rHE DAILY NEWS Shop Girl Is Heiress st st ss Vancouver, Victoria eamer Prince George leaves Prince & camer Prince Rupert leaves Pri- eemers Prince John of Prince Alt Low Excur To EASTERN GQANADA end UNITEC NORWEGIAN CENTENN («4 with NORWE 8.8. HENRIETTE carries + with For full particulars and a THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, AGENCY ALL ATLANT |839 3rd Ave. W. _— Sirhan f THE DAiLy NEWS | Mass., May 12.—Lik THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA f Cinderella runs the Published Daily and Weekly by f Mrs. Frances Skin- THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C Dedhan nee » Boeostor Cap” MRT OTL LET TIN AMS tect wh through F. McRAF DITOR AND GEN! her husband s ne ol | sass of an estate HEAD OFFICI at £10.000.000 Mrs Daily News B z. Third Ave., Prince Rupe eph 8 1 g was Sarah H Carr, | SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Ganada. U - M i g f a Boston tailor. Shs Daily, 50c per month, or $6.4 2 ntl heuband at Marblehead 2d 5 ‘ 22 pe rea 4 i 5 d after ch fR.00 pe Weekly. $2550 per year, str Mr. Skinner's parents ANCH F CPS AND A N = married New York—Na News HKurea 21 $ New | s . votk City | Vancouver Wants Elevator . it = 1? May { It is arné ae DATI DFTION svat | { i9i4 gra onia , ee ads t 7 ‘ = 4 g te t | I s a N | g : : G. E. Fost : ; T +} a - . > . , r 5 = g s Vy . - < { i f this elevator : g g : : s THE WEATHER 2 2 Furnished by F. W. Dowling g Observer a iil a ; x y For the 24 hours ending 5 a.r : ® mt S qua = “ g May 13, 19144 ices, and s g = , S Barometer reduced to sea ans tu s nigh t May 14, 1914 . < Vv « | “ve ; » - i “ e servalis «if iighest »4 the 4 7 ; . < < 4 r 1 Ps: Lowest i0 prove like ty al vir- endable asse MR. CHARLES E. ROYAL m oe or i gos 2 x ; si , : al Pla er ager t at the Em | For Sale shsialk I Bord - press . ~ jay night. | : eee ptoo cde uae sbi Soe oo si 3 — Fishing boat 41 feet long, 12 The § } g Pos t Ar LIBERAL LEADER DESCRIBES « nd the s had allj feet meses: broas, 5 see? ; : tues gg CONDITIONS IN NORTH something ches in depth, equipped ae ;O-h. p -cyclie Catrauran air- s : Provincial Police oe 4 es = a ; = iing ne _ 7 DATAS - 2 ree Inarine Pe ine ' ‘ , a i fr ge 1 . = ; ” » the! price $1,500 Apply Akerbere st D : Mr. Brewster men-|Thomson & Co., Prinee Rupert i "iat . "yi f great « af-ior A. Bailey, Inverness Can- ngoes s mu otk aad: of abs : effi- | Ber? 407-33 ail v z f . iv ° r \ Pe eS si and be S af os Reitia his a od Notice \ $k r g wise it w t $ N.W.M f the prairies Ss [ € gen- ‘ the j a ecess the people had Storage helonging te Joe Jor- al Swe vag Espe s s - is e law gonson left in the Houston Cafe | of s of the lower 5 2 he B ° t g hands as against t } will be sold by private sale after par The Li I has ey g Zz . B fficiency of 30 days if not settled fer and re- ire A atit : » have s a . e op moved forms dj s 2 ir A : gs I n th 91-117 GEO. KB. ST. CLAIR par t the g s Cons . g I $ f ake against them. Bos f ? t : It ' ging nd clion witl shoase = as be . 