. t rHE DAILY NEWS \ { — — ao wie, | . _ THE DaAILy NEws ; " | se Se , | THE LEADING T ubianed Sally Ud Week's Panto COLUMBIA M.U L Tico : O Rows MIS7 LR [ Me 4 THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. wre de 1014 ot ™ rN, a ARO 1 |} Menten, Mierea!e ec oes En ta tinea Hire McRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE | Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone ny SURSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico; Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year (85.00 if paid in; advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, Vancouver, Victoria Steamer Prince George leaves Prince Rup: and Seattle Steamer Prince Rupert leaves Prince Ru; MONDAYS » the Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert ty. 5 ‘ FRIDAYS 9 Low Excursion Rates To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED STare $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance, 1° sand reents ; MAIIATIF with NORWEGIAN CENTENNIAL, aAoRWAY In cons BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES with NORWEGIAN SAENGE; 5 in connection : y ; . . . .8. HENRIETTE carries r hh fre “” New York—-National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New . ea explosives York Citv For full particulars and all informatio; : . = THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Hart 2 1 hee letts apply tg Seatlle—Puget Sound News Uo ° AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC sTeAMsu,, Umea Phone 269 London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, lees bitienitien Trafalgar Square. ae a Ha sas ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY = S51 He STRANI . ne do4 P.OBy > RDI . ey Monday, May 4, 1914 iW DAILY EDITION ah D neous: eT ein reer - Second Avenue, Opposite Empress Thea APERHAN . Rooms open from "8 & m. to if p. m Mu WuING The people cannot be too months after the keel was Visiting Scotsmen are cordially invites AINTING ip ‘ ra . ‘ > ‘ . i. . . . For rates for ball rent apply secreta frequently reminded that the laid, Between the time of Resicky , a % S. D. MACDUNALD CHAS. DENNI OL HING AND old tactics of the MeBride keel-laving and the date of : Pape. No teares, smeetey 08 ee antaar i 10 tpeapter President reta ving dat Seer: j ha NALL TIX government are to cancel the launching upwards of 5,000 nes _ ae 2 J WALL TINTING voters’ lists. just before dis- tons of steel were used in the KNIGHT & HICKEY R ‘ 4 ° es solution. According to a new vessel's construction and em- © Speci way law passed last session, any ployment was given to four TWO POINTS OF VIEW BY BEST CARTOONISTS OF MEXICO Contractors and Builders Martin Swi ¢ “alize : vA Ms » A ng ’ C haturatized subject ee - hundred men. In length the This is how the present situation appeals to the foremost cartoonists of Mexico The cartoon on Jobbing & Repairing N80) replaced on the voters list freighter would overlap) a the rightiis taken from a piblication’ called’ Minister Lind. The one on the left ia Laken from Shop: Fraser and Sixth Street ear McBrg without a copy of his naturali- dreadnought by two hundred a popular journal called Multicolor. PHONE GREEN 269 zation papers. Not one in a feet. hundred can comply. This Canadian workmen, using as}|=—— % ; JOHN CURRIE | should be looked into and all far as possible Canadian ma- world’s largest lake freight WEST’S INTEREST IN Conference on Uster Issue who would be affected by this terial, have built the world’s from a Canadian yard throws . Contractor & Builder ruling should get a copy of giant freighter. Directly, the into bold relief the “Little Ga- MEXICAN SITUATION London, May 2.—Lord Lans atinainn . estme exico as alreac “onder agreed to under adverse con- that it would be possible for money fdr naval purpdses|Vestment in Mexico has alrea ly | You will soon be able to pur { order ditions need not be lived up to. the Dominion to build cruis- would not be spent in Canada|been demonstrated very effect-|onase jocal shingles, made in| "eel Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker Mebane tori ee The working men who are ers and other vussels. They but for materials and wages|ively and those Montreal mag | Port eievard. 1O2tf Notary UNO a compelled to join the Conser- have denounced the Liberal in another part of the empire.