pons eee i ee pete FrUUR Whole Leaf Teas are worth 50% more then those of 2 broken and dusty character. “*SALADA? Teas are free of dust sweepings and broken leaves. | Every infusion is clean, fragrant and delicious. Sealed lead packets only.——Never sold in bulk. : mo mo mio — ——- * int ie oe Se Royal No. 8—Cut — in you Standard (Sei Meal Sa hat “a are ; — Cookies = ase = 66 AONEY back if it doesn’t taste better “the Royal Standard Way So you see there's : = trv ROYAL STAN- DARD side ys wit! ir pet brand Dozens of good oks-are daily wor ver by the sp lid behavior of ROYAL STANDARD in cookies, cakes and pies “How soft and velvety.” exclaims one it goes so much f i says another: “it’s al- ways the same says a third. 1tOYAL STANDA! {DIZE vour kitche1 day Join the army f good « ks wt fly he colors of ROYAL STANDARD Your grocer is flour-wis¢ fiery TY ATTR tae, F..G. DAWSON, Who iesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT This is Hotpoint Week ! NOW you can afford to cook by Electricity SPECIAL for one week only—F! Gio-stovo—the new Electric Stove—at half price, $3.28. ELECTRIC IRONS «a: $3.00. THIS IS BARGAIN WEEK Parkin G Ward Electric Co., Lid. Electrical annd Marine Contractors Prince Rupert British Columbia BEES FAEEEEERESEEESSAFEEFHESEENSEFSEEEESEEEREEEBEEAEER ESS. High-brade Wark Plumbing, Steamfitting and sheet metal work at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld RAE EAE EERE EEE EEE EEE EEE EAE EERE REAR AKKKEe SECOND - HAND Logging -:- Equipment dust overhauled and in first class order. ur price $s right LOGGING DONKEYS LOGGING BLOCKS AND TOOLS CROSSCUT SAWS a AXES Tv TOO HK) perro reerret y DRESS WELL SWEDER BROS., MERCHANT TAILORS TENTS AND CAMP OUTFITS BOATS AND LAUNCHES Also @ Sewmilll Plant complete, pecity 20 M. BUY AHOME | COMPLETE Co well as complete ontracung work, frered at ry worth nqui ss en quiries wo W. H. HAZLITT, Purchasing Agent British Columbia Electric Railway, B. C. Electric Block - Vancouver, B. C. 4 room house. All modern. . —_—_—_—_ $1,800. Cash $600; in 6, 12, 18 months. Lot 23, Block 23, Section 7 Price bal. some Choice Offerings in Section 2 Lots 8-10, Block 16, $3,250 pair; c. K. YTERBERG, 1721 5th Ave. E. Box 541 PRINCE RUPERT TRANSFER quarter seth, telanee & 3% 10 Heavy Teaming end Geggage Express Moving Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Excellent Storage Facilities crater cosh, baiance 12, 18 and Lots 131 and 132, Block 20, $900 COAL — DEALERS — COAL each; $100 cash and $25 fer mo. PHONE Sos 1060S THIRD AVE. Houses and fiats to rent. Also semi-furnished 4€-room house on Second Avenue, near Eleventh 6t. ROY AL BAKERY ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE to Knott's. on Formerly known as Clifton’s BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY PATTULLO & RADFORD We diver to any part of the city Third Avenue Phone 363 PRONE OS SECOND AVE. ADVERTISE IN t: SRLS ee * Try a Want Ad in The News * eR Chee ee THE DAILY NEws luk DAILY NEWS —_—_—_—_— = . ——— ——___—__— —_———— —-—- — ; rea ae a, . ee $50,000 FIRE AT STEWART rene, settee CCC ccctttea LOCAL NEWS ITEMS NY, noise Lien Suis thekes “tenes 3 BBEROYAL = 3 i Continued from Page One e r ; Try Smith & Killas . YE = I Ta ie e § ee M. R. Jamieson and C. Woolley a al » Quit ; Eat