- eae rUUA tut DAILY NEWS Whole Leaf Teas are worth 50% more ths those of a broken ‘and dusty character. "SALADA” Teas are free of dust sweepings and broken leaves. Every infusion is clean, fragrant and delicious. Sealed lead packets only.——Never sold in bulk. —— If You Desire catalogue, faciiities of our AND the iustrations backed by our howse guarantee. from our own factories. seeoebdanaiait An Education IN BUYING AND A KNOWLFDGE AS TO WHERE YOU MAY GET THE MOST VALUE FOR THE MONEY EXPENDED, write for our through which you will big Vancouver store. Splendid Values in Cutlery TABLE are offered all buyers through the medium of this catalogue, in which and descriptions are truly representative of the real articles. Our prices for this fine Cutlery and Silverware are very mod- erate when the quality of the goods are considered, and Our silverware comes direct to you =i iNustrated come into direct touch with the SILVER this quality Henry Birks Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Sons, Limited VANCOUVER, B.C g Royal Standard Cinnamon Biscuits No. 8—Cut out 2 cups ROYAL STANDARD; spoonfuls spoonful salt, cup butter, Roll up apd cui ix slices. quick ee and paste in Re- cipe Book: 2 tea- baking powder, 1 tea- 2 tablespoons lard, 1 out and dot with with cinnamon Bake ip BETTY BROWN. milk. Roll sprinkle oven 6¢6R2 OYAL Standardize your ‘R kitchen at our risk Do this: bake some If you have pet brand of flour—if of these Buy a sack of ROYAL STANDARD and deliciqus cinnamon biscuits. the slightest regret at changing your you don’t really believe way down in your heart that no other brand but ROYAL STANDARD could have made biscuits as light and golden—-YOUR MONEY WILL BE RE- FUNDED. Bake once with ROYAL SJ'ANDARD and you will substitute ROYAL STANDARD for “flour” in ur recipe book for ever after. Your gorcer is ROYAL STANDARD wise—ask nim. eran Libera, Tested F. G. DAWSON, Who lesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT DEERE SEEAEBAEREABBBEREBEREEABE EEE ABBE RE RR at fair prices ye FRASER EEE EERE EEE EERE ATK hhhhkhkhhkhkhhhe Higti-Grade Work Plumbing, Steamftting and sheet metal work Western Plumbing Co., Ld » * * » * SPRING SUITS Right in Price Right in Style Right in Quality TRY US SWEDER BROS., MERCHANT TAILORS some Choice Offerings in Section 2 Lote 9-10, Block 16, quarter cash, and 24. Lote 23-24, Biock 16, $1,750 pair; quarter cash, balance 6, i2, 18 and 24. Lots 131 and 132, Biock 20, $800 each; #100 cash and $25 per mo. $3,260 pair; balance 6, 12, 18 Houses and fiats to rent, Riso semi-furnished 4-room house on Second Avenue, near Eleventh 8t. ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE PATTULLO & RADFORD PHONE 83 SECOND AVE. SECOND - HAND Logging Equipment dust overhauled and in first class order. LOGGING DONKEYS } LOGGING BLOCKS AND TOOLS i CROSSCUT SAWS AND AXES j BLACKSMITH OUTFITS ; WIRE ROPE TENTS AND COMPLETE CAMP OUTFITS BOATS AND LAUNCHES Also a Sawmill Plant complete, co- | pacity 20 M. | This equipment as well as complete utfits for geneal contracting work, either large or small jobs, is offered at prices which will make an enquiry worth | while Address enquiries to | w. H. HAZLITT, Purchasing Agent British Columbia Electric Railway, B. C. Electric Block - Vancouver, B. C. ROYAL BAKERY Sucessor to Knott's. Formerly known as Clifton’s. BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY | We deliver to any part of the city. Third Avenue Phone 383 PRINCE RUPERT TRANSFER. COMPANY moving oe Pisce’ Snore Excellent Storage Facilities COAL — DEALERS — COAL PHONE see Heavy estate Se oort LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Try Smith & Killas . . . i A number of busigess men are in the city looking for vacant stores. They have stocks in the south which will be brought in here and sold. Judge Y New bank rohbt norning : : sorc the have been commit- ted for trial. They be- fore the judge this evening. Thos. L. Wand near Ketchikan floated off again She reported for ers