ed % -e DAILY NEWS iG aa ~ GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: i ¢ upert’s leading Paper \ a eee The power of the Prince Rupees : B Bis Prin ALive . Hydro-Electric does not seem to be —— » \JABLE F i a ~ | all located on Falls River. ————— 2 | ‘ if {10 PRINGE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS S. PEACE MEDIATORS WOULD Be RID OF HUERTA ee ee NIONIST WON BYE-ELECTION, LIBERAL MADE BIG GAIN —- WAIT FOR ASQUITH’S AMENDMENT Y-FLECTION IN BRITAIN “EXCLUDE OR COERCEULSTER IS MADE CRY OF UNIONISTS ee ee ee oe «| MEXICAN DIPLOMATS nee eneeerneeees 7 he News has authen- : HAVE FULL AUTHORITY |: What has happened to LIBERALS GAINING GROUND 1 n that the. * the watchdog of the city’s ioseat:: Pouuik: Siena '® Jiberties? Mayor Newton J ‘ Ye ¢ | United States Mediators Chosen te . te * ° * * re «eaten remem t a * * * * * ’ pany tl gh the Prince * has all along assumed * i} i * Rupe Hydro Electric *| —Party arog eh ae Nia- | * that role. He even has * ——— ‘i CE OF LATE SIR GEORGE DOUGHTY FILLED —1,556 AD- (* ¢oinpany has been grant. */} gara Falls ‘* gone against the facts *|PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT BY NO “MEANS IN SIGHT—UNION- B DITIONAL VOTES CAST BUT UNIONIST MA- * ‘ed the right 4o enter the * ei, , 4 Me iS a |* and tried to show that it * ISTS WILL HOLD THEMSELVES FREE TO DISCUSS od JORITY DECIDEDLY REDUCED * ; intimal “MIA ceehte coe oa eatteae't een ro we wie ‘°- ak’ his offorts that had “@ PREMIER ASQUITH’S Alic.._.4ENT ‘iate Justice Jose sker La-| clic ——— ---—-- * er the heads of the #!°!8% . re i ted States “-}%* saved the telephone fran- * Frain ¢ he Datly News |Tickler, Unionist, got 8,871 votes!* people He put through * ee a sine Tease aA. ‘wl? chise for the city. Now, * SPREE 1D Re ae Nawe) an appeal to the people, Mr. Rea- ' 13.—A by-elec-|and A. Bannister, Liberal, 8,193./*% 4 munie ipal act last ses- * PrEMe COUN, and Frederick ‘|1® however, the Tory gov- * London, May 13.—-The ernx of|mond kas refused to commit place of the late|The yote cast was 1,556 larger|* ¢ whereby any atta’ @ ae ae ioe, former|y ornment, of which the *|the situation, Bonar-Law says, himself to an opinion on Mr, As- ge Doughty took place|than tast election and the Union-|#* of the council can be ye- * sautad-ank lee eee a ae mayor is a sychophantie {between Premier Asquith., and quith’s declaration regarding an Ne esterday The re-jist majority was decreased by|* toed by his represenfa- * ‘% "9 Ce ay < ‘Aeuakie follower, has given a *|Mr. Redmond is that under the | amending bill. Even if all ef- i| Not is that F. G.' 420 * tive. Now he goes a step #{S°Ut his views before the South), company the right to #*|S0vernment’s system the com-'forts for a “peaceful solution *. Sortherdend “provesdstio sae. mediators in the Mexi-|, Qome into this city with *}|mons is powerless. Two alter- have faifed, if the amending bill : |* thrust distasteful legisla- =icen mete na eee '* power to carry on any #|"atives are open to the govern-|is introduced after the failure to ) * tion down our throats, #|,--° a0 eee: Carn ae operations they may de- #*|™ent, either the exclusion or|reach an agreement, then they |* ‘and King Joseph’ and all #12 Bryan has made this official)y i, =opheip charter al. %*|Coercion of Ulster.” Now that the}must hold themselves free- to I i* his follower ey: aires ieee nt. Whether a third), lows them to compete #*j#0vernment has decided against|deal with it when it arose. ij | ee eat