. DAILY NEWS a ence DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO, LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. MeRAY, Maily News Building, Third Ave., SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Daily, 50c¢ per month, advance’. Weekly, $8.00 per year. BRANCH New York—National York City. Seattle—-Puget Sound News Co It cannot be virile opposition. opposition would be remiss in their duty to the did the weak points of that agree- people if they ment, and from received so far it that they are doing their duty. The remark of Sir i characteristic when he says that if we be partners with the C. we should have some s There is nobody who says that nothing The road has been put striking and control. done. in a bad way by promoters but Canada is also It would be an thing for a financially em- individual a loan on the terms offered to the C. N. R. Only forty per eent. of the capitalization i put up as security. individual muét put up all his assets for an advance of forty and then he is very barrassed per cent. lueky to get that. moters who have shown them- selves either dishonest competent in the past are still left in charge of the road. A would have found himself in the hands of a receiver. This is what should have betn done with the ©. N.- R., and forever prevent a_re- petition of the bold mendacity they have exhibited in the.last private few years. The independent stand tak! en by Mr. R. B. Bennet, gary, on the C. N, worthy of a strong man. a0 Saturday, May 16, 1914 charged that the opposition to the ©, policy at Ottawa party affair. Of course is no issue that could be advo- cated by any party flaws could not be picked by a would seem the at something must be done. else is as popular as ever was. The trouble is it won't individual AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. Canada, United States and Mexico: or $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily, , $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. OFFICES AND AGENCIES Newspaper Bureau, 249 East 23rd St.. New London, England-——The Clougher Syndicate, Graud Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptiy calling up Phone 98 in ease of non-delivery or inattention on the part of ene News carriers —— ete == not always easy to oppose one’s party and when a man does this on an important question he is worthy of every praise. It must be rather diseyp pointing to the South Ameri- can peace envoys to find them selves suddenly losing the centre of the stage and the luster of admiring eyes. The Gonstitutionalists in Mexico who refused to join in the peace conference and who a little later were denied adinis. sion, have now jumped into the lime light. They herve taken Tampico, one of the im- portant Mexican Eastern ports. With the profits <f this victory and with Huerta’s limitation by the United Sta- tes fleet they are likely to make further advances. It} would not be surprising to see} a section of Huerta’s follow-| ers join the Constitutionalists | and make their victory com-| BROAD LINE IN WILDERNESS OF THE NORTH WILL BE wil! be sold by private sale after plete. It would only be treat- | ing Huerta as he himself | treated his predecessor, and seems to be very typical of the i Mexican character. Shifting the burden of taxa| tion from your own shoulders to the shoulders of somebody always stay put. Under the new scavenging | bylaw you can go ahead an make as big a mess as you) like in your back yard and the city will have to clean it up for nothing. It might be well}! %e" to remember however, -that! should your neighbor happe on; to own the piece of land you! are living on, the rent is lik- ely to go up. Remember, too, tuat when you pay an indirect tax, you gen- erally pay twice as much. LUM SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, BOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager ist Ave. and McBride &t. PHONE 26 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Branch Yard at Smithers KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Suppliee Plambers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishe. P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Gluse Plate Glass Mirrors HARDWARE sive Tinware Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE The * Stay Satisfactory MEET His SNOOP HAS INVITED ME TO COME OVER AN’ Range. NEW MISTRESS OF RIDEAU HALL AND HER CHILDREN is Many years since Rideau was the home « The above is a picture » new governor-general r two children. |..ooptanee of the locality. = At inent stream crossings and points of travel the line cer consists of a five-foot jinum bronze shaft, weigh- 1:00. pounds, set in 2,000 nds of concrete. At less im- int points the monument is was very slow and laborious The survey is declared by en gineers to be the straightest in the world for the length eneom- shoulders of the men themselves, For full particulars and all informat THE G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, Har: o AGENCY ALL ATLANTK ilier, being designated as a V Vi ‘ ast of the same metal and ancouver, ictori i and Se iiring only 1,500 pounds of Steamer Prince George leaves Prince Rup. attle ete for the base. There are Steamer Prince Rupert leaves Prince p