THE DAILY NEWS Monday Mas ~ eo The Empress LOCAL NEWS ITzvs. | NOLALUM Din means everything that is choicest in fine tea. “SALADA” means the world’s best tea --- “hill- grown Ceylon” --- with ali the exquisite freshness and flavor retained by the sealed lead packages. BLACK, GREEN or MIXED 054 Government of British Columbia Will sell at auction sales to Be held in Vancouver, Victoria and Prince George in the latter part of May a part of its property holdings in towns of Prince George and Fort George Let us represent you at these sales. We have a thorough knowledge of the property to be sold, we know what prices were paid at the Grand Trunk sales and we know what resales have been made since. ~ We have no property of our own for sale in either town and no inter ests to serve but yours. We will charge only a small commission for representing you. Do not attempt to buy without first securing complete informaton about the two towns and property to be sold. Full particulars and plan free on request. [ Wererencee, | Aldous and Murray Limited | References: Grand Trunk Pa- ciflo Railway | \ Paid up Capital $80,000.00 Land Commissioner General Selling Agents, Official Qrand | | Union Bank. Vancouver Trunk Pacific Town SMITHERS Dun's or Bradstreet's 628-631 BIRKS BLDG., VANCOUVER, 8. C. emomiomomomome No. 7—Cut out and paste in your Ro al recipe book. One cup butter, 1% cups brown sugar, 3 eggs, 3 cups Royal Stan- dard, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, 1 | tan ard cup chopped walnuts, %4 cup rais- ins, % cup currants, 1 dessert -—-- spoon soda dissolved in 1% table- spoons water. Mix butter and su- Boston gar together, then add eggs well beaten; add the fruit and nuts well floured; add_ soda. Lastly drop from teaspoon on well-buttered Browns HO er ncwn 6CIDETTY Brown visits a Boston lady and is given above recipe She was greeted with: “I have been trying those recipes you have published in The Daily News. They're splendid! And look, I have cut out every one and pasted them in my recipe book. Won't you please publish this favorite receipt of mine, salthough I warn you that Boston Browns made with ROYAL STANDARD vanish at our table in a trice. So tell them to make plenty.’ Buy where you can most for the money Betty Brown asks you all to try this recipe today “the ROYAL STANDARD way.” ASEH aa 2 pail STANDARD | eh el Lab oe FL OUR soni . F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT i micimlofmjofmfofmfo mis mio mfoimjo moo micinioh ne er ea emer ene ne High-Grade Work Plumbing, steamftting i nd sheet metal work PEERED ge EKER ET at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld PIII IID III IA IIA IIIA IAI SSIS IIS ISS ISSA SAS ASAI ASA ISAS ACAI | | Read The Daily News CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. Summer Excursions Prince Rupert to Montreal } GEG TOS. cc ccccccecee $141.00 | Do to Toronto and return. 128.00 0a S an unc es | Do to St. Paul and return,. 96.00 | Do to Chicago and return.. 108.50 Do to New York and return 144.50 ! Other points correspondingly low. j Effective June ist, Final return PRINCE RUPERT BOAT HOUSE for hire. Gasoline for sale ree } limit October 31st. PHONE RED 391 ie Cheap rates to Norwegian Cale. } yration in Norway, effective Apr North End of Manson Way 20th, 25th and 20th, Cheap rates to Norwegian San- gerbund in Chicago, effective May j 19th and 20th, Princess Beatrice, Southbound, Sunday, 8 p. m. J. G. MCNAB, Generar Agent Corner 8rd Avenue and 6th Street } Tl Crown Gri , own. Granted ABU ALE Rapp in large and small blocks, j near railroad, i From $10.00 | | | : 35--PHONE--35 i TAXI f per acre up. Harrison, Gamble & Go, Third Avenue ALF HALLIGAN | oO OO OO Oo Oo Ia ON ay $ $74 Ae CREDIEND | the management of the Em- RY re: PRINTED ON THE, lpress has been fortunate enough Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream KARE to secure unother big interna- peuew® tional suecess for their patrons, Eat at the London Cafe. Sitf lwhich is “Paid in Full,” to be ee shown for two days only, com- The Prince Albert. will be mencing Wednesday, May 6. today wrth coal from Union Bays R. Hedley is in the e¢ en route to the Tasso mines tha Haid in Full,” in five parts, E, }Waiter’s famous drama, opens it the Empress with three of the winal actors of the New York success in their roles. From re- ity today get th orts that have been received 1 New York, there is no ques- 1 1944 ——s, PPP OR +e Ss en, CaCl The House of Quali Se ee el rene) SH E Bargains Having got in an enorm PHONE 535 we are going to sacrifice Pe" BTAde shoes doing no one can afford By « opportunity, even though CY-Saving present time. mre ab the Our system is to spend a advertising; the loss on th { money this account, and you will s Narged tp donation to you will be good May 4 to May 9, GUN METAL SHOES — DONGOLA syogg~ Ladies’ Gun Metal Buttor FOR LADIES Shoes, low hee}, fanc' on stitching; a very service x! able make and come in sizes ” ~ tage 3 to 7 Sale price .......... $2.95 FIFTH AVENUE SHOES *"* “°* °"¥ ms Patent Leather Shoes are) PATENT LEATHER extremely fashionable thi season and here is one we SHOES can recommend to you; has | Toe Paton glove finish, button top, tip I | SI sal toe, medium Guban heel, is Goodyear welt and focker | hi Pa last. All sizes in stock, | d ee These are good buying at | ea } ‘a Bv.00, | Buy this week for.. $4.35 i ; $4.50 value for $3.20 Port Edward. If m but that the Kinpress pa mer ae jtrons of the best in moving pic The Prinee John arrived ltures will be afforded a rare dr: fiat tha gee , Bets an jul be a rded a rare dra- rom the south. She was la matic treat by this wonderful account of fog. } film which was produced by Au- ° Y }yustus Thomas, who had asso- tealty activity will soon : ted th | TY ' ik: bea the cl AN 4 cldamrawell baking pence, The ee oh with him Mr. Walter, the ; ; I el tokdee tet 84 -t! author One of the points that will locate. tt; LonGgon wale, ‘ . ‘ 2 ;Was Of necessity lacking in the }play was a portrayal of the e¢ J H Rogers returned this S. D. Raymond returned to|! ; Arak cetacean J. . “ etul | i 4 Lode jlife of Captain Williams, the ex morning from a holiday trip as/New Hazelton : ~ . pirate, who later became a power far as Montana. i hi ae ‘ wand 125 the financial world of New Ms ‘se yg teversible secrims one ; . ork Che filt versio shows Mr. and Mrs. Ford and family} wide, regular value 35c, special | ().), ipt Si aah rd ton flit ‘ hd Ut rte Ss a oe “o v : re . . @ orning I yrice 20c yard ¢ Geo y Tite 6; I went up the line this m price { yard at 3 so D, Tite a mutiny on shipboard,-and it is a short holiday trip. | ry et f the Conti. |S@id to be realistic in the ex eee illiams of e 0 | : j treme Then again, the sceni Graham Island is preparing | nental Deyeloping company went pl me r shown in the on tein’ splendor sho » caps 8 for its new automobile service | the train this morning on his ipparal in the last ink with | apparatus » iAaSt scene n its north be ac h. 5 iW t he R aes fi | 7 oA ull the curios from curious peo-| j 7e, 18 Said blo De a t ) oO F. C. Wright, manager of the] Principal Brady took the High | Pe a i : v8 . ee a | SLaLINE iv e e i | British Columbia Oil company on] schoo! elass up Hays mountain hould be accorded r | sho ‘ 2. ordet Specit ‘tle Queen Charlotte. islands, is at}today for nature study The} tion is the actin ao it Mar | 1 s » ac ro ar- the Royal jboys ,and girls enjoyed — the ° Pan es yal. shall in the role of Joe Brooks, See uling. the defaultin ler} wi | » defaulting cle ( seks There are sti a few good pre-| Re i, t ive hitn elf Sept 9 ha by| Bi o si , mse . rise emptions left on Graham Tsland.