fy DLL ALA * _ GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: ° rHe ° ‘LY NEWS ‘ : ee Whe dvertised Pri - , Prince \BUr yo Paper \ ; ro a the rae in" Canada w we shou v OLEAN REL ge ALIVE 4 wood. Y : mat 41 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 144, 19144 PRICE FIVE CENTS 4LF BUSINESS HOUSES OF STEWART BURNED OUT OMINION A MINORITY PARTNER WITH MACKENZIE & MANN—ENQUIRY INTO DIGBY WHARF and Liberal rail ls the bridges. BERAL LEADER DESCRIBES CONDITIONS IN NORTHERN B. C._ RESSED LARGE AUDIENCE IN ‘VICTORIA AND REPORTED ON HIS RECENT TRIP THROUGH CONSTITU- ENCIES OF THE NORTH . ( vster, the Liberal way policy of 1909 had proposed ek addressed a bigja line of railway to connect with Liberal rooms alt|the main line of the G. T. P., and eported his obser-j|of all the lines then projected m his recent trip|this was the only one not under io Prince Rupertitaken and assisted by the gov » Fort George. ernment audience briefly Prince Rupert, at the end of d traversed in the/the finest transcontinental rail- f the tour, Mr.|way in North America, had had a bed the conditions |hard fight against the handicaps eception given to}imposed upon it by the govern- as it was placed| ment It had been brought into In the Bellalexistence as a fesult of the far had found alfsighted policy of Sir Wilfrid ntry, where for|Laurier, fought by every Conser- hardy settlers|vative member from this” prov- could to mas-|fince, and it had never had a fait s which hamper|chance so far as the provincial today everyone | government was concerned The road work| When the citizens asked for a was found to be|charter, Mr. Brewster said, and ent efficient, but| submitted one which they had her places where|been at considerable expense to ess return to be|have * drafter, one which was ney expended onjadapted to the peculiar circum- } | Continued on Page 2 John Fraser the Domin nee before th committee th g the paymen he Paeifie Ce Company fol ( the Ma upert had he marine as x for Prince Rh matter attention r to the esting de against th q Cink» written on 12, but had neve ed and he had the department that day Th been made to th } the departmen er of credit befor he attention of the eral’s department the account m question but he then he such account paid without firs auditor-general, Hehe Chat Yo uld he horse Yes, but en before Noy no mn ask- nations, re since ro is th is stolen there the lock wa doo ed by William Chis WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT! TONIGHT! THE GREAT MOVING PICTURE SENSATION “GERMINAL”? IN FIVE REELS St by Emile Zola ; +2 feature cannot be 'sed by ordinary stand. ‘nd is in a class by ilone, Must be seen to be appreciated, Admission: . 150 and 250 Children, 100 ONO 00+ opp pnDOROCODO { been had unauthorized I { on e { e LS OO 9eseon——o+oneeoteeeCettt’, ° DITOR-GENERAL WAS SURPRISED ON OF PACIFIC COAST CONSTRUCTION CO, WAS PAID —DIGBY WHARF SCANDAL 0,000 WAS PAID FOR EXTRAS BUT NO EXPLANATION IS GIVEN FINDING ACCOUNT holm of Antigonish as to his opinion of the payment, Mr. Fra- said that he was surprised that such an account should have been paid without consult he department As a matter of justice, he declared 1 think the firm is not tled to anything which is not the contract When it comes to a question of expediency, or a noral claim, parliament should decide and not any department. The firm undertook to do the work at the contract price fixed. It is not material to the depart nent whether they lost money on it or not. If he is morally en- titled to relief then he should me to parliament.’ |-THE TANGO COMING | | had, TO PRINCE RUPERT he |New Fancy Dances at Westholme Next Week by Expert Artists At last the tango is about to invade Prince Rupert Arrange- ments have been made by the management of the Westholme Mrs. Lester, teacher of opera house with the celebrated dant Vancouver, and her dancing partner Mr. Charles Ransford, to give a series of exhibition dances at the opera house com- mencing Wednesday May 20; The tango, hesitation, flirtation, valse sympathy, one-step, Span- ish danee, and the. celebrated parlova gavotte will be shown In correct evening dress with spe cial music hy the Westholme orchestra Mrs. Lester has a splendid wardrobe, and different gowns will be worn at each per- formance. Classes will be form ed and private lessons given Her fame as a high priestess of the terpsichorean art 1s known all over the ~northwest and is absolutely unquestioned, The Kermac was out for her trial trip last evening and agreeably surprised her owners, With an 8-h. p. Perfection en- gine, she ran along at about seven miles per hour. It is the intention next year to replace the present engine with a {5-h, p. