THE DAILY NEWs ———— , i | ‘te Mes eS tere MUA S J re: ; ime AEF ee BD Bp a = I d Nf 7 23) tas) a} ~ je Fe eee | s Fresh from thc Gardens i Pay” te eels woe sp BASEBALL | ae ona: 5) eee LAWN TENNis if ; ; re ; ‘ ont ie EpeTeaue | HOCKEY 40 of the finest Tea-producing country 10 dF t} | ee a\(? ( 7 oy le Wworid, : : 2 i so i a) io PPE LZ Pha (Binge : . ws Um Y ACEI) (% ee Mlle td een mg (Wt et dd eine s the é, ( [ duggesy Me-/fittle Rivlishma i that Cs that ( ‘ a { beat me Gra i i hard time there was sometl ss with bes Ny Vn vpitat in ts ive Ai ty : witelae him, as he wa o stop ; | Owed ease % a after boxing seve Next ’ f a hed New York stat And ) . ten man to Jem Driscoll in was P the fans can find s for the e j } if thas probably the bes erweight elanc ever Amerier 1 » 047 addened = souls by going cup with 2 See the? ns Ceylon Tea. Sealed Lead Packets Only. vatel i anadi eams e] if , : 6 ner Pa ; raree . oe ss “17 ci : ik Clean and Simple. wets oe read BS ee “d battles whe \merican Try it—it’s delicious. BLACK, MIXED or GREEN. ance of a tor Booklet, gaged the entle pastime of|cl ‘ vith te hare a ¢ Limited, Montreal Ranke ; champion was al Owen | t also e sti f being " 0 Sch ho was|tas al the di f in , > e | George Carpentier the French|p } { by the r oit. clud the only boxer to Battling , Ee | | | j lie] fror ! Var rthwerst Nelson take the ¢ This hap : : , eae +e pChHAaAMpion 1as Signed articles |? YANCOUVE VO ‘ste . HERE EY er ‘ ‘nies ' ened in 1910 ats Franciseo. B t / PB d S l — . 3 | I t twenty-round contest w th |‘ mg fall, has oie oO eau l u 1erce l verware sg OR + TAXI :| Gunboa Smith, for ae stake of net : It Une mnors He Ww} t f atm ——_—_—_—_— bang : inte 00 nie Fir twill 1 to. Vancouvet en the ope game 0 | mums $1985,000 offered Uy Dik were 2 d Rich Cut Glass for Spring Brid e % and a le bet of 82.500 , The | o— professional lacross he B. | an ic ul ass for pring rides ei. 5 a | Ha ‘omm Muro C a staged at Ni West- q peat Is to lake place in June at Iwh d ‘ e I : wi ed Se , ! : p Our catalogue illustrates with especial prominence, those two fine | Vili) ereated a lie inater o ‘Lor d ay Zo 5 -PHONE--7 * eae | Riteh ‘ the lightweih champ- dolar 40% habs Aes tr velve lines which are looked upon with the highest favor by all wedding gift ) q| we | on } beer ‘ h { $n a wit? rae Vv oe : a4) ¢: { ‘ buyers and are exceedingly appropriate for this purpose. al \ letter received from Joe!’ °° és He 1Or Al meets ie ant ver Athleties : ; } ‘ { i { : P ; 1 1 i We offer this silverware, which is manufactured In our own factory, ( air | | { { twenty-round bout at San Fran- the famous Sal: ibel will NCE RUPERT AUTO CO ia : 2 cates that the Vic | cise: I June with Freddieltake the field vith a change by expert silveremiths, «t the lowest possible cost to you. “al HEI III STATI A | erie Mentweight will remain: in| Welsh the British chafpion from last year’s lineup. Although Our Cut Glass stock shows the best grades on the market and is ¥ * |‘ ilifornia f some time, Bay-| The date will be fixed later it has been persistent mored made in all the newest designs. 