ee =e -presentative would appoint- s ; SEEK ELIMINATION HUERTA Sic. tocsttin S)cyeeatg gaat armen oh eg nue §] | oneal fe Hams sineacdy an lle * cate stating that it could bej* fanchises. They can put * A RIOT OF REALISM HAPPY IN THE LAND OF \ liam Manson, who pledg- *l/assumed that there would be nu|. |” telephones, run street # —_— ALWAYS AFTERNOON ; ; : f * "ars s lectr n- —_—_—- L ENDEAVOR TO SETTLE THE WHOLE MEXICAN PROB- |* °! Nimself and lis gov- *| other, . PaEehy Lake ie en * | Zola’s Sensational Story “Ger- : : i LEM—UNITED STATES VICE-CONSUL TO BE RE- 2 eramen) to protect the : i : aa sane a Satie riaied ‘ minal” at Westholme Tonight ‘San Francisco, May 13.—News if F LEASED AND SENT HOME UNDER GUARD Tai BOS: ROME 20 See Vera Cruz, May 12.—Emilio|% may desir eit ——— of the crew of the French barque cae eis 4 |* ‘The liberties of the city * Rabaca "Aig Mlidiowas and may desire. And yet the Intense realism has a peculiar|La Tour de Vergune, wrecked 7 ar +n. /* are sold.; Our ‘franchises #1. 000 eo ues ane '® mayor is muni “as an #1...’ . ; last year on Lord Palmerston’s : rhe Daily News) tbe proposed as a solution of the] Louis Elguero, the three peacely ‘ date fascination of its own and when|'é ToS - ; Lo iin A ting Maricad pennlen |* are all given away, and *) on neg ita ; Dyer. Can enything * bi by the master hand of the|#8!¢ in the South seas, was if ashing May i3.—-The seu weer 5 _|* everybody is folding their * aciaete J appointed byi® better illustrate the in. -#/¢rewn Dy Ule master Rand oF the) ought here yesterday by Gee if , f Huerta and the] me xican Acting Foreign Minis }* hands and doing nothing. * bee ora a tg theo be sincerity of the man? He *}late Emile Zola it is almoprt wre-| British barque Antiope. ‘\« a t of a provisional tte Ruiz has telegraphed the me-|* This is an occasion when * ae sat a r a | lat ee ie oa, ae . i cares not one iota for the *|sistible. “Germinal” is a story The Antiope, tacking into the ; diators that the United States}#* men with British blood in * ee vi ae ot ea we or a~\% liberties of the city when *Jof the people, “the submerged|island last November, to view the ‘ee ae both the Huerta} vice-consi Sillman, who is ull-|* their veins should rebel. * vena t - Th “Sie <4" */J illustrating this great story and|them off owing to the lack of es : t : c jder guard, to be delivered to thel@: ‘oblivion * nas in rs . "tak rita mle RRR KHER REE HR) Shich will be shown at the provisions aboard. Several of ag t > ‘ee Sor in 7 mini e ‘ raturne “a senate é eso Oo )- n e : : a rahe as eit 1) Brazilian minister and returned] , Glakovine Presissat mtintata ne Westholme opera house tonight{the shipwrecked men had mar- ators. This will|to the United States. ee ~ eee uerta’s nom- | TYEE “LODGE HOSTS H and tomorrow night are perfeet|ried native women and _ were ite RPELEP ESSE CRG OE SS ination of the three commis- ir shulcerent oe i haat i newidend t abana it —_——- —— r 1 photography an aetail. 1s |} CO » tO T ‘ sioners, ‘onferred full owe! > : i ? and amp Rie pernaac? to odae.