THE DAILY NEWS leading Paper . THE DAILY NE WS GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: Funny the alderman with all the prince Rupert's curiosity never asks what became AELIABLE ALIVE of that Sunday pool bylaw. tive j ary TS x , rn — = —— - a = eS = = — = = = — See . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1944 FS c : PRICE FIVE CENTS 0 HUNDRED MINERS LOST LIVES IN EXP ———$$$—$_$__—_——_ ANADIAN NORTHERN GRABS FORTY MILLIONS FROM DOMINION -- FI FISHERMAN DROWNED SOME TORIES WILL NOT ADIAN NORTHERN GETS FORTY MILLION DOLLARS «... +c Parliament Walk Out of Conservative Caucus TAILS OF AGREEMENT MAD MADE PUBLIC — ASSETS OF COM- PANY GIVEN AS SECURITY — GOVERNMENT WILL | REAR-ADMIRAL BADGER SUPERVISE EXPENDITURE Ottawa, Ap *8.—R. B. Ben- a dna jnett and W. T. Ni walked out Daily News) sidiary companies on which | 0! a ( np e ve ¢ mas —— 29.—The details | money was spent by the MACE eee ane ant et ; ite GOV arAIeD zie-~-Mann company and meecen =} rep rted | iH Rarahann vai he, be ee zie and Mann in dividually. They|ed the fue three left after Premier Borden | ; ; prise the country | ##ree absolutely to release all|hearing the pt posals, which he government as-|claims against the C. N. R. for | they ¢ et were. IMP. His 2 nt . veins eee Lerests of the railway promoters. trol of the sys-j|profits in construction or com- They fi Ge eatan ht aos ' - C. N. R, system ene or other consideration | nga are sat ges a. nies € ae tT me seve fe eer Se and that ‘ited Seti vote and g tt N.R. system. /vision is made for the super- oe "s F % ted stock of thelvision of the proceeds of inept ree te e DEve ae ee- is reduced from | guaranteed securities and tol use. and forty millions |make certain that it will be ap-| Bennett is the Calvary mem- ed millions, whereof|piied on the completion and bet-|fer, one of the big men of the} nt receives out-|lerment of the system In casé/west, and a_ talented speaker Ons The gov-jof default the vad will become|}Burnham is a newspaper man} cled by a mort j the absolute property of the Do-|from Peterboro. Ont.. and Nickle Cc. N. R. and the en-|minion, subject only to its bond|/is the member for Kingston AIT each of the sub-|indebtedness three have always shown more o1 less independence of party ties RGES OF GRAFT ARE MADE OVER BUILDING N. B. RAILWAY | B. CARVEL IN HOUSE OF COMMONS TELLS OF CORRUP- INDEPENDENT LICENSES | ARE ALL APPLIED FOR Inspector Williams of Dominion | Fisheries Department Visiting | Canneries of District | TION — LARGE SUM OF MONEY NOT ACCOUNTED Cera FOR John T. Williams, chief fish-} Pe ee oT oe oes eries inspector of District No. 2,} The Daily News rscandal against the Federal g0-jarrived here in his boat the Fal-| Ay 29.—The recent|vernment andesaid that there|con yesterday He is making ad New Brunswick! Was boodling in connection with] preliminary inspection trip over | with the construc. {the building of the line; the road|the district. When seen by The| (ta : was badly constructed and did|News Mr. Wiliams said the de-| one et PMI not cost nearly as much as was!partment this year would make] ibject of a debate |e¢jaimed, and claimed that the special efforts to protect the | ( s yesterday. Mr.|balance of the money should be|spawning beds of the sockeye. | ( made a charge of |accounted for. On the Upper Naas river fisher-| ee ies officers will be located at} ivans and Greenville t re-|} Novel Picture Feature Excellent Catch of Fish sor 9 my : ; : ‘e ven 1? indians woachning I ne | Te spe g beds | ul zi a : aa ee Moria Broadhurst | SP@wnin theatre is putting ' ; Reese: re “We are having good success] ew feature in a/and C. P. Judge were across the ner se nan that will|ha vesterday with their fish- with the independe Hgn- ee : tackl and succeeded injehmens licenses this 175 eee fot arte # ve 3 : 5 jhave been issued 5 4 Love.” the girl d several handsome trout.