at the London Cafe ! t practically all their personal Bargains which m ; . effects, and G. A. Clothier saved ean real money j While . wait h tle i i very little F. German’s 108 ; THE ROYAL PLAYERS whe ckeuanie vas Db t y sodenrath and } chase cal shingles . : Victoria have giv Holbrook’s Le 3 ms = ‘ . ‘ ° P ; was occupied = by the Stewart : ‘ 2 tins fOr 2Be i or dward 8 , i'Trust ¢ Ltd und the Portland ; k's * alth S _ ro | : . g wae t z ve t ge I | ‘ : iCanal Miner, and apartments , . ; MM Chris s V i a , | ais Sisal Mrs. Godenrath whe Ch Canned Sa Se HM lag f ib Bank ‘ I s ay s } ie Royal Hous I © TOP 2% : : 4 urned t Stewart a few weeks ; ou ; = . -as ' = } ‘ A a ‘ rhe I oe ,} ax was alor the building n “ i , 7 i +} and : ana ae : ' Robin H if ' 18 j ge . whe he fire broke oul ' bis aie . Law " f vine xtra a Wagstaffs Pure J oe j “ 4 se Fifth avenue was the} | De lh \ f s 2 ah th s Rolled ¢ Be 4 scribes’ the élae fa , | stewart block, owned by M. R o ” Be | Mr. Thos. Wellba f rs . Stewart, and occupied upstairs] 7 . _ © j Va \ s M aaa, ‘ ne by the Arctic Bre shaehend It} PHONE 187 | Rn { arles ‘ s s | We band intends ¢ - , ‘ ¢ onan} | Was a substantial building, and] | business f < re , ous th the Hartley block adjoining o | q nowe ' he plaved \ 1 the rliey DIOCK adjoming jibbeeaase | ters can be had ; : a K had a frontage of 100 feet et. e in ¢ es eins ha } Rt. art home i log ald ta j Méasra: Cole and Ste cs ~ ta ® play rt I n and he ld Stewart h . ; , 5 i} » eee. soe Mous Mr. Royal is living|*3°2) 0S ipied by Postmaster] p, ~ i s up fo the promises t nate < ta W. C. Cameron. was the pioneer 9 iwith a and exy t ? ome o e owl joining gh 4 > ie » nt Wi 1 during the} home f th town. Adjoining aé S M j : ont a? ths moany.Awe® ¢ Woolley's barber shop eee oe ja i wii ) said it Would be his.en Next came George Clothier's isixt . : F os ree. . . finn i . ic to present the best mod-| 2584)‘ ffice Here the fi: FIFTH STREET, JUST BEHIND Fire HALL Pioht ie ae ‘ ‘ } cm rr ays adequately and artisti-}*°=**f? Sect Gs sami SOR This is Hotpoint week { ic a me athe _ a ract|the progress, of the fire We have today a shipment of fresh Fr nd Vegetadin nt issues of Ladies : 4 Ba: ; saved the Mocha cafe, the including ; os aad Gia headng, "me ght’s production is by no ai n . I a Vv £ ' ne an reve Seat ae means due to Mr. Roya! entirely,|°"! line, and preven st expia low they w for Miss Edythe 1 tt ved | the my devastation of th Strawberries Cukes f 1 see the El G ~lherself an emotional act exe of /DUSiNess section Cherries Sweet Potatoes s f ated at Park &} . It is rhiv estimated that ’ WwW: ; ( Ltd ‘ is ng reserve powe ind he ' , ugniy lated et: Bananas Parsley irc ai} the t 1 i ir ‘ did a g in th hird (7 a: 1088 15 im excess 0! ? atives 109-14 hich ab ¢ +} ‘ - £50,000 About $14,000 814,000 Pineapples Spinach rk x hs defies the d ca sf Asparagus New Carrots ; jhis worst certa v deserves the “ renee Ss piace we ae Tomatoes nip G. W. Morrow _— f endous applaus ands cyr_| Stewart Trust Co., Ltd., through Celery vt _ bos , De n i a : pp: ‘ né oo ‘ : S “0., S85Sliain calls she received. Tt the office of J. Lorne MacLa oa eee seat “wile. be iniatcn | ta call h eceived le Sé ee ; Sars ; Cauliflower Green Onions 5: eae Bit por , |two players are quickiy