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, ta | HOTEL PRINCE RUPERT American If Canada Goes Into Partnership Aitcewa’ 9, Washinetan> She Should Control the bers came up before Judge Young| mises to furnish lots of fun at Hazelton yesterday and elected) - ~ for speedy trial. The tmal Hosiery Sale started this morning and willl Ghiidren’s Little Darling probably conclude tomorrow. W.jlamb’s wool hose, 25c Friday and E. Fisher is representing the|Saturday. Come in black, tan, crown, Judge Young will return) pink, scarlet and cream, Sizes 4 on Sunday's train. jlo 7.—Demers’. 1411-12 > JOGO. CLAIR A a a aE The Empress Theatre Kee Engagement Commencing SATURDAY EV’NG., MAY 16th The Royal Players Supporting the Charming Actress MISS EDYTHE ELLIOTT IN George Klein’s Stupendous Play “The Lion and The Mouse” Reserved Seats now on sale at McRae Bros. PRICES—-750, 500, 350. KRAKREEEEIEEEE {OOOO i OI i III Ino y eeeeeeeeeeerrr. FEE BOBO OR I E we eee enneeee eee OPER INCOUNCTL PEACE MEDIATORS ¥* # | o THE RUPERT YOUTH * OPEN ABOUT JUNE 1? : * DISCUSSED BY B. OF T. ; * W. T. Donnelly one of ¥} : ¥ | Matera! and Work of Big New , the: world’s greatest ‘dry » (Fishermen Will Have Bonding House All Furnished *” docke:’ étizineers, points *| Privileges but May Not Be nang * oul the opportunities the *| Able to Sell | y : T ) . oe | I ffave the greatest con- i; aii 7 s eae im : At a meeting of the council of fidence in Prince Rupert In| y Prince Rupert. With its * the board of trade held yester- fact | have invested everything in| y capacity for handling an * day afternoon the fisheries this Hotel Prince Rupert and] y ocean liner and its equip-* * question -and the policy of free have induced several of MY! ment of the most modern #*|D@it was fully discussed, The friends to also go in heavily.” * . machinery made. combin. #1 26% order-in-council allows the Phis was the statement of Mr./y% oq with the skilled labor #*|American boats to come into Geo. W. Morrow, who says he |, employed, the young men ¥* this port to buy supplies and has come to spend the rest of|y of this city have a mag. * fresh bait providing they ship his lifetime in Prince Rupert,)* nificent opportunity to #{their fish from this port. The and he expects to live a lon&|»% jearn the art. of ship- * fish may also be put in bonded long time. Mr. Morrow and Mr.|* pbuilding and qualify *|°0!4 storage, but whether it jt B Rochester will be joint | % themselves to branch out * must be consigned to a United managers of the Hotel Prince;% jnto one of tha wepldie States port before being stored Nupert, the handsome five-storey | pig industries. Mr. Don- %*|!8 Ot very plain. The council brick building now nearly com-|* oily believes that many %*| decided not to take further ac- pleted. * independent shipbuilders * tion until a fuller interpretation The new hotel will be readyis wi] spring up in Prince * of the order is received. about June 1, The plumbers # Rupert. The dry dock will’ * The consensus of opinion is will start work on the top floor} * he one of the biggest fac. #*|'hat-the independent boats will next week The contracts for|* tors in “the development * be the trade most desirable and the furnishings have all been let|* of this country. » | Which needs encouragement. and are now being shipped The bie Booth company and One of the unique features of] * * * * * ** * * * ¥ * * * * */ ihe New England Fish company this fine modern building is that twill both have plants here and practically all the material was YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL these companies will look after purchased from local business their own interests, but the men and local mechanics have Nbstlnaatace small independent fishing boats done practically all the work. Spokane 3, Vancouver 2. will need the assistance of the The work of fitting the bar Victoria 4, Portland 2. business men here to get the will start next week. It is fin- Seattle 4,;Tacoma 1. privileges which will bring them ished in mahogany, and the work Coast to this port. is being done by the Prince Ru- Portland 3, Venice 5. Cheap supplies and the privi- pert Sash & Door factory. Oakland 7, San Francisco 2. lege of selling their fish here is ai ibtat niet Los Angeles 10, Sacramento 7.