Prin, « nT ml Ty 4 FOUR ‘ THE DAILY NEWS : dla April 94 \ , do —- aint “1 1h¢ 8 343} RN en a, cr) en eee ae hs a Mea eMNE MT ok 7 oe : POOP boone ee | FOROS OCU OOO ORCIOROROROR ORO RY AARC aI OE oe . erneee, ’ *« 3 d l "F th it PHONE 535 tt | ] P | e Letter Box P.O. tape : d i ocal an ersona a} Jn_the er if oney ave IS oney ame [RII ICR RRR RRR TITHE AA IIIA IIA ISII III I III IAAI SAI IAI SSS | ore | o nieece « n : ; iEeditor Daily News: Tarce cans Good MMMUN. 2... c.c. sce eee 10c each | Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream AT THE HOTELS fae ; fa like t “ ba : ‘ a : 4.80 | e e e Sir, wou ke to say a fev 49-lb. sack (best) Royal Household Flour ....++-+ $1. | ; t ek ee a 24-lb. sack (best) Royal Household Flour .....-+- .95 | Eat at the London Cafe 8itt Windsor Hotel__w. M. Gasey,| words in reply to Ald. Morrissey {i-Ib. sack (best) Royal Household Flour .......-. .65 i Rim, oe J..W. Hamilton, Seattle; A. G.Jin the morning Paper, - es, ‘ | Have you a lot of your own?/| Fallowfield, P. W. Laws, Los | He evidently imaintains that ania SEE US FOR SEEDS Secure one in Port Edward now. | Angeles. }the prices for barber work in ‘ Fine, sweet and juicy Oranges at jrices to suit you. ea Be ae this town fre too high, T pay a sta ik ‘ . ” ’ 5 * OA f rark . yu ig foods ror We have on hand an extra special assortment of House Phe Venture will be in Knox Hotels. Moodigo, R.}my men 60 per cent. on all work 7 tee ult ‘ . * 7 e 4 ¢ FIDE . f » o 2 are ‘ if ava hold Brooms. the south tomorrow mornit Rortia, GC. MeGullod, N, Vacoff, J.jdone and guarantee — that they know goods are best quali "ey Extra quality Chicken Wheat 3 $2.25 per 100 Ibs. » * * Laing and C. Thompson. jmake $22.50, Out of a 25 cent manufacturers in the leadi; Able ; ° : bi Have you a lot of vour own? pac shave my portion is 10 cents and | " avitk onines Paice d, at } rs’ Marmalade in glasses which you can use fol A ‘ , ; i ; ews } money-saving J u re ‘ : Each, 20c ;Secure one in Port Edward now Central Hotel—-Wm. Grane, J.j)out of that IT must pay rent, | ; 1 that ieny, €-Ib. GlasGeds awk ee mbes ce eee ee acn, } et 3 : ‘ i . " : i i we buy for less, therefore we \ sen) a ae MacTurk, Vancouver: W. P.j laundry, business, license, water ; These prices are good for this week only. | A clean swell eating place. The Flewin, H, MeLelian and J. Mor-| for bath and barber shop, and On Friday and Saturday. wy London Cafe. 8i-tf)rison, Port Simpson. jwhal 1s. left is nothing more of goods we here have listed © une , | ee ee . than a fair wage. ti ' he game ee ithaca ; Bia kind will only cost vou half the l ta e] e S | The Princess Beatrice will be Royal Hotel Colin Chisholm T have been nineteen years in | in from the south tomorrow /lHl, Chirstensen, city; K. 8. Weeds, the British empire and have been | Remember, this is for Fy) At Their New Stand }aflernoon. J. W. MePherson, Lorne Creek |for a number of years a citizen! e NE 187 | Re gat aiaitaneatila and voter of Ganada. IT am also a i COR. SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. PHO | Graham Island is preparing Empress Hotel—__S. D. Johns,}man of family. T have always | Store opens every morning at 7 a.m. Closes 6:30 p, m for its new automobile service|C. Madtero, 8. Hugtsh, O. Cof-|been a believer in a high stand _ ' fon its north beach. 