a is —— ee eo neta om a oo 1 nes tuk DAILY NEWS of ‘ie spicy tropics. Sahl delicacy and fragrance held captive in the sealed lead pa BLACK, SREEN or MIXED No. 9—Cut out and paste in your Royal wales beet y 2 eggs; % cup sugar tablespoonful ROYAL STANDARD tablespoonful sweet milk Standard tablespoonful - butter. cups outmeal 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder Vanilla to taste Meal Beat butter and sugar; add eggs and flour mixed with baking pow- e der, vanilla and oatmeal. If not crisp enough, add butter Bake in Cookies moderate oven BETTY BROWN. . . 9 6¢A MONEY back if it doesn’t “ec taste better “the Royal Standard Way So you see there’s no risk in trying ROYAL STAN- DARD side by side with your pet brand. Dozens of good cooks are daily won over by the splendid behavior of ROYAL STANDARD in cookies, cakes and pies. ‘How soft and velvety,” extlaims one: “it goes so much further,” says another; “it’s al- ways the same,” says a third. ROYAL STANDARDIZE your kitchen today. Join the army of good cooks who fly the colors of ROYAL STANDARD! Your grocer is flour-wise—ask him. Giz? RAT ia STANR on Labora é LOR Teaed F. G@. DAWSON, Who lesale Distributor PRINCE RUPERT icplomioimfobfobnioinié mloicinioicistosicinioh ‘‘Salada”’ Tea is “(0°00 ier ig th fall ” tea has the smell, tender loaves. rich, delicious fragrance, redolent A Tea is grown high up on the mountains of Ceylon _ with its native LOCAL NEWS ITEMS | Try Smith & Killas’ ice creau The Venture arrived from th manager. A number of side shows also — i oe in. sc The Daily News ; number of Japs from In- CLASSIFIED ADS. verness cannery identified the re This is Hotpoint Week ! NOW you can afford to cook by Electricity. SPECIAL for one week only—E! Glo-stovo—the new Electric Stove—at half price, $3.26. ELECTRIC IRONS ai $3.00. THIS IS BARGAIN WEEK Parkin G& Ward Electric we Ltd. Electrical annd Marine Contractors Prince Rupert British Columbia mains of the man found on Tug- [sland as the Jap who was LOST drowned on Skeena some time this city and who has spent ae = -- EE OO I ae High-Grade Work Plumbing, Steamftin and sheet metal work at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld RRRKKKKKKKK, SIA IIIA IAAI IA IAAI IIIA IAAI IAA IIAI AAA IAIAKII A AH DRESS WELL SERRE REY ye, business. The new portion SECOND - HAND Logging -:- Equipment You might as well of it weighs no more than News Our styles are bright | suse overhauled and in first class order. Our price is right. | LOGGING DONKEYS LOGGING BLOCKS AND TOOLS ST CROSSCUT SAWS AND AXES | BLACKSMITH OUTFITS SWEDER BROS., TENTS. AND COMPLETE CAMP ou MERCHANT TAILORS i BOATS AND LAUNCHES Also a Sawmill Plant complete, pacity 20 M. This equipment as well as complete }outfits for geneal contracting work, either large or small jobs, is offered at prices which will make an enquiry worth | while Address enquiries to | i Lot 23, Block 23, Section 7 Columbia Electric Railway, 4 room house. All modern. spending a few days in the city, . Wright came W. Saville, train agent on , Ww. H. HAZLITT, Purchasing Agent British |B. C. Electric Biock - Vancouver, B. C. Price $1,800. Cash $600; bal. in 6, 12, 18 months. some Choice Offerings in Section 2 ! Lote 9-10, Block 45, $3,250 pair; PRINCE RUPERT TRANSFER | ss"z, mine's an COMPANY Heavy Teaming and Baggage Express Cc. K. YTERBERG, 1721 6th Ave. E. Box 541 Lote 23-24, Block 16, $1,750 pair; aterier cash, balance 6, 12, 18 Govtos Poraivure, Pianos, Eto. and Excelient Storage Facilities Lots 131 and 132, Biock 20, $800 COAL —- DEALERS — COAL each; $100 cash and $25 per mo. PHONE 666 1009 THIRD AVE. Houses and ftiete to rent. Also semi-furnished 4-room house on Second Avenue, near Eleventh 8t. ROYAL BAKERY 44. KINDS OF INSURANCE Sucessor to Knott's. Formerly known as Clifton’s. BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY PATTULLO & RADFORD We deliver to any part of the city Third Avenue Phone 363 PHONE #83 SECOND AVE. lo be held in St. Andrew's ply at once Akerty Hall on May 28 for the benefit of > ‘ oP aid ; a) | WANTED—-A boat hull in good condition, the hospital. This is an annual about 20 feet Price must be nin, ‘and a very popular one.| able. Apply Box 94 Dally News. the evening Mrs. Lester|wanTEeD casu Will sell agreement for demonstrate some of the sale or give business roperty weengett | in the terphsichorean art and performance will prove an attractive number, sar LOCAL AND PERSONAL n > at at the London Cafe Sitf Gentlemen, sell vour id : P d clothes. Phone 565. {41tt Southboun this afternoon. ae ing Princess Ena is due f1 W. Gilfillan jthe south with a cargo of coal Mr. Hammond rere Mrs. Hopper. Royal Players will arrive Mrs. Frank Ellis tomorrow on the Prince George Geo. MeCaig. Ate cae W. B. Smi t h where you can get the N. MeLeod. for the money—that is it \ N. McLeod, Port Edward. 102t! L. N Thompson eee te Wim. MeLean You will soon be able to pur-|} F. E. Gream. local shingles, made in| Mrs. J. H. Reed Edward. 1o2tf Geo. A. Seott renee ie H. H. Welch D. MeNiven, the Dominior R. R. Hedley. “wage officer, left for the | N. R. Beer again this morning | James Hagan Baas Seem Mrs. B. Hunt. 1. Le Trace expects to leave | W._E. Denning for Prince George, where J. W. Pidgeon he will probably do some build- E Ferguson. H. Richardson Ronee, R. Smith. F. Doyle leaves tomorrow Tony Comantucei, J. P on the Venture for Vancouver to Miss Jeffry, Mrs. J. R the government sale of W. H. Hatfield, Prince Geoize lots. Geo. Barker. pth gas ee J. D. McNiven. Mayor Newton, Ald. Morrissey T. A. Rie. Ald. Maitland took a_ few K. Sutherland. friends out to see the work at W. Bolles. Shawatlans yesterday. G. Robinson. yee D. G. Montgomery. Princess Beatrice will be Peter Miller in from the south this afternoon] L. Kennedy the Princess Sophia will ar- R. P. Cunningham. from the north. John Gosse. eye te Sandy McLeod. meeting of the creditors of Mr. Conrad. Chettleburgh and Sinclair was L. P. Wells. this afternoon in the offi- 5: of the Continental Trust Co Realty activity will soon issen@gers on board the ce Rupert which sailed Call and see the I Glo-| demonstrated what do you ae! : Hand made Chocoiates mock marriage RRR RR RR ee * Try a Want Ad in the News * ee ee ee Hotel : Directory nn Lrrrrcvce PRPP CP OG ee PPO Coe peeroooe Pe oee Stalker & Bargains which meay FRIDAY & SATURDAY ony Two-lb. cans choics Pe Big bar Castile Soap Guaranteed Strictly Fresh | Canned Peas, per car Canned Tomatoes, per : Blue Ribbon or Nabob Ty Holbrook Genuine Wore: Stalker & Wells’ Special ‘I Half-gallon jars Queen 0 Michoice Sauce, regula Holbrook’s Lemonade ( Holbrook's Health Salts Five-lb, tin Eggo Ba “ Choice Canned Saln Reyal Household Flour, 4 Robin Hood Flour, 49-Ib Robin He od Flour ~t-il Wagstaff's Pure Jam, rv 20-lb. sacks Rolled Oats PHONE 187 14% | OPPPIILOLILOLEEILE PLE LIOEEPOLOULEEUROD OOO Ob COP + + COGS | Perr eee, OS Members P.R.L. Vintners Association WINDSOR HOTEL Corner of First Ave. and Eighth 8t W. H. Wright, Prop. MOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh European and American Plan