THE DAILY NEWS ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE! ~ Commencing Friday, 15th May ; ies’ d Children’s Whi Good Values in Boys’ Sui Ladies’ Whitewear Nightgowns and Underwear hildren’s Whitewear oO ues in Boys’ Suits ; Ladies’ White Lawn Waists, short sleeves, {2 Ladies’ Nightgowns fine crepe, short 24 Children’s White Em roidered Dresses, 18 Boys’ Navy Blue Serge Suits, two and three ; neck, reg. prices $1 and $1.25; now 65c eves, regular: $2.00... <. «....Jeeree 1.35 sizes from 2 years to 8, reg. $1.50 and $1.65 1.00 pieces, sizes 22 to 28, regular $5.00....... $3.25 , ] sinafores rite ) bis : e “n Sas ; 8 Ladies’ White Waists. made of fine lawn Ladies’ Nightgowns, fancy crepe, low neck 18 ae aa es, wh blue and navy, 65c 15 Grey and Brown Three-piece Suits, sizes ; : rular $1.75: sal d short sleeves, regular $2.50........ 1.85 DSB Nace hoo eman + <2 eee i ein 22 10, 28; pemriian G4 .08..085.25 he tee) 2.25 : w neck, % sleeves, regular $1.75; sale. . .$1.16 ; , C9 {2 Misses’ White Law Dresses, regular r S ; » Ladies’ Voile Waists, nicely trimmed ong Ladies Crepe Nightgowns, lace collar S170, epee 6 10°32: ... 6k ae es 1.25 25 Brown and Grey Three-piece Knicker- ; sleeves, regular $2.25; sale.. 1.65 trimmed with hand made lace, reg. $1-75.. 9.98 |'* 16 sriseag’ Shilo Dresses, well qmade, 6225.5 458 bocker pants, Norfolk coat, regular 87.50.. 5.00 { dies ghtgowns. f uslin e ‘oid- bs i . 4 : x no . + ; Pp. K. Ladies’ Waists, high turn down Te te ae 1.00 60 Girls’ and Misses Gingham Dresses. .25% disct 10 Boys’ Norfolk Two-piece Suits, plajn pants, : ir, OC Sleivbe, remuler 1. Facials: 8.) ee ee ee “fae Ladies’ Summer Ganzies, short and long $575 bad BKOR occ. pascal bos 2. 2 , RET a Pron Prete 24 Ladies’ Nightgowns, muslin, short sleeves, . sleeves, high and collars We have = se I ie “ h : i ; P. K. Ladies’ Waists, high collar and long plain, regular’ $1.00; Bale... 5, 280s ees. 70c them from 15c to $1.50 each wwe allen as ae pn row i oe ae a : es, plain, regular $1.50; sale... 1.10 Nightgowns, made of fine muslin with 25° discount on them. ine orsted, regular § 0 ; now.... 7. 3 Bedford Cord, fancy buttons and high col fancy breasts, regular $41.50 ............ 1.10 \iso Ladies’ Aprons and Overais...25% discount 6 Boys’ Sailor Blouses, navy blue serge, regu- 5 é : ‘i (nee rare 7 . . ar &7 ‘ aa f ; th long sleeves. rexular $2.00 1.35 6 Corset Covers, f islin, reg, 400; sale 26e x lar S7D0 and. BERD. <2 35520 aca abies 4.75 5 . 4 Se ‘ > c r € & 3 iin Waists, long sleeves, fancy front 24 Corset Covers, all well mude, reg. 45c.... 30c Prints, Ginghams and Ribbons *4 Sailor Blouses, blue and dark brown, $2.25 1.65 ; h high collar, regular $1.75 1.25 if Embroidered Corset Covers, reg. 90¢ 60c 50 pieces of Print will be sold at, per yard.. 420 24 Sailor Blouses, mixed colors, regular $2.00 1.40 ; Linenette, wh vith nice bow attach- is s { 5, Well I w fancy silk “ i) pieces of Ginghams will be sold at, per yd 140c 50 Buster Brown Suits, all colors, reg. $3.75. .~2.60 2 > r. reg ar $1 : mentees See ee, . ts oe 4.00 kee ic 20 pieces of ‘ rel Fli elattes 5x2 \ : ; ote sto aa 70 as tig ik . oe a" padlag, me 28 Buster Brown Suits in small checks and ; Lawn Waists with fa llar with pocket, pe Gorsel Lovers, wt nade, reg. $4 a V me Lil en Towels, reg. Af pee en) ene td navy biue, resular 84.75. 5. 