01 Bee ae weeesiley is being handled by Jimmy Pe that some of the We minster All goods ordered through our Mail Department will be sent prepaid | Britt ind the latter is anxious King George has intimated his pros would journey to the east to points in 8. C., and money will be refunded when goods are not $6, 500. to ecure a return bout with | intention of witnessing the final|this year, the twelve have a as entirely satisfactory. ; | Willie Hoppe for the Canuck|]mateh betweer Liverpool and|Ssigned contracts | vay ny f one-third cash, balance | hy ai ‘ e akin the Res ‘it ! ge the cor instalments one and two jteniweigh Another match |}Burnley for the English cup, the Royal City d : b aut 7 per cent, buys het, 5) } | hict : a YI ing season, according to Secre-| Sj 3 in d ’ tion 1, opposite Gov- | which takes place today Shee. ave Giithrist o e Ne S ] t te aitding site and with a will be the first important asso- sary cas : ae tt w 7 Men } Henry Birks G ons, imt € 1 frontage of 65 feet. : | ; Westminster club iat arecieaaal The Brown I srsity man se : 4 iciation game to be witnessed by 1 ies Mark, Johnny} *" Peaneeee VOCSIVY, Ine re A GENUINE BARGAIN thse f , twelve are: Bun Clark, Johnny} o e Toronto orne > Exclusively with ai ; | the king, the attendance of his nwird “Huck? ataratiall George | ure 2 "7 . 7 r nt inka en JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS . majesty having heen hitherto ; ; re Le in Hughie} tiona ague team oO : confined to Rugby contests be a res ree L Tube * | sjoston Americans. Snell is Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director) VANCOUVER, B.C a ” % ford, Pat Freeney, Bil we : oO s ace as sec ‘ ne tN | STEPHENS R 60 LT) tween the army and navy His |), i I Wintemute Gordon| 5¥UFé i Ai place a econd | \ 7 7 ‘ txt the Crvstal ee : | cateher for Toronto. i ~ a Estate Notaries Insurance majesty’s visi 0 we Ul “"'Spring, Cliff Spring and Len] —___—_— A POOR OEOOOt*RO OOOO palace will be immensely popu- iTurnbull George Rennie will} e or ht | oe lar, and will revive public inter act as manager in place of the] For Sale est, which waned owing to the|r¢,.mep manager. Tommy. Gif HARRY HANSON purely Laneastrian character of} to.q) whose resignation was re Piano (Blundall) slightly used, the contest, both Liverpool and] ..44), accepted by the club $325. This is a special bargain. THE RELIABLE PLUMSER Burnley being in the North = of G | Prince Rupert Music Store, op-! 4 69 Second Ave., near MoBride England county of Lancashire Same Old Story posite post office. stot ’ —o— | ecto stan Piano, almost new, $250.) ye Enduring the cold waters of] yg, leams are claiming the|Owner Jeaving city. P. O. Box] aT R. GILROY, DENTIST Elliott bay, Seattle, for one hour pennant. 644. : 91-97 i ; Work and thirty-five minutes, Henry |ppey cay We'll cop that rag; ge ork a | Hanson, a young German butcher But we've. heard. this same cia Eee ee | Y Mathien’s Syru i Smith Bik., Third Avenue successfully swam the harbor ty inate! wnat oni u Dp Sunday from West Seattle to the} ang thy » Maes g HW th a Spring street float, establishing | fa tira oF | ef Tar and Ced Liver Of] Be HON TRANSFER co a record and accomplishing aj } Ey j ps t ie. Pua ; not only stops a coug cures RAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE feat that cost the world-renown- Notice : ts | ; I - d fative South Wellington Coal ed swimmer Arthur Cavill his Storage belonging to Joe Jor-| Buy Your Plumbing It ts tonic an restorative RESIDENCK: 110 life six weeks ago. “Hanson is 22)) on jeft in the Houston Cafe} : » F * properties enable the system to PRINCE RUPERT vears old, and only his superb will be sold by private sale after Supplies Direct rom permanently throw off a cold. | condition and youth made the 30 days if not settled for and re-} Us and Save Money T tte 1 suceessful When taken] | | BOA I BUILDER : ri i. i ei kin wa "y | moved. LAIR es @re the largest prombing house jn | 35¢ for large bottle. -~ rem the water S SKI v Ss i ~ GE = cL t.] Titish Cc bi Min frect to the # | PRES 4 tnn {94 -44i EO. I | pubite we oay in big quantities and er Sold everywhere. and his cireulation almost stoy | | for cash Thus we save you the middic SLPON ped, and it was plain that had fit and you de Bar Bam, fer.t J. L. MATHIRU CO., Prep, SHERBROOKE. Phone Green 321 ee Uae ane Sue Deen slumber In British Colum i » ove lone ; . less the swim would have re } pare our prices, For instan oy Ly t — Pats | for }-inch ga!vanized pir 7 & sulted fatally. 100 feet: §-inch ‘ - Phone 43 are $6.20 per 100 feet; ’ G ; N f | 1 $9.15 per 106 fil § 1 , US ews comes rom Mae ens ‘ ts ‘ : rontracter N TH yHAT you : ue WILLIAM I, HO E that Owen Moran has ce , SEED TN THE PLUMBING re) F TT ie R fe fy B.C. Land Surveyo" see ulosis a a is fearet i AND HEATING LING WE 95¢ ; ; A Cuiev ee has but a short time to tiv = x COD LIVER OIL | INCE RUPERT I Box i . t ia l | 5 bi . ‘s last appearance in New et your plumb up- \ — Moran last ay : rant piles direct ae os wry ; 1 rk was with oung Shuere ave money, Send alo your specifion : : JAMES GILMORE dain aan a . tone ‘and ’re owl sive you" pee. ' a ; ‘ idison quare garde ist plete delivered tn your town, by re = Architect OUTFIELOER Veer. MaOy January At that time th evel all, WITHOUT COST TO YOU. ' av rcohitec slid e towards | J@nuar iS ms ie arene ; . pay two prices for your, plut SOOO I I Ca a “ \ McBride Street ! of last season with piles, We ean supply. everything f ‘i ' ‘ ty | International eague | Scottish League bathroom at great saving to 4 a ' gh j : f rite us today about your plumbing ~ um In Gal if t ERI HOP ind whose WO! it net heating problems, lt will cost you n t | ie I'd f () ’ ‘ AL NW ACHINE § i ing has been uniformly The following table is \ : * and sheet metal work 1 plete up to but not including E : Repairing Quickly Done , | dav’s ge : nd . ; g ay’s games pene t W Pi b C Ld | 4 Pow. LD. Pts epee rel | | ak fale uploek estern Fiumbing Lo., Mis t BA PHONE RED 156 | tha ning up for Bayley is} | 35 98 ; 5 , * HH a bout with Frenchie!) mcg BOI III III III III II III IISA III IO TSI ISIS SAIS IS AAAS AAI AS ot i | Rangers 360 i Land District—District of Coast, | Vx jx; the four-round route|}™ cob ga s , —_—__- tie Ringe Five. re Hears 37 : i | EF that { William McK. |“ Peewee Morton 37.26 9 : f Kupert, B? C., occupa 0 . 7 «49 e f we eh end to apply for per \ : ; the New York Falkirk 37 \ the following de _s Airdrieonians 87 8 ea e al ews mmeneir at a Jost Q Lite] i s $15, s i . I te s east and 40. chains | Ever Hitehie Ww mi LOS TT indaa 7 18 «(44 i _- ist corner of Tre oad ealal Frisco on J 3 | i Re 8. thence south 40/000 to Wels): su Third Lanark pete! KEY 11 : ] *0 cha e west 80 chains to) ,) ; ‘ villing to 20 2O)}ayr United 87 13 18 - — . 80 chains along the |* a ) aoa buing t of commencement; ; } but eserve the right | Clyde #74, 40) We a me eee ee es es ee res es se ed PS oe sO Ph OY Yt a ee a ee g more or Jess ee Raith Rovers ae i2 i8 ; WM. McK, LOGAN. |i, nay n weight, not less | 8a" / FOI I * : 7 See /40 name | he { Kilmarnock 36 10 17 fs SII RII II FI IIR II IAI IA II III IIIS ISS IIS ISAS SII SIA ISIIA i , than 1 ‘ Late: on ¢ votherwell 35 11 «18 | { { otnsormaptall emma ey he & Land District—District of Coast, | vy insist on choosing the kind ; Reheat ss gp | matter tse es rams es re It i F Range Five. ma it he latter be } Paytick, Thistle 36 «1 “ { * - it I, Andrew sLean, | of gloves he wants, te lable s 8 35 14 19 27, | ' nce 5 EM eupenon or ce) trom examination, a|Mibertian sg is 9 a7 | CATCHER WILLIAM KELLY |) + | * ™ to apply for per-}' , , f time between | Aberdeen n. ‘ ) burg Ni ee) a ee x ; the following de-|reasonable space of lin 3 be [Hamilton Acad 36 «10 «20 26 |Secured from the Pittsburg a-|{ * ! * i , tinmencir at a 081 the referee ye | : @ ~ | e o is shi ge excel- } at chains east ana’ 60;counts should a ; a ne F }Queen’s Park 35 «9 18 26 | tionals, who i howin Ort el * * { ; hortheast corner Of |e mmipetled to coun aquring &@| ; 37 9 21 7 8 lent form for the Leafs of To } * j * Hi 1838 at a point on nd a few other | Dumbarton . | a al League ¥ x ‘ ¢ ine of an tsland,| knock-down ane , ‘st. Mirren 36 8 24 2Oe 5 ronto Inte iallona sCarue, } . i x ‘ins to the southerly | +), jn og , 7 THE x , esterly, borsherly eng — — * / { K ie Sinuosities o 1e€ »* : nt of commencement; { * { boa a a Northern B. C. more or less, | a or rince Raper a { wy DREW MACLEAN, —— 1d» { DA I L y : H ick, Logan, Agert. * b { : { * pal t cos Race | | * j S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in { ne ; and Distr ol j om saitlietn th die | Range He ot of Const, aa i] F j N Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of { Y . iat I, David Cook | fe ] y ] the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all * } 4 ert, B. C,, occupa j : : ; ‘ th apply Tor Permission | bs i. + | is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events { y & described lands; | ; | " > itis } ; : t planted about 10 | i 7 } and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- $ { ! 1108 north of the : ite a are i Pr emption Record | j 7 } SAFE bia It treats these subjects with moderate opti- ; Al the northerly shore | is . , realig Fi ; ence south 66 chains | * j SANE mism and reliability f re line, theice east- * The Daily News is the most valuable paper to t p westerly following the | } »* / , 3 a ie ! iinet ror of } 7 i SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. t / we a Htainin acres, | | a | | ¥ RTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in { 4 ‘ ‘VID COOK STRANG,. / * IMPA , nlags 2 > 4 j nh McK Loman, Sane | j * the vity. U is read by the class of people the { : | | ] 7 ] INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to. { | } NOTICE ly) £ } INTELLIGENT bos i? aes Wo { | i * f an application for} } y ! re : -THE——_-—-—_—__-—_-— ertificates of title for / * | ‘ hg tlon 5, and Lots 18 | | »* 1 j otlon 7, City oF | 2 | i » 3& HEREBY GIVEN that it ts| it * © after the expiration y i m the fires publication } * } | 1 es of title in the LIN LEA . : i" B. Snoderass tor the | CHAMPIONS OF TEMISKAMING BOWLING LEAGUE ye) t Ot neh ; January 1944. ee ees | : © Team, champions of Temiskaming Leagye, who finished in the money fh mite ee See ; 1 Ms y ‘re numbered 349 1 and New Liskehard Hn Sesene . Tha ae . ; ‘. . ane . hans ; sad in the A. B. G. tournament in Buffalo, They were sec ond in the list of seventeen Canadian * { FOI III RII RIO IO OIRO III IIIA IAI AAAS ISAS IAA AS IAS AA AAASAA AAI A. 1 } ; HF. MacLEop, PNOS fop row, left to right—Jay Perault, Prescott Weodward, Ernest Lapointe, 1] ] we ANd Regis) ,, District Registrar, ‘ompetite Op FOW, . . ” Tildar } . ia) * eh ok ees re — 7° we March bth, sgqqce Prince Rupert, B, v a Froge Bottom’ row-—S, 8. Ritchie, J. J, Solomon,,Chas. Wilder, | Sree erate a rn rene ne tan EA EE em ga ‘i § eG ‘ ’ go) -