Peter Black, Prop. , Between Eighth and Ninth European. Pian, aoe b0c Per Beener & bene, Props. EMPRESS HOTEL Between Sixth and mence; buy where the industries Several applications for ex-]| wij] locate. hibition space at the fall fair already been received by | ——-———— Pian, 60 to $1 Por Day Head Lettuce PREMIER HOTEL American and European Plas F. W. Henning, Marager ..hae’s Market FIFTH STREET, JUST BEHIND Fire HALL We have today a shipment of fresh including Strawberries Cukes Cherries Bananas Parsley Pineapples Spinach Asparagus New Carrots Tomatoes Celery New Beets Cauliflower Your patronage respect PHONE 670 ROYAL HOTEL Cortey & Burgess, LOST—On Sunday afternoon, . . ‘ two News office Ed. Morgan, an old timer FOR RENT last year in Anyox, is back FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT—Phone in town for a few days. He 154 97 cts to leave shortly for Jun-|FOR RENT—Furnished room with for one or two gentlemen; Alaska. Box 91 Daily News 9 e ° ROUM TO LET, $2.50—Modern the Georgetown saw mill. FOR SALE show local lumber in all]— degrees of manufacture from the|FPOR SALE—Ranges and stoves land, Me 5 > the finished product Galland, McBride Street Grand Trunk have extend P. See George Leek. ‘ons are oni re » | S1X-HORSE PERFECTION gasoline engine, : iy ide rably . nlarged the newly made over. in excellent office and baggage room Only $100. Box 110 Dally News, wharf. This was neces- FOR SALE—-Gasoline launch, 30 foot keel, to accommodate the inereas 15 h. p. engine. Snap price $500. ply Prince Rupert Boat House. . . ° titles. McBride St. Concrete bet. 7th and 8th Aves. SALADA” Tea Ca. have|FOR SALE—Rooming house with . rooms in fine condition, $1,800; commenced using bright Alum- $800, balance monthly See sheets for packeting their Leek. well-known tea. So light is this wonderful metal that a single} Everything in good’ condition. Price ft. gasoline launch, new 8 bh.p terms arranged.) Apply Box similar sized sheet of whiting|]ror SALE Complete restaurant ment d-oven Lang range, 100-gallon range boiler, luneh counter, etc . . . Uculars from Western Plumbing G.T.W { Supply Co., Third Ave ‘ Sy #s Wright of the Queen leon saLeE—Tomato plants, per Charlotte Islands Hospital, is] #2-80; cabbage plants, per 100, added twenty pounds to Terrace. sig ‘ g wentia FOR SALE—Gasoline launch “Pony,” weight and ji in exeellent feet long by § foot 6 beam, oonenrncise | condition, stern, designed and built’ entirely yellow cedar A most completely made | and well designed boat,” fitted novel elevating and de pressing canopy, which instantly can make the Ti way freight, was stormproor. Engine bed in place fart : 1i-h. p. Ferro engine Port and star south this week by the board gasoline tanks. Will place en- sarione 2c a 4 - gine as above Rudder equipment, erious illness of his wife. Mrs, blade propeller and all cduaiots wiih and children went south clutch for $550 Rupert Marine Iron European Pian BEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR co. brooch. Finder rewarded by returning Second Ave. and Sixth Knott & Hamilton PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING O0°., : ences Phone Black 59. Lady Among the big exhibits at the] ferred. . 