Bre DAILY NEWS pupert’s leading Paper THE DAILY NEWS=. LOOMS my r > GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: The provincial government te ee fond of Rupert that every once In a SLA ™ haa oe an official comes up to nein auive over the ground of the new % sole house and island road. eee 7 + i9] ) fam ' 4 > Ns it yt ) L i ue ae hee \ 10 PRINGE RUPERT, B. C., MONDAY, MAY 4, 19144 e PRICE FIVE CENTS 70,000 POUNDS HALIBUT RECEIVED IN ONE DAY JONISTS DEMAND UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER OF ULSTER-PLOT TO ¢ OVERTHROW HUERTA TT0 OVERTHROW HUERTA GEN. BLANQUET IMPLICATED | ATION GIVEN HUERTA BY BRITISH MINISTER—WAR MINISTER MADE TO GIVE PLEDGE OF LOYALTY | Mi ;.-~-Confirma- plot Mex Huerta code if despatches a According long was Lior the Huerta’s | Mexi eo City. de- }cused Blanque the « ti hecessary in co} cabinet at hrow has H of having He minister ee uerta at eee here in starts the Mexican capi- that the Sir Lionel that General served that pledge that support onspiracy the would have to give a suld render loya he arrested silanquet gave no ate econ ‘oon wal hi i ilked by Huerta by irned ided planning he we the government his his assassina-| pledge. NGUISHED CLERGYMAN fm MEETS VERY SUDDEN DEATH | R OF BRITISH HOUSE. OF COMMONS—WAS DELIVER- LECTURES AT YALE-—-DROPPED DEAD ON STEAMER Daily News Ma 4 Within of Tor Ls conenE. to } ss to the Cans ats in Metropolitan Horne, house fell Niagara |vitati Saturday pero YD GEORGE’S SIXTH BUDGET VENTY-SEVEN MILLIONS SHORT DITURE IS MUCH GREATER THAN ESTIMATED—TAX REVENUES iNCREASED TO FIVE MILLIONS the feet of his wife. He shed continent, visitor to his visit purpose of deliver- f lectures at Yale These it the were con- svivester British Ipswich of the on es ks and his visit to of k vet j o was the result of the deat an in tion from Canadian therhood Dally News unds, but it is expected ; . Lioyd George he chancellor’ will pply his sixth annua mill 1 pounds to the relief il expenditure ; sly estimated at h ocal rates, and it is als £222 000,000 ed that he may sacrifice figures show that/a her three million pounds of N falls £77,000,000 I n order to secure a free year's estimated ikfast table It is generally lanticipated that the income tax i growth of taxj;will be modelled in order to ld be four or five|make up the deficit. |FOUR TEAMS IN LEAGUE LIVE SEASON OF BASEBALL ATCH HALIBUT DR COLD STORAGE CO. | tS Yesterday Were Biggest | !)!° Market p about com- ted and the baseball diamond n History of Port of jwill be ready in a few days, and Prince Rupert lwith the enthusiasm that is one shown about town, there should vas the record day he an interesting season 1 Pee Rupert SOF There are already four teams K 1 ‘S a he Canadian in the league, viz., the Prince Ru- ! 000. ahnnie oe eee pert baseball team, the G. T. P ( th ata hats team, the steel workers on the ™ mete dry dock, and the Acme Clothing an idea: of what house Mr. V. A. Cole was elect HO Lote Es ed president of the Prince Rupert thers brought in} paceball club. is from a ten days s | More Bodies Recovered I 80,000 pounds ; ’ 1 days’ trip. ad 4ibassa was out just a Eecles, W. Va., May 4 rhe P rought 80.000. bodies of 172 miners entombed ime in with 20,000,]in mine No. 5 of the New Rive! ere were a number|Gollieries campany, which was , itches brought in by}wrecked by an explosion last boats Tuesday, had been brought to ‘| made’ the jargest|the surface at dark last night. , brought into the port, Sor rene A Few Days More ‘rge Bridge Destroyed = Owing to the disagreeable : il to The Dally News) weather that has prevailed dur- Moma City, May 4,—Five]ing several days past, Demers sare believed to have been} sale will be continued a few days yen Part of the Rock} longer Take advantage of the . road's $125,000 bridge| bargains at once 102-3 ve South Canadian river Uridgeport, Olkla,, was Announcement > vay today, ‘ - Mrs. Norman