7 g ait g g = cs We ged heir res = study a s h t g « s 5 i t be nouge f the ‘ : A r g res] - - ‘ I } 00 eu 4 eo M . ° sey ape ered Lave ein oo see Auction Sale th = Sssing i { - o ss 6 1 Mr Brews eee a ane = i" es s e ‘ I did think of then ‘ paiz a > . , ° _ the admin | er ee ease ckons son r oir 9 of Prince George Lots ; = ri - g ; v we al > s t 8 | 3 4 . s if The Government of the . = Province of m ‘ $ = g . Dia Will seil t ok S , c Se ws in the G. JT msite of er é j cae — st Prince George, by auction ; * ° sale, at Vancouver on May $ eae ms ° PRE OPH i9th, 20th and 2ist; at ; ee Satie Ga eae ele . ee ee Victoria May 26th and a ‘ ? ed : " aad . : 4 . 27th. sia site PS eal . : os “i Prince George for the oe tt : ; : a tc 2 next three years will be a SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS fine pate? sjde, was : he capa a ee ‘ ion, with an immense pay- ss : fine ; PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO petal 4 roland purchasers of lot . aaa psy at the forthcoming sale A. 4. BURROUGHS, Manager , wens should be able to realize a tat Ave anc McBride 8 PRINCE RUPERT, &.C ” ved good profit on their invest ‘ , / ; rey ‘ aa tM PSL ; PHONE 25 Branch Yaré at Smithers . " Pa) and ment ee are : ent. on — z ; If you are unable to be nee ae fra present at the sale, K “ : g g | AM PREPARED TO BUY AIEN HARDWARE COMPANY ind FOR You THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No ih ee eee vs Th th e nap i Hull information PP Sheet and Plate Glass that the the r ing d ie ee Uppries Plate Glass Mirrors vas « ghere f e ab : ‘ Stoves, Ranges 4 ‘ 1 . Ree HARDWARE sexe. *~ ld be out of “ wil nave ¢ Edward F. Doyle Graniteware xpect us : s f me 4 i Room ii, Smith Block MONARCH MALLEABLE The *‘ Stay Satisfactory zelion showed th f h What should know Third Ave. Open evenings Range ed indseekers g Pe minating tast there only tw rP. Cafe Batt ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY rooms ts pen fro sa KNIGHT & HICKEY Contractors ard Builders Shop: Fr: }. E dobbing & Repairing aser and Sixth 5s PHONE GREEN JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder o “Moving FE tings Phone Black 294 TMENTS DYER Phone I FUR APAR WHY PAY RENT? PrP. © Real 1 will bulid you & home on terme te sult you Cc. K. YTERBERG, Box 541 1712 Gth Ave. © GEORGE LEEK Estate, insurance and Loan Broter Notery Public. Rents and Collections Pho AUCTIONEER IN W. ROGERS P. O. Box if Suite 1, PRINCE ne 300 § ECOND HAND GOODS w i ca auy time F. M. CROSBY Phone Red 243 A IVARSON & C0. Biacksmiths & Horseshoers Phone 455 { offi Boat Work ist Ave., Mans Inv HARRY HANSON THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Second Ave. near McBride DR. GILROY, DENTIST rown and Bridge Work Specialty. ce: Smith Bik., Third Avenue “UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Cosi PHONES 36 Office RESIDENCE i! 433 Second Avenur PRINCE RUPER Seal BOAT BUILDER Cove Phone Green 321 Sj New Welling I” ae: I NEW Se man GEORGE LEFT FOR PLUMBING anc ame UNITED TAILS PRES seo Comm w 2 ro 0 STUART sce a rRmrece SuPERT £8 t “ ' wo bithl WILLIAMS & SASS Barris s. Solicitors, Be MONE To 10m ge kt PACIFIC TRANSFER (t SDYSMITH COM LA P ROBERTSO! br t . = WILLIAM T. HOUSE (MPERIAI ‘ACHINE Si JAMES GILMORE SURE, GET BAC Hd: TH’ BOX- St i) _| AN’ PUT ALL TH i _—\ STUFF ON THE B —Y {Four , { tae ye P| i Reh BHO ; na rl ti of ' f (GEE KERRIMINEE | THE HORSE Is STANDING ON {T= 3 | sax Nou KNow < ALOT ABOUT. | HORSES SNOOP , YOU GOIN AN’ = ) y? -—T Pe eee THE BALL! / WIA00-014 | JeEssie ! eB K«uP 10-24 j ae >. >, ee ° P \ p ia