|- : : na bis rhe biggest was a rainbow that|224 they have all be« Cn. ay is taken the public , + al ' on nine tor Rivers inlet there are 19 mn] vherever exhibited elenec abou seven p ots Matisen< 00 dandeat: Bella. ( is ent has gone to|Th were also a number af on I wring smaller ones the d take. the) 7". i securing this |* i: i). aan 7 Wilts ak canolicat Bea e and yet they ex-)? ees oe , f b a “Ithese licenses have to be in| if popular prices * of il streams seem to be teeming ie MEE Nehanmen do Hol { and the public | th the finny tribe. ‘ate eth Sune 4 ss this excellent eae Mr. Williams says the canner- of seeing this pic-| Welch Wine ies are all making preparations Los Angeles, April 29 Fred- (an ethiateabe fia voar, andi die Welsh was given the decis- with the price going up the can ing lady to do of-|ion over Leach Cross in twenty]... ought to make som: profits McRae Bros. Ltd. lrounds of rotten fighting here 96-98 |last night SHOOTING AFFRAY STILL HAS EFFECTS | TARBALL UUUUO LULU UR ARE REIKO Bow tT) MERRIE nate, if x his home in New Hazelton on to 7 ~ s train after a short sit in MPRESS [THEATRE iit cis ° *ithat the vacant Macotine attray ¥ and robbery up there has spread TO NIGHT. Tha nervousness throughout the oan - noe *}country, especially among ihe ed] t women, that will last for some * time * ) BIG FEATURE SHOW = 3." spare ins tne. rer —_ {were a band of Russian nihilists T operating all over the west. \ 7 picture of about thirty taken in Ihe] FROHMAN PRESENTS BY ARRANGEMEN'I * Prince Rupert in which — the a © a|killed robbers appear is in the WITH PAVID BELASCO * hands of the police. It is be *}lieved that the missing robber, . s ) »( the leg is CHAR *)who is wounded in g MING MARY PICKFORD in her original role in * iden aay’ and ‘cared ae he hid 7 friends, who are still numerous 66 h ( Re vil’ x in the country. The Good Little Devi : a . Kyax Refitted * f 5——PARTS—5 + Messrs. Akerburge & Thompson x have just completed the refitting Supported by Wm. Norris and Ernest Truex 7 of the ‘government launch Kyax, *|'They have had a 30-h. p. Frisco 1m ae <1 Standard engine installed and 7 ¥ { “renovated It is %|the whole boat renova : Treat for Young and Old x now as spic and span as a new 250 * | boat and is said to be faster than ‘ °—ADMISSION—260 150—CHILDREN—150 x ever. J. T. Williams is the local ; * | head The work carried out by | + the local firm shows that they " Pen at 7:45. First show starts at 0 Second 7 are capable of handling the very ; ; *lbest jobs on the market, show starts at 9 otclock * best J eth t Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. COCO II ICI III II II IIT I III TAIT Phone i tf In command of the Atlantic fleet of the United States nayy con- sisting of 16 Dreadnaught« at} command | and smaller vessels now Tampico. He has f 20,000- marines. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL faprthwestern Vancouver 0, Victoria 1 SBattle 0, Spokane 6 Portland 7, Tacoma 5. Coast San Francisto 4, Portland 2. Sacramento 7, Oakland 1. National St. Louis 41, Cineinnatti 6. Pittsburgh 5} Chicago 2. Philadelpiaia and Brooklyn | game postponed. New York 3, Boston 1. American Chicago 1, Detroit 4. Washing 1, 2 St. Louis-Cleve: ton-New Yor Philadelphia ‘ad and Bos- k games postponed ton General Superintendent Back WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT! TONIGHT! THE 7 HIRD DEGREE IN FIVE FULL REELS \ correct presentation of Chas. Klein’s famous play by an all-star cast Cos- tuming, scenery and = pho- perfect, TONIGHT: lography Splen- : did production, TONIGHT! 