| THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | Published Daily and Weekly by | THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE DAILY NEWs — . | rHE DAILY NEWS ROCK DRILLING TEAMS ———————————— —— ENTER $100 CONTEST Great Match to Be Pulled Off as! New Hazelton on Vic- Bi) aes ea toria Da : H. F. MeRAR, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER a eae | ey g . } HEAD OFFICE On if the greatest attrac-| Vancouver, Victoria : } . t has been pulled off . | | Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. on will bo iis rook ariiling cueeerer Zrwwee Sarre). aves Prince ® ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico: ds: = at the: Cintoela Gas -Aalez Steamer Prince Rupert leeves Prince pe , Daily, 50¢ per month, or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in , Neer tieaeiahis "ahaa Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert \y p { advance Weekly, £2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, 2100 ane 825 have already ‘3 4 i $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. ut up ind “thane ‘aon. O08 Low Excursioc ] ii] BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES teams practising. Every|— Te SST RRe Samnee ane uniren erate ul New York—Nationa! Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New x oe re is a poh 8.8. HENRIETTE cortices reueN aor > a fork City th i and as time goes on ¢ 0nd expicsiy a York City. : ; wo : , . Ls { on a 1 me For full particulars and all informat rm . ' London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, le sparks and water are ying THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Hari 8 © travelier Apply ty i rrafaigar Square he excitiment becomes intense. AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC sr re Phone 269 Fifteen minutes for each team — ‘H = > ——————————————————————— th a change of hammer and || DAILY EDITION aaa Wednesday, May 13, 1944 every minute, and there is sail qi] t a blow missed. The drilling , e = i . 7 ek ilies SEE j \ ntest will be pulled off after | ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY one 04 P.O Ban Last year a determined ef-| bandment of Ear! Grey's the ball game, when every one} ROOMS : : | fort was made to prevent this} Rifles. can gather around This con | secona aon trem es. eee itp . SPCRGANGING city getting needed monies and} test alone is worth going all oe Scotsmen are rdially AINTING The way things are con- wav to New Hazelto i ane For rates for ball rent apy \ 7 some of the men ho pursued Z _— aa , aze n Ww Celis ) cbu ) ‘ S DENN 11<} f | : oe 3 ducted these days, one would Maybe there are some drillers| aie ta wap rend a : ULISHING AND } this unpatriotic and despic | think that the government is here who will try for the big WALL TINTING able course are now in contro doing a great favor to receive Li aca purse, of affairs and are hiding fren] a petition for something i i | KNIGHT & HICKEY a sel the people what is going on] wanted, let alone the carrying For Sale Contractors and Builders . ; 4 with regard to the city | out of the request of the pe- . Jobbing & Repairing Martin Swansoy i finances. it would be well for} tition. Instead of being te as Fishing boat 41 feet long, 12) shop: Fraser and Sixth Streets McBriggh ; those people who will not | servants of the people and feet 7 inches broad, 3 feet 9} PHONE GREEN 269 ’ keep the public informed as toy amenable to will a the inches in depth, equipped with | “ Po se a ' Be. what they are doing to bear in| , people, our administrators are 0h ' ‘e f » 3 . p. 4-cycle Catwuran Fair- | mene eh ae PP i being | tha Tilers Of: the peapla sna banks - Morse marine engine. | JOHN CURRIE f Ng ih closely watched. There is aj the people must be subserv- Price $81,500 Apply Akerberg, | Contractor & Builder law that even binds legis-| ient to the will of these impu- Thomson & Co., Prince Rupert, | ' : : : lators. dent political bosses. or: A Bailey, Inverness Can Estimates Given on Moving Buildings Cle Brightest, Beg Meee, A great favor is being con- nery 107-33 | Phone Black 294 NEW WELLINGTON Cot The minister of lands, Hon ferred upon you if you are SORE SS PES Cees ate Se 7 ert. Ave W. R. Ross, after his visit given a job with a pick and MISS EDYTHE ELLIOTT Wanted Pucils for olaup iés FURNISHED Second Avenue Poon ty here last fall reported to the shevel and so you must pay a " sons Miss a hak Sheens . government