) GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: b THE DAILY NEWS eye 4 nupert’s leading Paper r If your boy comes in with his te ce ative stockings inside out and hie hair OLE RELIABLE damp blame the weather man. Pee ca ; = ne ——— OL. V., No. 107 PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1944 nt PRICE FIVE CENTS FACE. DELEGATES LEAVE FOR NIAGARA—-GRANT $600 (ATIONALISTS WILL NOT STAND F OR EXCLUSION TO BOARD OF TRADE FOR PUBLICITY )ARD OF TRADE WILL PROTEST ON PRICES CHARGED FOR ICE AL COLD STORAGE COMPANY TO BE INTERVIEWED—THE BOARD RAISING MONEY TO CARRY ON PUBLICITY WORK cal fish and cold g boats with supplies at a rea pany is charging |sonable rate of the other cold Phe committee to ‘interview panic n the. coa ,;} the company is G. W. Nickerson yanies Oo! oas and supplies was | G. Dawson and W. EK, Wil jiilames itements made ina | | | | NATIONALISTS WILL OPPOSE THE EXCLUSION OF ULSTER WILL NOT STAND FOR MORE THAN SIX YEARS’ EXCLUSION— UNLESS ASSURANCES GIVEN MAY OPPOSE GOVERNMENT Special to The Dally News parliament act, at the latest be- London, May 9.—Sixty-five] fore the end of May. In the event Nationalists have prepared an/of the government postponing ultimatum to Premier Asquith|the passage of the bill the Na- ti. e ° : saying that they will make no|tionalists will try to obtain a di- further concessions to Ulster in| vision. If Asquith’s assurances fisheries committee | fhe mining committee report the direction of exclusion other |are unsatisfactory they will re- ar meeting of the}|ed that a pamphlet on mining |than the six years already offer-|fuse to extend further support to ide last evening. The| his district had been prepared fed. Failing aeceptance of this|the government even to the ex- a schedule of prices|)Y the commissioner and T. J lthe home gule bill should be|tent of not supporting the I , V several companies,| Vaughan-Rhys and would b se passed as if stands under the | budget. wal company’s price}?! nled when the CORPO... MR. or. eee ee ee ome c —= a , sateesintonranonieeenmmannsnsnnnentsaitnsitadMitssniaiiatcansatinte . eee than double what fish-| funds PRES.DA FONSECA, T Fr ESIDEN'T PENA ‘PIPESIDENT LuCco Br ge teeta Se ND gooey Of BRAZIL. OF ARGENTINA. =" {QR CHILE. PEACE DELEGATION STARTS | report recommended | report rave a resume oO 1e ets Toran mittee interview the} month's and reported nine Fish and Cold Storage} new names for election as mem ° . . ° ‘ ‘ 4 At AOR Yale T ibe Thy org: CW. Dev Latin Triumvirate to Arbitrate U. S. Mexican Embroglio TODAY FOR NIAGARA FALLS ecured that the mat-| A. Sweet, John Barnsley, Geo. W. $$$ ei \ to Ottawa, The|Kerr, W. J. Crawford, R. A. Me- KK KK RD WILL COME OUT VIA VERA CRUZ—HIGH TENSION AT WASH- i “i the Aah nt ts \W . Ay r, , oi REAL ESTATE a 600 ‘ ‘ HOSPITAL BOA ' INGTON—NO NEW ORDERS TO TROOPS ISSUED hands of the fisher-| Ritchie, and F. sandis.” They $ . LUNCHEON AT 6:30 * Lachine Wt tb poche [wore duly elected GRANTED B. OF T. : . MONTHLY MEETING special 35 66 Salis Mie. 1 igh gic Way aaa es report also said} ie finance committee report- eas) Owing to the Prince ¥| Sid Ree aa Washington, May 8. — The! Maxie; Vii Ken Ua H. S. Clements, M led that the sum of $2,500 would Liberal Help Given to Carry on George being delayed, the “ Report on Tenders Accepted for S th A ring diate “s he aS a ees ae ae monn that Vancouver, Vic-|be required to finance the board Publicity Work of *: oon: Tame adn rene oal oe New Work and South American. Mediavors« Daye military and diplomatic circles. Nanaimo opposed the|fer the balance of the season the Board i nose pudadees the ain af Supplies been notified that the Huerta|No orders for troops have been y, and asked the!One th und of this would com —— * ttt B : , ‘ vf 2 delegates will start from Mezxico|]issued so far as known, but the ri and ¢ : e ne susand o 5 0 come , ‘ ices O ie oar 0 | ’ he inal x : , : ‘ sas 2 its influence to|from ordinary sources In ad- \t