THE DATLY NEWS 8 ty, M ee —_—_—— ll a = = ne pal : —— samen THE DAILY NEWS ARIZONA | New( MEXICO | | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN — oT COLUMBIA ; | Published Daily and Weekly e THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., A RUPERT, B.C. H. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER Vj; ver ( F HEAD OFFICE CHIMUMMUAG panna Vancou >» Victor : eo a LAUA st ¢ Prince George leaves Prince fu, Maily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. GC. Telephone 98. came Prined Rupert icaves heli SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada. United States ana Mexico: Oye a® Steamers Prince John or Prince Alber: Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in i v4 advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, Teimad Low Excu rsi $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. R To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED e+ a ee. ‘ nate witit 2h spledec gee Mg Non In Cone BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES 8.8. HENRIETTE carries tocun \GERBUND, | “MNOGtigg ide New York——Nationa! Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New aS os interme , he and oxploviveg e ; York City. THE G. T. Rie ie Hart Block, Thirg hveaua pe *Dply ty ? 7 ‘ i ni oe Seattle—Puget Sound News Co. mnt TEAMSHIP Lines ‘ a London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, i? :] Trafalgar Square. : ainsi eile ’ 3 sess pacca a tala scan a= ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY DAILY EDITION Wednesday, May 6, 1944 ROOMS : . Second Avenue, Opposite Empress 1 * ' SS F net te Sona Rooms open from 8 @. m. to 11 p. As an additional evidence to fish. If we are going to in- wohin vane ta ds = . ah st that the McBride government vite white foreigners to our S. D. MACDUNALD, Srne, DENN OLISHING AND is incapable of handling con- shores let us give them a ACAPULCO President ss Wh : a anes . try . re ake good d TENLIANTEPE : eeciphnciptcetiont ALL TINTING ditions in a growing country, chance to make Fool an ALINA CRUZ . the following will — suffice: throw away this foolish notion / KNIGHT & HICKEY High ade state Large sums of money are of saving jobs for the man - i | Vin Spl sks uae ’ , ' ea ae tractors and Builders “ * being spent every year to in- who has a vote. : A N BY LAND A Con artin duce foreigners to come _to eo MAP SHOWING AVENUES OF INVASIO D ND SEA sobbing & Snpernng a Canada, Many of these find In a speech woo parliament! ‘phe military occupation of Mexico will be a tremendous undertaking. It will call for the full Shop: Fraser and Sixth Street: wear = mi their way to British Columbia, on April 16 the New Zealand ~ naval power of the United States and half a million men. The arrows show the routes that PHONE GREEN 269 % L and when they get here they minister of defence said that are open for the invasion, both by land and water, by the United States army and navy. src a are not allowed to enter even the government had _ decided “JOHN CURRIE EW HIN nt on amg the primitive calling of a that in future its duty was — —= ame ne ‘ Ee ee — ? fisherman. According to the} not to contribute five hundred creasing, hem is 8 steel eee ee | oun Mas Gove a ee (avorite Household Gag government regulations they | thousand dollars a year to the convenience to the officials | BRUIN WITH pane ~~ Estimates Given on Moving Buildings anest, Brightest, Nog must become Britis& subjects British admiralty, but instead who are helping the PION COTS Oe nie ae hae | Leo W. Steel, a gold miner of Phone Black 294 i before they can secure a to .utilize the money on train- to open up the country, buty (Portland Canal Miner considerable reputation in Alaska} NEW ewer COAL license, which means that ing New Zealanders to serve they would not be so quickly} There is at the King Edward|and Yukon, and who is said to FURNISHED Se s oe i they must lie around for three both New Zealand and Eng- forthcoming if it were not for|hotel a black bear skin me¢ asur- leontrol more placer claims in NES 2 e ue Prone years before they can enter land. Was New Zealand, he the convenience they are tojing eight feet in length, killed by|that territory than the Guggen- their chosen calling. There