2 \ THE DAILY N&WS i i ——_— ——_—— —— a a => = == ae ————SSEE= ‘ aa ee ; : | THE DalLy News Gi Stor the Mbt ter pears ep ars \ : 7 | "HE DaAILy NE J] Sort ‘yaa a se i THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA (Aye hinreal? a ee ra e | Published Daily and Weekly by the \ a mm BBSOCIAlé | THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, BE. = jf ’ et * ,. the us sssedialisiisieal © resources have bee! | tituted for personal gait H. F. MeRABR, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER i . " . . The Bowser-MeBrid a if HEAD OFFICE Wialsiedon “al” the Vancouver, Victori | Daily News Building. Third Ave., Prince Rupert, b. | lelephoue 98 sion of the legislati Steamer Prince George leaves Prince Ru, : nF . rT . 4 i % i "{ re a sche 6 8 Prince Rupert teaver Prince pf fH SUBSCRIP i ION RA J ES—To Canada. { nited Green ong Me ay iene eae etal Scuieiae enenae John or Prince Alber’ v. F 1 Daily, 50¢ per month, or $6.00 per year $5.00 if paid in eng and dressed advance ’eek 2.00 y All Other Countries: Daily. at is ome to put Qi advance . Weekly, $2.06 ) per year, All Other be lt Hutte Caine the vs Low Excurs 88.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance, th a To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED is province for ° s STAT BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES forty years. ae, petal New York—National Newspaper Burean, 219 Fast 23rd St. New This numbskul! 8.8. HENRIZTTE carries rough | wid ier York City ministration forgets (| For full particulars and all informat j en iar | 4 f i the people who have Tee T+ Pa Seer ee tom Mert & Ave on a “Poly ty ay, Seattle Puget Sound News Co any penalties upon th: AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAME uy Linen one 269 London, England——The Clougher Syndieate, Grand Vronk Building, industry and not-the COMMIT sneer, Trafalgar Square. men. a . nena TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract Resides, the heav . sic Sa : rates on application. placed upon. dressed ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY 4 Pda I Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in will result in all lumb d ROOMS : : ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers for consumption outside | } Second Avenue, Opposite Empress Thea {PERE \N Pre rie oa British Columbia being sen! Taltek Beeston ask fopediatis leet TINC aN on : , ees oa his out in the raw instead of ! For rates for ual rent a secrets beter { DAILY EDITION ase Wednesday, April 29, 1914 ing manufactured in British 8. D. MACDUNAL i‘ HAS DI NNIS ILISHIN "4 AN ; ise = DRL AR ae Se 2 Se ahaa Columbia c WALL TINTING i hf —* ! ; ; 3 ® - ,. ; A few days ago one of the | Sir Richard is aL Instead, therefore, of thé KNIGHT & HICKEY wal city aldermen wanted to stop] fair weather fighter, and the provincial exchequer being! : rs - ie + ; . . d Builders the system of fines in connec-} prospect of several millions ful) to overflowing with “p | Contractors an Senl Martin tion with the denizens of the of annual obligations to meet dite shaded “ith the iumber- Jobbing & pupairing Swansy underworld. This is but the} and an empty treasury to men,” as Billy Ross would| | Shop: Fraser and Sixth Streets al ; occasional attempt to reform] meet them has no allurements say, none of this profit will go| PHONE GREEN 269 “ si a great evil without getting at} for the doughty knight. into the treasury as the lum-|“ANY ARMS, REVOLVERS, AMMUNITION?” A NEW CUSTOMS : pense with the whole system?| with the*dazzling dream of a in the province, the province i ak Gb of it: Why hel dis- | Then, too, life in London ber will not be manufactured QUESTION IN SEARCH OF WEAPONS DESTINED FOR THE JOHN CURRIE Neu Welling hit Hf It is foolish to say that an en-| peerage must appeal very will lose just that much in- SES. Oe Contractor & Builder : ergetic police force could not| strongly to one of Sir Rich- dustry, the people in the prov-|It has been a matter of common knowledge for a while past that Estimates Given on Moving Bulldings “evorite Howeeheld da expel them. It is equally ard’s superficiality. ince will have to pay more for the authorities have been doing everything possible to pre- Phone Black 294 Cleaneet, Brighten, Ga 7 foolish to say that such con. | Peres their lumber, and the people vent the importation into Ireland of arms and ammunition ‘ NEW wpb. CORL t4, H % ditions are a necessity. Other When the people of British outside of the province who which might come into the hands of the Ulster volunteer FURNISHED