Broadhurst will A Fow Days More not receive again this season . at aoe disagreeable PV ey ; nee prevailed dur- The Westholme Lumber com , my days past, Demers’ pany are shipping three carloads ’® continued a few dayslof building material to Skeena ine Take advantage of the Crossing for the B R, Jones ho- wie. 102-3|tel being built there session of held in ADMIRAL FLEFCHER, UNIONISTS BEL Wil WANTS 10 CUT OFF FOOD | SUPPLY OF VERA CRUZ EVE GOVT. UL MAKE ANY CONCESSIONS Mexican Governor Threatens) Execution of Any One Taking ke a Food Into That City DEMANDING UNCONDITIONAL EXCLUSION OF ULSTER—THE , , FEDERAL SOLUTION !S SCOUTED Vera Cruz, May 2 \ strained ee ee situation at ape and an ef- Special to The Daily News government is acting in bad faith | hha o) the tae ‘cul off Raabe c-Fes and scouting the proposed fed- ‘the food supply from Vera Cruz bc. hata aa ace iia eral solution. ‘The general atti- is now dividing attention in}eajjy demanding the uneondi-''Ude Of the Unionists suggests | Mexico. tional exclusion of Ulster from, their belief that the government The reported massing of rebel] tne operation of the home rule | is on the run and is prepared to forces at Tampico is regarded as] j,j11. declaring this is the only|make the fullest concessions to jan important move. There is @]/means of averting war. Many|secure peace, which the Morning | ; feeling that the fall of that city) prominent Unionists write to the] Post says will not be the result , 4 WELSON O'SHAUGHNESSY, ae Seintatiis odllee aie ha newspapers alleging that the of any round table conference. United States towards Mexico. BM TRIES GENERAL WOOD. ° }Personus we informed on the sour acne tes LIBERALS. WANT ACCOUNTING skeptical with regard to the pre- dictions of an early success by the rebels. It is pointed out that E three federal gunboats so far have easily repelled all attacks a heya ek m the place. WILL OPPOSE NEW C. N. R. “BILL UNTIL THEY GET !T—THE Just now the only food sup- SESSION AT OTTAWA WILL BE PROLONGED plies reaching Vera Cruz are nee or }coming from small ranches near Oltawa, May 2,—A Liberal sition members agreed to de- j lenough to the city to allow the}/Caucus has been held to consider;mand that Mackenzie and Mann ry } farmers to feel assured of United|*#e sovernment proposals. It|give an accounting of how money jG ieee ae States protection If the order} ‘V@% announced when the gather-|given to them in the past has AResipeNs JLOON Fj lof the Mexican governor of Veral'"8 broke up that the party had|been spent. Just to what dis- LEADING FIGURES IN’ THE UNITED STATES-MEXICAN CRISIS {Cruz threatening the execution|/Pached an agreement (0 oppose’ tance (he opposition proposes bo lof anyone bringing food to the)the plan announced by the gov-|carry the fight is not known. lcity becomes effective this smal||ermment, which means that the|The more aggressive Liberals BARNHISEL LOSES PRINCE RUPERT REAL | suppls will also be cut off | session is likely to be prolonged|say that the legislation may have | ;well into June, and that it is|to go through under the closure SUIT FOR DIVORCE ESTATE KEEPS MOVING | ‘UNITED STATES AGENT jabout to enter one of its most}rule, but this probably depends interesting phases. jupon the developments of the Judge Mitchell Refuses Decree Probably the Only City in the | RELEASED BY MEXICO 16" te: Sn GerehoUd Het She Oe lee ee to Prominent Tacoma West Where Property Can oo epeeerrsaee ——— — ————_—— Clergyman Be Turned gs War Office Makes Ex-| UPTON SINCLAIR ARRESTED ‘TAMPICO HARBOR MINED Tree lanati — Hostiliti wr es Tacoma May The sensa Every city in the west com- ° ne oan “ Paraded in Front of Standard Oil, T0 KEEP OUT U.S NAVY tional divorce suit of Rev. A. H.|plains of the real estate market | ios Building in New York Sea 5 Barnhisel, former pas f the |being dead As George Ham-| Mexico City, May 4—Dr. Ryan, ’ Pua et ; | Two Weeks Ago City Was Under First Presbyterian church of this|mond says, “it is out of fashion.”