asked, ready to rely for pro- the local machine. Between}a squaw living at rombstone | he ims, states that there is a vast} APARTMENTS : Pe fe are a large number of such tection on a mere trade alli- joy riding and assisting the|bay on the Alaskan side of Port-|qifference in gcld mining today in two and three-room suite ‘ . me cases to be found in the vi- ance with Japan? Was she to local member to visit his con- | land canal, The skin coverin®|/and years ago. He believes that IE. DYER Phone Black 334) — i cinity of this city and nothing have no voice in the expendi- stituents, there is little time) the skull bears a large rent/there is practically no specula-|"° ~~ at. one ACK J34 ee : . i oy *j i é for » ats to Ki OF:4 hich tells mutely the manner in . » PTT an tetas et LA , is being done for them. This ture of her contributions, and for the boats t¢t be of any ix 1 jtion in the business today, ex- GEOR LEEK 7 ic is surely a stupid way to de- was she to have no say in other service, | Whie h bruin came to his death, cept in the initial stages, and WHY PAY RENT ? 29 ot Ph : bg i velop a new country. questions of peace or war? It nn |The Indian while chopping wood ths at profits can be figured in it ee ee co. . one ' WL Ae would appear that New Zea- WwW he n Pre mier McBride vis- heard a rustling in the brush,! more accurately than in most Siders - eae Tete. @ on —_—. 5 This also shows the insin- landers,. like Canadians, feel ited Rupert two years ago he pend La alizing it tv an Saree businesses. He also says C. K. YTERBERG, LSyepe va cerity of the Conservative the throb of mainhood in their told us the provincial build- . cabbe : ag — e aa en that the Yukon and Alaska fields 9. e2hek aoe ie Sin Ave @ FOR PLUMBING Ano WEATIN ‘ i st , ; 2ins ¢@ sis a2 gs ld start at once, also|through the underbrush the dis-\ are only in their infaney yet. a eat i governments. When the Lib- veins and will insist on play Ings. wou } jare on 1 y yet, aj —___ SM erals were in power at Ottawa ing their own hand in this the road around the island. It jcovered a huge black bear ad-}jarge proportion of those regions MITH & MALLET the great cry was for a white game of nations. looks now as if we would need | vancing towards her. Hastily| still remaining untouched, GEORGE LEEK \ Valves and fie British Columbia. Now that ma a few ae Visits before sny- ae "bbe oe eg oo i re ae na shoal Betate; tnsurance and Loan Broker Third Ave, Weed at Seen Ga they are in power, however, That trite phrase “the mem- CRED. SEEN. £9, Re Fe 7 a ‘ ihe alae 3 a Profit in Ginis “ Notary Public. Rents and Collections Prince Rupert very little is being done to pret eS 7 — Realizing that the now, infuriated | sh a AUCTIONEER seers: ; oe fra ahah “dein thi ber for the district’ seems to Did you hear the latest|/bruin would be upon her before R E. Gault of 8k vay last|220 8 aatiay Pri Rupert 4f in Pirie ett ave r é he $35 ‘ she ¢ eloae or as oy E. Gault of Skagway last | 22 econ e ice M Wh Japanese. It is repeatedly said have dropped out of local about i wees ne he sows rel = ae Oe lyear planted one-fourteenth of{——— UNITED TAILORS : : 3 : : be ‘ ; re S , s s e [ie *¢ eapo she picke er that white fishermen cannot print. That is Just a fore- you're slow. Just as th yne ! Ww u if eh ed up ey lan acre in potatoes and produced census se be had. If this is so the most runner of what will soon hap- you meet. axe, and as the bear lunged for- |tubers at the rate of 17% tons Will Ca Prone of the blame lies with the pen the “member.” AR oe ee Ee ar = ses uo as as oe, a 4| jper acre. They were sold at $50 Asakusa 6th St. Net OP® rg government, when they allow Recreate a ern FRANK HAD LONG WALK 4a a oF . e ee netr . . r a. ton, or 9878 ah serd: The: po- Ney ae tt aa * cas . n . > re ° sater ee cubs ’ , conditions to exist whereby The number of_government- ea wane tOanit in’ Chak acta. -whatdl jltatoes planted were Clark’s Alas- PRINGE RUPERT, B&B. © D. ©. STUART a new arrivals are not allowed| owned launches is rapidly in-|Reached Fort George After Walk eee’ ‘Ika seedlings, a variety that was a From Mile 130 speedily. Joined thelr” mother int ia sinned by Hi D; Clark, Skag_{Pedne' 900 P.O. Box 1638 tccouman area ape ne aes fe ai