5 oss ace ebenie 3.25 5 sleev regular $2.00 1.35 I Muslin Drawers. trimmed with rurkish Towels, pure white, 75¢ and 90c per ‘ eeves, ula BAe 0 ae 06d aba . adies islin ay t n l ; : : : ; as ih Z $ Wh Lad y npn: tin Witinntders. resilar tie 45c pair: ne : eg 60c and 65c Boys’ Pants in plain and knickerbocker 20% disct. vy Thile sadies Crepe Vaists 4 sleeves, strong, Ine embroidery egula io oe 4 : ; cy buttons, with oii ket, regular $1.65 1.15 i Fancy Crepe Drawers, regular $1.75 1.15 20% discount o rt ee ao . » Boys Hats and Caps in all styles..... 25% discount ; ’ , Mee 3 ee : Sige ; f : 25° discount on all Cretonnes an urtains : 3 repe Waists, lay down collar, reg. $17.5.. 1.26 12 Princess Slips, all sizes, regular 82.50 1.75 the yard. y Boys’ White Suits, regular $41.00........... 750 ; ne Waists, colors are tan, white and blue 12 Princess Slips, regular $3.00.......... 2.25 Boys’ Blue and Black and other colors, 75c.. 60c 2 ‘legular $2.25 } 6 lace sh va caomaein 1.65 6 Ladies’ and Misses’ Combinations, all made B d Sh Boys’ Summer suits, blue and tan, reg. $2.25 9.00 ; 8 Ladies’ Middy Blouses, Baikan style, fancy f fine muslin, reg. $41.75 and $2.00.. 1.25 oots an oes Boys’ Striped Summer Suits, regular $2.00... 1.60 s ar ] i or ’ reg 7 5 ‘ 2 “eg le es ee, 2 llars in blue, striped and red, reg. $1.75 1.20 . ’ Ladies’ Button Kid Boots, regular $4.00..... $2.80 boys’ Summer Blouses, tan, blue and white, ; Middy Waists, fine muslin, made to suit Ladies House Dresses Ladies’ Pate Leather ; sutton Boots, well regular 906 2... 45+ s0.0 3 9s cgengcciane sys 60c ; Dig women, regular $1.50 1.10 {8 Ladies Blue Striped and Checked Gingham finished, high heels, $5.52; now. 08.8 See 4 Boys’ Summer Blouses in all colors, reg. 75c 60c ; : sn on Shoes, grey or bro $6.50.... @ ; Middy Waists in misses’ sizes, 28 to 32 Dresses, regular $41.40 a +a Reape 1,00 Suede Butt n Shoes, grey or bre are Boys’ Jersey Sweaters............. 25% discount $ ; regular $41.20; now 65c ’ Ladies’ Blue Striped with high collar, $ Ladies’ Tan, chocolate buttons, $5.00 7 we ; ‘ki os ; ca soe > oN, : aoe, white d ad Ladies, Laced Boots, Blucher cut, sizes 3 -to Boys’ Balbriggan Underwear, regular 75¢ $ f ‘ . ‘ 6 Ladies’ Navy and Light Blue, white dotted, - a ‘ rn 60c ; ne Voile-Ladies’ Blouses with fancy : llar and th dust I ied, $2.00 1,60 *; regular $4.50 ......+.04+-- 3.00 and SOG"... os oa amie ted oat n he ; med collars and sleeves, regular $2.75 2.00 1s 7] r ' re renee ear s See oront : Patent Leather Lace, latest make, $4.75 3.00 25’ on all lines of Children’s Hats. : rr Aiea Boas, Be eee , es et ’ r Ss , L2 75 ; low collar, regular 82.75 bat re I a poaine Oxford Shea) 62.95... 6 6 563 as oan ; sii dao al 1 a ‘ SIXTOTE BNO, KI, GI.19. ec csessecsive eer. bande . . ; Plain Colored Waists nes . ae, panee ~ ” ty 4.00 Patent Leather Pumps, 83.75 3.10 Men §& Suits Cheap $ 20 Waists, white with blue stripes, reg. $1.50 .$1.00 Be -d Cord Dresses, well made, plain Ladies Pumps, kid, 83.75.....2...-.0.0.0+s 3.10 We have forty Men's Suits, regular 842, $15 ; 18 Gingham Waists, checked, reg. $1.25; now 6Qc regular $5.00 es ... 3.76 Also Big Discount on Boys’ and Girls ane: $36... We are going out of Men's ; Black Sateen Ladies’ Waists, reg. $1.50. 1.00 8 Ladies’ White Fancy Muslin Dresses, $5.00 3.50 Boots and Shoes. Clothes. You can have your pick for, each $5.00 ; ‘ ooo ooo ty } ea Si », . + SELLING CLOSE TO COST! ~ 2% DD mee ‘ J SELLING CLOSE TO COST’ Remember the Date---Friday, 15th May THIRD AVENUE | é \ JABOUR BROTHERS: ve a . ’ 4 . ‘a © ST Pere REET oo