rit’ DAILY NEWS Ss ———————SS== Being all pure tea leaves, you dont have to submit to the annoyance of dust and dirt floating in your tea cup and injurious to your health. Costs no more than common-place teas. Sealed lead packets only.— Never sold in bulk, “Twist the Coin”’ Geran de Rae Ce LL eke ee The best polishes in the handiest box. Black, Tan and White Tue F.F. ,Daany co. Butta slag °, N.Y. Hamilton, Ont. Government of British Columbia Will sell at auction sales to be held in Vancouver, Victoria and Prince George in the iatter part of May a part of its property holdings in towns of Prince George and Fort George Let us represent you at these sales. We have a thorough knowledge of the property to be sold, we know what prices were paid at the Grand Trunk sales and we know what resales have been made since We have no property cf our own for sale in either town and no inter- ests to serve but yours. We will charge only a small commission for representing you. Do not attempt to buy without about the two towns and property plan free on request. Aldous and Murray Limited . References: | Grand Trunk Pa- first securing complete informaton to be sold. Full particulars and | cific Railway Paid up Capital $80,000.00 i —- cone | General Selling Agents, Official @rand or. a eee Trunk Pacific Town SMITHERS | Dun’s or Bradstreet’s | 628-631 BIRKS BLDG., VANCOUVER, B. C. No. 7—Cut out and paste in your recipe book. Royal Standard Boston Browns 66 One cup butter, 1% cups brown sugar, 3 eggs, 3 cups Royal Stan- dard, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, 1 cup chopped walnuts, % cup rais- ins, % cup currants, 1 dessert spoon soda dissolved in 1% table- spoons water. Mix butter and su- gar together, then add eggs well beaten; add the fruit and nuts well floured; add _ soda. Lastly drop from teaspoon on well-buttered pans BETTY BROWN. ETTY Brown visits a Boston lady and is given above recipe She was greeted with: “I have been trying those recipes you have published in The Daily News. They're splendid! And look, I have cut out every one and pasted them in my recipe book. Won't you please publish this favorite receipt of mine, although I warn you that Boston Browns made with ROYAL STANDARD vanish at our table in a trice. So tell them to make plenty. Betiy Brown asks you al! to try this recipe today “the ROYAL STANDARD way.” PANDARD FLAY Gi i 4 fiir ely Uniform F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT Laboral Tested cP aslo fofmiciniomofiomiomiciicimicintcinicinto} | | | CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. Summer Excursions PRINCE RUPERT BOAT HOUSE Prince Rupert to Montreal es SEU» 6.4 abs 00's 4 0 $141.00 Do to Toronto and return. 128.00 ats an uncnes Do to St. Paul and return,, 96.00 Do to Chicago and return.. 108.50 Do to New York and return 144.50 Other points correspondingly low. Effective June ist, Final return limit October 81st. Cheap rates to bration in Norway, 20th, 25th and 20th, Cheap rates to Norwegian San- gerbund in Chicago, effective May 19th and 20th. Princess Beatrice, Southbound, for hire, Gasoline for sale PHONE RED 391 North End of Manson Way Norwégian Cele- effective April A ae. ' nooee | \ clean swell eating prace. The LOCAL NEWS ITEMS { Every Womam toni cate | 5 stett ss : reat Knows That (he quarterly meeting of the Pry Smith & Killas’ ice crean instead of sallow skin and face | |oca! insurance sommittee of the : pete ; blemishes she ought to possess | fir: underwriters’ board was Kat at the London Cafe Sitf the clear complexion and the | held in the Continental Trust Co ee beauty of nature and good |, ffice yesterday. Several items Wall papers, special discount health, Any woman afflicted |of business concerning local fire all this week.