irday, May 7, 1994 THE DAILY NEWS 3 — a (a) TRE PES Cea PE? ee case oe er ec ea ss QO PPA ; Skeona Land Distriet—Dietrict of Coast, idscearnasettinnciiaiyitiindiditetitinstntaiiepacyiis . = J) ROE, 4 Ringe Five. a t chless |» 029) IMMIGRANTS COMING i_ vem ween ; comfort, physical || 4p) nr Oe RING |S ronan. A WITH RUSH TO CANAD! | beaut tion ofthe a ioc | ee a Wooke® I ye is TAKE NOTICE that {, William McK. Logan, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa- tion prospector, intend to apply fer per- mission to purchase the following de- mig line of an island, th south 60 chains THE RING LEADERS |) )i) (od 750 passengers earlier |$ FLATS STORES WAREHOUSES l1o. whe southerly shore line, thence east- S! SEED ! flown I any ground tl — I S! lown on any grounds that might ; E ): 1 i Miwho a short me ago defeated ‘ . in the morning Thus is com- Fire and Accident Insurance in lerly, northerly and westerly following the / : | natural ac | seed ae i Commencing at @ J Ost ; H bee i elimination AF % : i pianted 160 chains east and 40 chains ; of di ¢ old a aver reliable | / he ra jE ape a ay if | Five Thousand La in Twenty- south Of | the northeast eorner of Pre- / b tonic, sale @ WEE) ("i A CAS) (TFA Ba) (Ut ie Ne ee Zee re CA, ELFEN cmiption Record 1838, thenee south 40 it “ (CED CCX Cass RET ES E a a ot Ea) es four Hours, Breaking All St. jvorth 40 chains, thence west 80 chains to as 5 Twenty-five years ago McGraw Lawrence Records oer a ae te way ae slong | the Hi raw 1895-96 Hearts hiar shore line to point o commencement; / EEC } was drawing $360 for six months moe 1296-07-—Ranger ontaining 320 acres, more or less. 4 of serviee with the orlean, N. ¥ % : r Quebee, May 8&8 | ian ; WM. McK. LOGAN. " 1897-98—Rangers ae at ey “ nid team \dd three 0's to the above ea lion season has ‘ ‘ th a cd a ; i i ah ak Ga Mane 1 1898-99-—Celtic Lk) eat Sieh of | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ; | Bie se } 1899-1900—Celti Rood een rere ii Range Five. it i ‘ celVves 0 om fi see ‘ ‘ ”") ” ; Modicinetnthe Word | Sum he receives now from bass b4g6s04aiseabte. of Midiothlan less than 10,00/ TAKE NOTICE that I, Andrew MacLean, iF hoxée, £8 aonbls ball aysakeds so far by this pi half af of ee ian? ion oe ome ' a 901-02 ibernians arpenter, e - Id Oo these in Lwen | nieslon to rourchase the following Waa i ‘ie : 1902-03-—Rangers liffer |The Dye that colors ANY KIND@® (oerineg ianas: Commencing at a post ee AES ae rbot... eGLgaad Oflicia 1903-04— Celtte Ee : of Cloth Pertectly, with the planted about 160 chains east and 60 pa EF springs an old gne in suggesting ' (05 ehied Over 1,400 5 da SAME DYE. chains north ot the northeast corner of i } 1904-0 ure nar % : 4 No Ch { Mistakes. Clean Simple ‘re-emption Record 1888 at a point on * A AXI} t|that the Ma cup be competed Da ley kas ae Gi an morning from and ek seer Dram or Dealer. Sn ee ee, the northerly shore line of an island, ; OR \ oe ath Lifter | i Man sioapawe of. the . ft} The Johnson- Co. Limited, Montreal thence south 60 chains to the southerly Ji aor or i ui | different citie 1906-07-—~Celtic ' rar 16] shore line, thence westerly, northerly and { [his was first talked of two ne y White Star Dp while | jeasterly, following the sinuosities of the ; % | 1907-08—Celtic. ( aka Hine \ hroiehtl shore line to the pojnt of commencement; 6 ea au us ifter Vani iver's | 4908-09—Cup withheld. Finalists Cel unat Le} \ brought} | containing 480 acres, more or iess, i Be D epresentatives plunked up three l, 1 Rar See pidrrde hors sink