that a great many| dollar and swear allegiance to Leading lady with the Royal playgrs, opening in the Empress | o. me ig Ph. ee ’ APARTMENTS ‘ , ; theatre Saturday night | Ave. Phone Red 412 105-10) of the prominent men of this an organization controlled by 1ea Saturday nigat, | and thr sit city did not want any govern- men whom you probably de-j- —_——_—— - —— in two and three-room suite ment assistance. One of these} spise al being an invaluable asset in! se |J E. DYER. Phone Black 334 men was the present mayor. Fortunately in a few months ROYAL PLAYERS OPEN stock Very few would have be- What do the people think of the people will be given an} WEEK’S ENGAGEMENT lieved that the elderly magnate ° WHY PAY RENT men who will deliberately in- cpportunity to put in office a as being played by last week's ? jure the eity for personal ort new set of administrators and ao saa juvenile comedian.” | 1 will bulid you # home on political reasons? the eondition of affairs that |Emprecs Theatre to to one Splen- Fa dedihtaecanescinantit terme to sult you. The local member, Wm. now exists will be a thing of| traction Coming Notiee f p ; F [ t Cc. K. YTERBERG, Phone 174 Ber 14, FOR PLUMBING & Manson, might tell the people; the past. Saturday Evening eR 0 rine corge 0 S 3 P. 0. wor 641 s948 Oth Ave 2B LUMBING AND WEATION what part he took last fall in! — art | bia Bae : echt igh SMITH & MALLETT | a} ‘ Stora belong! to Joe Jor- the refusal of the government | The Leila R. went south aj The following is taken from aioe ‘eft iw thd Houston Cate | GEORGE LEEK ve tt to come to the assistance of | few days ago with a load of|the Victoria daily Times and will will be sold by private sale after The Government of the | Van" Volver td Mit the city. politicians’ and yesterday she|in a measure describe the class| io deve.if nat sdlited Cae auk: wa Province of British Colum- | Real Estate, insurance and Loan Broker Third Ave. Head A Second tet To eae | was hauled back home, dis-} f attraction that will open at| Scena C bia will sell their holdings $| ‘Netary Public. Rents and Collections oe ’ ts oO é rachio a p ope alit ° . on Last fall Sir Richard Mc- | abled, by another governme nt | ' E ie Cuaaie Sat 94-447 :EO. KE. STC inethe G. T. P. townsite of AUCTIONEER ae Bride said that the govern-| boat. Those Tory politic ians |{#@ Empress the . re on Satur-|}94-417 GEO. E. ST. CLAIR. Prince George, by auction 3/220 Sevond Ave. Prince Rupert UNITED TAILORS ment would help the city if | seem to be hoodoos all around | 44) night, May 16, and the same of sale, at Vancouver-on May $§| ~~~ there was an urgency. His! of late. They are being re-|play will be producea: The New Yorker was descant- 19th, 20th and 2ist; at HARRISON W. ROGERS PRESSING AND CLEANING ' y . cabinet through the attorney-| minded to put their house in “In the short week of their|/iMg on the glories of Broadway Victoria on May 26th and wit can Prot 18 weneral said that the govern-| order, for the end is near. jresidence here the Royal players} The streets are ablaze with re nab Ge tani 'te Arohitest Cd 01, Rent OPA ae would do no such thing. | — Sa have won a place in the affec-|!ight—a veritable riot,” he said. See aihad a - iL a " Suite 1, Federal Block = .Bowser of course is the boss} The house of lords recently EO Rest ane Gna @ldotrio saint P FORE S , oe 8 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. D. 0. STUART and the government didn’t.| rejected a bill granting the | 'i@"S of the patrons of the Vic ‘1 eal > i oe 7 en centre of railroad construc- | : : One of the excuses given for} franchise to women. One of |toria theatre, not realized u' til) 7 vee a es 2008S tion, with an immense pay- | Phone 300 P. O. Box 165 Accountant ‘ } i nake it : er conspicuous? e s | NT a at not helping the city was that a} the opponents declared thatjthe ringing cheers which follow-| : oe ti mati h Fada) =" roll and purchasers of lots Vi eee aoe en nee lot of our prominent Jocal| “inasmuch as in the United|eq the climax of the third act cf Bait? ; at the forthcoming sale SECOND HAND GOODS PRINCE RUPERT, 6 6 people didn’t want the assist- Kingdom there were many}, The I and N ee : should be able to realize a 3} a anee. Mr. Reader, are you one} more women than men, the| 16 L108. Ape, the: eer. «Part, emenmer Do’ von sept: those good profit on their invest- 3) 1 will buy er sell all kinds of aiex w Me Lub of the prominent