87if\fano, John Miller. P. Rivet, Van-|ard of living and before I would} SAFETY PINS HAIR p | 2... e couver; P. Sicotte, D. MeDonald,| undercut my competitors T would} 4 INS | Shrewd investors are buying) P. Starrbtick. j quit the business. | Gaelic Safety Pins, made sr jin Port Edward before the rail- . Mr. Morrissey says the only of strong tempered — ste« led ‘ y ep gomnp " ee | 7 . ° , =p 1.5% r | we 3 6 Savoy MHotel—George Calder,|equal of Mr. St, Louis as a bar- |} Lik boxes Sinisa CIE RSIS 9 omit ge cater, ol Salt atagt eee, oe (9 lo MO! ors eee Sl kame so J. Wilson, W. E. Davidson, Van-|ber is Brother Moody. Why] Se card Buy one ecard and P We do upholstering and re-|couver; Andrew Jack; Geo. Hill,|/then does he not patronize the | wat: tres cards for 100 g | pate work for spring cleanups.|Riga, Russia. higher priced shop? Is it that } x | Geo. D. Tite, the funiture dealer, . Septal cleans iin he insists’ on cutting labor and 1h i } ae avenue. 74tf An Expensive eiemincs at eee LADIES’ VESTS a No. 6—Out out and paste in your ae “My husband sees pink ele- Mr. Morrissey was WhOnE | RIBB Ro al recipe book. Reversible scrims, one yard| | phants when he drinks.” when he accused the Daily News Whit Sumer Und ONS i an f ag > ‘ » . i LIiLé Sume 1der y iexotve~onb: talilaapone Sutton, in |wide, regular value 35c, special! “Mine has a worse delusion of calling the patrons of Mr. St. ee will Satta oil v 1 . m™ ’ Pa ir , r sais, i or thou pint hot milk, When luke warm |price 20c yard at Geo. D. Tite's. }than that. He sees green dogs. Louis as “bums. This was said ' Mad . Fie Duch. } tan ar stir in one quart Royal Standard, | leit a gd It's expensive, too.” by a witness im eourt and report- clay made o i a } ¥ sate ee “a Cc yeas a ee Se . : Fs tie arn, I 108 wa arian ig 1 ahaa, Sek | The rough weather outside}; “How's that?” ed by the Daily News verbatim. ea re Age “| use work into dough ti smooth; lye i hed . ba, ese In conclusion I would say that weave, low neck Price 2b¢ 0) a arker m0 stand overnight, work softly and jhas made fishing poor on the Why, he goes and buys li- ; ; Buy one and get two for 40c | ( \ w. é ' woeess : ; : ; a vy one ¢ re 0 for ) \ roll out half-ineh and cut into rolls jhalibut banks. Very few fish!eenses for ’em.” I had Mr. St. Louis in my employ | 4 , 5 We C S and set to rise for 30 minutes; jare coming in this week. i Ia 2a as ras for a few hours and had to fire | then “pake. "BETTY BROWN. Pen Your opportunity is in Port|!im because my patrons would 1 ro = | 7 Uniform Tested {firms of Prince Rupert are. ex- Cheap rates to Norwegian Cele- tecl, Second avenue, 91-9 | ; a bration in Norway, effective April F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor pecting a big building boom here 20th, 25th and 2Oth. = : } 8 Ss mer are aking all! Cheap rates to Norwegian San- PRINCE RUPERT i thi ummer and are making al gerhundin “(hiGago,? aftertive ‘May jhaste to be in readiness to sup- 19th and 20th. Phone 87 P.O. Box 1704 |ply the demand. Princess May, southbound, noon : | ¢ Sete } Friday { | J. G. MCNAB, Generar Agent | Mr. Ogilvie the Dominion | Corner 3rd Avenue and 6th Street 9 ( i, io ' jom iomo mo oF oo} & io! oe es at reed a FIRST CLASS QUISINE lal o it laska wundary | | Water in She ee we }line survey, is daily expected | PAA eRe aaannneeeE nL Hot ‘and neigh othe PRINCE RUPERT, B. C back from Ottawa. Several | & 567—PHONE—-567 * ° | nly finest brands of Liquore and oe j}members of his party have al- te 7 Cigare kept eeccoroerrrtt a eady arrived in the ecity and|+* ¥ Xi * THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN ; . | immediately upon his arri- | A * Se RITCHIE. AGNEW & CO proceed rth to take up 7 HOMME & FISHE? ° | { I a ‘ P ALY. MAREIORR % urns. : THERE 18 A ieir Guties in the internationa p “iItveY if Large Seven-Passenger Machine x preeey enare Civil Engineers and B. ©. Land invey, n j