—Wallace’s. 103! or gufferiny et times from rance were passed, Be ae headache, baclzache, nervous- ‘6 6 io ain fot ad rn mn ee eo ant depression According to the “boys,” the I " 1 nc ust 0 spiri “ought to try eovernment engineer says this Have you heard th itest BEECHAMS wonderful city needs a fine big shout Hor Edward? sAokt wide road around the island; a Pesta. sg road with an oiled surface. The Saie prices, wall paper, this PILLS one eee ta ineear ane te weok.——-Wallace’s Oat vesterday he looked over the a. the safest, surest, most cons Joepound in a boat WS SAAR canis in a venient and most economical aed Pr wR R as Ea ; remedy known _Beecham’s The Western Plumbing Co, rince Rupert this morning Pills remove impurities, insure ied a few days. better digestion, refreshing codes ee ania, te eae eee sleep, and have an excellent |‘¢"tilating system on the fishing Ladies’ new spring suits at) general tonic effect upon the | 0%! Carlotta Cox of the Atlin sale prices. See window.—Wal- wholebodilysystem. Theyhave |! is! Co. The system is unique lace’s. 103tf| a wonderful power to improve |i" its arrangement and is 80 sat.. Och 2 the general henlth, while by isfactory that the company will Wm. Manson, M. P. P purifying the blood, Beecham’s |eduip the other boats with a the Leila R. at 9:30 this morning) Pills clear the skin and jsimilar plant. for Bella Coola. avn pees improve “AT THE HOTELS Hu rh A. Harris o e Harris] Ree ee a The Complexion Central Hotel—-O. KR. Parker, A. Heron ing a few days in the city Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents, Mrs. W. H. Mony, Port Essington; J. Rus on) oe" 0 No oe should feil to read the valasble | <1), priestly; H. W. Brown, H. M. Mur irections with every box. Realty activity will so phy, Vancouver; Alan Jessup, Massett; G mence; buy where the industries MUGS, . Bt Himpece;. Coartes: C. ParIs) will locate. (02tf Buy where you can get the] seriakatian; John Kolos, C. Borsore, F. W . e ° most for the money that 18 IN} puda, George McGregor, Vancouver, C Capt. Groves’ returned this} Port Edward BY aio 102t£} wuson, 3. Brown, D. K. Book, London; W. morning after a couple of weeks] M. Woodburn, J. A. Wright, 8. Stepher.s spent in Vancouver. Nemo and American Lady core|p pineyman, 3 Barsley, Vancouver: A Be Lee sets, new shipment of latest) cianiey cox, Victoria; A. C. Stewart, Van Peter Black returned on the | models. —Wallace’ = 103tf| couver; D. Hines, Vancouver; A Tracy, Ft Prince Rupert from Vancouver} : ; Steele; KR. P. Fetherstonhaugh, G. Hysip, this morning. Graham Island is preparing! . murphy, Peter Enoch and W. K. Kerr, Pee. for its new automobile = servicé] vancouver Geo, Angel returned last even-|°" 8 north beach. Siti he ing from a business trip to} ,. ; PePeh SPURT —-Fh, ERNIE, 0. LAPEER, : Smithers and New Hazelton faffa curtains, material 48-i0.