will elect The steamer ran aground Sunday but high tide. damaged. on at un- Is real Ont., H. Hutton, a prominent man of Port Arthur, here this mdrning and over to Haysport. Mr. Hut- Lon is interested in the Haysport plant. arrived went J. Faurnier has purchased a partnership in the Prince Rup- ert Bakery, Third Avenue. This shop has recently been refitted and passed a critical examina- inon by the health officer, who reported it first class in every wa The steamer Rochelle unload- ed a cargo of lumber from Seat. tle for the new Eiler planing mill ast evening. It is in the gov- ernment warehouse. The same steamer also brought a cargo of gasoline for the Atlin Fisheries o.eNile The British Empire unloaded oxes at the Atlin Fish Co.'s dock this morning. She is sail- ing for Naden Harbor with box umber today and tomorrow will returp and tow the bange Bangor south ao ere James Cowan and Grey, two men charged with obstructing a officer in the performance duties, appeared in the court this morning and the was dismissed. This to the charge against Singleton, who was by Officer Hamblin night. An effort was the defence to prove officer used violence police of his police again charge was a sequence Hugh arrested Monday made by that the unnecessary making the arrest. on had in RITCHIE, AGNEW & C0. Civil Engineers ana 8. C. Land Surveyors Waterworks, Water Power, Whaif Con- Strnction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric Blue Printing, Negatives and White Prints. McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. FEHHHHHEHAE BAN 35--PHONE--35 TAXI 1068 THIRD AVE. | * OOOO Oidinigigigiiiiidininididiicick ) ALF HALLIGAN ; Pore Eat at the Lontien Cafe sitf OF O64 The Spokane, northix be in tonight. Rae Mr Mahon, the Va! finance ier, left last evening the south on the John Phe Pr e John sa south last evening She took number of passengers Mrs. H. Sheere arrivé Prince Rupert this morning ned her husband at Hays Mrs. John McRae, Fiftt east, will not receive f this. week, nor aga 118 season it i he Mr. Thompson, manager o! Vancouver Lumber compar - n the city on business f his ompapy. ke aoe } Mr. Crear, special representa- tive in Vancouver of the U: States Steel corporatior: s the city 6n business Mrs. Lester of the Lester|t dancing academy Vancouver ar-| rived in the city today and will] classes here. | . . . | The monthly meeting of the| W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. O. H. Nelson, Third} avenue, on Thursday, May 14, at 8 p. m it} GILLETTS LYE EATS DIRT r ie Buy where y¥ ca ~ ! st for the n ey ha s sort Edward fo2t ee ae zh Singlet ire wile sing obsce inguag t « ets was f “a #2 i On aa ais esis g rest he was dismissed H. H. Welch, Va an- ager of the B. A. Pa f wh has been the t f a iple of weeks is eaving to- ght f Granby Bay and goes south on Friday eee: 4 John Lanbie was harged in police court this morning with hav a vicious dog “he dog bit J. Lorne MecLare: Second avenue on Monday and attacked him repeatedly The dog was dered shot. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house and bath. Modern 4-room house and beth. Two-room cabins, partly furnished, $3.00 per month. Furnished house to rent—S roome completely furnished, immediate possession; $35 a month One 3-room house, partly furnished, $20 a month. One 4-room fiat at $15 per month. Light on all sides. Flats, Stores and Wareheuses. Fire and Accident insurance in Strong Board Companies. J. LORNE MacLAREN 615 Second Ave. Phone 150 “The Daily News’ CLASSIFIED ADS. Realty activity will soon com mence; buy where the industries will locate 102tf ee eee eee eeeeeeeee * Try a Want Ad in The News * Se SCRE eee Ee “Church Services . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Church Hall at 11 am and Empress Theatre st 7.30 p.m Sunday School at 230 p. m THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH COR. YOUNG and FIFTH AVE Services every Sunday st 11 am. and 7.350 p.m Sunday School 230 p.m. ace Bible Class £8) p.m. REV. W. W. WiiGHT, B.A., Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at 1) am. and 75) p.m Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. REV. MR. DIMMICK PASTOR ST. ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cor. Fifth Ave. and Dansmuir Place } Morning prayer, 11. Even- ing prayer, 7:30. Sunday school, 2:30 p. m Holy Communion frst Sunday of month, at 11 « m., and third Sunday at & s. m. REV. G. A. RIX - RECTOR THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court Sunday services at if am, 3endspm Sun aie day Ffchool, 1:30 e m Week aight services on FOR RENT day, Wednesday, Thurs ues a ov and Saturday FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT~—-Phone ree er ee — 154 70 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETINGS FOR RENT—Furnished room with bath, Held in Hays Bidg, 245 @nd Ave for ome r tw gentiemen; close in Sunday service $0 pun Box 91 Dally News i100f Sunday school meets 2.3¢ BO) . 9 50 de pan Testimony saeotings a oa a [ ck a lsat oe Wednesdays at 8 pm oad: eae E a aenete Reading room is open erre every day except Sundays u ; ” and legal holidays from FOR SALE 3 to 5 p.m FOR SALE—Ranges and stoves cheap. Galland, McBride Street. sow eee A SNAP-——Lots 35 and 36, block 5, section 2, $3,500, terms equity, balance OG. T. Phone 37 P.0. Box 1704 P. See George Leek. 104-110 SIX-HORSE PERFECTION gasoline engine, dues ——__—— —$— a . m 44 ———— ee You will soon be able to pur- Nett —— hase cai shingles, made in} Port Edward 1O2tf! Stalk r & rhis is Hotpoint week i) ells ‘ eaues of Ladies Home| 1 and Saturday Evening} st explain how they will bene- | Bargains which mean real meals f Call and see the El Glo-| ty st jemonstrated at Parkin &| FRIDAY & SATU Ward Electric Co. Ltd., loca RDAY ONL sentatives 109-44) . ad . i Tw b. cans choice Pe rt mains of the late Mrs.! Big bar Castile Soa; th S. Edwards were sent to Vix | Guaranteed Strictly Fr Be - nterment ‘ last | Canned Peas he wht's boat Mr. Edwards ac f Canned Tomatoes, ps ‘We i gz them The Odd-} Blue Ribbor Nal I Nb vs, of which Mr. Edwards is} Holbrook Genuine W Be ye { wed the proces | Stalker & Wells’ Spe 4 & the boat | Half.gallon jars 9 ‘ M Michoice Sauce K a0 Found at Last Hand made Chocoiates 2 tor a sencilla Holbrook's Le 2 ties ter ge r e and see the big bargains Holbrook’s Health Salts ; t Peck’s shoe store Get busy] Five Eggo B be today 109tf | Ch Canned Sa a is oo Ss — sabi | Royal H sehold |} oF Be My dear Reginald, now that} Robin Hood t v in a red ad Rol Hood } or) \ eft college vol must! F : cinta oh Wagstaff's Pure J ‘ 3 eally begin looking out for some | 20-Ib. sacks Rolled Oats Be |. rt of employment. But don't} i think. mother, that it would} i . re dignified to wait till the PHONE 157 ffers begin coming in? ee eee | soccoccocccooscecseteeseail | We have today a ..kae’s Market. FIFTH STREET, JUST BEHIND FIRE Hatt shipment of fresh Fruits ang Vegetables including Strawberries Cukes Cherries Sweet Potatoes Bananas Parsley Pineapples Spinach Asparagus New Carrots Tomatoes New Turnips Celery New Beets Cauliflower Green Onions Head Lettuce Radish Your patronage spe PHONE 570 This is Hotpoint Week ! Electrical Prince Rupert NOW you can affo SPECIAL for one week only a Electric Stove—at half _ $3.25 ELECTRIC IRONS «4: $3.00. THIS IS BARGAIN WEEK Parkin & Ward Electric annd Marine Contractors Co., Lid. British Columbia CURE IT: the cold and thus effects a it the largest sale of any cough and « permmane 7s¢. large ¢ If your cold ts feverish Mathie mr cl dinped the fever smi chase tbe here, Lx J. L. MATHIEU Co., aaps 6 SHERBROOKE, PQ. 9 Nervine c . a ae iv — SAVOY HOTEL newly made over In excellent order. Only si09 Box 110 Daily News. 7itf | | FOR SALE—Gasoline launch, 30 foot keel, i 15 h. p. engine. Snap price $509. Ap- FIRST CLASS CUISINE | ply Prince Kupert Boat House. 