1914 May 6, colors ANY KIND Perfectly, with the SAME DYE. (Mistakes. Clean and Simple, ie Dealer. Send for Booklet, hardeon Co, Limited, Montreal FOR A 75--PHONE-75 RINCE RUPERT AUTO CO SIA AIA III IIASA ASASAC EEEDS! SEEDS! tz 1914 6pring our Seeds —LO, GARDEN, AND FLOWER Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. Dealers in Feed of all kinds jICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY ail orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. mos Third Ave Phone Black 268 PEELE ELOBEORPPPOPOLPLALEPEOH ve received eee HAART TY TAXI} ‘BLUEJACKETS . MAR YARD. INES OF U.5.5 NEW YORK | BOARDING DOING SHORE DRILL } BATTL AT BROOKLYN NAVY, WYOMING . —~o— ‘ THE DALLY NEWS "g-?" F SuI-F L-dMli Customs PFIOUSE AT VERA CiKUZ Scenes from Centre of the Trouble in Mexico = .8.MARINES. o-——-e-~? ; | ‘6 | J. CHAMBERLIN IT PAYS TO BE KIND” ‘SCIENTISTS START OVERLAND TO ARCTIC | 5; S ccipsc sabe ||Going to Study Air Currents for SPRING SUITS | Thidid iliaee et cectecke Candi corals °c ial International Meteoro- To every employee of the|condition of individual: the old, logical Service ight in Price iGrand Trunk and Grand Trunk/|the young, the rich, the poor, the | icy 5 P Right in Style Pacific ‘railwavs a message has |illiterate, the learned, the happy, | Hdmonton, May 5.—John Pat- Right in Quality rs the prosperous, and those in de- | tison of the Toronto observatory been sent out from the presi- a aturaied tl oe andthe I i ey TRY US te a ; | feat, saturated .with sorrow ant 1as been mm the city en route to dent's office. This message deals| distress; he sees them all and Athabasca, and thence to the . . . ° oe wilh “Efficiency and Courtesy,” |t{hrough intuition knows to what ta : : 7 ae Arctic ocean, a trip which is be- HE N f Ik m | ty d SWEDER BROS jand is signed by Mr, E, J. Cham-/class they belong. A smile, a : , I : or 0 ain Ins Its 0 u arl an ey lberlin, president of the Grand|kind word, or a kindness done to|!"* undertaken in connection Z WERCHANT TAILORS Irunk and Grand ‘Trunk Pacific |any of these cannot fail to leave|With international work for the the two styles here illustrated are the most railways. Mr. Chamberlain's | its impression for good and this] Study of air currents in the Are- ’ message embodies the spirit of}/good eannot help but expand.| le regions, involving also the . , - ihe modern railroad, an. insiet-|‘Try it.” inspection of the meteorological popular. Very smart for Spring wear. We are NN 0.0 COMPANY OF B.C Ltd J ence on the right of the publie, The president's message tojservice stations at Mackenzie ’ . : }passengers and shippers alike,| freight men says: river under government instruc- : to demand the best possible ser, “The needs and wishes of|tion. showing the full 20th Century Brand range o Schedule effective vice from the railway man. Injshippers and consignees suv For a portion of the trip north farch 24th: jhis message to the passenger ; be anticipated as much as pos- he will be accompanied by Geo. d | | department employees the presi-| sible When cars are ordered|Hall Ingram, who is making a Odels. Sailings for Vancouver ident says: lthe matter should receive close tour of northern Alberta to study steamers— } The railroad company de-jattention and in case it is not the natural history of the north- BRY AN I ( ‘(OMPAN y | | D | §ires to sell its transportation.|possible to furnish as ordered, /ern areas, to collect specimens 9 ° i"? The ticket rates are ¢ » for ¢ Ishipper she . fied, s .|for scientific purposes, t yho- es ; elohsir Tuesdays, 9 p. m.