| pigurr, T. Green, George Mitten, C. Jonn a ie {wide, regular value $4 yard;}son, Vancouver; W. Privalane, Carl Ben teversible scrims, one yard| a ee dae Teleatiaee Maem a ae | wide, regular value 35ce, special | pert . . . Ree ee eee rice 20c vy } . price 20c ey ee D. Tite's. | Lieut. Velamont of the Salva- Royal Hotel—-J. Campbeil, Refuge Bay ee cas oe ed pen ror e 4 saad oy phy snt: Bie Fred Nilson, John 8. Talt, Vancouver; SP jag e Behk Maécte cso agowe iene ad Robert Wood, J. W. Morrison, Telkwa Panties: it| oe oe, et anaes ae Mrs. W. 8. Sargent, New Hazelton; H. J ge sae cial music will be rendered and} sorse, N. McLeod, Priestly; Clyde M i et hii kde bent CO ee ee Kis 0 a i pol gg Mae visiting in the south, went > : , mesh aiciieomtinyecina’ Se, Raparsismadld through to Smithers on todavial S, A. Houlton of New West-j Davidson, Victoria; Vo W. Smith train ; Minster, forme ris Manager. of SG ibs }the Queen Charlotte Island Fish- Savoy Hotel—O. DPD. Falkins, C. W iz Co., is in the city He con-]|Alian and wife, Seattle; W. Stephens, J sae es mens Ween | ¥emplates moving here with his|A Macaulay, $. Mossen, P. A. Meagher dibtind 4s shades hati) titel a New Hazelton; C. G. McLean, Smithers lace’s. 1o3tr| : W. RK. Beatty, Prank T. Frank, Vancouver eee i D. McLeod, manager for Foley.| 7. Stettman, Montreal ae : IWelch & Stewart, returned this eee petra ee morning after a couple of weeks Premier Motel—J. Johnson, Vancouver j 29 ys : one spent in the south. He went on|t M Edmonds, George Fraser, Port} fea on Pesaran Seta re TI to New Hazelton by today’s train.| Simpson; T. J. Vaughan, J. Clark, Port” oO 6 : ‘ < $0089) ° . ° land; £. Coventry and wife, Victoria; A Ee oe ee ee ; | Mr. and Mrs. Ben Self and Mr. | Kenzie, John Walker,’ Fort Praser; A iw now them Oueer Charlotte | +n" for Mile 21 ona fishing u p. eo Howe and wife Corning, Cal N {tr (ormilkion: Haceio a7tr| hey will camp at a lake back in | tthe hills, and expect to returt | . . . Empress Hotel——J Duphill Smithers ; Geittith hacen by oan ided down with trout W. Ht. ones, F. W: Morrison, B. Sascti. 3 4 meeting of the credito one SS, @- Beem, 5. Dae hattelbu & Sinclair will CE UJ T NSFE ‘ick Stanoisit, J, Lylby, C. A. Lewis, G held ir eh. offices the ea '~ PRIN R PERT RA R) Hart. M. St. John, Job Burry, P. Roach tal Trust Co. on May 15 | Heavy Sesmtn Miller “and 0. ‘Ball Gg and Baggaye Siorens! . . . Moving Furniture, Pianos, Eto. 4 numberof: bonfires sould be | Excellent Storage Facilities } }seen burning in different parts} {of the city last night. The people| }are taking advantage of the fine |} weather to clear up their places | jand burn the stumps cg p | WwW Ww Kerr of | brought a bunch of fifteen horses jup on the Rupert this j}morning en route for Hazelton. |Mr. Kerr adding these to a bunch of twenty horses They will be for the the Vancouver Prince is | shipped in. ack eighting azelton, used as j hone} } purpose of beyond p horses fr into mines H Moore, F isheries the the ar- morning. to the and the boys him the predicts president of Limited, city this Don't first six months reaching Mr. Mo: season will be a good salmon canneries, in 18 in all | rived This cits lare |hand this of ith the visit glad that |} one re Robt L jtraffic manager |Norman, commercial’ agent G. T | t., Beattie, and L. V. Druee, com jmercial G. T. P., Vaneou accompanied by Albert Da. went up the line this The officials came in Prince Rupert. Buruap, assistant G TORE. L agent ver, vidson morning aes te n the | {FOR RENT Sunday, 8 p. m. J. GO. MCNAB, Generar Agent £ Corner jrd Avenue and 6th Street Crown Granted eeeteeeereoocereelorrrrrrs in large and gmall blocks, nea Beal vad. 35--PHONE--35 $10.00 | per acre up. | TAXI ‘Harrison, Gamble " 60, Third Avenue * ALF HALLIGAN ERNE RARER KKK KKK { Modern 8-room house and