finding Prince Rupert ee mene ae Head Lettuce Radish & s Y lth vay ir he hearts of V if the Stewart Land { carried T 77 ’ . : } =} a oa hat i} he af a d s, and their ad-]|4"Y insurance on its gs se Your patronage 3 4 -a int i ; - . ST iy sad inc fi gain Pp Rune has . ial . PHONE 570 : : : he j ers of the cap LOCAL AND PERSONAL g zg . and w t PR PBPOBPBBO PER Tae he garbage w : eos ‘ Have . a erd the latest a ' ss A clean swell catmng prace. The a you heart : oo = : hea he 1 water bout Port Edward? io2tf sed the hotel London Cafe. 84-47] 2500" . ~"" | geeee . . . . ad Thomas Graham chief pro- Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 esac thant, ibiedgh Mable Cc vineial inspector of mines, ‘was r FOR REN ae a e city vesterd: le left 4 led cat | “ . N ” :. th y . a 7 . e evening 1OT .: ib New i Skeena { ss-| y ews , re , odern 8-room ant eh jai Wei is FIRST CLASS CUISINE a _ wa g his w sa te hone 1e rades ans sabor counci ocern -s "°\3 GLASSIFIED ADS. ; . , tot ene Geld.) Meneing Waier to and was j{ me he} will hold a smoker in the K. P sit Roome Two-rocom cabins, partly fornia ‘ by ne nit tel . al ; ne tartir o $0 = r j g i ests hall this eve ig, startir at Only finest brands of Liquors and . ; Ss a ( ssing It is ex-] LOST clock A sp nd. d pre has Cigars kept Furnished “ rent rom + thatthe : he ‘consid! 7+ einem basalts "dh eaninilin There w Is THE BEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN anes sons |LOST—On Sunday afternoon, an opsl Arsen , gre ae om ogee = g at the! prooch. Finder rewarged by returning} be games and refreshments amare —— oo ». mutts Ce satihec tittle ‘abe to News office at 7 PRUDHOMME & FISHE? Ongzo ee S a ‘ | some ndiatr rougnht he i FOR RENT dv of Japanese man found « Proprietors One 4- e 0 at O16 per net W. Day 9 1s 0 ct super- bod fa Japayj an i Light al sides — the shore of Tugcwel sland yes ore Fiate, & 4 and Wareoos AMeDUTPURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT—Phone} ..5 The bods s now at|——— ait } . iS4 ov be ' a 2 e re Z : * |FPOR RENT—Furnished room with bath, S chapel awaiting ident pee eee eee sees eeesesesrsre g Boar ae was at the Fir for one or two gentlemen; close in.| ficat It is supposed to bel *# viz = ake ad Box 91 Daily News 19E Ee pa ga eg ' : * 13 J. LORNE MacLAREN : i- : us a “ap = . ao R¢ ET, $2.5 Modern conveni i : « * 9 615 Second Are Pret 1 g i - e Black 59 Lady pre - “ alin a A wh « - —- > ? cent g Sas 100-11 as drowned son 2 f B teecerooccoororeree rt was for- ee. Some Balmoral Japs are exy * ec ; er FOR SALE ae ; : * * ‘ din tonight « * S ‘ Ss ‘ Ne stri ny * * j w iil ru- , ; . « * ot forwarded from |POR, SALE—Ranges and stoves E. H. Wilson, the "Frisco min- | § : e f i - ats i Galland, McBride Street. 80) ing man who has been pending | * * \ n t ght's boat a Serger : ee * A SNAP—Lots 35 and 36, block 5, section| | I = » Agreements 0 } uy where the industries |S!X-HORSE PERFECTION gasoline engine,|Chikan, where he will join the * gre buy wher a€ d wt. newly made over. In excellent oréet.|oycursionists on the Admiral ‘ Rha HEE AORN * Discounting cate 102tf Only $100. Box 11@ Daily News. 7itf ' ; ‘ renee « » npson this wee an¢ yroceed FOR SALE—Gasoline launch, 30 foot keel. 7 ae k . RERREEREAEERR ER RKR KEE ' 15 h. p. engine. Snap price $§00. Ap- ' ! LWhem. Mr ee Skeena Land Cte —Peetriet of Coast, ‘ly Prince ne + ' ; e * Ringe Fiv ply Prince Rupert Boat House. 