| MASONIC BRETHREN feature has been shown at ad-| When the Antiope reached * . RMINAL IN. C0. GOT YESTERDAY’S BASEBALL ‘AMENDING BILL MUST counsel, carry on business and | mecca vanced prices in Vancouver, Se-|Neweastle, it reported the wreck | ’ ' : ay © > Jin . : ¢ ‘ ‘rane nye . wy b $35,000 FOR TWO LOTS| PASS AT SAME TIME| ne ss wena ites A an Excellent Address by alented| ste. Victoria, and in fact all|and a French evuiger was sent to [if National = A ab : Member of the omg the continent. and is one of the relief of the crew. c ie _—- hh. SS. Fraternit 1e sensations of modern moving hased Property at Original, [osign ft, Pittsbure 1. Called|Premier Asquith States How " Pyare productions. BURNS TO MEET LABEL Sale From the Grand in the 10th inning on account of perese a oo Rule JEALOUS HUSBAND | The members of Tsimpsean — —— -—— Baer oa ee if Trunk Pacific rain ai ts to Go Throug MURDERED HIS WIFE |tocee A. F. & A. M. were guests FROM THE SOUTH “s a ee Od Bee) tt Terminal Jn St. Louis 0, Boston 7 London, May 12.—In the house as of Tyee lodge last evening. The The Pines Muses arrived this ie fg pany, being a local Cleveland 12, Philadelphia 4 of commons today, Premier As-|Cut Mer Throat and Then Made !odee room was crowded with! porning with 64 first-class pas- Roughhouse Charley Burns : ts 24 and 25 Chicago 2, Washington 3 quith, speaking on the future Attempt to End His inembers who witnessed the ex-jsengers and as many deck pas-|has accepted terms to box Monty i] {, for $35,000 eee progress of home rule, said the} Own Life emplification of the first de-|sengers. She carried 152 tons|Label, the clever lightweight, at i rne! diagonal! nl rope! ay of carrying oul a gree, Later , 2 a orehe se f > reg oP RQ za if ne! liagonally beetiant di’ tantas uly * I way of earryin, u : Later the brethren gather-|of merchandise. The weather | prince Rupert on May 25. They ; Bros It was A 0) ak” Manntnknn any agreed settlement would be Victoria, May 12.—One of thejed around the supper table andjwas clear. f zh ; he original sal oe a wnt av, Ae by an amending bill The gov-!most gruesome murders ever heard an excellent address by R.} 6G. Larochelle, J. Hammond, L. G. Nor will go fifteen rounds at 138 * reles Pacri env . © 7 7 > 1 P. for $4,150 . ee jernment would be responsible committed in Victoria occurred W. Bro. F. McB. Young on “The|man, G. A. Scott, H. Adams, L. W. Wood, ringside, a weight which suils money made the} Northwestern -jfor the introduction of the}, ee in y Ethics of Masonry.’ The address| master perry, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, F. A Burns nicely. Label is a skilful : ere today ‘chie ) zy : er ” ° ’ 4 the buyer's nam Var iver 3, Spokane 2 amending bill in the hope that it}? _ rene xOung mur-| while being for members of the|Rrice. mr. McKay, Mrs, McKay, W. W. orr,|20¥ and he and Burns should put sublie Seattle 1, Tacoma 6 would be passed Both bills}dered his wife in bed, slitting | fraternity only, was rich in rhe-|j, mutthewson, 17 Graham, Mrs, Brunsing,|UP @ Slashing argument, for 2 | Victoria 6, Portland 4. would become law at the sameJ]her throat from ear to ear. toric with many plain truths|mrs. Hu. Sheere, Ss. Peterson, E. Hall, W. Charley is one of the most will- Mrs. Pugsley Dead | time Following this, the man at-|that contained a moral for every|McLean, F. S. Moody, M. Gordon, Mrs,|i™& Workers ever seen in the 5 wa ee Don't Get Left The house, he explaine?,|tempted suicide with the same|man. The craftsmen thorough-|ater ana child, A. Johnston, s. Mitchen,|"i98- Burns likes the gaff, but | EL an pees era would be asked to give the pres-} weapon, but did not carry out his|!y enjoyed and appreciated thie]Mr, and Mrs. Clemo, Miss Clemo, r./he will have to keep coming all ie ee Fannie J., wife o | Don't miss your chance of get-jent bill its third reading before}plans. He now lies in St. Jo-,speech of their talented brother.) ciarke, R. B. Laydon, S. Waa, J. R. Stir- the way to beat Label, for the \ p ur > rf ’ . ’ . . ° 2 . P M . ugsley, K. ©. D.liing shoes for almost nothing.