|the confidential agent of the| New York, May 2.—Upton Sin-| United States Guns but Is ‘ity. against his wife Olive,|But Prince Rupert is still in the}American State department, who pyain ane ner wamep’ errestes Now Protected ( ’ - aa Fee ave ino tinnaet Gn et : with him yesterday in front of : mean, Crew SATOnee he a firt H. G. Helgerson, Limited,|., ested a few days ago and/ine standard Oil building, while Special to The Daily News) prominent racomat s he su arnt fot poe ie ees two | 2 ose release was demanded by|they paraded as “mourners” pro-| Washington, May 4.—Reports Ve oe b Sonoweeks a ee ‘aah s a 7 ‘lool 36. sectiol |Secretary Bryan, has arrived at|testing against John D. Rocke-]to the navy department from ldecided by Judge John Mitchell acta Dottes in JW. MeKin_.| M 0,|delivered to the Brazilian lega-|@0d Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman re- Iwo weeks ago the scout cruis- his, being Boy mapelees’y on. |block 94; section 4, a T Moore|tion. The Mexican war office} fused to pay the fine. Mrs. Belle}ers Chester, Gunboat and Dau- Gent HAGese: OF RO gi wee to: Ty W. Hansford, $15,000: lot}sent a telegram vesterday to the Zilverman and Mrs Margaret phin and (wo other American dai Sy rer eae aa oe conan 52, block 14, section 5, J. Unwin|Federal military commands _ to Remington Charter said they poet yee ee ee of ne schools to P. Neilsen, $2,400; lot 5, with|suspend hostilities against Am- would pay. , Peete - is .° ~ city Mr ‘ Barnhisel Jeniar the | house, blo« 12, section 7, J. T.}ericans and rebels on account of Sinclair made a_ speech in Wee ee nuate up et their Suns a : ; % ; Moore to Pp Neilsen $2.100:|the armistice. court, saying that he was on the and Admiral Mayo was convinced charges and resiste’ the app niatdieaid lola Bani See Bi verge of a physical breakdown,}be could have taken the place cation for & divorce, ‘but did no! Daten Mikkelaol "ib p Ww i ; |MEXICAN SHIP SANK but that notwithstanding he] Without the loss of any men. He file a counter bill, nel 88.800: lok Manel West i MINED FOR AMERICANS|Would go to jail and begin a hun-}deemed it advisable, however, to he court holds that a wifes the eet j Whittakse 400 ee ger strike He was promptly|order the ships from the harbor oxtravaganse, 1h. 20, ‘tselt MO) temcand 4; DinGk Aa aaa 6. Special fo The Daily News locked up. to the gulf, ‘This had scarcely ehies. $60. Aivenee. G tones | j Ball $1,300: lot Mexico City, May 2 A de- Mrs. Sinclair joined the|been accomplished before the Me block 40, section 5. H, Fill to|spatch is anid tis pee come from | eons in the rain this|Mexicans placed mines “in the TEXAN RANCHER WAS Ghanits. Telfar 82.800 The | __tafternoon She said she had|river to prevert the ships again MURDERED BY MEXICANS Bete Mer, aia + Sen, M inilo om the Pacific coast); card her husband had been sent| entering. . quite a ain ben of ec leases which announces that the Mexi-|ig jail, but she considered it -—— aa Special to The Daily News Lot ee Ninth Anan Mehiten 1 eamship Luella was sunk|more important to march in One Robber Dying Laredo Tex, May 4.—The SIR ARK >L, Meo ; da the harbor by the ex-|front of the Standard Oil build- One of the Russian bank rob- body of Porfirero Laurel, in Mad EF ) on of a mine which had been}! than to visit him, bers at Hazelton hospital is dy- American rancher who disap Cc. P. R. minke Combine fo rthe United States —¥ omnes ing. This man was shot in the peared Tast November, was rv ed cruiser Raleigh No French Defeat Moors hip by a soft-nosed bullet and a covered today from a grave near] Special to The Daily News of ie is mentioned, The ge 7 Re tremendous hole was torn out of Neuve Laredo, Mexico Laurel | Cologne, Germany, May ‘. steamer belonged to the Pacific | Fe a “Oce a ; : 4 the groin. rhe wound was get- had been arrested by the Mexican|The