a meeting of the Real Es-| , rh ide had to be postpon «| \t the monthly meeting of the] City tomorrow en route to Nia-|sending of additional troops to ae ade i 0 > postpon- rare . a Ant Faw ’ Wn re tai & ie : , . a ection withdrawn dition the Real Estate exchange|tate exchange yesterday it Acie ed until this evening at {Hospital board yesterday, L. S. i at ee ee 4 a ee ee ° ivy 4craan inate es of 249 5 | ey ast. P * ttee thought the;had promised $600 or $75 a agreed to de ae ms sbi s ‘1% 6:30, when the steward *|Bell and Harry Hoffman, the \ ried ou i get a copy of the|month, and a petition was circu- or 9/90 a ree ’ re the tres ‘ thai wil serve an excellent provincial appointees, took their|= ns ee — g regulations before d among the members asking|pert board of trade to help that}, j.,,) 7 J. Vaurhe * . 2 we augean- seats Chairman D. G, Stewart ed, as the. regula monthly subscriptions. This|organization carry on the pub- y Rhys will deliver a fifteer wes ; See : eat interest to this|was freely signed by the mem-|licity work. It was stipulated], ninuie Wiipeas anacutha » | Velcomed them and expressed bers present. By this means $62|that an equal sum must be do- * Ptr ere ce ; : their appointment as being a ; busin nen will not be ¥* ttee also recom-|}a mont WasS guaranteed, and}|nated by the members Or tneyy over an hour and ten *{source of pleasure. inother effort be| many members as yet to be seen board. c ; ne : * minutes from their * Harry Hoffman considered the : an appointment It was pointed out that all this Phe granlwas made 4% apPpre-t¥ business. *| appointment an honor. Mr. Bell SD eae ce nt of this city as|money is used for publicity pur-|C!@H0n of the good work done oY |g ae ae 36 3 OR KK de ee OP! cs » : z MAN WHO IS ACCUSED OF SHOOTING CONSTABLE ARCHIBALD the fisheries ad=|poses, which is not the function|the board. : ffs Sao stated that the railway men were STILL HAS A CHANCE FOR HIS LIFE of the board, but which the m ; pa EG RT TBS Subscribe for the Daily News pleased at having a representa- eee eer hanks for the able|board has undertaken rather} ANOTHER NATIONAL PARK — tive on the board. Special to The Daily News) the case to come before the su- m the fisheries|than see the eity without pub- NEAR MT. REVELSTOKE } On the solicitation of G. W. Ottawa, May 9.—The supreme |preme court. The question to be 5 passed. HOLLY s ul to The Daily News Nickerson the secretary was in-]court reserves judgment in the|decided is, was Davis entitled to ed out by Mr. Pat \ vote of thanks to the Real MiG : May 9 cs nde il structed to include the Canada|criminal appeal of Davis vs. Rex.|a separate trial or did the trial Canadian Fish and!|Fstate exchange was passed , ' , , st brand of canned milk in the] Davis with his companion Clark} justice properly direct the jury, nnanv } har ‘7 r . has heen passe sé g : } ooh 2 ‘ pany was Phere ire now 158 active} has | ) pa tit hospital grocery tenders. was sentenced to death for the/especially failing in caution and 2 ee nee embers on the membership roll}aside as a national pat in area Nhe matron reported the resig-|shooting of Constable Archibald.|careful consideration of the evi- ib to furnish fish board, of 95 square miles within the of Miss Patterson, a grad-]A reprieve was granted to allow!dence of an accomplice. iilway belt of British Columbia juate nurse, The: house ¢ommit- : ra, : ' was empowered to appoint pe es es Ce eae et eae Seen eas eee REMARKABLE PICTURES n the vicinity of Mount Revel ee eta teh , TRACE FOUND OF COMING 70 EMPRESS| stoke, to be called the Revelstok j another fo ‘fill ‘the: vacanhy yam Bering Cteeee ver | YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL MISSING LIFE BOAT ips ie _revornmendation thatthe ae Nothin shania Bn peat acd ’ ue present mumber of three nurses The’ voting contest for the) wicishiessiataans ~ » 7 , nec jhe maintained, baseball league officers will | . 