GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: THE DAILY NEWS There is probably no truth In ve leading Paper | the report that the Gillette Go. « Rupert’s wants a photo of the city finance + AELIABLE ALIVE minister for advertising purposes. TC 2 “ELE WANTS GOVERNMENT OWNED STEANSHIPS - — —————— _—_—_—<—<_==[KK[Ie=Ie“"“K=NxRlrau—unanauUcUCUmaua_=_ i _ are J. S. CONSUL HAS ARRIVED AT VERA CRUZ-—-BRITISH ENGINEERS THROWN INTO MEXICAN JAIL XICAN FEDERAL TROOPS —— FIRE ON UNITED STATES CITY ERAL KILLED AND WOUNDED AND MUCH DAMAGE DONE 70 PROPERTY—U. 8. TROOPS DID,NOT CROSS BORDER NORTH ATLANTIC RATES HIGH SUGGEST GOVT. COMPETITION DELAY IN CONTROLLING RATES CAUSES DISSATISFACTION— PRIVATE COMPETITION ONLY SOLUTION Special to The Daily News , Hon. Geo, BE. Foster said if the Ottawa, April 25.—During the April 24 ture has been mined on the \ were killed and|Mexiean side ready to be blown government went into the busi- ness of carrying agricultural by forces of}up at the first sign of activity or } consideration of steamship sub- i . s . . s ye ventions in the commons, Pr.) oducts they would have to do Steele expressed dissatisfaction with the proposal to delay action the same*for other Canadian in- . |on the North Atlantic rates until | dustries. While it was com- the Dominion trade commission | paratively easy to control enquired into the matter. An ef-|the eoastwise trade, it*is a dif- fective method would be to put} arent matter to control the sea- government-owned boats into commission, which would effect />2ue commerce. The ultimate from aeross the | the part of the American troops} in Neuvo La-jat Fort MelIntosh, | can side, These! ‘ »} ere T , Ae Markel place | i fron Saskatchewan, is ¢ earned from them and the stud ¥ { Lion taken. ls LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ee AP \MLRED rhe beacon are dealers in agricultural im- are; l}middleweight wrestler of good/is a pleasure * % ; light we é Albert was out and the ¢ ran mn . plements. The Continental Trust Wm. Manson eputation, having followed the Rev. Canon Rix in supp iTS | fe se ae ake ak 3k 3K 3K 3 aE IE SiR SHE ake ae ote i her nose into the sand. One company “are “the igsigness: ; V. A.’Gole | ime: both in Ganada and thelthe idea suggested starting a Lie steamer Spokane’ sailS|hundred tons of coal had ‘to be fy icoay 2 ita Na \ W. D.. Vance lr is ted States for the past twelve|collection of curios and botani ’ south tonight taken off to lighten her. Before Notice to Contractors * J, A. Edwards ly are. cal specimens. Some valuable YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL 7 eye } proceeding south from this port Ry At" M ed. Henning. Roth men have been training}curios could be picked up and if aa City of Seattle will be in,)th@ Albert was inspected by the Tenders will be received by ll aceept the chal-j faithfully at the Windsor hotel,/a collection was started it migh Northewaalaan OE tte ee aie = fonye... ay the undersigned until April 27th, e a . e —_—O— ” P- age > + pe Yew Hazelton bali|a d apy to be in good con-j|be quartered in one of on ely Victori Lacoma 5. Mr. ‘@ldik: a Vanaouver sits Br Oe: MEvenaee ; 6 p. m., for the construction of * ie at New Hazelton |ditior Frank Smeathers, who is}permanent buildings he pr Vancouver 9. Seattle 2 Pore . Fee an.apartment house. Plans and day handling the exhibition, states}|posed new high school would be Bo a Spokané M ess man who was formerly in From the South specifications may be seen at the , that if any faking is attempted by|a good place : iess here and who has large Seaman: : office ef James Gilmore, archi- Fine New Launsh either wrestler, the referee will Officers were elected as fol Coast perty interests in the city, is Passenger list of the Prince}: second avenue. 