the happy hunting grounds. Joe als'a* tbe ‘ike laa ’ whe no 2 oe | (Port George Tribune Rogers prizes the trophy on ac- ay 8 10a : 208 2nd AY : \ ERT. 60 et Frank A, Eliis who, with Jas.,C0Unt of its excellent fur and = ~ SECOND HAND GOODS vee oe 2 . Ellis ’ Jas." A ABOUR BROS. Armstrong of Vancouver, has oe Off We go for a { will buy or sell all kinds of aiex mw ma B.A a , . A for hie r ) eC US Williap, B. heb es J e charge of the sale of government What everyone should know: PICNIC pone hold . on a m roo iit A ani B CORNER SEVENTH STR’ AND THIRD AVENUE lots in this district and at Mc-|People of discriminating taste | Will oall : th - ees ters, Solloitors, EM yy pa Bride, came in on Thursday|dine al the G. T. P. Cafe. 8: ne with our oat ey nee Barristers night from the latter place and ees F. M. CROSBY aa van ial B; is staying at the Empress hotel,|* * * * * * * * * # # * # & * * ‘| CAILLE'* 839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 rian Specia argains e South Fort George. Mr. Ellis|* TY @ Want Ad in the News * a will leave on the return trip to SESE SREVTO ESS + He ¥) A IVARSON & C0. ; Ladies’ Button Kid Boots, regular $4,00.......... $2.80 McBridé today or tomorrow, as | ; 4 SER Cd Je Ladies’ Patent Leather Button Boots, well finished, he must be there by April 29, Blacksmiths & Horseshoers PAC| FIC TRAN eo high heels, $5.52. ROW... 46 sai Ses ce Se ee $4.10 which is the date fixed for the Boat Work eral Cartage A; aaa pais Festal) tives ee ieee toss ae sale of lote: ih MeBrine sow;nere, Phone 525 1st Ave., Manson Way LADYSMITH COAL ; | vious ras : ocolate one) 90. OB errant 6 a $3.75 Owing to the condition of the )3~-Phone—$8 | gf : 4adies’ Laced Boots, Blucher cut, sizes 3 to 7%. railway line from Mile 190 to oat ina ts | Rewilay: 26,506 ol acces tk oaa terete ease er aiamel oce%e 3 $3.00 here Mr. Ellis had some un-|@SK * WRITE CABLE HARRY HANSON So, Box Pea t ie Patent Leather Lace, latest made, DEF oh vith os $3.00 pleasant adventures on his jour- BUILDING CONTRACTS MBER ' il Patent Leather Oxford Shoe, $3.75 .......+...0+0. $2.90 ney. He left the freight train on Arranged--Easy Terms TNS AERARLE PLY is ROBERTSON . Oxford: Sioa; :-kid: | $B 45 5S eae a ee ohn $2.90 which he made the trip from Me- _ CLOSE- IN PROPERTY $800, TO $2, 000, Phone 489 Second Ave., near MoBride } tered Accountant im Ladies bumps, ki, 83 SSG = tie ee ees be ve Bride about seven miles this side 1914 LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS $200 ,000 | : Ag,ustmenth sadies ape Be a Ths Cee ree kee 6, ote 0 of Mile 190, and walked the re- Audits stigations, Aa, vim” ° % ENTIST © and Assignments wes more agin mainder of the journey, some 40 ‘SPECIAL TILL JULY ist OR. GILROY, © _* alae fae Also Big Discount on Boys’ and Girls’ Boots and Shoes. miles, carrying his grip. He LOTS 50 X 122 Crown and Bridge Work a Smit h, Bed Aven ™ ps made the walk in one day. z180:00 $250.00 $350. 00. Specialty. ; ne “ ia iain a Sot Mahi care Graded Sidewalks Water, Why row? een ——__—_— —_———_—_— Selina | THREE BLOCKS FROM NEW SCHOot | Do not work hard at your Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue WILLIAM 1, HOUSE a ER ns. | EXCLUSIVE SALE ocks trom Beech | tensure. ilies Land Sui veyo ! hi ciedlt Heloaetng tates meet ee Rock Resort Development Co ,Lid | Mloter boats now within reach ~ UNION TRANSFER CO sat PERT i “a | a gonson left in the Houston Cafe Fleeing a Was VANCOUVER, B.C | of all. Sater endian \ ab will be sold by private sale afte S: $25. DOWN, BAL. $10. PER MONTH) all at our store on Third| GENERAL TRANSF as { ; y private sale after Prizes, 3 Lots, 2 Houses, $5,250 00 Bouth Wellington Coal {MP ERIA fl 30 days if not settled for and re- | Guarantee Re-purchase at Advance of 20 per cent | Avenue—opposite Mons OFT ee PHONES : 36 Office RESIDENCE 110 i SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS moved. WRITE wow pene see thie wonderful. tittle 433 “second avenue PRINCE RUPERT Repairing Quickly Dm >! motor m ‘ nie i ea ee 94-117 GEO, E, 8T. CLAIR. lat in your name and address and mail | ‘otor demonstrated — ———— —_—— HONE AED a i. ee a4 eee mee HOD s Mt PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Riis iigalevma ainda Mme oi-.-...