7 king i { rlists in these days, and The seco o e fast she ‘ , ’ ' Seattle 4, Victoria 3. ; Boat From Burned Colum- ‘but littl lift : be i i pe ; rhe house committee reported | elose al 10:30 this evening. The scokieer 6, Tacoma 0 la é i here is but tittle difference 0 rotectio ste rs Oo this that : . : —niten Baa . a : i . . ’ ¢ n Has Disappeared—19 on aan RARIREC LA CHiBinnl cahenas protection Leame! fol i iat they bad advertised for a]patlot boxes are now out. Ladies Cancouvar and aaa i Board—Search Futile we. OF/g inal Nest coast, the Galian wrived in house surgeon in the Vancouver : J rtland gam and seeing, them. reproduced: inj°oe™ ialiano, % re 1 oa B aj ve ae os ar may secure ballots at Orme’s) postponed—wet grounds. ret Haiy mkie motiay pictures—many prefer port early yesterday, This is the ‘ Q oria pape ine ‘be sa ary drug store and the boys can get Onees the { because-it is just as|first visit that the vessel has| S im eo $125 with room andinallots at Cole's cigar store. Be Portland 2, Los Angeles 3 MAY RCO SOO. nante. vent ; a6 ' She is unde ind, ‘They had also advertised] cure you vote and encourage the aber et : : 1 rf whita | d and I much less|paid to this port. She is unde for tw probationer m recom-Jhpall } Venice 3, Oakland 44. une ry 1e lite Bn Fan pa feo ‘ Jone ’ CW) PEQRBWOROSS “Tha OVS. as Se on ccrig ie Advintia ei nm s | the mmand of Captain Po} éndation. of the matron. ae er ae SanFrancisco 3, Sacramento 4, it bi of the thire Wel Ihe Passion Play, well known in the Dominion set ron date for ft Rie ne National the freighter Colum-| perhaps the most famous of all]yice on this coast. The Galiano | eI leer aaa licen AT THE HOTELS Pittsburg and Chicago game was burned at sea.|pieture plays, is coming to thel]is a sister ship to the Malaspina Co. oi* aan ae a fey Sosthansabuaret, ictaaibae Te Cone et Oe Ne eee ; THE LATE DUKE OF ARGYLE \) 8340.75, and Lynch Bros.|qoree" aon and wit, da atm iat ee oe cene of the disaster.jand Tuesday, with a matinee on Bishop Du Vernet and Rey lor Duke: of Ararte samt bover-| $305.45. Nor Kn ete): thane an xeorge Allport anc . 8. AC so delphia-Brooklyn games _ post- al Monday at 3:30 o'clock. The ?, Ris, ih Ht ' t 1é Ke ‘ é e 5 : oh ‘d Th in fale f Kamloops; Jas. McLeod, Waukegan, Wis.; poned—rain Excursion to Gran ‘as. are Te superb, ¢ ANON ’ o Mave Deen &b-1). general of ‘Canadas between | V4s - 20nepien, ©. Lender Of bs. sitlekken. nat ; 3s - oF Pe ne 1 as ath niece ae tending a church gathermg im {878 and 1883; since he has Irizzell for meat and the Rupert Cincinnati 3, St. Louis 0. j are all beautifully tinted, mi ig ¥ | we —" wh. ’ oe | ion committee of ' , , i . 7 Vancouver, returned home to-| peen governor and constable hakery for beead were accepted, ¢ ; ; i American f trade } } them easy to the eyes and ‘ad 1 W H The. buildings committee re Central Hotel——Mr. and Mrs. Hopper,| Detroit 10, Chicago 8 of trade has 1e eo ee ay. oO dsor castle e as & J 4 oe Ee : ; oh tae ; ' . : t or an gaan rE yt ding. much to the detail-of eset} : , ‘d i 1874 to her al ported having . advertised for] Vancouver: 3: Rockfeller, John Kolos, ‘ani Philadelphia 9, Washington 9 , irsion Wip tO} nicture 4 special musical pro- marrier ; ; ae bn ; _ {John Wilson, Vancouver. 10 innings, darkness 4nby Bay Che bos yr , ; ’ 5 oath hgh Princess I se. the|5 ich plans for the alterations s, de 88). " 1e boat suggest-loram will be provided by the Wanted——Pupils for piano les highness Princes s0ulse, bn New York 3, Boston 0 Prince George, leaving |] mpress orchestra agaistan by|sons Miss Mason, 1136 Second fourth daughter of Queen Vic ; the kitehen and had accepted i , oi ae ‘ : nae 3 : j Rupert Saturday night lenuawalennaminant local @inmararl Aye: Phone Red 442. 105-10! toria, that of J. W. Potter For the avoy Hetel—John H. McElmon, ' ae d ug ‘Minna In ‘Ganhy: ee : . painting and kalsomining of the|W!!ams, ai A, Goodshield. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. PY Tare for the round trip, in a oe e atl 1 BOO old wing they had received tend- —- Phene 4. tf ; ’ “leress Rey » Smith will give an ranging fre 86 0 @ ns oA - - eals and berth, would) a. yianatory Tecture. so. hat all GUAABAUGA ABO GAAAUGA ARUBA BEBEMBBBRRBOREEEAHEEEE) OOS TERETE fom S600 (0 1,050.) Empress Hotel—John Burry, J. Metnnis, Ce ee $10. IL would require rf aaa ‘ Lea «| They aecepted that of Hoyt &]G. Larsen, J. BE. Tobin, Duluth, Minn.; A. 6H tickets to guarantee Wilt un oneee each picture a ¥ Scadden for $600 and appointed] ropisti, H. Holos, €. Oben, D. Galich, Jack | THE LAST CHANCE BUaTS { reese . } ; . ; or more if a special run] — Nee ¥ eC Mm Tess eatre the ar hitect to inspeet the work|crunay, R. Mozur, M. Monson, T Sarenk, | T N ' P made, Any who antic * xjand see that a first-elass job is|s. caldwell, 8. D. Johns, and E. Lindry | GHT tk iking the oxpubaiin rants Presbyterian Church * X| done. a i La 0 I . TONIGHT! ) ) the commissions Services tomorrow as usual in|% a Sete , * rhe grounds committee re- There re 75 fir ‘lass ae At 7:45 CO 8 r, * * iere were 75 first-class pas-| mane iiiediicraieduni the Presbyterian hall at 414 a.m, t COMING COMING COMING x ported having had a gardener lay sengers on the Prince George} Hat at the London Cafe. gsitf|and in the Empress ‘Theatre at ; ¢j)oul the grounds and they are}ihis morning IN a rao, The evening sublect willlE AQ AY AND TUESDAY — 3)" (thine serv attractive eee once be ‘The Journey of Life,” O A *| _—_—__o OR OR ROR ROR OK OK KR RR KH THE ® ° : reewewooooooorers Strangers cordially invited. May 11th and 12th . % For Sale * *| ajes IC ‘ * 2 meena pr the City of SUPERB MOTION PICTURES Tl vighinu KeaLPL Yost icke alte mReOTRY Omen 29 rince Rupert ea RK Ha aE aK Beara * ishing boat 44 feet long, 12 ; ; - * * OF THE * feel 7 inches broad, 3 feet 9}* Every boy who. sells *| THEATRE * FOG DELAYED GEORGE * “ ” T ecently purchased by Gearge|}* The Daily News has a *| to see the splendid views ew Telephone PASSION PLA y £/30-h. p. 4-cyele Canadian Fair-|*® chance to win a new suit *| from the Scandinavian " \ heavy fog settled * : ae ib Sepa LN 7 banks - Morse marine engine.|*® of clothes every month. * countries, Director ‘ isthe waters of the: ® t Beautifully Tinted. 5-~PARTS——5 % Price $4,500, Apply Akerberg,|* We give a_ ticket with * Lecture at 8:15 - ree : Pag ’ . “er . . i *) Thomson. & Go Prince Rupert, |* ver five aper sold * * harbor and the lower * A special feature wibe a number of our most talented = »% A0., P ' every ive papers so a d wr Any al { * Skeena this morning and * Singers will take part in the Production. jor A Bailey, Inverness Can-|* and on June 15 a drawing *| rene. » pee ™ Ny alterations desire Skeont a 79: , ae im ys amous comedy be made ions desired to * the Prince George had to ¢ ‘he Rev, Edwin Smith, M, A,, will lecture on the Pictures 7 ner) 107-33/%* of all the tickets will take *| 5 be wade in the above must $/* {ie up off the entrance to * during their progress, * ee * plach and the lucky boy *|3 “LOVE AND VENGEANCE” the TU ORSRE in writing to % the harbor. The fog lifted MATINEE MONDAY eie0 x Cooking Butter Cheap * gets a new suit of #| ; ent Tere Superintend- * here before ten, but the * AT &: y perenne * clothes. Boys, begin to #} will be shown. ave] *ephone Office, Third * George did not get clear * Doors open at 7:45 Performance starts at 7:30 * small amount of first class|* sell The Daily News at * avenue ' - . ; ° ing alt Last date for mak- $/® until one o'clock. She # °5c-—-ADMISSION—25e 15c-—CHILDREN-—t5e + COOKing butter for sale at 25c)# once. #/3 Admission: Adults 60¢ ~ralions May 16th, * reacted here at 1:30 * * per Ib, Hurry,—Stalker & Wells.|# * Children, 25e. O000oeee, ec RK Uinininiaininioinintet i i iI IOI IIT TO TIT IS ITI IA IAA IA IA IIA IAA 105-7'* ** RR RO ROR RR RR HR : tS ih if . aie an 4 { i | OR ! : ae ‘ Ti | ea } : ‘ a oe en es par sew mane epee -apeomeapen ee Te ne eS Re 4 iT 7 =- *