91-97 \ ee declare ne contest” and thejlows: Hon. president, mis Hono Oakland San Francisco 0 lhere on a few. days’ visit. George, arriving this mene as ul, 65-foot keel, patrons will be refunded their|Judge Young; president, Mrs Venice 2, Portland 2. ae ae ve ore . um Presbyterian Services ® pas re , Oberg, § Ifferso ss Sloc . 7 De eee money Roberson; vice-president, H, | Sacramento 6, Los Angeles 2 rhe Princess Beatrice arrived | #°* ; they ; : b, M a F Rey, E. Smith of Macleod, i os : ate = ‘ Miss osto } Sloe ) ss Cc. . d EDM SOMOIS A Three good preliminaries will|Hemmell; secretary treasure ; sterday afternoon from the} MiSs Boston, Mr = F Alta., came in on today’s boat days will be ready ; ' National ; __|May, Mr. Pidgeon, J. R. Matthews, Mrs. + 7 i "|precede the wrestling match, in-|M Howitt committee Mis She brought a heavy ee le. in, 5 ae and will supply the pulpit of the f, ae COR ee eludin Rav and Thomas, who}|Jenns, Miss Du Vernet and Miss Philadeplhia 8, New York 2 mai Reval’. PRmane Tet eri omte iee Presbyterian church for the nex : 100-h.p., were made ™ ; . ; ¢ : F. Brown, ‘G. C. Hartley, Mr. Gabutt, M.j). 7 * eee po iad : made a good impression at the] Enoch . Brooklyn 8, Boston 4, —o— 3 Mr. EMiote see, “iebeuies > aan five Sundays. Before comiug C Ore eta te last smoker rhe other eontest- Arrangements will be made at St. Louis 8, Pittsburgh 4. | The Prineess May, south-| ay Suet ot Neat ae Smith was located in ther week These | '8° ae Ys and iv date f I first outin ! {. Chicago 2 | Palmer, Mr. Cookson, Mr? Monckton, H. C. BeeM Sta esi . ‘ | Ata acre ants are Gilmour and Nalpy and]Jan early date for the first ou e Cincinnat ' cago 2 } bound Was in port yesterday | Mage S -Gamonsi. “Mr, adenine aa the maritime provinces, where ne aes ee # . ; bot f Van-jof the new organizatior : on eee ans meee ’ Thy g ea as i ied iported very mueh Sanders and Tall 0 i l ) ; American jafternos She took on several] peacney, w. J. Scott, Gapt. -Brownrigs, a ld seve , ee charges. : " L ; renner sas iia : siwine ite Ris e | y : Services wi 8 , row nent towards sdly-|°OUVe® Do not follow others, be with New York 6, Philadelphia 7. jearload of fish at th AGO hap Sullivan, Mr. Watrin, E. Heal, J. Con yi one e held tomorrow ah uel) probe op pN'T BEAN ANYBODY the leaders; invest in Port Ed-| Boston 5, Washington 3 | Fisheries dock, nolly, Gordon * Bigeliy :J: iC. Metelian, MepTS TT o> a ; ; haf j trol s 6 —o— ;. 8 ati _E. 8 Mr. aaNet! rc much for the JUST KEPT 'EM HOPPING} ward before the industria! de Detroit 5, Sts Louis ¢ eo ! oe 1 cate { mith, 6, Bell, Rev. E. Smith, Mr Scottish Foo it ane ual! craft shipping veolpment Chicago-Cleveland, rain Phe Venture gailed south at 2 | nichols and wite, J.C. -Long, A.M Hamilt Acad | 2, Third ai ws — e 3 . t > "© s ' If they come up ; \ on CI Ip. m, She took big shipments of | Gottstein, Mr. Hetmack, Mr. McGonngan, I ae re AORRRIORT Me db rortle e, rill 24 ‘ 4s | sanark . ons of the owners Portl or a rizht handed exxaxnennnneyexyyy | fresh and frozen fish .from the|Mr. Graves, Mr. Anderson, W. R. Strachan, a ‘Ss Park 0,8. Mi 0 Mies Of this type PL is ee Ratan klar i Coast EON tet ¥ : {Mill Bay and Port Simpson|l- 8. Mankin, Mr, Harper, Mr. True, Mt Kite : i { Ab oh aa ' the ( e aklane as ar *k- 41, Aberdeen 2. brought here, as|?!" het . on ame ited. ie branches of the Kincoiith Paek-| Fortier, Mr. Bech and wife, L. M. Fuller Sef teteks os Mott neait a vague basebs eam, entere i : Malkirk 2, 2 . t ‘ saving of much leagu baseba i eaIn i : d R ing company Mrs, Coppersmith and child, Mr. Giuok, las atnerwe ins if e eo ere i yrocee . srpiaeitidlpiesda See 2 i in the price of waiety th a 1 . iit a na MP } } ; tet ciien Miss Gleason, W. S. Green