people who bill would mean turning the |Might were heard. There is 10, pork chops Waiter sant you ment, household goods, mechanics aps. 6 Abb played traitor to the city? If country over to the rule of precedent in the theatrical his- tell by the taste, sit ? Consumer If you are unable to be 3jtools, guns and men’s slot) WILLIAMS & ANSON you.are not, who do you think} woman. One would suppose tory of Victoria for the magniii- No Waiter Phen what does present at the sale, ) will call any time. Barristers, Solicitors, Ee the men are who did play from this comment that all the °°"! demonstration which burst|it matter w hat they're called? | AM PREPARED TO BUY 3) ier Pesaainziel ae traitor to the city? Don’t they} women in the country are of “eae — audience on their AYE FOR YOU 1839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 ‘ vsnce nape, A come to your mind pretty| one mind. The doughty lord |!" night following Miss Edythe Ww ’ i ; Ny I a quickly? Just about the same| cannot be a frequenter of five Elliott's enunciation of the great | rite, call or phone for {ont ane bunch that caused the dis-| o'clock teas. speech with which Charles Klein | maps and full information. A IVARSON & CO. (t brought the thrilling scenes of Be een oe === his powerful drama to a close. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers PACIFIC TRANSFER ; ; ms Such ovations in the past have | Edward F. Do le Boat Work One ! meet. PO ED Mar Sr eee y Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson Wa) LADYSMITH COAL sicians <¢ sic é ar- j 0 = ae ici me woe mu rn ; ull ‘¢ | Room 414, Smith Block aiden tes cee sts, ane e spontaneity with ria “7 which the audience accorded this Third Ave. Open evenings HARRY HANSON P. O. Box 203 pont @ SHINGLEE:: HOULDINGS, GASH) SOORD CietiiORen Mae: purely: ores THE RELIABLE PLUMSER P ROBERTSON "Lia lhe: matic performance of Miss El- i liott was an eloquent tribute to Phone 489 Second Ave., near McBride Charte Accountant PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. the simplicity and effectiveness ; ain s 2 i : - Jits, Investig , AG,e A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager with which she played the scene. DR. GILROY, DENTIST Jations and Assignments 4st Ave. and McBride 8t. . enines RUPERT, 8.0 So direct was the appeal! in Miss Ae vince Rupert BF : » SS. Elliott's beautiful voice, so nat- Crown and Bridge Work a —— PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers . pone @ > urally dramatic were here ges- Specially. ; tures and expression that the A audience forgot for a moment it Offiod: Gmith: B%,, Third Avenue WILLIAM I. HOUS KAIEN was play acting, and really saw ornate ne ii gs H the mouse defying the lion in his PF —E RUPEF was ARDWARE COMPANY |: £Q UNION TRANSFER ie By: in se , . Ye GENERAL TRANSFER AND 8TO : . sae * THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 16524 PHONE No. 3 The personality of the unre-| o ua ity Bouth Wellington Coal (MPERIAL \ACHINE ie . eee a anne aol money king, | | Aged in Wood VHONES : 36 Office. RESIDENCE 110 kly Done lie Suppliee Sheet and Plate Gi Jobn Burke ider, was hardl ; ae , 2 RUP f Quie ih Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors. less telling Chat se i Aovak | 8 Years a eer eee eee on , ii Age HARDWARE eeoeets Ranges under whose direction the shen before bottling Pein te | Pee ay ee ONE REDE A inware : * , =i | wee Varnishes G vany’s productions are atred. | | GUARANTEED BY THE ; 4 yraniteware | . I iction are staged, | ap his: | interpreted the part in a convine- | BONAR Law |: om CANADA BOAT Bi JAMES GILMORE a 0 The ‘ Stay Satisfactory ing manner. He is a finished 1g hitect a ae : Z ON | Archit ; M NARCH MALLEABLE Range.’’ actor, his ability to sink his Still leader, but Ghamberlain ee JOUNST ° | McBride iret ens iy in the character portray- | may replace him, Seal Cove Phone Green 321 ~)\'! Scoop is Vers SeNsitive About His Looks Drawnp for Th NEVER FELT SOEMBARRASSED IN ALL) MY LIFE- CAME TO CALL ON SNOOP— DIDNT KNOW HE WUZ MARRIED AN’ TOOK His WIFE FOR His MOTHER ST TH'ROOM IN 4 HUFF AN’ L DUNNO tow TH' DICKENS iN THA UL OUT UV TH’ ALONE Wirt HER AN AS SOON OF COURSE AS SOOM As WE CAME BOOB SNOOP DUCKED ROOM AN’ LEET ME AS T OPENED MY MOUTH L PUT BOTH FEET IN 7 T TELULNUA SNOOP-HES A MONGREL— HOW ¥ DARE NOU BRING Kim INTO MY HoUse-HES THE MADAM -L DEMAND AN APOLOGY FOR THEM CRUEL WORDS - NO MAN,WOMENS, OR CHILD CAN CALL