|Whitsuntide. He hoped and be-|seph’s hospital in a dying con-|Brief remarks were also made by] rett, N. H. Beer, F. E. Crane, B. Hatch, u.|/@tter is shifty enough to out- ormer minister Of!n..5 in at Peck’s shoe store and|lieved the amending bill would] dition. D.D.G.M. Bro. D, H. Morrison,|H. jones, Mr. Keine, Mrs. Levin, Mrs. y.JP0int Charley quite a distance. ] 5 f (s ‘ ‘ fn . } Tr . eo: sae , . ‘ s as y Canada. occurred help yourself 109tf| receive the co-operative support Jealousy, it is believed, was at| ‘VW. Bro. T. McClymont, Bro. Rev.|c. jonnston, c. Flewin, Mr. and Mrs Label has been down east lately, ler Home, :49 Chip- of all param in the house the bottom of the tragedy. ;CGanon Rix, Bro. C. W. Peck, and|Greenleaf, Miss Muy Winston, H. Hutton,|@"4 Says he boxed both K. 0. ’ an illness of sey ee mri er |Bros. de Gex, Brooksbank, Lee|w. west, p. Dolan, H. C. Hansen, p.| Brown and‘Wharley White in six- Union Smoker Thursday Késtre! a Freighter Baker, and Rev, Smith. Acting) pickson, Mrs. Lister, W. T. Donnelly, s,|"2UNd no-decision bouts while , : eS te ea ee Master Bro. A. M. Manson, of|nirrin, F. Tracey, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Bar-|#W28Y- Both men will leave Van- ew Firm Coming The ‘Trades and Labor council | The steamer Kestrel. formerly Tyee Lodge was toastmaster. low, L. N. Thompson, T. B. Wellband, 7.j/C0UVer lomorrow, arriving here E representing the has arranged for a smoker to be], fisheries patrol vessel on the| ier = R. Morrison, W. A. Walker, J, Huderte,| >2turday to complete their train- ting Go., is in the | given in the K. P, hall on Thurs I, ribs aiin “fishin Matis i Sudden Death of ‘Geologist Mrs. Carroll, A. KeKnknedy, c. MeCartny,|/"& at the Windsor hotel. or er shing é cS ¢ > --—- : roa location to} day evening All union men will} ; eo peer i Miss Healey, J. McCraig eee eee s. Mr. Beatty in be welcomed. The program | anded by Captain Neweombe, Victoria, May {2.—Stricken Shot to Pieces ' \. MeNicholl, the G epens at 9 o'clock and an inter-|now of the cruiser Malaspina, is with apoplexy, Mr. J. W. Sutton, Let More P. G. E. Contracts Prices of shoes at Peck’s shoe : il commissioner esting entertainment is prom-|now a freighter plying between /®5°0 °°, @ Rare Setiogist ae a store are shot to pieces. 109tf application for ised. There will be games and|Honolulu§ and Fanning island.|Prebably the greatest living au- Conigacte tac Sha neuen eco Laren ee | trackage prop musie and refreshments later,|She has been in the island trade {thority on the resources of Van- eee. initag ok ie a visited the yies of wilkthandie heavy | D. MecNiv tt Dominion | for aa hid eed: aie acl leouver island dropped dead yes- of forty miles of the Pacific he . aL sitec 1e movies o l t t x cNiven, 1e ominion | 10 some Fe as en : 5 eng Tee tar as au. ware 1e < yar , 4 saw : lies, ‘Thes svarnmant tain waste’ offieer,|tather unlucky: A recent de.|terday while running a survey Great Esstern railway were an- ‘at eee — today and saw ‘a f iF for a number of wi ul { “ill hably |spatch fr Honolulu. mention ne for a road at Ucluelet. The| nounced Saturday by ofMeiels of tt ae a a ee " or. 4 3 0 who is i e& city, wi yrrobab s irom no » yns ’ . + . " as a ree @ , . ! mo. i. es Sai r Hg | ma fact that she returned to/deceased had extensive holdings that company, Only about 125 was a ree! battle that you saw. “ ress ohdbdbtia will be present the Hawaiian port in distress on the island and was widely|™iles of the railway have yet ~— ae Have te . I : 7 esteemed been let to contractors. p heard the latest ; ; : Kdward? 