THE DAILY NEWS day \ | Do As Others Do, Take this time-tested—world proved—home remedy which suits : and benefits most people. Tried for three generations, j the best corrective and preventive of the numerous i ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion and elimination has been proved to be BEECHAM’S PILLS (The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) If you have not tried this matchless family medicine, you do not know what it means to have better digestion, sounder sleep, brighter eyes clearer complexion, which come after Beecham’s Pills have clear the system of impurities, ‘ry them now—and know. Alwaysof the same excellence—in ali climates ; in every season—Beecham’s Pills are =e mea The Tried, Trusted Remedy Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St, Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold everywhere in Canada and U.S, America, In boxes cents. Government of British Columbia Will sell at auction sales ‘to be held Victoria and Prince George in the May a part of its property holdings Prince George and Fort George We in Vancouver, latter part of in towns of have a thorough knowledge what prices were paid at the resales have been made since. in either town and no inter- only a smali commission for sales. know what for sale charge Let us represent at these of the property to be sold, we Grand Trunk sales and we know We have no property of our own ests to serve but yours.. We will representing you, Do not attempt to buy without about the two towns and property plan free on request. you first to securing complete informaton be sold. Full particulars and Aldous and Murray Limited $80,000.00 References: Grand Trunk cific Railway Land Commissioner Union Bank, Vancouver Dun’s or Bradstreet’s Paid up Capital Official Grand SMITHERS General Selling Agents, Trunk Pacific Town 628-631 BIRKS BLDG., VANCOUVER, B. C. No. 6—Cut out and Boo sence in Re- Royal i 1 Ib. Royal Standard. 2 ozs. butter 1 egg tan ar 2 teaspoons cream tartar 1 teaspoon soda 1-2 pint milk; sugar to taste Mix dry ingredients; add milk and egg. Brush over with white of cones ere Cook for about 1-4 hour in tins; cut into four portions, V- shaped, BETTY BROWN. t 669 JUST Love the Feel of i - Royal Standard” said one enthusiast who was elbow deep in her first recipe made with this famous flour. ROYAL STANDARD “feels good” because it is sifted ever so fine at the mili, over and over again Bit é and finally passed through a silken Screen emerg- ti ing “smooth as velvet,” “fine as silk,’ ROYAL STANDARD will impart to scones, cakes \ or bread a silky, velvety feel that is as delightful to | the touch as it is to the palate. Say “ROYAL STANDARD” to your grocer and watch your baking improve. ROWAL STANDARD ’ wee A i Pbsolutely Lori a FLOUR Tested F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor 1a PRINCE RUPERT is I PRINCE RUPERT BOAT | CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. : H Summer Excursions OUSE } Prince Rupert to Montreal COB ae ae $141.00 | Do to Toronto and return. 128.00 0a $ an unc es Do to St. Paul and return... 96.00 Do to Chicago and return.. 108.50 for hire. Gasoline for sale Do to New York and return 144,50 Other points correspondingly low. IRIE Effective June 1st. Final return limit October 31st. PHONE RED 391 Cheap rates to Norwegian Cele- | bration in Norway, effective April North End of Manson Way 2)} 20th, 25th and 20th. i 3200 Acres 19th and 20th, Princess May, southbound, noon Frida riday J. G. MCNAB, Generar agent Corner 3rd Avenue send 6th Street | gerbund in Chicago, effective May { Crown Granted JERE AM 5667—PHONE—667 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN ON SKEENA RIVER and adjoining ralliroad $10.00 r per acre, and very easy t : i i Yi 4 Large Seven-Passenger Machine 5 Fe terms Prompt Servico a m | Special Rates for Parties : Harrison,Gamble&Go. J: ; | ' wuind Avenue STAND, ROYAL HOTEL | oO Oo thik ih hk {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 3 “er | illas’ cream Try Smith & K ice : . For houses and stores to rent, | and fire insurance in board com-| panies. J, Lorne MacLaren 04.96) : are buying Shrewd investors in Port Edward before the rail | way is completed. | | } . . Misses gloria waists gular value $1.00, now going for aoe Demers’, O7tf | | | W. J. Jephson, who has been south on business, returned to city this morning. | é | R, inspector oO jagencies, arrived on the }Rupert this morning. | . f Indian Prine ‘| Tyson, today Very little outside jing done at the dry dos to the work owing storm | | ee tes to | J. Bruce Murray, representing |} R. G. Dun & Co, of Montreal, ar- lrived in the city this morning on | the Prinee Rupert. * . ‘ The regular meeting of the Prince Rupert board of trade called for Friday evening, May 1, has been postponed to May 8. The Prince Rupert brought 154 sacks of mail this morning. Of these 12 were for up-river points. Bigot hg Williams, general man- ager of the Rocher de Boule mine at Hazelton, in the city for a few days, and is registered at the Royal. Du I. 1s Three men from Kitselas made the trip of 110 miles to Prince Rupert in a gasoline boat vester- day, arriving at the dock here late in the evening. Mrs. been Mr. who winter train kalum ranch Collart, the on. the Kitsum- their and have in this to there. Joseph spending the city, left morning for work resume on . . Mrs. C. W. Peck ar- from their extended honeymoon trip on the Prince Rupert this morning. They have not vet secured a residence. * te Mr. and rived home Wm. McNeill, manager of the Western Canada Power company of Vancouver, who is also inter- ested in the Prinee Rupert, Hydro Electric Power Co., came in the Prince Rupert this morning. on The steamer Grey of the Rose Harbor whaling fleet came in this morning towing the barge angor. |The Grey has 800 tons of coal ji nd the barge has half a million | feet of lumber for the dry dock, | The the Pe- | triana. Grey was formerly hotel . . will this week fittings, which The Savoy put new bar are said to he the finest in northern British Columbia. The fixtures and furniture arrived several days ago. The woodwork in is all in mahogany and when erected the Savoy wil! certainly have a very handsome bar. eee 6 S.-W. Thacker and C. (C. Thronton, two prominent real estate men of Vancouver who had big operations in West Van- couver property, are in the city today. They have several thou- sand acres of agricultural land near Fort Fraser and are going in t6 see it prior to putting it on the market with a colonization plan. oe vee The members of the city council and directors of the Agri- cultural Fair society looked over the for an exhi- bition building on Aeropolis hill possible sites yesterday afternoon and decided} on a site to the right of the roadway going to the reservoir. The site is quite level and imme- diately from the reerea- tion grounds. The tenders for the building will be called for im- mediately. across Spring Salmon Fishing Spring fishing has been started by the canneries on salmon the Skeena and Naas rivers, but so far very few fish have been caught, The run on the Skeena is very poor yet owing to unfay- orable weather,