10 fair this year will be a dis- ef SIFEE EELS PVEEEU ULI EEEEE ES | 39--PHONE--35 TAXI 5 . ° e A SNAP——Lots 35 and 36, block 5, 2, $5,500, terms equity, balance OG ALF HALLIGAN FOR SALE Concrete lawn rollers, occupied Monday. vases; also lime in large or small quan- EERE REE Ee ee ee ey EERE KhhKhhhhek 4 Lunch Room Delicatessan and Ice Cream Phone 575 Albert Bik. FOR SALE r will trade for property, FOR RENT | Modern 8-room house and bath. Modern 4-room house and bath. Wanted IMMEDIATELY Agreements Discounting Two-room cabins, partly furnished, $8.00 per month. Furnished house to rent—S rooms completely furnished, immediate possession; $36 a month. cucumber plants, per dozen, 0c; plants, per dozen, 60c; collection of 100 out to the coast flower plants, $2.50 All plants picked | in moss and pasted 1000 rates on ap- eaeupes rate his health. He has plication John King, Nurseryman, | One 3-room house, partly furnished, $20 a month. Submit otertnge arrisn, Gamble & 60, One 4-room fiat at $15 per month Light on all sides. Flats, Siores and Warehouses. Strong Board Companies. J. LORNE MacLAREN 615 Second Ave. Phone 160 Civil Lee. McBr CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. » weeks ago for the improy- =—— of Mrs. Saville’s health. ; rhe latest reports was that she WANTED getting better. a * ‘ WANTED—-Girl for candy store. ence necessary £. E. Confectionery, | Ladies Auxiliary of the |317 Third Avenue Hospital have announced a] WANTED First class machinist e repair work, Ap Thomson «. knowledge of gasol) &, Apply Box 116 Dai) y News. dances taken up by so-|wanrTep. —Second hand gasoline Mrs. Lester is very clever 10 to 15 horsepow ev. Must be ’ order, Box 112 Daily fea MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEws * + ** * 7 : emption Record 1888 thence south 40 north 40 chains, thenée west 80 chains to] FRESH COWS ANp , ALVES coming itn, al. KK HH thence west 80 chains along the} ways on hand Y Try a Want Ad in The News * * i | Rin terms; also new 4 TAKE NOTPICE 7 sh wins McK eh c. my 0 terms ie yy at ¢ am ck. son . C. I. Ing n of Prince Rupe rt, B . C., occupe- a ‘hiallon Bureau, Third | ton prospector, intend to apply fer per-|] WE HAVE KENTP;) ali ov houses fo purchase the tpely” rer de- cannot flil applications. "Give us your | lands; Commencing at @ 4 08t house to rent Prince Rupert 160 chains east and 40 ehains cieres; F. RC. Bri rown, manager, the northeast corner of Fre-| Second Ave. Phones 905 and Blue 276, Ov ent ‘ne to point of commencement;} thoroughbred Run ° Cchristy, containing 320 acres, more or less, He dealer, P. ©. Box $0, Collingwood E.| WM. McK, LOGAN. Phone Collingwong 9 oe Marah 7, 1014 » ton 4nd Westmi, ‘er BR Do to St. Paul and return.. 66.¢0 Doo Chicago and return... 108.50 Do to New York and return 144.50 Lets 2 Other points correspondingly low, e Effective June ist. Final return litutt October 81st, | Cheap rates te Norwegian San- gerbund in Chicago, effective May 19th and 20th. THE DAILY News Princess Beatrice, Southbound, 4. A Real Lover Simulation Corner 8rd Avenue and 6th street Summer Excursions For Three Days ly Prince Rupert to Montreal Se OUT” 6's oc boas 45 * $141.00 Toronto and return. 128.00 i Sunday, 8 p. m. G. McNAB, Generer Agen # (GOLD WATGH FREE, eects lle Ee WHO WANTS A CHEAP BUY ?—Lot Skeena Lend District—District of Cosst,| DPlock % section §, price 9426, Hot and Cold Running Water in Oniy finest brands of Liquors and THE GEST HOTEL IN NORTHERN momma a riener {1C, R. Naden [, Mt PRUDHOMME & FISHE? aor Carle | savoy Hore, | $1,000 FIRST OLASS CUISINE | all Rooms i Cigars kept Proprietors 4 Wells Fruits and Vegetables, Sweet Potatoes New Turnips Green Onions Radish SL OL LL LOOOLEOOPOLIOLIOI PPOLLLLL LE LOL OPEL EEELEPEELEEEEATTTTT Opening Saturday, May 16 PPI ILLOLLLOLLLOLELLLOELOLELLEL ELLE LOLOL E DDE OEE 3rd Avenue RITCHIE, AGNEW & Ol ma