THE DAILY NEWS / 2ceer. Ae Seiten menace Friday Apri 4, 1944 iH Pay i A PE Se as a a Pelt itedg ee THE BREWERYS OWN BOTTLING Wey.” yy THE BEER WITHOUT A PEER VANCOUVER. 8.C. i Stick to this Label When Ordering Beer year for wages and supplies. LIMITED VANCOUVER, B.C. and keep this money in the province where you make your living. We spent over $300,000 in British Columbia last Vancouver Breweries i i momo oom ome socom omomis No. 56—Cut out and paste in your oyal recipe book. Dissolve one tablespoon butter in pint hot milk. When Inke warm ° an ar stir in one quart Royal Standard, one beaten egg, on tea cup yeast; Parker House work into dough till smooth; let stand overnight, work softly and roll out half-inch and cut into rolls 0 S$ and set to rise for 30 minutes; then bake. —BETTY BROWN. OYAL Standard lifts any recipe out of commonplace. ite chief appeal to the housewife is its uniform excellence. it performs in precisely the same way 365 bakes days in the year. Here’s your “memory word” for “flour’’—-ROYAL STANDARD! Thousands of cooks have remembered and used ROYAL STAN- ARD since the day it was first put on the market. Why not you? Use ROYAL STANDARD and memories of that “spoiled batch’ will vanish. Why not ’phone your grocer now for a sack lest you forget? BOysL STANAR eo FLOUR F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT (Ces oom oo momo momomiomomome) Tan ¢ Ss DOLIS In our new “Easy-Opening-Box.” No trouble. No muss. THE F. F. DALLEY Co., LTD. ___ BUFFALO, N. ¥. HAMILTON, ONT. ee Tint your WALLS With HALL’S DISTEMPER Sanitary, Washable Water Paint. Over 100 beautiful art shades. Write for illustrated booklet ‘How to Decorate.” A. J. Galland - Hardware Bole Local Agent McBRIDE STREET PRINCE RUPERT \* Try Smith & Killas* ice cream | | | Kat at the London Cafe 8iti Have you a lot of your own? Secure one in Port Edward now rae Graham Island is preparing jfor its new automobile se on its north bee ach. 87 Pinos Fine line of veilings, regulat 75 to 85e values for 50c¢ per yd at Demers’. 94 ar ae Shrewd investors are buying in Port Edward before the rail way is completed. Fine line of veilings, regula at Demers’. 94 price 20c yard at Geo. D. Tite's. for $10.00, during the. sale at Demers’. 94 Ww oe For houses and stores to rent, and fire insurance in board com- panies. J, Lorne MacLaren. What everyone should know: for $10.00, during the sale at Demers’. 94 Your opportunity is in Port Edward; investigate prices. The back doors in the city jail are being closed up. One is bar- ricaded with timbers and the other is walled in with cement. The World is the first Van couver paper to break the price bia. It is now sold at two cents on the streets. Mrs. Walter Owen and chil- dren left this morning for Van couver, where they will make wishes and invitations to return. Chief Owen will not leave for his new position for a few days yet 6.5 San ae The railway to be used for hauling freight from the head of ®hawatlans lake to the power | plant is nearly complete The rails are laid half way to the plant. Three drunks appeared in po- constable showed he was s¢ bunk during the night. The mag- taking up the time of the court. . , * According to Conservative ad- vices from the war office in Vie- toria, the MeBride government with the $35,000 for Morse creek bridge, which they reniged on recently. The proposal made by them now is to give the city an I, O. U. for the amount to be paid next year Apparently the C. N R. got all the real money. : Local and Personal | FOI ROTOR TOI TOR TORTI TORT AIIM A IAA II ISIIISIASIAIISSAISSISISAASIA AAA 75 to 85c values for 50c per yd., Reversible scrims, one yard wide, regular value 35c, special A line of fine tailored suits 94-96 | People of discriminating taste dine at the G. T. P. Cafe. 83tf A line of fine tailored suits in newspapers in British Colum-| their home. Their many friends! here showered them with good) lice court this morning Two pleaded guilty and were charged 85 The third didn’t think he was drunk. The evidence of the drunk that he fell out of his istrate charged him 82 extra for promises to come through later NEW SPECIAL put on every day DURING THE SALE DEMERS Third Avenue ee om ere sree see eer er ere sere 3200 Acres Crown Granted ON SKEENA RIVER and adjoining railroad $10.00 per acre, and very easy terms Harrison, Gamble & Go, Third Avenue AGU OOOO UU OOO OOOO OOOO OOOCOROUEURGUBE UU UC URE . . . » * Have you & lot of your own? ‘ure one in Port Edward now \ meeting of all those inter ed in baseball will be held in office of the Pacific Realty pany this evening. The boys pect to utilize the new recrea n grounds this year BILL TOLD MAGISTRATE HE WON'T BE BACK Wm. Vincent, charged with vagrancy and being an interdict vas before Magistrate Carss this morning. He was penitent and wanted to go fishing “T have a partner waiting on the jaunch for me. We are ready to go off on an eight day trip “Well, Tl let von go this time, bul if you ever come up again I'll fix vou good.” “Many thanks, your’ honor; Pll not be back,” and Bill skip ped down stairs like a boy just out from = sehool, THE WEATHER | Furnished by F. W. Dawling Observer | 1 {For the 24 hours ending 5 a.m., April 24, 19144. Barometer reduced to sca POR: PIO has ares bs ease 29.984 FATTO R roe isos Wat os 6. vac) 48. POW OO ARTS the iavacs Scarica 40. ERGREDD ic ocied 5752 Crick oe oun