vert, Agu "a cities are dispensing with Columbia are sweating. blood buy our lumber will profit at force. Such a scene ds here illustrated brings this fact Second Avenue Phone ti 4 these segregated districts i to meet the annual! interest our. expense. As a political home with special force. Greenore, on the coast of Louth, APARTMENTS 1 — Bet the commissions appointed to| charges upon the enormous economist Billy Ross is a is the packet station for the London and Northwestern rail- AINE 1OP an ype i study the question haye re-| interest charges to which Sir wonder. He knows as much way steamers from Holyhead to Ireland. in two and three-room suite Lo-d agency, pig ee ! ported that the gee a Riehard has committed this about the lumber business as J. BE. DYER Phone Black 334/YO"U' I the hands gf aati wrong. It is now up to e -ovince 3e . Balaam’s ass knew of Hebrew George +5 al : city council to cleanse the city Sa tae ro vas. “ _ grammar. ™" From the South oe eae. tan comes a ee ae =| sf from 7 ; iti P ; F The "ince iper rouge 37 ie ag i. aaiatees ———- Sead italia wit. Landott wilt eae > Prin Rupert | | nigh SCIENTIFIC NOTES WHY PAY RENT . __ GEORGE LEEK iad: i and make ad a place W rere a have the extreme pleasure of KE Irst-class passengers rqm) reg Dies iad ale alia én 220 § al i man can bring up his family gazing upon our Dick and LA LSE VALLEY HAS south this morning and 78 deck. Bree terme to sult you. ae — ee an ae once She had 175 tons of freight anc in decency and self respect. | thinking what a wonderful! FINEST SOIL IN COUNTRY | cis weainer tine nett rene] 4 stove for camp cooking in- epo Ss Veather ine ar until near they mature This district is Cc. K. YTERBERG, (io (oe ix del ot fh ae Tak province we must have to Site: aie vented by a Colorado man folds |®- ©. Box 641 1712 Bth Ave. E. Pe ‘FOR PLUMBING Ano wana There seems to be no doubt produce such a magnificentigpyyt Trees at Terrace Looking ee 6 into a compact bundle of rods|— that Sir Richard McBride is specimen as he is. At the) Very Healthy—Country Rich bed ee H. ..¥. , Medateman, | whe n not in use GEORGE LEEK SMI’ TH & “MALLET planning to make a quick get- same time London will be in ratios Geo Kane, Mrs. 7 As Me ai Larges Pipe wf away from British Columbia.| calling for the interest on ——- ce we . pane re J.) All of the Australian states | Rest Estate, tneurance and Loan Broker tings, Pir 1 to order, Sir thichard hee always bad a payments due, and if the prov- ‘The Lakelee. walley’ hes the Lansdell, Geo. F. Potts, FP. W-.lare well supplied with tron ore, Notary Public. Rents and Collections Third Ave. Heed of Second tel : ; , ; » be ies . ly ; . : , Hart, R. Nieoll, C. B. Michaeljand | Ney South Wales having he AUCTIONEER oe keen scent for publie opinion inve happened not to be overly - \ ith a 1aving th iliac . I ’ ae finest soil I have seen anywhere] wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Murray. | 29 . ring and nobody realizes better} prompt, possibly Dick’s billet ae DS ea ; rae yh ort ep ‘{richest deposits. 220 Second Ave. Prince Rupert "7 than he does that public opin- might not be so comfortable |i? this country,” remarked E. C.)Mrs. M eee ae eee 4 sae * J ss : UNITED TAILORS ion ‘a running strongly in London as be imagines it|Gibbons, who has just returned . ee e fs ere W | Mercurial ointment not only LAND CLEARING against . his administration. will. from another trip into that|~* gs . wij ; a rs “eed j wat prevent firearm barrels PRESSING AND CLEAIM He knows, too, that his ad- At all events, it seems ‘that}country. Mr. Gibbons takes a Taylor i h Ale we "Tye wr j.rem rusting but also will loosen] “Peter Nelson te open to take contracts | wii Celt “5 ministration has gambled we are about to part with ajkeen interest in the farm and ait ce aaa eee * Tyson, j any lead deposits. for clearing - » ~ pe” Terrace 6th St, Next CP. R recklessly with the resources very expensive luxury in Dick,|fruit properties of the interior “A it ae ear Ae Ys Ee 7 ~ 0 on application Ce oa : , Wing, ; . Greene "8. of the province and that the and it is not likely that wejand he is quite enthusiastic over o. Reis ba ri vl ~ sw 4 method has been invented hn eee ee ee ©. ©. STUART debts which his administra- shall do so with reluctanee {the possibilities of Lakelse val- Th: A os nC Tt Sie w Georg. |i Germany for spinning kapok tion has so rashly contracted In fact, it seems certain thatjley. There is ten feet of good ae, Fa tis Mr aiiiiien. G. 7 | fibre into yarn so that it can be HARRISON W. ROGERS Accountant will soon he