} rhe Rowing club house boat the most despicab! ; tl 4 noe . , os espicable nevnods We know them. Queen Charlotte! has been moved from the dry] ), means of a sacrifice f hi prone eon, 87tf) dock back to Cow bay, where ajwife’s honor. It will be remem- e ane sitio s being pre-|bered that Mr. Marshal as Ain’ atin eins toma Me-|? rmanent position is being pre Poe ae I Ball Ww Ms the Bride: street and Seventh -ave nue|pared fo rher. \ float upon ina! Joe rooks, and for that] Saturday night called the bri-| Which the boats will be hauled Brita se WOES 19: Ba, DOR? Der. cade out It was a small blaze| has already been started and an- fection as can be, that was put out before the de-{ Other will be built “at once to ' : partment got there }eonnect with the shore This Won Demers’ Drawing er ee j will be a much more convenient E Con The train from the interior|Place for the members than Phe drawing in connection waa itive hours’ late last .even.|where she has been at the dry with Demers’, ladies’ wear scale ‘ i i rs was held Saturday evening at 9 ing. She was delayed by some|4ock ero r . ; | g o'clock at the store The win- mud slides going up and did not] ner was Mrs. Monte Craig. wt get into Smithers until yester-| Inspected New Hazelton Bridge : ee a | won with tieket No. 1644. Mrs. day morning. George McColl di » dr g cate 6 | Mr. Griffith, deputy minister feColl did the drawing The customs returns at the lo lof works: \ Cox, provincial | Southbound eal office for April showed the j ar¢ hitect, and Wm. Manson, M a receipts to be $13,078.41 Phis | p, P., returned last evening from Passengers on the Princess is practically the same at what a hurried trip to New Hazelton.] Beatrice which sailed at & p.m they were last year for the samé |The party inspected the new]last evening: Miss L. Dax, W. } month, They were $14,289.04 }suspension bridge across’ the| Taylor, Geo, W Waugh, P. I 1913. eg a | Bulkley, and Mr. Griffith will re-| Evans, R. H. Hewer, Mr and Mrs jport on it to the government.|A."E. Mann; and Mrs. P. Clausen E. H. M ilson, accompanied by |The government has been asked —~ . hewn Geo. MeNicholl, G. T. P. indus-|(o take it over from the owners Taffa curtains, material 48-in trial commissioner, _ left this | Roads to itwwill also be built. wide, regular value &$4 yard; morning for New Hazelton where yecial price 6 . F they will visit th mine Mr.! special price 60c yard at Geo. D. e Ss e 2S. : 7” * oh Bnet tant THE WEATHER Pite’s 74ttf s is ¢ romine nin . : : 5 a . ninenl Minis) Fupnished by F. W. Dowling f ‘om Sz Trancisco. nan trom san Francisco Observer A ATELY EE | For the 24 hours ending 5 a.m., tobt. L. Burnap, G.T.R. asst.} May 4. 1944 traffic manager, accompanied by} - F. L. Norman, commercial agent | Barometé educed tu sea of the G. T. R., Seattle, and L. level .. He Lee he ie BOL Te Right in Price |Vietor Druce, commercial agent| Highest Sa At Right in Style of the G.T.P., Vancouver, are ex- | Lowest es tecueeaees $0 | Right in Quality pected in on Wednesdav’'s boat | ° - e | TRY US Work ballasting. the line be- PRINCE RUPERT TRANSFER | Somat tween Smithers and Fort George COMPANY SWED : 3 Thore aro | Meavy. Teaming and Baggage Express BROS. is now in full swing. There are Moving Furniture, Planos, Etc. 7 five steam shovels taking out Excellent Storage Facilities MERCHANT TAILORS jgravel and between 1000 andj|\COAL — DEALERS — COAL 