bath. Modern 4-room house and bath. Two-room cabins, partly furnished $8.00 per month, . Furnished house to rent—5 rooms completely furnished, immediate possession; $35 a month. One 3-room house arti e.rcom be » partly furnished, One 4-room filet at Light on all sides. Flats, “Stores and Warehouses. $15 per month. Fire and Accident insurance in Strong Board Companies, J. LORNE MacLAREN 61B S8e00nd Ave. Phone 160 already | hl TE ak ees ICOAL — DEALERS — COA L ee ee re May | a : i? , 1944 — — es LOCOROCO POP IOSEI OOOO EOOD CFF + oe, ee, | > OCS pega: sonal Pees. PHONE 535 P.O. tag The House of (uals Real Money Saving Oppor tunities WEDNESDA FLANNELETTE BLANKETS OF FIRST GRaApt asia a ewe We eee es hse $145 WR Shia “4 $1.65 WHITE UNION AND WOOL BLANKETS $4.00 $5.50 $7.00 PILLOWS OF GOOD QUALITY 75e $1.00 $1.50 $215 $4.90 CUSHION FORMS a 18x18 50 eee aft hace sh te} . COMFORTERS IN GOOD GRADE OF COVERING AND FILLING eee $175 72x72 $2.00 PIT ie ak 6 8a $2.50 PURE EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS Made of the purest and most sanitary filling; covers ar down proof atid of very pretty colors and patterns 7.00 $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $1850 $23.00 PRIDE, NASH & (0. Close 6:30 p. m. Store open every morning 7 a. m. m Saturdays close 11:30 p POLLO OOO EOLOORAATTATITTTANY or POOP OOR EOE AOEEEEI BUY A HOME Lot 23, Block 23, Section? a std ey Sent td ach lal hanced Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 § SAVOY HOTEL | FIRST CLASS CUISINE 4 room house, All modem Hot and Cold Running Water = in ' eee $1800 cash, .$600 bal. i Only finest brands of Liquors and ae onda Rae: Cigars kept THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN BRITIGH COLUMBIA C. K. YTERBERG, PRUDHOMME & FISHE? 4721 5th Ave. E. Box 5 vaapernens ee lalate oer ——— | soapy: enmemsiphticrmnseirsies | eesoooocece pecerecerrene fennel PHONE 566 =» 1008 THIRD AVE. | $ FIRE ALARM SYSTEM * oe * 4 Pp sey et A aneregee » ‘“ a » 3! ¥ CIRCUIT NO. 1. 7 * The Daily News |* @ox 12——-Sth St. and 3rd Ave x it Box 13-—6th St. and 3rd Ave 7 CLASSIFIED ADS, | Box 14—8th St, and 3rd Ave y a * Box 16—Junction of ist, 2nd aud + ee |e ard Aves. ; | Box 16-——1st Ave., between 8th and |* 4 LOST oa a Vth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) LOST—On Sunday afternoon, an — Box 17-181 Ave. and 7th St. (cen brooch. Finder rewarded by returning tral Hotel.) to ws office * — —— ft CIRCUIT NO. 2. FOR RENT > Box 22—-3rd Ave. and rd 81 die a 7 x (Post OMce.) Box 23-—S3rd Ave. and McBride St FURNISHED 100M 4 , 2 az ROOM FOR RENT ree ; Box 24—ist Ave. and McBride St, ¥ | * Box 26-—-2nd Ave. and @nd &t. EMMERSON LODGE—Pifth Ave. and Em- merson Piace—nine rooms; all inodern| % 80% 2@~-2nd Ave. and 6th St conveniences Apply P. O. Box 840 or Box 27—4G. T. P. Phone Black 338 908-100-102 * Se CIRCUIT NO. 3. + FOR SALE § Box 31—5th Ave. and Fulton st * —- — - ———_——_— | & Sox 82--Borden and Taylor Sts rg FOR SALE—Ranges and stoves. cheap,|% 80x 84—Tth Ave. and Fulton St, % | Galland, McBride Street. sou t Box 369th Ave. and Comox Ave A SNAI Lots 35 and 36, block 5, section % Sox S7—-Sth Ave, snd Dodge Pi. 2, $3,500, terms equity, balance G. 7 * Box 38 —4th Ave. and Thompson St. - bee George Leek 104-110 * SIX-HORSE PERFECTION gasoline engine, CIRCUIT NO. 4. * | newly made over Ip excellent order. Box 414th Ave. and Emmerson Only $100. Box 110 Daily News. 7itf PL 7 ee ™ ae Box 426th Ave. and McBride St. # WANTED Box 43—5th Ave. and Green St ellie ere Dif ei Ae Box 446th Ave and Basil St. HAND IRONERS WANTED Wiesel x Box 45—T7th Ave. and Eherte. * Laundry. 