ie pt a cnt * # i a THE, DAILY NEWS | THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. McRAE. EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. He Fy Telephone 98. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. advance . $8.00 per year BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East York City. Seattle—-Puget Sound News Co London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. 23rd St.. New DAILY EDITION Saturday, May 7, 19144 The people have been told} pledge the credit of the prov- all along that there could); ince to assist the Canadian never be the slightest chance] Northern interests, he must of the province being called | have known that the Macken- upon to meet the guarantees zie and Mann people were in i i i given to thé C. N. R., and the} people were foolish enough to| financial difficulties and were not in a position to complete believe it. Everybody now] their transcontinental system realizes that it is a practical] without further assistance certainty that the province from the Dominion govern- will be called upon to make ment. Notwithstanding these good its guarantees, and the circumstances, Sir Richard did not hesitate, to put the whole pap fed organs of the govern- future of the province in ment are now praying that the Dominion government will jeopardy. Today the Tory become so involved in the deali party is looking to the Do- that it will have to relieve the minion governinent to pretect to the city immediately so that} the money now being spent on | the electric end at Woodworth lake could be spent at Wark channel instead, and thus sav: the city what will amount several million dollars during the next fifty years, which is the life of the debentures covering the cost? . . . The domestic water supply of this city was given away a Vancouver man who at time was pfesident of the Conservative associat) Vancouver. All of the water powers adjacent to the city with the exception of Wark channel were given away private interests, and Wark channel itself is claimed ! ‘ private corporation and s not known yet that this vate corporation will not s ceed in getting this Wark channel power. Why should this city be left in such a precarious positi At a time when this city had no means of making heard and before it was a } at all, it was the duty of the) government to that the future interests of the city} were protected. The govern- ment failed lamentably in this respect, and now that we have representatives who should be able to voice the sentiments of itself} city see little better off. It is time that we had some- body with a little ginger and the people we seem to be very is ; y— WS TWO CHARMING EVENING GOWNS The gown on the letf is in fine black lace and dull satin, with a Vancouver, Victoria Steamer Prince George leaves Prince Rupe, and Seattle Steamer Prince Rupert leaves Prince Rp WONDaYs TT Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert |.» ; FRIDAYS a yy : TUESDAYS : . ‘ Wee Low Excursion Rates To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED srar: with NORWEGIAN CENTENNIAL, , Cina DOR WwAY i with NORWEGIAN sac aoe nnecte me 8.8. HENRIEVTE carries rough fr: 0 @ ene « For full particulars and al! informat — THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Hart 5 g #8, apply iy > LINE one 26. AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC Sreawe, ' | ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY 4 Pay | ROOMS : | | Second Avenue, Opposite Empre ; ERHANCIN® ;}Rooms open from 8 &@& m. to ii p. n boil Visiting Scotsmen are cordia INT Ki For rates for hall rent apy . ‘ : }5. D. MACDUNALD, CHAS. DENN #] } President Se USEING, AND WALL TIN | KNIGHT & HICKEY * i Contractors and Builders subbing & Repairing Shop: Fraser and Sixth PHONE GREEN JOHN CURRIE gonn_ connie NEW Nein Estimates Given on Moving Bulldings C Phone Black 294 Martin Swansoy | 1c Streets 269 eneet, Srightent, San NEW WELLINGTON COL, provincial government of the| this province against the folly backbone to represent us, jet ornament at the sholder, and a rose on the corsage. The [~~ ga burden of meeting the guar-| of the Bowser-McBride ad-} Soggg one who will insist upon other is in grey taffeta and chiffon, with a sash drapery in FURNISHED Second Are ras ae antees given. ministration. , th@@rights of the city and dis- flowered ninon. Note the new style of earrings jointed to- il The truth is that the people tae oe treet being protected. The gether with beads. APARTMENTS ‘ a8 up have been misled and misin- Sir Dick is like the wayfar- Oe “gonapaetonnerty ———_—__—_——— in two and three-room suits pate formed by the Bowser-Me- ing son who took the plunge a icloria WhICc las squand- Ss ae eee) eae Grama D Gao > : ands of Bride administration, and that in the hope and expectation ered the public patrimony and SEE GMS EE vo Dt Se MS PT re . J. E. DYER. Phone Black 334) iniquitous administration has that his father would have to ae ee of a ee that the . ee es GEORGE LERK been supported in this course} help him out in order to save} orth “particularly shall pay) 33 Smithers News