1914 May 5, ctly, with the AME DYE. Clean and Simple. . ‘Dealer. Bend for Booklet, ok rdeon Co, Limited, Montreal neeee FOR 75--PHONE-~75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO co eek ke RRMA SEE DS! SEEDS! ed Be 1914 6pring PHeve y 1 our Seeds RDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. Dez Feed of all kinds FEED a SPECIALTY promptly attended to Prisce Supert Feed Co. FIELD CHICKEN ERE EES * * *” a * * * » ; ® PEEP OM POLIOPAIIIIOLOIIL GS, THE DAILY NEWS J i a] Fiagship of the United Stat: p08 TI Ave Phone Black 268 000000 PPO P OOO ED ODE DAA LE LAE: LL LT SPRING SUITS Right Price U. &. S. ARKANSAS \dinira ns of th Bady er, which will figure is inited States | U. &. S. DES MOINES Your om Appearance 1s Important ! Between the unshaven ZF cheek of the sloven and the i] unctuous jowl of the much- barbered fop comes the clean, fresh face of the man who shaves himself with a Gillett | They re here now. ee eee Car eS ES SHE Liles SSG ats Prick CAS ERS J} Aen ft z ION oS. COMPANY OF B.C Ltd Years ago, And lodked over the ground | Listen 7 ec pe ek aie es i f ” rn oie She * | * § Bill Manson said And Joe and Nels |ENGINEER EXAMINED + | S Schedule effective era Bors ee die | , x i ' He would huild $4 “k w ‘ HARRIS BROS. MINES * March 24th: Said the work would start + | THE ‘ ; oe a | Spice eee == * Sailings for Vancouver A new court house, Immediately. } Omineca Herald * b OR ig oe eng J.¢TS Ve an-Rhys of Prince fi Pri R t vnd Ne N ther rB. BC. sleamien ! fa dett- Veughen~Alis 8 DAILY | (or Prince Rupert and Northern And a road | Some more time passed Rupert arrived in town Monday elohsin Tuesdays, 9 p. m. oe ae } C j night and on Tuesday morning t { ire Saturdays, 9 a. m. Around the island And Joe went to Victoria iwent up to the Harris goed yh * N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in . or 8 4 jexamine the property and make a| * Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of . . . | r i neouver Thursday And help ae Tre ah hae jreport to some eae vapl- 7 / the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all : | ei eS aq came Dé \talists o aree 5 é g an} , : Monday mornings, | entia talists who ar Comer. BHAS | : / x j is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events tively | With the Morse creek bridge. | : investment in the Harris mines. * — ros Bas eg h ivel} And told the press a Maiirhs cat ool Pate | if * / ind topics interesting to Northern British Colum- | Ci Oe oie ee r. Vaughan-Rhys will return t z SAFE . And the people town today and report at once toi] * i bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- Arrivals from South we They would start lhis principals. | 7 SANE mism and reliability. ; helohsin Mondays, 6 p. m.|} Believed him, Ticenaittintisls |} Mr Vaughan-Rhys pesotpe * emov [The Daily News is the most valuable paper to lenture Fridays, 8 p. m be ae 8 Shere ce |spending the most of the seasor ] * advertisers because it is read by the buying public. : ’ . . are 4 Ip 1A ar ¢ j 2. : And sent him to parliament. | nq some time passed j he re egg eae aa ae 1] z IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in | j é ore » Ta Ns D> COE e +. ee ere ¢ if a ‘s a ee "es ne mi aed x eis the vity. It is read by the class of people the ) ’ : 3: intends to renew Ss acquain INDEPENDENT nd Bill we a ene * srtisers W Ogers Steamship Agency And B won : * And a mg oem A ‘ance with the various trails in| 7 advertisers want to talk to. Pho 146 lo the boy , ge lthe district to facilitate his work | * INTELLIGENT 1 es eee ie ae panties: fc et | From Victoria, s llater on. Mining, he says, is the | t ; : ' ; deed }main industry this year and New | ] 7 ee me THE ‘ —_ tside the or ash 2 > grounc | “pecs ata of Coen, vu : ' vr | And looked over the ground |Hazelton is the big centre for al F * E that {, William McK. “ jnew operations, x Rupert, B, C., occupa- Of Dick McBride's office, | And Joe and Nels cheered | * ntend to apply fer per- e | - x = —— -— — - -—— - - - x use the following o eo” | | MEXICAN ARMY NEAR | x ences to Shing| And asked the boy, \nd Sam encored, | WERA CRUZ VERY HOSTILE // + theast corner of fre- te "a og | ical * nee Lense ae Yoh > ro a the secretary And said he was Special to The Daily News) ~~4 omer ee ee Jounal . est 80 chains along the er rer es , Washington May 4,.