presented for the hills and valleys which —e on a surface with a sandy Wallentina® Gb Be ‘k an rae mere on into textiles. * Architect ee = ay ave reverberate > auda-|subsoil. The lan rrow ae me _ Me oe See M» ‘ > T. payment. have reverberated with lauda ae The land will grow any Crease ae Gather. | geben Suite 4, Federal Block PRINCE RUPERT, © 6 Fi A } . | ° * ° — . —e —_— Sl Mr Gibbor we the fruit }i#0¢: Parker Garroil, W. Rumble, | Recency * els for women’s PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. oore Mr. ’ is says . », |Shoes to hold money and jewel Alex, M. Mansot A trees around Terrace are lodking Mrs. A. Carlson, Wm. MeNeill Phone 300 P. O. Box 16535 w aps, B.A, LUE ee WILLIAMS & MANSOK : rl : » . ry, the opening heing inside the tion of bearing big “crops re re WAR, ep ORO, G. B.4 Barristers, Solicitors, Eu MONEY TO LOAN ; ; | THE WEATHER J. F. Barric i eK } particularly adapted for fruit and Besnd M ae wv. > Kay * , | —- - { will buy or sell all kinds oan SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS s very promising. ber nd, wife, M, BOUNCE, Je Furnished by F. W. Dowling |household goods, mechanics’ Heleersen Block —— ee nea ae ~ — a a” ot ae mae Observer tools, guns and men’s clothing rn inst on, K Burt, Mrs. G, W.] PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO There are stin a few good pre- Cooper, J ‘ aby Stas ae : Will cal any time. 4 emptions left on Graham Island.|,, Weer es ee ee eee : . F. M. CROSBY ef ° r. s F. C.. Sy ‘ Geo V. Cople A.'For the 24 hours ending 5 a.m eat FER A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager os know them. Queen Charlotte} w Janis, Albert Cocks, Herman| April 20, 1944 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 PACIFIC TRANS 1st Ave. and McBride 8t. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.6. nformation Bureau, 87tf Erb, C. I n Rand, A. R. Mac - Car ery ae PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers mnpnrerenersinletiar ——— i ath Briand eiian fie LADYSMITH COAL cs Have you a lot of your own? ee ea ‘ee: tit gon J. C,| Barometer reduced to sea A IVARSON & C0. 93—Phone—98 ’ ‘ Hest BO! MDE s::a:F tad wrest. ord we oee 30,095 = a ee wm | Secure one-in Port Edward now. | y. 3 F. 2; Matean 0, Crun.|tishass . aie: Blacksmiths & Horseshoers 7 ener SSS BZ | ee = nell, G i deiein, Osi lfowest 020. oe “4 Boat Work P. 0. Box 203 : \ Xi ’ ; mn a Ph ae H, O, Butler, MisajRain’ ...4.......0%0. ; 73 |Phone 525 1st Ave., Manson Way P ROBERTSON _ | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | : Fin is le a | i i Travellers’ Samples of N. Bulat h and P. Jackson Do not follow others, be with Chartered Accountant : ) > ' . : zi s.ustments, La { ses eae eS i{ ; a the leaders; invest in Port Ed- ! Audits, ynvostige s, Ao - : ! i ® 9 A clear ell eating place. The!ward before the industrial de- SEEDS! SEEDS! dations and Assignments a 4 ie 710 SECOND AVE i tidren $s London Cafe 81-tf| veolpment. RON Sh lock, vee Ave, Prine Rune ry Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery — sag reais ae ee Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle } | Dresses FIELD, GARDEN, AND L U M B E R} Pate eee tema | KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY ror eS 2 : Rope Valves Ammunitien Special for this Sale Agents for . ; Pumps Hose Paint en a THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 3 DOMINION RKURSERY & . O A L Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated iren ©, $1 and $1.25 ORCHARDS CO. HH a eesti | Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glas Deciers in Feed of all kinds WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” | Plumbers’ Supplies Plate web eae Ciene CHICKEN FEED A S®PECIALTY ar a a> = " DEMERS paints HARDWARE roves, Ranges Mali orders promptly attendod to Complete Line of a , 5. } Varnishes Graniteware . BUILD! nS’ SUPPLI 98) | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE fi vive seo Frc, Rspert Feed 2 yesanac wowen 5 } fenu | The ‘ Stay Satisfactory 908 Thi WESTHOLME MBE ” } d Ave. Phone Black 268 A ‘ Se aaa | MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “*5«: See, | oe , ; RE ——___———_—_ ' — — — Se + = a : . . ~ me = —e i, It Takes Two--at least-to Sine a Good Fi Fight Drawn for The i {GUESS ILLGO uP ~—— Hl | AN PICK ME 6 FIGHT WITH) i } THAT SNOOP FELLOW- HE | | HAD THE CRUST TO CoP ) MY SOB- L WONT FEEL oT HAPPY ONTIL IVE TRIMMED / SOX NOU SHOVEL VIS AGED SAP HEAD - CANT YOU WALK WITH OUT BUMPING INTO Mth CAEL © 194-1 - s¥nb - BALTE- Ap — X CALLED | NOU A-AH- EXCUSE. / ME. *