March gin / >, Office, Prince 75 per cent, of the paid-up capital, anc ( ee : Hi . th, 1944 Rupert, B.| oo. ony eneeas over the 75 per cent, until property, but trouble is being experienced} many other colors | omen roves * ‘alll pial oi adkaiemaninatl } ene ee L) ‘s KY