— De-| : nt of commencement; The architect | , J i | + PIRI III III IIR III IIIA IAA IAA AA AAAA AAAI AAAAAAAIAAAAAAK IK KK IKI nore oF re ro ask Dick : mm spatches from Brigadier-genera! | ‘ M, ° . . . | i ? i 3 ; Comoran en ee es rr re rts Pe ed te ee lee as. } seal i ae re help And then some more Funston on the situation at |$ eee m= 7 : _ : a i ena District—District of Coast, . ¢ eae Cruz was the subject of a long} | tae t I "teal | ie MacLean, And Dick smiled Time passed conference in the war depart-| " ; per, Bb. G., occupation cH eou eae 8 ment last night between Secre- | 6 500 00 | U M B E R | } hase. tae oucwing "ae- And said he'd give it And everybody wrote, tary Garrison and Major-genera! 9 e i Commencing at 8 pest ; Sie "fer 9 Wotherspoon, chief of staff of aie 160 chains east and 60 7 . the army. It is said that ac “al on terms of one-third cash, balance Modern 8-room house and bath. rye ‘he northeast corner of Peak sonsideration ! and the Grits jeered, re arm is said that Genera in equal instalments one and two a rd 1838 at. point on eerious con a rie Funston asked for instructions years at 7 per cont, buye Lot 28, Modern 4-room house and bath. 1 hore line of an isiand, . , . ‘ , look otlon opposite Gov- i * k chains to the southerly And said, in view of the hostile attitude of | ernment "Building site and with a Two S-room cabins, partly turnieh ie at Westerly, northerly and And Bill came back } Pek he the Mexican army near that city street frontage of 65 feet. ed, $8.00 per month. awit 1 tne sibuositios of the hg 9-9 , ; A GENUINE BARGAIN —and— FLATS STORES WAREHOUSES tre ie Pores of commencement; Remember the wharf SE Cc | t Li f bah. f a ee And told Joe. es eter Graham Island is preparing | Exclusively with | omplete Line o Fire and Accident Insurance in fa i ain McK. Logan, Agemt. | And everybody for its new automobile service — | BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES Strong Board Companies. Haat, x alee bs And Joe went down . es e on its north beach. 87if | M M STEPHENS & 60 110 J LORNE Ma LAREN Abe i ° a. tae te es R ac { 4 na Land Tren stp oletriet of Coast, ‘ Smiled net . . ” , WESTHOLME LUMBER (0., Limited 615 Second Avenue Phone 160 Pe ‘ pet Ste And walked in on Dick, e, oe A clean awali ha prace. The |g Real Estate Notaries insurance Phone 186 iy) Rupert, 'B. C., occupa es And two men came, London Cafe. 81-tf) | — | ry 7 i Wing described lands: ; r ' i fi " . & post planted about 160 And told him | = | 1 \ 60 chains north of the . . | " . ' ' Pre-emption Record Si | , { on the northerly shore ro get busy | thence south 60 chains ° . j i 7 hore line, thence east- ' | ; } ) ‘ud Westerly following the And Diek smiled | i 3 ; shore line to point of > ae | - eee containing 480 acres, | UW ih ; . a8 DAVID COOK STRANG. And sent a men / ay 3 un Mek, Logan, Agent, re J , To look oyer the ground ag - | | -! AE NOT! EEE bet And Joe ana Ni = eae TER of an pplication for | Bea ee | H HN : 1 of cates o ! ' . ; i4 Section 6, and Tee, Mal Said the work would start Ps: 11, Section 7, City of | ‘ oe lap 993 ee ERKERY GIVEN that it ts| immediately - ae ie after the expiration | , . ° i at P " the tirst publication | ' | q i be ales of tithe in the And some time passes VY B Snodgras for the . . . a | p if t i. ,_ 08. which certificates | hs 2 a en ¥ 1 Pe nib red Ate ee. Ane Bill wrote a letter ASY i i | iy Namred a 08 a “EASY-OPENING BOX Black—Tan— Whi i vely ack— | an— te | H. F, MacLeo elte kK District Resiotrar, me aoe ArOle B ° — Tue F, F. ; ( in ap by cor permission ’ . > » DALEY Co.. LTD: BUFFALO, N.Y. HAMILTON, ONT, } ) ce, ' - O14 wriace Rugerh, 8, And a man came ' ¥ ;