15¢ and 25c Children 100 Admission | day. inamed | island, | the | when |} dumped | scrambled | never | The |} strong | water } salmon | difference | j rancher FISHERMAN DROWNED OFF PORT ESSINGTON: Boat Capsized and One Man Never Came to Surface Again Fred Foote, a Porcher and fisherman, in the Skeena river Foote and companion Bates, of Porcher were in a fishing boat off rock from Port Essington the boat capsized and both men out. Bates ashore, but Foote to the surface again. current in. the river” is at that point and the is very cold. The body may never be found. Both men were fishing for Balmoral been arinking. NO CHANCE FOR BILL IN BELLA COOLA lost his life on Mon- a also came spring cannery. They had (Bella Coola Courter Lo be opinion among the There appears of some settlers of Chicken Lake regard- jing where a certain road should started from. Mr. Manson, | be | addressing public meeting at suggested that a vote a | that place | be taken on the question. Aect- ling on his suggestion a yote was |! taken and the matter is appar- ently settled. Mr. Manson at Hagensborg |! lagt- fall refused to allow a voted jto be taken on a similar matter. |Bella Coola valley is an older ;settlement than Chicken Lake, jand the settlers have probably a better knowledge of local con- ‘ditions and requirements. The eason for this discrimination is that while Mr. Manson may still have hopes of some votes at Chicken Lake, he can clearly see Gdnoral Suparintanee WV. ( his finish in Bella Coola eRe: ©. Mehat urned from the i jterior last evening after an ab sence of nost three weeks. He jhas been sy getting the |merous s s along the new se tion of the road cleaned out. The jexceptiona warm weather “lmade the st come out of the ground q ily, whieh accounts ifor the n slides. Mr. Mehai lgot four trainloads of equipment across” th Fraser before the *| bridge we out at Fort George Ballasting gangs are now being} organized Fat ai the London Cafe. Sitf | | | | “THE THIRD DEGREE” AT ... WESTHOLME TONIGHT Following up the poliéy in- iugurated by them early during the winter of presenting a spe- cial high-class feature on Wed- nesdays and Thursdays, when- ver obtainable, the Westholme management announces Charles Kleim’s famous play “The Third Degree” tonight and tomorrow inight Following on the heels if ‘Taunhauser,”’ “Carmen,” From the Manger to the Cross,’ ine Lion and ihe Mouse,” and Judith of Bethulia” this great ifeature is net one whit behind lthem and in some respects | perhaps the greatest of them all. 1s itures like those enumerated above can be seen only in the large cities and then only at the very best theatres, and it is quite a compliment to the grow- ing importante of Prince Rup- ert as well as to the enterprise and push of the Westholme management that pictures such as these are shown here. The Westholme orchestra, which is recognized generally as one of jbeen dead some Pacific coast, new and appro- the best will render priate selections. Got Six Convictions Cc. Perry, Indian agent, held court in Port Essington = on Tuesday, Two white men and six Indians were up for trial. The Indians were all found guilty of taving booze. Four of them were fined, one sent to jail for a month, and one was let out on suspended sentence, The charge against the two white men for supplying was dismiss- ed, Warrants have been issued for three more white men on the same charge. Dobbs——Has the widow given lyou any encouragement? Hobbs-——Rather! When I asked her how dead long enough, island | long her husband had she said he'd heen TWO HUNDRED MINERS LOST IN TERRIBLE EXPLOSION |@as EXPLOSION WAS THE cA CAUSE — — MINE TOOK FIRE AND ATTEMPTS AT RESCUE ARE ALL FUTILE bodies covered in No, 6 shaft. The disaster was caused by a gas explosion on the 600 ft. ley- (Special to The Daily News) alive and four W. Va., 29.