William’ Mek on Agus. ‘ ic anc angers . is ch. Logan, $ ’ | 4 ; POL OPP PLPOP LPO LODLOL ODOT . .. “ONE —= thousand dollars to travel east 1909-10—Dundee quickly followe: he Allan | See | March 7, 10144. } and play for the mug. It is real , jsteamers Sicil d Grampian PETE ee: i 1910-11—Celtic | ; ae | | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, i splendid suggestion, but let’s 1914-19—Celtic |" ith more tha O00 owsenrre | | Range Five. ‘ft a4 ai ie : iwho arrived the order named TAKE NOTICE th 1, David Cook it Ee RUPERT AUTO co al nti ome of the ther 1912-13—-Falkir | : eee . upa INC ubs hop along and show enter 912 ce jand the t dso steamer | Ree ee 1s pene ses ihe te down” on bed ianns: EHKIIRIIA IIIA IIR re sae 'Athenia with another tingent Modern 4-room house and bath Sccmponeine hia Test Rae 4 ae prise by challenging and tri nia with another contingent lodern 4-roo . hermes EP ag oe ogee aerer 160 f ; : u o < fa Z chains east an chains north o if ppeeeeeneeeeeeeeeseeeenrs to win the cup on the grounds o ? Bom FITZ TALKS OF of 100, the sleamer Willebad of Two 2-room cabins, partly furnish northeast corner of Pre- t R a et he defenders instead of laying it GEORGES CARPENTIER the Canada line, having con- ed, $8.00 per month. |1838 at @ point on the northerly shore \q Se) suil the challenging party pei concer . a ‘ | Sinuousities Of the shore line to point of Ee aa ot B Pombardier Wells, the Bnelish|Lauds Willie Ritchie and Likes pleted the enormous figure of Strong Board Companies. |commencement; comtainming 480 acres, ' received our 194 pring hamy gilist, and who Kilbane and Mike Gibbons 3 ; (a Ane pinche mere or less. i} Seeds Igal Masterton the New } ‘ a ns . ver 5,000 immigrants arrived in J. LORNE MacLAREN DAVID COOK STRANG. i Yi sport writer, takes issue smiles at the approach of an- Bob Fitzsimmons, the only|seven steamers in less than 24 ¥ me | William McK. Logan, Agent. bp, GARDEN, AND pol writer, tak ssut other bout in an English ring ian : f 615 Second Avenue Phone 150 March 7, 1914. FLOWER SEEDS vith Willie Ritehie’s supporters fighter in the history of pugil-|bours. This is a record for the neciis a arid combs cub eith the afate —_—— ism who has ever held three}season, but it might be broken NOTICE NION NURSERY & ment that Willie is nothing bet \i a meeting of the Football {titles at the same time, and who|before the end of the present ° | —_—— OMI! ‘ L ‘ . tolis one of the greatest exponents ronth, when the Empress and er than a second rate fighter,| association selection committee n f th realest exponents |" I IN THE MATTER eof an application for ORCHARDS CO. ind does not rank with such men|in London, Eng., last week, it{Of the sport, cannot resign him-|Royal liners will come in two at A Bid or ae Seer ies bis : Feed of all kinds { self Lo the facet { a time with an average of 1,500 and 18, Block ii, Section 7, City of Dealers is Wolgast or Nelson, and never,Wwas agreed play an amateur that he is through PECIALTY Ab | i aa: ehtar : ‘ » | passengers eac Prince Rupert, Map 923 mn Feed: 8 ee aw the day he could show the! interantional match, England vs./@% 4 fighter. He still has the|passengers each Lot ah (Widek. Ob Oiikiin Ss NOTICK I8 HEREBY GIVEN that it is | orders promptly attended to desire to do battle, and he still is ” o , Bloc ’ on my aversion to issue efter the expiration of one mon rom pud tion same form as the late Joe Gans.; Scotland, in Scotland next sea- ; : oh eS aah ‘ peeved over the verdict of the Henry C. Evans jioneer