oles wr WHY PAY RENT 9 Nu by numerous government sup- the family name. Sir Richard the penalty should be given to|i4 | : ‘te . hone 99 ported papers whose self or| is altogether too expensive aj Understand that northern CSRS MES SE SS BF SE ROSS, ————_e = party interests always come luxury for this province to British Columbia will no c= 22s" C. K. YTERBERG ———— before the public welfare. Now maintain, and the sooner this longer tolerate the injustices ete eee j Sathered at. the Salva Sank “Sen aaa : "FOR PLUMBING AND nist that the inevitable is about to great native son is retired to practised at her expense R. Watson, the builder, has/presented him with a handsome |P. ©. Box 641 17s Oh Ava & é happen, these deceivers of the private life the better for the a gone to Prince Rupert to order/ gold hone chain and locket and |——— SMITH & MALLETT els ; c er. | roy e building supplies for his con-|a Smithers souvenir spoon. I ¢ bert public are running for cover,| province. Son Kilis Millionaire Father Pr ee Ones ee GEORGE LEEK L er and the sheltering wing of the : ere tracts. Baptist Servi ‘ 4 Dominion government looks a Is this city going to get the New York, May 8—Hiram pai aptist Services Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker Third Ave Need beceed Woes : : : i ; iecr ack ens Morning worship and Sunday Notary Public. Rents and Collections ” pretty good place to. crawl Wark channel power or is it Duryea, 81, retired millionaire Mrs. Williscroft of Prince Ru-| , , AUCTIONEER —_om under. not? What is the reason of|Starch manufacturer and civillpert and Miss Williscroft of|*' hool at if a.m. Evening wor- ‘ae a : 4 e the delay? Why should it be|¥@r Veteran, was murdered here! Telkwa are visitors in Smithers ship at 7:30, when the svubject|220 Second Ave. Prin e Rupert UNITED TAILORS The public should not for-| necessary for this city to have |@@rly today at his home in the| today. ee een ae get that at the very moment | to put up a fight to get the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, ---- O— ery ou are welcome, HARRISON W ROGERS PRESSING ANDO CLEANING at the last sitting of the legis- only remaining water power | DY his son, Chester, Duryea.| Rk. H. Gerow came up from Ha-| yoy will soon be able to pur- nati e oe a lature when Sir Richard Me- in the district? Why does not oem shots were fired by his sonj|zelton on Monday, leaving the chase local shingles, made in _ : eee Bride was asking the provin- the local member see that the |'™! the father’s body, causing/next day for Burns and Francois| port Edward 102tf more #; Poderal Misek cial legislature to further Wark channel power is given {instant death. lakes, where he will spend the | PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. ¥ STUART eee | The murder occurred on the} summer. . Phone 300 P. O. Box 163 Accountam jporch in the rear of the Duryea hei ieet PS Si alia a jhome, where both father and son ET. K - ! — 7 ©. T. Kenney of Terrace ar- . : | were in the habit, of sleeping. TE dal anti CN iske dbase of A ® | SECOND HAND GOOD PRINCE RUPERT. 6 C i ‘heste tho is 43 yY scat A a i a weer who i: * years Old,/the Williams-Carr lumber yard, uc Onl a @ { will buy or sell all kinds ee te ae e slipped from his cot into the] .ocently purchased by George initial is ' s Lbs |house, where he kept several ; : Te tes wore. alee : ; m CORNER SEVENTH STR’ AND THIRD AVENUE i Afies. tavkintbe aaa chelaGne Little. of Prince Geor p lots tools, guns and men's WILLIAMS & MANSON | for hunting purposes. He se- ore | Will call any time. Barristers, Solicitors, Ee e e e jlected an automatic pistol and a H aoe , vee site left ae F. M. CROSBY money ve 1m iis azelton. He is on bis way to : pect argains the Oth eer = id South Bulkley, where he will of- The Government of the $]/83® 8rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 ‘ on ; Chester Duryea wou give no ae ce es r c Province of British Colum- Aare ee . = cae reason for billing his father iiele 4 operator on the gov-|f Province of Rite ees 4] A IWARSON & CO r Ladies’ Button Kid Boots, regular $4.00.......... $2.80 when taken into custody. For the tp '$ in the G. T. P. townsite of ; —_— or Ladies’ Patent Leather Button Boots, wel! finished, past few days, servants told the Ea Prince George, by “t Blacksmiths & Horseshoers PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. high heels, $5.52. Now olice » he eh atting . W. K. Mackay arrived fron “a eS efaedni iM ng PE ie : coer Phe NOW soe sedoceverccceors $4.10 police, he had been acting very| ; sale, at Vancouver on May Boat Work artage Suede Button Shoes, grey or brown, $6.50......... $4.50 strangely, and they had feared aj Y@ncouver on Saturday to take | 19th 20th and 2ist at a a Ladies Tan, chocolate buttons, $5.00 ............. $3.75 return of a previous breakdown. the position of teller in the}; Victoria oe May ostt a a Phone 525 ist Ave., Maus W LADYSMITH cont Ladies’ Laced Boots, Blucher cut, sizes 3 to 7%. Bice eee a a Union bank here, succeeding A. o7th , avn & aa eld eS Prone—ts Fr j 7 re et g >, » . ef , "7 Regolar $4.50 .......