|/Wwhat is most needed. SIR WILFRID SAYS National Under the old order the U, 8. Brooklyn 0, Chicago 6. fish companies had to ship their IT IS A POOR BARGAIN Zoston 0, Cineinnati 4 catch within 48 hours after land- Philadelphia 2, St. Louis 2. ing in a Canadian port, | | MEET AT WASHINGTON |Formal Introductions Followed by an Informal Discussion Special to The Daily News Washington, May 14 The first formal stages of the pro- cram for the mediation of the fexican problem was taken by Lamar and Lehman, who will jrepresent the United States. |'They paid their respects to the South American envoys. This jcall of courtesy paved the way for an tinformal conference in advance of the first meeting at Niagara, MEXICAN FEDERALS ARE EVACUATING TAMPICO ey fe p W Stock Tacurephioal Union Election (Special to The Daily News ee ne Ottawa, May 14.—The debate The election of offieers of on the government resolution|Prince Rupert Typographicai | providing for a guarantee of union was held vesterday and re- $45.000.000- to the Canadian sulted as follows; President, A Northern railway started a series Kk. Robb; vice-president, A. J , shane hes by Premier Borden,| Gilmore; executive committee, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. Meighen Kemp, 8. D. Maedonald and W. and: Mr. Nick) = \Ganservaiiy H. Peck: auditing committee, H f ( ‘ i¢ ea onservi € a cake I d the prot 1 r| Potts and Kemp; sick and reliet ) Oppose ’ posals oO | th ’ omiant committee, D. MeCorkindale, W. e gover ont. ; Sir Wilfrid Laurier declared |° Dennis and Kemp; label com- : i ae tiee Jack ; ssell that if the government was ‘go- Se a R oY ee Ge all ing into partnership with Mac-|®MG@ 4. ™. on ive as pe R a- kenzie and Mann it should have eo SAE A. n natn aie ae a majority of the common stock cpne f amen ones ant BIRR» He maintained that $40,000,000 sergeant-at-arms, K. L. Rauk a — SS of the common. stock secured N ae Tonigh only an villusory protection It eye ame’ Tonignt was unwise to let the C, N. R. go sy ances Sider aa ressiuiion and worst There will he a novel basket than confusing not to carry out|ball game in St. Andrew’s Hall the explanation given to the|this evening A picked team of press the Ladies’ Auxiliary players will a meet a team from the Callies “Elect Speedy Trial | The men will dress in hobble skirts as a handicap. The game The New Peedttinn bank rob-|starts at eight o'clock, It pro acuation ireless despateh to the Special to The Washington, of xarrison Daily News May 14 Tampico by began at according navy m vesterday, Lo 12:5 de The the »0 a é | partment from Rear-admiral Mayo Henry C, Evans, pioneer piano tuner, now in your city. Phone orders received at No. 3514 or No. 86. #~ 103-15 * eR KR RR RR ROK OK KR OR * * In January the late city * council ~ presented to the * ‘lectors a proposition to * buy power from the * Prince Rupert Hydro- Keke * = * * *& * kee * * ee * + Eleetric company outside the limits at a price that was reasonable, The News believed that propo- to be a eity busi the the in the endea that it company Now the said to good for but sition agreement to make, Conservative leaders this eried down proposition and make out giving the i franchise, ness eity city vored to was same Company received a the not in the in and and competition is franchise them to but the cits enter into with the city have Tories only city, from sell selves, power come use streets ks plant eRe EHH HR RH * . . * + 7. * * * * * * * * - . * * * > > . > * oS * + * | $50,000 FIRE AT STEWART RESIDENTS’ NARROW ESCAPE. FIRE BROKE OUT AT 2:30 IN NORTHER NHOTEL — LADIES’) GOT OUT IN NIGHT CLOTHES — DOZEN BUILDINGS BURNED Stewart, B. C., May .14.—Fire|George Clothier’s assay office broke out in the rear of the|was dynamited, and all the efforts Northern hotel about 2:50 this|of the bucket brigade were cen- morning, and in a few minutes|tred on the Mocha cafe, which the building was in flames, the|was eventually saved. guests escaping in night clothes. The buildings burned were: Mrs. P.. F. Godenrath, who was| Northern hotel, Belmont block, alone in the Belmont block,|office formerly of Veitch and which adjoined, escaped in the|Bunting, Hartley's hail, Arctic same condition, Brotherhood hall, mineral dis- \ strong southerly wind was|play building, Stewart club build- blowing and flames crossedjing, W. C. Cameron’s house, C. Fifth street, igniting the build-|Woolley’s barber shop, G. A. ings which are owned by the}Clothier’s assay office and the Stewart Lan& company. These| Stewart stables. 