tra satlantic shipping pool} Railway company ez, Morocco, May 4. A des-jting along nicely until. blood federals, who persistently denied|¢onference was adjourned today perate battle between the French poisoning set in and the man will reports of his execution, and un-/oWing to the inability of the} Wedding Bells troops and the followers of the|now die, til the body was exhumed today | delegates of the various conti-| ere native pretender .to the Moroccan TN the mystery of the Texan's ab-|nental lines to reach an agree- | \ quiet wedding took place in}throne today resulted in the de- Carranza Won't Mediate sence was unexplained j ment with the Ganadian Pacifie}St. Andrew's chureh at 6:30 last feat of the Moors, who suffered El Paso, Tex., May 4.—Car- ' lline. The next meeting will bejevening, when Miss Mae Em-|Jenormous losses The French|ranza has formally declined the (held in London on August 5. The}|mons, only daughter of Mr. and}casualties were none’ killed and|Suggestion of the mediators that Recommended Mother Tongue continental and English lines|Mrs. George Emmons of the Bay|25 wounded, Early in the morn-|he cease hostilities against Hu- kid N. Clark, the mushing|have agreed to raise tne steerage| View hotel, became the bride of|ing the French troops consisting}erta pending the outeome of the : {rates to $37.50 for fast steamers|Mr. A. E, Mann, a popular young|of a column composed of all]plan Of mediation. His note was journalist, “tells an amusing) | $35 for slow steamers, the|druegist of this city. ‘Phe cere |arms attacked the natives in}sent to Washington yesterday story of a card notice he oneelinanease to become effective im-|mony was performed by Rev.|their mountain stronghold,}and made public here today. observed hung in the diner Of @} mediately. Canon Rix Miss Kincaid assist-|which they carried at the point ——-— - biz cosmopolitan hotel at Nice, “ ed as bridesmaid and J, I. Peters;of the bayonet in spite of the Southbound near the famous gambling re- Huerta May Abdicate jas groomsman Immediately |}tenacious resistance of the na- Passengers on the Prince Geo- ort of Monte Carlo, which read . jafter the ceremony Mr. and Mrs,|tives. The Moorish camp was|rge this morning: Mr, Kilgore, as follows: “Our Engtish and] (Special to The Daily News) | Mann went aboard the Princess | destroyed, Bishop Du Vernet, Rev. Rix, Mr. American guests are requested to Vera Cruz, May 4,—-Persistent| Beatrice, which sailed for the —-— and Mrs, Dan Stewart, J. G. Milli address the waiters ia English,]rumors continue to ecireculate|south at 8 o’elock, They will be| Carpenters’ Union champ, Miss Dorrell, Mrs. L. as their French is not generally| here that Huerta intends to evac-|absent about two weeks and on} A special meeting of this}Methot, Mrs, J, B. Duchesne, Mrs understood!" Whether the im-|uate the provisional presidency|their erturn will oecupy their}union is called for Wednesday,|Oliver, T. Mitteh, Henry Harris, perturbable Freneh hotel manjof Mexico on condition that he be}/new home now in course of con-| May the 6th, at 8 p. m., for the|L. Bright, Miss Miles, William could see the satire underlying/assured a safe conduct to a sea-| struction on Summit avenue purpose of discussing proposed}Gookson, A, H, Tomlinson, Mrs. his remark is problematical, but|port anid placed on board some - . new bylaws . B, Miehael, n@ doubt his quaintly-worded | foreign warshi, We do upholstering and re-| 102-4 F. Salter, Seey. cuebisniniaigualeiediad sign had the desired effect in 2 ee eee pair work for spring cleanups —— ———— Announcement confining visiting tourists to See ioniaim Pioneer Cleaners. | Geo. D. Tite, the funiture dealer, Have you heard the latest Mrs. G. R. Naden will not re- plain English Phene 4. tf| Third avenue. TAtf' about Port Edward? 102tflceive on Tuesday of this week, | ies Py a iri % | i | ie F Nt Bi Ane a i wh og, a ie << a “sees os eee coer