107-13] wil] examine some Alaska proy sea $2 000 nC . {FOR SALE nerete lawn rollers, gardenioeriies ar will then eturr TARE Ss oe on * ae McK | “vases ihe in large or small quan-| — and | then return t 1 upert, B. C., occupa- tities, McBride St. Concrete Works,|Prince Rupert. He took an op Spector, intend to apply fer per- bet. 7th and Sth Aves 107-43 . to purchase the following de-/|. eee a ion on some Hazelton properties lands Commencing st a jst FOR ; ALE BR oming house with 19 t » here 4 160 chains esst snd 40 chsins| Dome? jn Sine condition, $1.800; cashi WONe Der of the portheast corner of fre- ip balance monthly See George m Record 1838 thence south 406 Leek 100-16 $ annionn (4 heft 40 chaing, thence west 80 chains tu FOR SALE = ; | 10] | WOH &, imemce west 60 chttns stone OT ot! 5 oven Leng ~ merent = : Lae eae nore line to point of commen t; AB Ae P Sa oe | ocia! niaining 20 ccres more or e tieulars fri "Westen Pt mbt re NOE RUPERT BOAT oe nile sno we. 3 . - ? iculars = frin estern umbing = March 7, 1914 —- or supply Third Ave 08-10 HOUSE om FOR SALE—Tomato plants, per 100, | WINDGOR, HOTEL zi" 7 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, $2.5 abbage plants, per 100, §1.50; | Corner of First Avé. end Eighth St 3 Range Five. = anes plants, per sane b0c; ess S an unc s j WwW. & Wright, Prop. i ‘ plants, per dozen, 50c; collection of 100 } TAKE NOTICE that 1, Aadrew MacLesn, 10 plant 50." : i of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation} [.°%er Plants, $2.50 All plants picked for hire. Gasoline for sale 5 aeikieteae el a > in moss and postpaid. 1000 rates on ap- mission to ‘purchase’ the’ following de.| fucation. John “King, Nurseryman, oie MOTEL CENTRAL 233810 A ure 3 C C rr a scribed iands: Commencing at e post] Tree wre PHONE RED 391 Tet aes Aemericen Plas ¢ planted about 160 chains east and 60/FOR SALE—Gasoline launch “Pony,” 23 European and y 2ains porth of the northeast corner of feet long by ot 6 beam, compromise North End of Manson Way Peter Black, Prop. emption Record 1838 at a point on stern designed and built entirely of — the northerly shore line of ap island, yellow cedar A mo ompletely made oe thence south 60 chains to the southerly well @ oat, fitted with | aNOX HOTEL ) ome shore line, thence westerly, uortherly and novel elevall essing canopy : Niott : riy, following the sinuosities of the} Which instantly can make the boat First Ave., Between Eighth sng Ninth 4 ne to the pojnt of commencement; storibproo ine bed in piace for European Pin, oe b0c w $1.0¥ - coutaining 480 acres. more or less. 1i-h. p Deine, Port and star RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO .‘. ays ANDREW MACLEAN, board gasoline tanks. Will place en- ’ Beoner & Beener, Props. or ree .” _ William McK. Logan, Agent. gine as above Rudder equipment, 3- a March 7, 144 blade propeller and all complete with ce orn for $5 Rupert Marine Iron| Civil Engineers ana 8B. C. Land J. Y. Rochester Vv. D. Casey |Skeena Land District—District of Coast, —— 149-96 | EMPRESS HOTEL patente Surveyors whine Ave, Between Sixth and Bl ck i Ee as 5 ) _ TAKE NOTICE that 1, Devid Cook WANTED 4 Seventh Streets i. ts 28-29, 0 Strans Prince Rupert, 'B. C., occups Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con- De 0 ™ the following described lands; | — strnetion, Reports, Pans, Dominion end|$ European Plan, 60 to $1 Per Day : neat’ aud en nee sees — WANTED—Oirt 1 r candy store. Experi-| Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey: | veer , ction 7 comer of Pre emption Record $17 third Ate «CU oamroeteresy, ing, Townsites and Subdivisions, Electric PREMIER HOTEL wi polmt on the northerly re Blue Pri , e line of an island, thence south 66 chains |WANTED--A boat bull is good condition, | Prints ee a Americen and Buropesn Piao % , he suutherly shore line, thence east- about 2) feet Price must be reason . Ff. W. Henning, Mareger erly, northerly and westerly following the able. Apply Box 94 Daily News. soir mere a ‘ . es ities =. the shore iipe to point of WANTED CASH emencen a containing 480 scres, ! : Will sell agreement for ROYAL HOTEL : nore or less sale or give business property securi \ Price DAVID COOK STRANG. Apply Box tie Daly kewer? arity. McBride S8t., Prince Mupert, B. C. Cortey & Burgess, Prope 4 _ Willlam McK. Logan, Agent. WANTED—Second hand gasoline engine . | Third e farch 7, 1914 10 to 15 horsepower, Must be in good European Pian Steam Heated ne nnn mene | « OFGer, Box 112 Dally News. Ti CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. ——— — NOTICE rer eee - , Summer Excursions OR 00 BEAVER WHOLESALE LiQU : N THE MATTER of 1 t MISCELLANEOUS LimITED i of an application for real the issue of fresh certificates cof title for! ~ ms ney at 3. Save, Second Ave. and Sixth 51 & 5 Lot 14, Block 44, Section f, and Lots 18}WHO WANTS A CHEAP BUY?—Let 3, Do to Toropte and return. Phone 102 panes Rune wal; oretion 7, Clty of} Diock 9%. section #. price 9428, easy|| Do to St. Paul and retura.. Bi ae —_——— Prince Rupert, Map 923 terms; also new democrat r goat Do to Chica and reture.. ° , NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that it ts $100; sell for $60, terms. wil- Do to New Fork and return 144. PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING ©O., Cas my intention to issue after the expiration son Q. I. Information Bureau, Third | Other points correspondingly low. LimITZD : of ome Mponth from the first publication Effective Jume tet. Fi return hereof fresh certificates of title in the) WE HAVE RENTED ali our houses andi} limit Mt October | sist. Fraser ana Sixth Sts name of Wiliam B. Snodgrass for the cannot fill applicadons. Give us your! te Norwegian San- ‘hone 7 above mentioned lots which certificates} hense t rent jrince Rupert ipee- wot in Chicago effective May me are “ated 12th January, 1911, and 30th cers. F. RK. G. Brown, mane Toth and 20th. ’ oeee ‘448 pet are mumbered $49 1 end} Second Ave Phone 908 and Bins #: ne 1“ pectively FRESH COWF iXx Beuthh 4 d ” HF. Macizon, Maye 98 ana goraremenn® teaica|| — "*MOeg Rastriog, Soutnboune, Naden is clerk, insene to cenis G.meeieeras, te dealer" 6 por, 1. ©. Christy, eat- me SUBSCRIBE FOR ‘. fe intend to apply for permission Rane a Colliugweed &£. G. MCNABB, Generar t i | , Land Keuistry Aimee Prince B. (nay ot ’ Pe Agen Ave p Rouse Rupert Phone ¢ “ne “former Garte:|| Corner’ ard Ateuue "and 6th Bureet ‘THE PaAiLy EWS |