o| |hereof fresh certificates of title im the j F d Masterson inclines to the belief|son. The lowing international |) d y \. Evans, pioneer piano 4 room ho All modern | nam: grass mce Kupert ee Co. that Ritehie and Murphy stalled| matches have also been arrang- | "ew York boxing commission, tuner, now in your city. Phone } ry’ ees modern. | apove eee race Pietiaeee Third Ave. Phone Black 268 n their recent contest. ed England vs Denmark, at Bd A re re "er he him to orders received at No. 354 or Price $1,800. Cash $600; Lee aasie, iit jenna. i914, ub saan peeeetOPEOOPCEDOLDDLOD DADE. oO Copenhagen, Friday, June5, and|@?#age In contests in the empire|No. &6. 103-15 bal. in 6, 12, 18 months. 4143 1 respectively. According to in announce-|two matches, England vs. Swe | State. : oA Reet , manenes cacti inant lee the cierént leds of thal get) ab Stookheim,-¥ ednesday: Of the younger fighters of the} What everyone should know: | tion clerk, intend to apply for permission M B E R = i ae ~ |June 10, and Friday, June 12. A|Present day Fitz has the follow-}People of discriminating taste Cc. K. YTERBERG, a i mie Prinee Rupert, B. American Lawn Tennis, the of-|) 444. was read from France|in® to say: dine at the G. T. P. Cafe. 83tf 1721 65th Ave. E. Box 541 Badd rect hicas ‘ fisal organ of the United States leiicack i ‘ a ‘ “In regard to the champions *}agreeing to play an amateur in-| pions}; = ——— ateeerneers cen he Davis cup round between} ternational match, England vs.|0f other classes, I believe Willie Have you heard the latest | sane nik: ’ ni n i » BNE ble de co RRR KR KR EHH HK HH \ustralia and Canada will prob-| france, at Dover, on September | Rite hie is one of the best in the|about Port Edward? 102tf | game since the days of Joe Gans. * Try a Want Ad in the News *| THE DAILY NEWS bly be 7 ved in New ork City pla ) Cit eR ER | 26. It was also arranged to play fhe announcement states that in| matches: England vs. Anstria, at|Phe lightweight champion is the , ; C | we re f ew of the fact that the Cana- Vienna on May ‘T and two |Combinat ion of boxer and fighter. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT " ra a ‘ ue 2 i SEGRE LEY ste eo i ‘ 2 © at) ~ ee TER as Suc ne det ~-—— ompret pie lian players are not able to go to| matches, England vs. Hungary,|SU¢h a te is hard to beat, and NOTICE is tiereby riven that a|| nc = { ! t the i t nk Li e \ oO " aa 1S ereDy & é LDERS’ SUPPLIES Englas eet the Austra a Sion May 30 and June 1, one at i! hin f tchi will bold. thi sitting of the Court of Revisidsi | ? ' 1 decision: t play the rounse in Budapest and one at a ground to| Crown Tor years to come. ; “ : | HOLME LUMBER CO., Limited New York is almiost certain to be}pe nominated by Hungary | ‘Johnny Kilbane, the feather- np the ae pose of hearing com-| Phone 186 SPORT Pn ae weight champion, is another Ps ore ne orate! ised ihn optic ha ee Aad i ea See se A obreehpondent ea Litt tA zo0od boy who will be hare to de- ha made tor the year 1914 will be | 710 SECOND AVE PEOPLE LOOP ELOLOOLELOLLOOLE Se Bill I zeerald forme! \ l tt porti litor f the Toron throne So far as Johnny Cou- ce or aa woe il ene ch ee? pare e sporting editor 0 e Loron- ‘inv: Aaaaan Gity all, Prince Ruper : lon is concerned, it is my opinio i , " ‘ lacrosse star, will not aes ; ; : PINION | CMH pedar ne ‘ |}}) Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery al Estate _Beresins @ to the coast this season,|° S44" 8% : 2 Bi hla i pe ee ae teh long route 1 Sct adhe gh i Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle i 6,500 | terms being exorbitant The | an ¢ xpert cricke matsman to hit} with a tough, rugged fighter. If ee r : ‘ cts . anos 1\ i ‘ Athleties made him a cricket ball, with a cricket bat, | he carries out his plans to meet Ans person. Cesiing to make e| Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns 23,060 fer f $50 per week, a po-|@5 far as an expert baseball bat-|Kid Williams of Bh i timonee- on complaint against the said as Rope Valves Ammunition atane 5 jter using a baseball and baseball| June 9, there will be a new ban- torts he give. notice in| Pumps Hose Paint - ’ | - a ” " Dh ‘ | g 0 ¢ ssesso ste yr 12/000 3| bat?”, The answer follows: The]iamweight champion a es . At lagiea tae : *aask | Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated fron i | question is one frequently dis-| ‘Mike Gibbons looks to be the See e's ORReaatee days 2,000 3) rior to the sitting o oe ‘ _ 6,000 | cussed on the cricket field, but 1} be st of the welterweight division. ih t h tting of the aid i % ‘WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” ‘ Te have yet to learn that it has ever}The middleweight title is a toss-}|7?¢U" —————— exceptionally easy terms “ s — ; w rates of inverest. |been decided by actual test Lup between Jimmy Clabby and DA'T ED at Prince Rupert, B.C., K TED HENS 8 60 IT) think the baseball would win out| Eddie McGoorty. Sam Langford ror fifteenth day of April, A. D, i FRED STORK’S HARD W ARE ditrl " if it came to a contest, but I}is easily the best of the light ¢ Be ( Be | know many cricketers who hold aj heavyweights The heavyweight Boe a P, LORENZEN, We ONE he | decided opposite opinion. Read-|class is a joke I never could see a1S--0-Me-9 Assessor, | ers may be interested to know]Jack Johnson as a champion, and een ———— = — t n . 5 | . nh COMPANY OF BC Ltd) that the greatest distance ajso far as Gunboat Smith, Jess [tp emeeememememee eee e et e eeeete $e ee cricke yal as ever been struck} Willard anc e "aS if ‘i Eines ene Be, a ’ tru tlh ae ; 4p th ; a ? am [] 8) SSSR ISIS III III IIIT IIT IIIT III ASIII ASTID A AIT IAAI + | s 75 vards ie achieve men Peavy elehts are concerned, Gus ; effective Iwas perf ed by the Rey. W.}Ruhlin could have whipped any |, —~ sete mere ere ere ere eee eee ere ~s ~ : 4th: Fellows, on the Christ church]|of them e i, ds. Oxford the distance Fitz is of the opinion that the being measured from the bat to|exorbitant guarantees which the the spot where the ball touched|present day fighters demand for the ground. The record base-|their services hurt the game. He! ball hit is 419% feet. The bat-|says the public interest will die | ter was Ed, Walsh of the Chicago|@ natural death unless the fight- | |}Americans, who performed the|ers agree to meet the promoters | | | } Pailings for Vancouver leamers ohsin”. Tuesdays, 9 p. m. NEWSPAPER THE a t i DAILY | for ee Rupert as Northern B. BC. ; re” Saturdays, 9 a. m. couver Thursday Monday mornings feat fungo hitting on September|half way. } 9 otiuals 0, 1944, fein RR yD cians Arrivals from South ee ate ees Wil N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in : ners. o » SCO s Associatio : ohsin Mondays, 6 p. m | Football oun 2 | ia gait mgt Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of ure” Frid : 8 ne the eltic when they beat the d-| agg * WRITE CABLE. the cily because it is clean and reliable. It has all a vos be inburgh Hibernians by 4 In 1 BUILDING CONTRACTS I is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events after drawing 0-0: Arranged--Easy Terms and topics interesting to Northern British Colym- $ ‘ 18 Queen's Park | CLOSE-IN PROPERTY $800. TO $2,000, | SAFE bia: It treats these subjects with moderate opti- bers S Steamship Agency en ee es Es ee Pk Ps Ps re Ps a FRR OOOO I OR IO a I a er Phone 116 PES: (Oe eee | 1914 LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS $200 ,000 | SANE mism and reliability. © 1876-77——Vale of Leven a b The Daily News is the most valuable paper to 1877-78—Vale of Leven SPECIAL TILL JULY pat SPICY : : ES ts ga “a ° : 1098: 70.-Valh OF. Leven LOTS 60% ios advertisers because it is read by the buying public. ® go for {878-76 ale o | : : a 1879-80—Queen’s Park. 's1s0. 00 5250.00 $350. aol) IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in 880-8 yueen’s P Graded Sidewalks Water | the city. It is read by the class of people the . i a Sepa Es | INDEPENDENT 1881-82—Queen’s Park “THREE BLOCKS FROM NEw SCHOOL | } advertisers want to talk te. j " ocks trom Beach : 882-8 yumbarton EXCLUSIVE SALE i HORPE iN ABE ghtrs ioe INTELLIGENT ! with our Jim T 1883.-84—Queen’s Park | White Rock Resort Development Co , Lid f yee One of the most talked of base- 1884-85—Renton 619 Hastings St West VANCOUVER, B.C { teed Mee. Ve ae CAILLE ball players in the game, He] tgg5.s¢—Queen's Park | TERMS: ° $25. DOWN, BAL. $10. PER MONTH as oO gre onors as an a Ss ce Prizes, 3 Lots, 2H ha won great. honor P a 1886-87—Hibernians Geatames Re: peter ag at Fpawc aR yp 3 pl cent l all round athlete and a coup’: 1887-88-——Renton WRITE Now j of years ago was taken on 7 ih 1888-89-—Third Lanark Fill in your name and address and mai! the New York Giants flor 1880-90—Queen’s Park at once ] making the round the world 1890-01—d4learts of Midlothian Name a 4 ; p with that team he has 1891-92—Celtic Address 4 t been turned over to the Tor 1892-93-—Queen’s Park | Helents.” Mielisbie ageate ‘wanted ect { nto International team fo: ‘sdnrnui alan some Farmar Publicity Bureau in every town and. city IID III IRI ISIDISIOITIIOIIOI IR III TOI IOI III III ROTA AI trainin He is one of the 04-95——St. Bernards jin British Columbia and Washington, | ( aiming 1804-95 t. Bernards S.A. Salary and Commission. Smee es ee ee me a mee Fone tes es Pe te os ee tm en ee A de Fa PS eo biggest drawing cards tii 4 h ever had He is a : ' ean full-blooded Indian chief a hahah hahahah heheheh rho hache ho h edach AA AAAAA Agha AAA DEAR AA LL AAA AAD AERA ht hed tion netting hi $75 a month ind transportation for hinself ind wife Billy replied that he y row? vanted $2,000, a job, $500 in ad , ; vance and transportatiot Phe ce work hard at your TPE aad when the : y tor boats ; eye nessa conveyvil his terms : et , YS \\ ' ats now within preach hie tn’ hend An effort will be -\ \ \ oe. a at ™ ITT ITT Te ee made to land some her stat at our store on vhird|(!" 1 land m “PPOSsite Post Office— ri Mint yx ~ \\) ND Seo this wonderful titt! “We're oul | ne into ) e 1 demonstrated, u { ll do ure de ng p, and we'll ade i 1 5 n ur e in ‘ W: Clared Milton Oppenh e vice N Ww Patent e ‘ ard hlectric Co., president of the Vani vel Ath N “Fe 0 i 99 LIMITED leties. Oppenheimer will have to] N asy- pen ng- Ox ECTRIca grab one or two of the eastern N . and MARINE N oT, ist th Coin ” aad 4 : aan hes to give Wi e CONT Stars before he ca in N F.FD RACTORS the Salmonbellic n for the 99 ISS D DSTI ILI ILLITE IIS SA LPL Ys CO)... L¥D.. Burr RY, TON, ONT. ; ry © Rupert | neal Lddaahidaidddedddd dda alae dd dddddddddad dT ITT TTT dae 1 British Columbia mue, |