102-4 t Box 141-—7th Ave. and Ywng St. | WANTED—-Pupils for piano lessons. Miss| ee RRR RR EERE EEE OE ae sees: 113¢ second Avenue Phone ed 412 102-8 WANTED-—-Capable servant. Good wages. TAKE NOTICE that the personal effects |; Apply Mrs. M. P. McCaffery, 325 Fifth| consisting of baggage, household effects, ; Avenue West 101-103] prospectors’ and assayers’ supplies ot WANTED— Wm. 5S. Reinbold, a former lodger at the ayes satan! Price eater es neision. Dyer Apartments, and who is indebted for able. Apply Box 94 Daily News. 89tf rent and storage in the sum of $143.85, will be sold by public auction, at the Dyer VANTED CASH—Wit P Apartments on Third Avenue, Prince Ru- "sale or give busine os peer iter pert, on Friday the 15th day of May, 1914, Apply Box 116 Daily News. sour} tt the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon | WANTED ~Second hand gasoline engine, OF aan Lees Nene C bis 4 10 to 15 horsepower Must be in good day cf wae i014 Upert, om fas s§ order, Box 112 Daily News, mul y, 100-106 MISCELLANEOUS RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO | , ; | WHO WANTS A CHEAP BUY?—Lot 9,|/Civil Engineers ana B. GC. Land miock 0, | bection 8, price $425, easy erms; als0 nhew ler | $100; sell for $6), terme Css wie Surveyors } son Q. C. I, Information Bureau, Third IW HAVE RENTED = 1 Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con cannot fill anplicat ons aine ne ans Terustom, Reporte, Plana, Dominica snd | house to rent Prince Rupert Finan Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- oes. ro A ;, Browe. manager, 315] '08, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric Bice B 10nes 2065 and Blue 276.| Blue i , | FRESH COWS AND CALVES coming in, al.| Prints Printing, Negatives and White j ways on hand, government tested | thoroughbred bull, J. C. Ch sty, cat- | tle dealer, P. O. Box 90, Collingwood E wee ee | Phone Collingwood 99-R Sorner Carle ton and Westminster Road McBride 8t., Prince Rupert, 6. 0. >) Sobeoasitaad oer - etely 5 or’ pmprot Hotel ; Directory eee ta L 1 Li ae a5, section & Se easy té : . oe Lote 7-8, 8 ook ee Members P.R.L. Vintners Association $1,100; $000 a — 7 Block 46, Section 6, t 6 . @, 12 and @ t ra as aiar WINDSOR HOTEL b . ener “Bioct 38 Corner of First Ave, and Eighth S8| 8, me $500 ¢ an W. MH. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL pivenes” nth wth First Avenue and Seventh St jue at $35 per me -" "sheen Piet furopesn and American Pian ur- m tise $20 pet month $18 af Peter Biack, Prop. jing, § ° ee INSURANCE: Py cident, marine, Fire, Life, Ac KNOX HOTEL First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth a mgr European rian, Kates 50c to $1.00 PATIU ILLO & Per Day Besner & Besnar, Props. 1$ pHone 83 —_——- ' Leen ' , sasle = J. Y. HKochester V. D. Casiey oe EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth Seventh Streets European Pian, 560 to $1 Per Day PREMIER HOTEL 4merican and European Plas gett F. W. Henning, Manager 205 apd ROYAL HOTEL Ccortey & Burgess, Props ‘ Third Ave. and Sixth St rw i a European Plan Steam Heated rv J BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. te i se LIMITED ! a # Gecond Ave, and Sixth St ey st wr Phone 102 eer ETI PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., (0 IW LimITED ¢ R. Na en 9 Fraser ana Gixth Sts Phone 7 nd Avenue