| The ticket rates are alike for all,|shipper should be notified, so he Aw . C PUrT eee Clothes Shop for Men EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Prince Rupert ture Saturdays, 9 a. m jand any person buying a ticket, | may arrange his plans accord-|tograph wild life, and to accu- , : hy matter what the style his|ingly; he should be made to feel|mulate a mass of information incouver Thursday | clothes are, how much money he} that you are interested in his} for publication, one Monday mornings, |displays or what his position in|welfare, and that his business is Mr. Ingram’s expedition will tively society is, is entitled to proper|worthy of consideratior Do not}be in part of a private nature, a Ba and courteous treatment. {discommode a shipper because of but he expects to be able to place c Phe railroad man has a great|some omission of his own. but[at the disposal of scientists Arrive : eal . . . ivals from South lopportunits for passing out|try to help him out. Railroads|knowledge that will be of un- ~ ~ ee tetra mar srs Prmeree elohsin Mondays, 6 p. m.|kindness and good will. He comes{are the servants of the public,;¢ommon value. FORO TR TORR IRI I AIDA I AISA III ASIII AIA ISS AIS SIS ASIII SISA SISA ISAS ASAI AACA + , in contact with every kind and!and it is their duty to serve well.”| Little is at present known of nture .. Fridays, 8 p. m. ithe territory through = which ~~t~ ee See aT ae oe | manna tei these men will pass. Voyaging a Seay * OOO a OR by canoe on the great waterways 7 bgers Steamship Agency f - ° t of the hinterland, the party will r ¢ cover ‘e than 1,000 miles on * 4 : General News in Brief ZJeover more than 4, . Phone 116 t ' titheir outward course. They will 7 PP Fo IGIAIIGIISIGIII ISIE ISIE III OOO IIIS AISI IOS | strike north by the Athabasca * Ae wikee = te . Sere T" Rite insaeninont has and Slave rivers, up the Great * THE —— a ee & that 4 via McK. Phe | aneaie ce are lo go : e bh ere nm ink Slave lake and chain of small * se Rupert, B, C,, oceupa-| into camp in khaki this year, instituted = eriminé procecei™e’* liakes to the great northland, and ¥ f P R intend 80 Pe wing er cecil ines against the owners and + DBe ein’ ratte they hope to x DAILY or rince upe ha as east ae “vo Sabine Sir Phomas Shaughnessy, |e! Sail Be slag ‘ a ae 7 bring with them data of the most C ’ ‘ toaa € 1s there rads oO A asee” tener a FR 28 president of the C, P. R,, advises |!) " fl o de ore ce ane important kind. Notes and The Daily News goes into nearly every home in thence west 80 chains to}ithat British Columbia should pay}|miners Jost their lives In a mlme) oc onas will be taken during the * a oa 9, Dene: reat 8 eae & pe oleae ae explosion in October last Tae cae ae sy 95" gl * Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of point of commencement; |!!! ‘ : , . ; atl Vinee : varaien 09.58 9 . ws C . is cle ; Ores, Sea ie pursuits in the provinee. complaint allgges that there the ‘waneral pulilie Alikemnits an. * the city because it is clean and reliable. It has al! , WM. Mek, LOGAN, ae were scores rere of the ticipated that the information * is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events I ;| ‘The provincial government coal ese iliae the mancee-|ihat Mr. Ingram and Mr, Patti- t aa and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- i a letelotual Coe ‘ w oPy ; ; ; Range Five *lenid 80 McBride townsite lots inj Ment of the ealheny: son will secure will prove of im- * bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- i Id ars x J P ICE that 1, Andrew MacLean, |} ihe first two days of the sale last mense interest. Mr. Ingram has * SANE mism and reliability. end" to apply ae week. The lots averaged $600 The report just issued of the|}made a special study of wild life i ] The Daily News is the most valuable paper to pu hase the following eae each McBride is a divisional] British royal commission ap-jand he expects to secure suitable x SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public Commencing @ a Os ’ . . -} ser D w 160 chains east end 60] . Ga. T. P. 98 miles] jointed two vears ago to inves-}Subjects for publication, * ; : the Gorthenat hateas erie ope ah ee pointed i ears . ee wey * IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in rd 1838 at @ point onpeast Of Por , tigate conditions In the Clyil ser- sj ; . ‘ ™clmitig to “he “sousberiy Co vice shows considerable diverg- THE repr een . : INDEPENDENT es sf o i Md Tt een «Westerly, northerly and) ‘The Emperor Francis Joseph! nee of views, but the majority ern * eer ee . 