and wife, B. Baptist § i ad to ape eg ) i { . j ed to dispel th oom a . bee cre Mckhellan, who has been|A- Crowe, A. J. Crowe, A. Kobe, Bo Me : japtis ervices . tony of a rainy and dismal after- | WDA A?» ‘ ws Sunday school and morning ot, wh y catapult birdshot TO-NIGHT: spending: thevwinter in ‘Vancou- | Davis, 7 “MeDavit, J. "Barting "amiieds “A: bc ishin et 4A Mr. Ling Dano non y catapulting ‘dish eee ee 8 F ‘orship a a.m. vr, Lingey ‘ ‘neing Academy nool e ( ” po Batata yer came in wiki anopning for a | Cunninebem | I nze) Is ee i oO a ons will be given from speaks on “The Yoke of Christ” »* > »* i : ¥ * * * + * * * * * * »* ¥ a lays’ busi tr rc d ; yods ie chorus girls, His|*® A FINE SIX-PART SHOW—6 OW GANS. DUGERESS hEID.. ls “4s ar ga ha RS Ree at the young people’s meeting : ‘ay and Priday even- ane ap 5 sallaat Nobody |% a *\finds Vancouver very quiet and Mail Matter.a Barometer 7 ry Aeon went ri ‘ntyre Hall, { yj delivery WAS Oxu " * : vents ¥ i not like o recover its if , ‘We ave seve i rae ore en Sera 5 . M. Cooper, j seat or walked off Pruitt’s delivery—In- | x PART 1—PATHE'S WEEKEY REVIGIS Of world events, * a ee ane ie ee I oe rs wy on mat} when the pastor will speak © on a 93-08 deed, everybody was kept hop-|¥ including interesting wews in Mexico. = | Cnersy TOF Rome ‘tame. wee St ena oat aaa ei “Preparation for Harvest.” -95 ; : : * o— port, and every one. o rem Po one e chorus girl told an|*® 3 ‘ ” { arts \ } __ ee | i a I t PART 2- < e WREABURE” :in ‘wo oy 7 \ hagpy “eathering of kiddies brings a big shipment of mail. Mr rne astigt g office 7 . , TS Ss Fi ra, » mn , Werreonconceapabeabbeinaibanan ~ ion Sigs he aon iieemile’ ‘ fine Kleine Ging HAR T\enjoyed a faney dress party at This was the remark of @ man arene, a ere " “ART FOR A HEART”’ An unusually fine #)the home of Mrs. P. I. Palmer}whose business calls him to the ODD: ‘ ') bean anybody, PART 4— ; ret tats oY ep Due! . ELLOWS ANNIVER- } net ae a $ Comedy + last evening. Later some of the| waterfront. FRESH SARY le protestet : *l older ‘ . ' . . “Tho . es are a @ Y SERVICE “Tt would have been easier if]% parr 5—"MYSTERY OF GRANDFATHER'S CLOcK’— ¥/°!/°" youns people dropped in Phe mail bags are :4 goof e arfull ¥ : alease * and had a merry dance, barometer of the growth of pop- nei he had,’ declared a tearful] & A late Kalem release. * : , cae is are pro-|* ss * —0— ulation and commerce in the dis- , ' abe) ur heads ¢ - : : } t “fellows will attend Divine ohoras gir! si y stookingé x PART 6—“‘WHEN FATHER HAS HIS WAY \ Comedy 7 A. oH romlinson, provincial|triet of which Prince Rupert 1s ie . Sunday evening, April tected; but ngae * ne + he ulturist, is" leaving tomor-|the distributing centre, and I All ¢ tellauitele ss na) re ip “ ci 15c-—ADMISSION—1t5c 10c-—-CHILDREN—10c * for a trip to Vietoria on|must say the development in the —at— sae n the city are re~ risorderly cCONdUOS . iffie siness . ke| pas sn at De en : anal: rs ' (0 assemble at the tocat charge against Pitcher Pruitt. * Matinees every Wednesday Thursday Afternoon at 2:30. ir ia): oe emit wa Pe i. xvenr hes basn phelomenes FRIZ ZELL’S 40 9 2M (Helgerson Block) at Beer ee —_————_—- * vek's stayin the Bella Coola | ey p.m vO : ank | rola Pitonlae hee We do upholstering and re- cOMING—Mary Pickford in “A GOOD LITTLE DEVIL" — 7 n his way back. : J. Keleh of Kit ele ha inet: MEAT “ @ THORNE, if gee enring cleanups. * te pene jundergone an operation in e; W. @. BARRE, oo oe ne ae OP tai ae Five Parts. * Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. |hospital for appendicitis. He is; WARKET ied. D. Tite, the ? ’ ) , . . en ‘a . Cope ns Third avenue. TEA | RAR AAAI R AR IAAI IAAI IAAI TI IR IIR RIOT IO IIR IOIOIIIII IIL OTLE tf} improving very nicely.