|nates who poured good Canadian | iA I I < matic 9 Ces ; : ‘ dollars into e evelo . fl 220 Second Ave *rince Rupert " vative association or lose policy of building in Canada, amerscorte lollars into the development of] a U | D TAILORS 5 ; “apEp a > eg m0 or tint ae Skeena Land District—District of Coast their jobs can vote as_ they as far as possible, out of Ca~-]WED MAN WHO OWED | Mexican tractions, water powers | Ringe Five. : " N IE please when election comes nadian material by Canadian HER 5 YEARS’ BOARD @nd mines will no doubt have, TAKE NOrICE tat 1 on oe HARRISON W ROGERS Spee vat . . sud real > . ( ‘ Logan, of Prince KRupert, B. C., ocecupa i and many of them will take labor. They have condemned = ; ene very fully by w that! ich prospector, intend 1 apply’ fer per x bias re Oe nen 7 r¢ Sie > 3 a ‘ ‘ > ‘ } ae Seattle, May 2. Augusta J, while governments such as those/ mission tw purchase the following de re Cc é St., Next OPR ady antag of that independ- this policy with which there Atbiarts Aa vihakath scribed lands: Commencing at a jost ‘ Gy He aE ES ence, There is a hard day would necessarily go provision|lamb has been granted a divorce |!) erta and Saskatchewan |pjanted 160 chains east and 40 chains Suite 1, Federal Biock coming for the oppressors. for the establishment of great by Judge King Dykeman ; trom pee not be willing ~ permit th | caikton ienesae seen. inence south 40 PRINCE RUPERT, 8 6, ©. STUART Cave canem. Canadian shipyards both on werbert Lamb, who, the wife told! same ruthless exploitation as nase chomp thence vee se oe Phone 300 P. ©. Box 1635 ansenmin we ~ — the Atlantic. and. -Pacific|the couft, owed her 4 five-year|was the custom int Mexico, it is'| Spee rote, eet oor commencement, Ag reenter i é ‘ i jshore line to point of commencement; | .—_—————— ——- - a The largest lake freighter in coasts board bill when she married him|the very ruthlessness of the | containing #20 er See Oe ts ic 808 2nd Are > an - erty . “ . M. McK, LUOGAI , the world was launched at ae Se on September 27, 1911, and de-!Mexican system of exploitation! March 7, 1914, SECOND HAND GOODS PRINCE RUPERT, BY Port Ar ; Apri 4; gix The t . g of ,|serted her three months later. It;Which makes the investment un- song ——| Port Arthur on April 414, six The launching f the . tre oa | skeena Land. Dietrlct—District “of Coast, { will buy or sell all kinds of |.) yy was charged that Lamb = quit| safe. Range Five. ae Alex, M. Ma Lil —————— EEE a ' | ousehote goods ecna cs wa. BA. work as soon as he was wed, and The Mexican government} TAKE NOTICE that 1, Andrew MacLean, | OUS°00 seven” ow of Prince Kupert, B. C,, occupation;tools, guns and menu's ine WILLIAMS & ANSON that Mrs. Lamb bought him ajmight be willing to permit capi carpenter, jniend to apply for per pot. . } 1 i t . € 6 ) Ei ! new suit of clothes and got him/talists to gather the shekels as/m™ission to purchase § the following de Will call any time. Barrist Solicitors, Ele . . scribed lands; Commencing at a4 post SONEY O LOAN a job on a San Francisco boat.|they could, but it was powerless |pianted about 160 chains east apd 60 F. M. CROSBY MONE To ° When he arrived at San Fran-|!o guarantee permanency of that|{2#MS borth of the northeast corner of} ggg 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 aupert, b 6 ad e TBA 'Pre-emption Kecord 1838. at @ point on cisco, said Mrs. Lamb Herbert | privilege. the uortherly shore line of an isiand, \ ; . . , en } ; thence south 60 chains to the southerly an SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS sent word for her to get a di- When his idea thoroughly | shore line, thenee westerly, northerly and A IVARSON & CO " vorce, that he was not coming|seeps in there will be less anx- | easterly, following the sinuosities of th . mt pee erent te on 3 , : shore line to the pojut of commencement; un usr back. The husband told the|iely on the part of our Eastern | containing 480 acres, more or less, Blacksmiths & Horseshoers PACIFIC TR PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. court that there had been much | anadian millionaires to rush wWiltiie’ Welt Lomin, hoest. Boat Work drinking and carousing about! ipto South and Central American March 7, 1914 A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager the house after the marriage. He|investments and to ignore the . —I|Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson Way LADYSMITH oa 1st Ave. and McBride 8st. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. hi She iliat aL wala ; bil wey oor’ 1 |" Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ph eeae ok e cour lat he was now aj; Possibilities of their own country Range Five. PHONE 25 ir | ee Srench: Yard. sh; Spithere janitor on a steamboat. ihere in the west | TAKE NOTICE that 1, David Coox HARRY HANSON 0 | sirang, of Prince Kupert, B, C., occupa P. O. Box 2¢ Preet —-_— ——— - " | r to purchase the following described lands — | Columencjng @t @ post planted about 160 THE RELIABLE PLUMBER ON ————— Assistant Horticulturist | 90,000 Rooms at 'Frisco chains east and 60 chains north of the p. ROB SERTS Maurice { a. ti ‘ z i fortheast corner of Pre-emption Kecord laurice Howi t who is to be i i838 at @ point on the northerly shore | Phone 488 Second Ave., near MoBride Chartered Accountant 9 assistant to A. H, Tomlinson, the} Two hundred hotel proprietors | !se of an island, thence south 60 chains S HARDWA provincial horticulturist, arrived| ¢ 3 | Fg. rrhorie’ Po sly’ ¢olitetaie te Peet saves? 'o + Mvnneie vim of San incisco have agreed not | erly, northerly and westerly following the , { Assignments = in the city Friday on the Bea- a o Aereed NOE sinuousities Of the shore line to point of DR. GILROY, DENTIST ae” a Rupert, BF faa oa ' jlo raise their charges above , commencement; containin 480 acres, : ck 1 Ave., “Prince nv ; SaanniinEDEEEEISEEEEIERRRIEREERaee +“ =e trice, Mr. Howitt's work will Od sine nov ; : * tf ; i above oe more oF 1688. e ar yesh Crown and Bridge Work a Smith Block, & cae mostly locally assisting j aud iow prevailing during he _ DAVID COOK STRANG, . f ; pone @ 710 SECOND AVE ing garder ile - i ne |year of the Panama-Pacific in William Mck, Logan, Agent, Specialty. vis ° g Bt 1s and lawns made, He} ) 4; . | Mareh 7, 1014, HOUSE leaves Monday for Terrace for| ?oo#'0"#! exposition, Kirk Har-|_______ an : Office: Smith Blk., Third Avenue WILLIAM iT ,| ris, Manager ¢ » association, | - Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle some work on the experimental]. nager Of (he ‘aesoolation NOTICE Sus woyo” mg oe : hs said that 90, ‘ooms ll be] eid Fg pur i farm the dk i Mr. Fomlinson | va itable oF ae Seite, be iN THE MATTER of an application for UNION TRANSFER CO PRINCE | " . Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns leaves for Victoria and Bella Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery R : lt g 3 ihe issue of fresh certifieates of title for ope Valves Ammunition Coola. and %: | Lot 11, Block 44, Section 6, and Lots 18}. GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE y INE oH Pumps Hose Paint sera t Cia “hs te ise nee Map arene 7, City of South Wellington Coal (MPERL Al, i ACH Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron Notice rs What everyone should know: | NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that tt ts|VHONES: 36 Office RESIDENCE 11 1y Done “s ee | People of discriminating taste | DY dre"inonth trom the first publication |#33 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT Repai Quickly WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” é | dine al the G, T. P. Cafe. 83tf | hereof fresh certificates of title in the » RED ; Storage belonging to Joe Jor- > ; name of wie |B Boodgrass for the \\ Uns 4 SSS SS EEE —— oad d . ‘ | PRT He Ne above mentione ols, which certificates gonson left in the Houston Cafe) Inlaid linoleums, cork carpets, ye ated 19th January, 191%, and 80th BOAT BUILDER \ {LIMORE FRED TORK’ bef be sold by private sale after! print linoleums and floor oil-|4144 i yobpooaively, neroremn. 25k 1 - . JAI ILS b A 30 days if not settled for and re-|cloth at 10 per cent discount for a, p+ + H, JOHNSTON srohitect moved, ;eash. Geo. D. Tite, the quality won clerk, intend to apply for permission oe eBride Sire = 194-417 GEO, E, 8ST. CLAIR.| furniture dealer. ’ Land Meaistry office. Frince Rupert, B.' gea1 Cove Phone Green 321 210 A "ae : ‘6 oy “ie Sometimes the “Law of Moses” is Very Satisfying eal en! T saw Nov \ | pee SLUG THAT | ny HE GENT Teint gies , 7 ROCK PILE_ - = = — ; ‘ Y . “PINCH > OR ELECTRIC 3S F ae ~ 2 cree HIM OF FICE CHAIR - ITS “ “$: \ PINCH é KM | {\\_ AIM Uy GLAD NOV SaW \T- J PEACHOF A PUNCH” WASNT Walbges