1500 men are distributed am- | PHONE 566 1009 THIRD AVE. ong-the different camps. It will | —— nereremeienineidiiane iia a a take-at least three months to oe | ATA, eae 1 Sek byo greets “The Dail News ah vides Bh ¢ . . . y O} | Gen. Supt. W. C. C. Mehan S E states that a large number of CLASSIFIED ADS. pete * wWRITE CABLE people are going into’ Fort PPPPOOIIOR BUILDING CONTRACTS George from the east. There is LOST eee Arrenged--Easy Termes considerable building gcing on in . | CLOSE-!8 PROPERTY $800. TO $2,000 Prince George and the town is Lee m St Dee, arene ve opal | 1914 LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS $200,000 | ven. bow. | brooch. Fipdes ewarded by returning Bets Z SPECIAL TILL JULY tt The Chelohsin arrived at 1:30 FOR RENT LOTS $0 X 122 this morning and then sailed for|_ i _|$150.00 §250.00 §350. 00| | Granby Bay. When going into] pup \ISHED ROOM FOR RENT—Phone Cleared Graded Sidewalks Water jiavaport last week the Chel- 154 o7f| THREE BLOCKS FROM NEw SCROOE | ohbin ran aground and damaged | FOR (RENT Nicely turnished room with| EXCLUSIVE SALE 7 meer oon Soe ath, close Satisfactory ference her bottom. She will be laid uy required Apply Be hie bali hooee White Rock Resort Development Co ,tia at the end of the present trip for TBUL | 619 Hastings St West VANCOUVER, B.C jrepairs. This will take her off}! MMI R SON LODG! Fifth Ave. and Em-| TERMS: $25. DOWN, BAL. $10. PER MONTH for a week or } Merson Place—nine rooms; all modern Prizes, 3 Lots, 2 Houses, $5,250.00 | the run for : war my two. | conveniences , Apply P. O Box ($40 or | Guarantee Re-purchase at havens of 20 per cent : . * | WRITE NOW The deputy minister of works| FOR ae ' and the provincial architect ton) CR SALE ut Jn. your name and address and mai day have been looking over the oe nal ee eee en Nan . es 7 . FOR SALE—Ranges and stoves. cheap,|>@!¢ site of the new court house On|” “Galland, McBride Street, Pe emeort Address Market place, the site of the SIX-HORSE PERFECTION gasoline engiue, Would like to invest § in “Stanley Morse creek bridge, and of the| ne OT a aover In excellent order.|tieights.” Reliable agents wanted for ou hs ve " | nly ) OX 110 Dally News, 7itf) publicity Bureau in every town and city road around the island. No defi-|__— fed eine ttl eee aa British Columbia and Washington, U. nite information as to when | WANTED S.A Salary and Commission, |these works will be started is Aa available as ye ny ee ; avaliable as yet, WANTED—-Capable servant. Good wages. TAKE NOTICE that the personal effects Apply Mrs. M. I. McCaffery, 325 Fifth| consisting of baggage, household effects, Avenue West 101-103] Prospectors’ and assayers’ supplies of Modern 4-room house and Light on all sides. about 20 feet Price must be reason- a af 7 p ae rent and storage in the sum of $143.35, I OR REN j able, Apply Box 94 Dally News, 89tf] will be sold by public auction, at the Dyer ’ Apartinents on Third Avenue, Prince Ru Ammer Modern 8-room house and bath. Two-room cabins, partiy furnished $8.00 per month. r , M Ce eee nee isc Furnished house to rent—& rooms ELLANEOUS AG ° completely furnished, immediate : possession; $35 a month. WHO WANTS A CHEAP BUY?