102tf ; or aE Four contrateors received the TRADES AND LABOR perenneien SOGOU UU UBUG UBUD UU e penn | WH Attend Prince George Sale |°ontracts announced, These are COUNCIL rere - {Moran & Heckman, who will | Edward F. Doyle, a well known {build a section of about ten miles SMOKER EST HO | ME / he Empress | heatre real estate man of this city,|between Kelly lake and Clinton; i leaves in a few days to attendthe|Welsh & Kennedy, four miles K. of P. Hall, Thursday, A sa 0 el ale ce Prince George government sale|more north of Moran & Heck- May 14, 9. P. M. of lots. Mr. Doyle has made ajman: Rankin & Kellet, twenty ADMISSION FEE - UNION CARD PERA HOUSE specialty of Fort George and!/miles north of that contract All Union Card men _ invited. ONIGH se A Big Feature Show Prince George property. He was]again and Madden Brothers, ee, a Wendel | Ceres { ! a heavy purchaser for local in-|who will build the next stretch of coe rT TONIGHT! TO-NIGHT... vestors at the G, T. P. sale of]six miles. Beverages by George Sweet. Lunch by Dyke. Prince George and = afterwards Mr. A. FE. Griffin, super end- ! eorge ul afterware i 1, superintend Susie:he Sunseis tate. » » >» * . * * * * » * * * * * * * z resold many of the properties.jent for Pat Welsh, the general * * * . t s * * * * * » » * * * * * THE GREAT MOVING PICTURE SENSATION ‘GERMINAL’? IN FIVE REELS ory by Emile Zola Daniel Frohman presents H« s in touch with Prince/contractor, has instructed these George conditions and expects|sub-contractors that they must numerous Commissions to buy atistart their work immediately. the sale in Vancouver on May 19,})/Other contracts recently let have ° ° 20 and 24, already been started Public Auction oe ME Sa cee ae —OF THE— Grace George’s Great Dramatic Triumph “ CLOTHES ” 4~PARTS-——4 PAAR AAAIAII III IIA IAIAIIIIA IE SIAIIASISISISISICSIASISISIAC i Buried Alive A Record Catch Household Effects bdeed »eature cannot be With Charlotte Ives and House Peters and the Famous — ; a : rs STR : jg Pend wilt be ‘Nel 4 “daa rd ‘Y ordinary stand- Players Company in this celebrated society drama. High prices of footwear have Phe Chief Skugaid of the Cold Stating anne West, bapk of “’ 4nd is in a class. by ’ : “eg been buried. Be aiive and get|Storage Co, fleet arrived this 4 , pois alons . A GERMAN GIRL GUIDE Based on Carlyle’s re cae Society is founded shoes at Peck’s store. 109tf|morning with a eatch of 140.- —. pee “= n iner, lust be seen to be : te sand, One ae NOR Gene. : ene 000 Ibs. of halibut. This is a|$ | This includes dining room ang b appreciated, ' ee . ly ‘ German. Gir! 25c--ADMISSION--26¢ 15¢—CHILDREN—{5c¢ % Henry C. Evans, pioneer piano|record catch for a six dory boat. brand new. Monarch, sana, plants e 106 0 BOD SSO - ’ i . ? mission: = 450 and 250 Guides who recently paid a Doors open at 7:15 Performance.atarts at 7:30 - + |e" now in your city. Phone SI een perro elie en wo, alt’ In fine Children, 10¢ England She is * orders received at No. 361 or Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. GEORGE LEEK, Auctionser. viet 10 7 cu tfiL, Uiniainididnioininisdninineiniciininicininiseiiciiininiciiccioiciooienoincnicniicnk No. 86 ‘ 103-15|Phone 4, tf PPeeeooo op o pono onenom~oeoed dressed in full seryice