4 were soon ablaze. The nex tto The whole populace turned out catch fire was W. ©. Cameron's|to a man and offered all the home, “which was reduced tojassistance re ashes. ! sa In order to save the town,| (Continued on Page 4) INCREASED ACTIVIAY ALL THE SUMMER AT RUPERT'S DRY DOCK W. T. DONNELLY, CHIEF ENGINEER, HERE FOR TEN DAYS’ INSPECTION — CONTRACTS ALL LET MACHINERY BEING SHIPPED — MORE MEN TO BE EM- PLOYED “Tam generally well pleased|pable of turning out 2,500 h. ». with the progress of the con-|Two 1,000 k. w. generators of the struction work at«the— dry dock, }™0°*! Regent design will develop nied abe scnitlodle thaws: latliecohae the current. They have a speed ae of 3,600 revolutions a minute. rapid work is very bright. From| There will be electric motors for now on there will be an increas-|all the tools in the different ed activity at the plant through-|shops. The motors for the dock out the whole summer and welitself will aggregate 800 h. p. will be ready for outside work;All this machinery is to be early in the coming winter.” shipped within two months’ This was the statement of Mr.|time. W. T. Donnelly, chief engineer AALS fsb RENE ry of the big $3,000,000 dry dock “GERMINAL” A BIG HIT now being constructed at Havs oer Cove. Mr. Donnelly is one of the| Zola Pictures a Great Success at premiers of his profession and Westholme Opera House he is making the Prince Rupert “Just splendid,” was the gen- dock one of the best and most} ooo) verdict of those present at modern in the world, last night’s initial performance Mr. Donnelly came in on the]of “Germinal.” Zola’s great mas- Prince Rupert yesterday. It is|terpiece in modern realism. The nearly five months since he was|story is graphically shown in a here before, and a great amount] series of splendid pictures which of work has been done.in the|hold the audience breathless at meantime. He will remain for|times by sheer intensity and about ten days in consultation power of dramatic action. The with J. H, Pillsbury, the engin-jeast includes the tswo greatest eer in charge, actors in France today, M. Krauss The chief engineer says that}and Mlle. Silvie of the Odeon with few exceptions the contracts|theatre in Paris. This program have all been let. The machin-| will be repeated tonight. ery, of ‘which a tremondous slihhesseigtrhdimaiaasde ee amount is required, is practi- \ distinet advance in tea cally all coming from eastern| \»apping has been heralded by Canadian factories. In fact allj iy, “Salada” Tea Co Yn the supplies are purchased in Can- ; has suka place of lead they are now com- e ae ada wherever possible. mencing to use a_strong, thin ehinery will all be delivered this} neot of aluminum, which not summer, Che boilers have been only preserves the tea better shipped from New York and are|than jead, but is as light as fine how en route by water. They} jattep paper. it will arrive in four or five weeks. \ great deal of the machinery ee will be shipped in over the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacifie. TRADES AND LABOR Among the first pieces to arrive COUNCIL will be a 15-ton locomotive crane It is now en route and SMOKER will be brought through as soon as the temporary track can be K. of P. Hall, Thursday, fixed up. May 14, 9. P. M. (ther machinery coming in, ADMISSION FEE - UNION CARD cludes an 80-foot lathe, capable tacmatens the Ot deena gm of turning a shaft 50 feet in recognized. length; a plate bending machine with a capacity for bending a morereoes Sy Senn fee sheet of steel 20 feet by three- Music by Empress Orchestre. quarters of an ineh thick; a steam hammer that can forge shafts eight to ten inches in dia- meter; a boring mill ten feet in diameter; four air compressors Public Auction of Canadian manufaeture, —OF THE— ‘The machine shop, the boiler Household Effects shop “ acks shc 7 of Mr. Henry Avison, who is leave hop, the blacksmith hop and ing the olty, will h held at 224 wood working building will have Seventh Avenue West, back of the most complete set af modern Skating Rink, on taelac ak tha nenat tout ae SATURDAY NEXT, THE 16th INST. | on \é coast, sal Mr. at 2 o'clock p. ms Donelly. hens includes sae. vee The electrical machinery has ae eee ee ° Utena all been contracted for with the we prden toole, tone t in fine Canadian General Electric Co, of : & LEM, Auetionser. Toronto, The plant will be ea-'