6 D sine OP en oe of Austria-Hungary, bow in his of the recommendations will Furnished by F. W. Dowling ¥ / ROUT Pees ree eee Ns Some Fas WANDHEW MACLRATN 8ith year, has been eultering make no drastic changes eicher Observer j * ] William McK, Logan, Agent. from an attack of bronchial ca- in the methods of selection or in _—_ { * ——_—_—_—__—————- T HE-—-- —_-_—________—_- 1014 4 tarch, and fer a few days much}.najtions. With regard to wo-|For the 24 hours ending 5 a.m.. * na Land District—District ef Coast,| nxiety was felt; but he Is NMOW)ien the idea of their being May 6, 1914. j 7 ] Sv nen Five. reported to be much better. treated on an equality with men vr a TICE that 1, David Cook nine re i Barometer reduced tu sea * Di ‘ice Hupert, B, G, occupa ; is rejected, but it is recommond~ level 30:2 ; mn Bal A tte | reas wore) Prince William of Wied, who}, (hat the employment of wo- 6 -. tit. JS cee aee sk $8 8 30.215 * \ ost plante ul : } BMOSE wee e ence ee enes th Ter Op. chains north of the{has accepted the throne of Al-},,0n be extended where it is pos- oe ‘ Ink Cee on i er oO -Tre-@ ’ ; JOWOBL 6 00 osm ete ne eae bec “: “ | Point on abs “Dorthery “goore bania, intends to na to aN sible at higher rates of pay. , I er en rere ree ant ae omar - ~~ pemeom O ! ‘ud, thence south 60 chains r ‘coubles which have = al- rs LT, Ms wes rmtne peste sosahteaal ot an rem oe : hy ae t proclaiming 7 th have been in progress in a ~~ Hlaining 480 acres, soon ap. certain technical - diffi- which have bee i oe nee Latest reports from Victoria \\ a Mek” eas Raat vulties are overcome,” Gwerlen: indicate the derent. OFM reiate that Hon. W. J. Bowser, - : , i sete ‘ y soruifleates of ttle tor being 349 for and 265 against, have ¢ ected § eet era ee in May. It is expected th it on terme. Gf. eneethind’ esch, helance it, Seetion 7 city of] This makes the third succeeding | pared with 65 in the it ' ~|by that time the Grand Trunk'| sean at J oer cane buy “Lot ‘Be, C O A Y fears: oes Geen Map a3 4 ‘ ub . . ‘ » Socialis 76 as ific >j ne a uys Lo ENEBY GIVEN that it ta{session in which the house has}liament, and the Rosialte s 18a Pacifie will be running trains) lock 16, Section 4, opposite Gov: Modern 4-peom house and hath nt , sue after the expiration affirmed the p! inciple of the|compared with 64. The chieflinto this place from the west and nen ee gee ane with a Two 2-room cabins, partly furnish- vor > 7 ‘ . . im . Ps om the Hires publication Drékbut measure, and it now]}strong feeling in favor of na- probably the attorney-genera! A Qnuathn abana ea ed, $8.00 per month. ve ‘i B. Snodgrass for the ; the bill to be}feature of the campaign was @/and his companion will use that Co ] Li FLATS STORES WAREHOUSES 1 lots. “which certificates |QHly remains fo! , . 1 by fear > , Exclusively with mplete Line of ;, January, 1941, and 30th] road a third time and be submit-|tional defence, aroused by fears |route.-Fort George Tribune = Fire and Accident Ineurance tn ively, "umbered 849 3 Gnd ted to the house of lords one of Russian aggression, and the - is eee BUILDERS SUPPLIES Strong Board Companies. y. ‘ , 18 ‘ ‘ . | H. F. MacLEop, : ‘fore. the session is|new parliament is certain to vote} You will soon be able to put M M STEPHENS & 60 LID imi i 1 to sypteice, Westatrer, pepe “age «the privileges|for greater strengthening of the/chase local shingles, made in Pe: LID, WESTHOLME LUMBER CO., Limited }| J. LORNE MacLAREN BG Hegisty , x oO give ’ Ma Sefton rinee Rupert, B, EONS Laeliament me army and navy | Port Fdward. 102tf Real Betate Notaries insurance Phone 186 @15 Geoond Avenue Phone 160 ‘ > t j oer oe - j - : cE ATEN ie Wn nO ne 4 i "J ;u54 Bad ef: ae i ph ¥ { y ie AE y! | fie TY iH} | bi He ye + igri. 9 i ; if. : : ; ql Fay He 5 { t 1 a Fi Hg a 4 Tie ‘ i ae + ; j MAb { / t i