—All hope of rescuing the two were re- Eccles, April hun- dred and three entombed miners}|ej|, No, 5 shaft followed five in the New River mine explosion|™inutes later and the second is abandoned. The rescuers are |&XPlosion wrecked the mine ‘and unable to force their way into ee ponents NO: SS ae Bi Res ae mine immediately caught fire the burning shafts. Fifty men,]and all attempts to rescue were all burned severely, were rescued} futile. eee anew aT THE empress |SIR GEORGE DOUGHTY The battle Botitay Times of IS DEAD IN LONDON April 19 has this to say of Mary | Pickford, who will be seen at the} Empress tonight in “The Good Famous Grimsby Fish Merchant Succumbed Suddenly on Little Devil” “So far as the Saturday motion picture fans of Seattle London, April 29.—The death are coneerned Mary Pickford of oecurred suddenly on Saturday the Famous Players company | 4; midnight of Sir George seems to be generally considered | ry. enty, M P., the famous the “most Depaat: See ee | Grimsby fish merchant and whole, Reghan Oy -Stcser ameter | shipowner. who had many inter- SOC SOstee ee cee ere Of | ests in ‘Canada especially in the suggestions called for in|josthern British Columbia. He apd Se appt A ge: Sunday made many journeys to the Do morning. It was a bit puzzling ; ; ys « ee He was head of the B. . Fisheries, which came to such a disastrous end a year ago. to know just how award the palm for popularity, but consid-|- ering the candidates in order of| to first choice among the fans, ie 0 el ae firet elpoted s Mary: Pickford was-easily aheed: {member of parliament for Great Mate Hetiicts said. that: -littte \Grimsby in 1895. After entering Mary was their idol than accord- en spy nj et eae oo. a ed that distinction to any other eee ‘acd aa h . nae fae player, Blanche Sweet coming in the wach ae eopecen i second and Mary Fuller for third 1899. He challenged the by- place. ; ae ae I election as a Unionist, the result being a tremondous turnover in Apply G. 3 Wanted—A cook, G. W.\his favor, converting a former Nickerson, — Federal Building, |Tiberal majority of 181 into a Third avenue. 98-99 Unionist majority of 175. He was enn eT etree ;defeated in 1910 by Tom Wing A line of brassiers, good value|by 322, ut won back the seat for $1.00, are on special sale for with the present Unionist major- 25c at Demers’. 97tf | ity of 698. ROR OE OR OR OO OE OR OR OR OO OR OO OR OR ORO a OR OR OO The Majestic Theatre ce . FOR III III IAAI IAA AAAI AIA DAA AA AAAS ASAAAIAASASAISASSSASA NC NEW FEATURE INSTALLED NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Most extraordinary undertaking ever attempted by any film producer—''Lucille Love,” the girl of mystery, 30- reel feature in fifteen series, one series weekly. Other high class program in connection. Best show ever seen in the city. { “MUM’S THE WORD’ .A corking Comedy. (2) “LUCILLE LOVE,” the girl of mystery, in two parts. (3) ANIMATED WEEKLY. (4) “JEALOUS JANE”---A roaring Comedy. Good Music by the Orchestra Matinee Daily 3-5 NO ADVANCE IN PRICES—10 and 15c AUCTION SALE AN AUCTION. SALE OF THE BEST Household Furniture EVER SOLD IN PRINGE RUPERT WILL BE HELD AT THE RESIDENCE OF W. E. BURRITT, Esq. 435 FOURTH AVENUE WEST SATURDAY, THE 2ND DAY OF MAY, 1914 COMMENCING AT 2 P, M, GEORGE LEEK, Auctioneer.