107-13) 9 ioe ang Cold Running Water in 3) FOR SALE—Concrete lawn rollers, garden ali Roome | vases; aiso lime in large or small quan- | tities. McBride St. Concrete Works, Only finest onte a tiquers and fi! bet. 7th and Sth Aves 107-13 Gare kept | FOR SALE—Rooming house with 19 THE BEST HOTEL iN NORTHERN rooms fine condition, $1,800; cash SRITIGH COLUMBIA i $500 balance monthly See George Leek 109-16 PRUDHOMME & FISHE? FOR SALE—Complete restaurant equip- tore ment ven Lang range, 100-galion Proprie range iler, luneh counter, etc Par teulars from Western roms & } Supply Cu., Third Ave -10 icalasiatonaniensamenion FOR SALE—Tomato plants, per 100, $2.50; cabbage plants, per 100, §1.50; cucumber plants, per dozen, 50c; eG plants, per dozen, 50c; collection of 100 CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. flower plant’, $2.50. ' All plants picked Summer Excursions a moss and postpaid. 1000 rates on ap- Plication John king, Nurseryman, Prince Rupert to Montreal Terrace 106-188 S00 TOME ciiisccnvess $141.00 FOR SALE—Gasoline launch “Pony,” 23 Do to Toronto and return. 128.00 feet long by 5 foot 6 beam, compromise Do to St. Paul and return... 96.00 stern, designed and built entirely of Do to Chicago and return... 108.50 yellow cedar A most completely made Do to New York and return 144.50 and well designed boat, fitted with Other points correspondingly low. novel elevating and depressing canopy, Effective Jume ist. Final return which instantly can make the boat limit October 81st, stormproof. Engine bed in place for Cheap rates te Norwegian San- 1i-h. p. Ferro engine. Pert and star gerbund in Chicago, effective May board gasoline tanks. Will piace en- 19th and 20th gine a8 above Hudder equipment, 3 } Diade propeller and all complete with Princess Beatrice, Southbound, cluteh for #550 Rupert Marine Iron Sunday, 8 p. m. | Works. 110-16 J. G. MeNAB, Wenerer Agent i WANTED Corner 3rd Avenue and 6th Sireet || | anaitines i WANTED--Girl for candy store. Experi- : ence necessary. E. E. Confectionery, 317 Third Avenue 106tf WANTED—-A boat hull in good condition, about #0 feet Price must be reason- able. Apply Box 64 Daily News. s0tf WANTED CASH—WiIl sell agreement for sale or give business roperty security. Apply Box 116 Dally Rowe e6tr WANTED--Secoad hand gasoline engine 10 to 15 horsepower, fivet be be in food order, Box 112 Datly Mews. 71 MISCELLANEOUS WHO WANTS A CHEAP BUY ?—Lot 3, block 9, section &, price 9425, 6 terms; also new decoeres rhs’ cost $100; sell for $60, terms. Chas Wil- son Q. C. lL. Information Bureau, Third WE HAVE KENTED all our hou cannot fill applications, Give = sane house tw rent Prince Rupert Finan- ciers. F. RR. ©. Brown, manager. 315 Second Ave. Phones *05 and Blue 974 FRESH COWS agp i CALVES coming in, al- ways on & 4 * verument. tested thorou nares e 4 C. Christy, t- te dealer, oe ee 80, Collingwood “E. ton as wi inager — Wanted IMMEDIATELY Agreements of Sale for Discounting ! From $2,000 | ~Must be Ad. Submit offerings to Third Avenue Hotel : Directory Members P.R.L. Vintners Association WINDGOR HOTEL Corper of First Ave. and Eighth 5t W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh St European and American Plap Peter Biack, Prop. KNOX HOTEL Between Eighth and Ninth First Ave., European Plan, Rates 50c to §1.C0 Per Day Besner 4 Besner, Props. se re SS Se Di J. ¥. Rochester Vv. D. Casiey EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave., Between Sixth and Seventh Streets Plan, 560 to $1 Per Day European PREMIER HOTEL American and European Piao F. W. Henning, Marager MOYAL HOTEL Cortey & Burgess, Props Third Ave, and Sixth St, Bteam Heated BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR ©O., LIMITED Second Ave. and Sixth St Phone 102 a PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., LIMITED Fraser ana Gixth Phone 7 Sts SUBSCRIBE FOR ‘Harrison, Gamble & Go, | | THE DAILY NEWS ee pocccococcoosorreriTt PRINCE RUPERT BOAT HOUSE PHONE RED 30 d of Manson Way worecccorrrcrrccrrcrrie ~~ oe mo ae wn mo = » Code S = North En eee eee ee tee eteets | For Sale oms furnitur or 30 59.00 Phat # On Naden Co, bt , é gecond Avent