—tLot 3,|Civil Engineers ana 6. C. Land One 3-room house, partly furnished, ane "ty Section 8, price §426, easy $ 50 hew democr Y 20 a month. $100; sell for seo, emocrat ie. cost Surveyors One 4-room flat at $16 per month. son Q. C. I, Information Bureau, Third Flats, Stores and Warehouses. Fire and Accident insurance in 20, South Vancouver, Phone Colll TOW nd 8 E He- | og, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric Strong Board Companies. wood 99K. Jolin Crristy, cattle dealer. Blue Printing, Negatives and White if : x ; Prints, J. LORNE MacLAREN WwW Bagnon tit cacti cet our houses and applications, Give us 615 Beoond Ave. Phone 160 house to rent. Prince Rupert Pitan. eae Wm. 8. Reinbold, a former lodger at the WANTED—A boat hull in good condition, Dyer Apartments, and who is tndebted for WANTED CAS'i-—-Will sell agreement for Sale or give business property security. pert, on Friday the 16th day of May, 1014, Apply Box 146 Daltn Kone B6ut a rye Dour Or 9 o'ciogs Ip the afternoon WANTED . Second hand gasoline engine, DATED at Prince Rupert, B, C,, this 1st bath. 10 to 15 horsepower, Must be in g00d | day of May,-1914. 100-106 order, Box 112 Dally News, 7itr , ; Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con- COWS OF ALL KIN 2 ’ . in, Cor, Westminecor” Rens ae, soming struction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and ton, Collingwood East Post Office, Box| Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- clers. F. K. C. Brown, manager, 315 ‘A vhaeemeed Second Ave. Phones 205 and Blue $74.'MicBride St., Prince Rupert, B. 0, Grey or Black Suede L SHOES Shoes for ladies; these have 15 buttons, medium Cuban oe ¢ white heel, Goodyear welt, single | : sole, fashionable pug last, | . " £6.00. vs ther, Reg. shoes Sale price wreret iis Waal sass Ladies Chocolate Colored | pp Shoes in button tyie ind h I r wild made of selected stock; has j Cuban heel, with very com- | al: hav fortable Athens last; a] 8s; Goodyear shoe of fine workmanship | we f st. These and finish. They will s¢ this week for....... $3.90 | Our $6.50 special for Wi BOYS’ SHOES, GIRLS’ SHOES, CHILDREN’S SHOE}, MEN'S SHOES Store open every morning 7 a. m. Close 6:30 p.m Saturdays close 11:30 p. m Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 BUY A HOME. SAVOY HOTEL 83 os ics ox sc ee FIRST CLASS CUISINE ak Hot and Cold Running Water in 4 room house. All m all Rooms $1800 cash. .$600 bal. ree te eee eens Oe 6, 12 and 18 months THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITIGH COLUMBIA c. K YTERBERG, PRUDHOMME & FISHE? 4721 5th Ave. E. Box | pregpintere epee we —a eneenninagganvaineenneyiginasgiaicretest vocorcoccocceocooronreTTttim ‘oil ? mpletely ture Six-room, co cy" and all I tee Hotel : Directory ¢; v2 Ss ane Ste k 3, section 8, ‘Een Beers Lot 15, BI ca ri : te wr 8 . . *s, acti i i ial) 00; $60 h, balance Members P.R.L. Vintners Association $1,100; $600 cas ont et Block 46, Section oe at illegal ; shies “palance 6 jem WINDBOR HOTEL Doub i 6 r By : oe Corner of First Ave, and Eighth St ¢ $0 0 eres and See tl” ror Reute HOTEL CENTRAL house on Siath Five-r ors per month wih wa First Avenue and Seventh St nue G95 per morre Beach Pitt European and American Plan Fou ee $20 pet Peter Black, Prop. Building, $18 —= INSURANCE Be Fire, Life, Acc dent, Marin KNOX HOTEL Fy First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth a RAD ) European Plan, Rates 60c to $1.00 PATTULLO & er Day 500% wt Beener a Besner, Props. PHONE 83 L ceeeneeeseeeertn 4. Y, Rochester Vv. D. Casley is EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave, Between Sixth and Seventh Streets ~ { European Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day 3) O en cat i _ PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plan Fr. Ww. Henning, Marager K across HAYS onEE ROYAL HOTEL , ae Co) Cortey & Burgess, Props iors Third Ave, and sixth St Iw a Pr European Pian Bteam Heated Twi s we ee eee use BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO, \ h Fr LIMITED ! » close Second aye, and Sixth St Oat 10U ee Phone 102 BR i ee PRINCE RUPERT impontine 00., (. R Na den C0, li Fraser and Gixth Sts Phone 7 nd Avenue seco