MONDAYS 4 proximately 200 or these Steamers Prince John or Prince Albert \y. 5 et ay ribave tea, . TUESDAYS ymuments along the 600 miles L E ; 8:90 p + _ « » boundary. ‘The work of con OW XCurs) lates the heavy materials for Yo EASTERN CANADA and UNITED sra me +) . truct stl i with NORWEGIAN CENTENNIAL ,12 NORWAY in , he construction, mostly on with NORWEGIAN ' sane A 40 on pack animals, sometimes on the 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rough (; ee Dog Got Medal in ciety to a dumb animal. Several weeks ago Buck's dog jcompanion, Ted while swimming lin the Williamette River, be- ‘ame exhausted. He sank twice before Buck reached him and pulled him out by the ear, who were of the . F. D. airmen, Captain Anderson ind a mechanic by the name of Carter, were killed, and Lieuten-| '" TED THIS YEAR t= FINISHED THIS SUMMER actual visible results of Ringe Five. seven vears of efforts, | TAKE NOSICE that 1, William Mck Sr ce : ; *|Logan, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa- venty-foot vista, cut like | ton prospector, intend to apply fer per will Ca ic mission to purchase the following de r that the posses- sions of the United Canada may have a distinct sep- ave > or t ough | pretation at every avenue or line, tht * with monuments, set » points, from three apart. monuments areeted are The work has been in progress since wRomss Riggs, representing d |diree tion of \United States OF LWO "Dea, ant C. W. Wilson severely § in-|J shot. Storage helonging to Joe Jor- gonson left in the Houston Cafe 30 days if not settled for and re- fer equipment and Skeena Land District—District of Coast, |scribed lands: Commencing at a 4081 south of the northeast corner of Ire- mption Record 1838 thence south 40 north 40 chains, thence west 80 chains tu hains, thence west 80 chains along the containing 320 acres, more or less. WM. McK, LUGAN, depending upon the March 7, 1914. who is now a mem- Alaska railroad com- and brush districts Bae 160 chains east and 40 chains commission, | | * conmissron » been neighbors » exaet dividing line e northern portion } , previous to this survey, disputes arising, * COMMIsSsions, approximately , eonsisted of eighty men each seaso work was undertaker selected his ;¢ |PRINCE ALEXANDER CF TECK /‘"!y, 1913, and are numbered 249 1 aud assume the position of} service up to the ‘General of Canada Skeena Land District—District ef Coast, Renge Five. I | Sirens, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa o purchase the followipg described lands. | (0o!s chains east and 60 chains north of th }northeast corner of Pre-emption Record {is38 at @ point on the northerly shore fio the southerly shore line, thence east ferly, northerly ard westerly following the iuuousities Of the shore line to poiat of | Enea coments containing 480 = =6acres, | ree DAVID COOK STRANG March 7, 19t4 —— Skeena Land District——District of Coast, : Range Five. jof Prince Kupert, B. C., occupation arpenter, jotend to apply for per- taission to purchase the following de scribed lands: Commencing @t a post planted gbout 160 chains east and 60 hains north of the northeast corner of ihe northerly shore line of an island, |thence south 60 chains to the southerly shure line, thence westerly, northerly and shore ne to the pojnt of commencement; oilaining 480 acres, more or less, i William Mek. Logan, Ageat. March 7, 1014 NOTICE |Lot 11, Block 44, Section 5, and Lots 1s Vriuce Rupert, Map 923. NOTICE 18 HENEBY GIVEN that it ts erreur fresh certificates of title in the passed | ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY Portland, May 145. For s@ave | Second Avert : ) . hoor 0 rom 8 a x the life of. another dog, a Visitine “eonte om 220 Sec econd | Ave Architect , Federal Block XE RUPERT, B, C. STUA shore line to point of commencement; | phone 300 or sell all kinds TAKE NOTICE that 1, David Cook / household ommencjng &t & post planted about 160) wwii) oi) jiine Of an island, thente south 60 chains 839 3rd a Ww. Phone 526 ~ HARRY HANSON pO. pox 208 THE RELIABLE PLUMBER ’ ROBERTSON TAKE NOTICE that I, Audrew MacLean, ete |vre-emption Kecord 1838 at & point O0| prone 489 easterly, following the sinuosities of the DR. GILROY, DENTIST ers ANDREW MACLEAN Crown | ud gHiMe MATTER of an application for UNION TRANSFER co a IMPERIAL MACHINE Si RESIDENCE ii( ekly Done snd 19, Block 11, Section 7, City of GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal iny intention to issue after the expiration | HUNES f Ohe month from the first publication] 432 Second Y mpre m w ii p. m cordial nvit AINTING bronze hero medal was awarded For rat it apply se osetia to Buck, an English bulldog, by|*> ? wena igs eS aoeee te OLISHING AND the Oregon Humane Society to WALL TINTING day The medal was ceremon ¢ ously attached to Buck's collar KNIGHT & HICKEY 4 : by his master, John O'Halloran Co : ° a ntractors and Builders ar This is the first time a medal Jobbing & Repairing Mar tin Swantot has been presented by the so- . ; | Shop: Sixth Streets } NE GREEN 269 JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder Esiimates Given on Moving Bulldings Phone Black 294 Stupianes Collided Speers vice-regal residence at London, May 15.—Two army New| Welingta uty rite Hourthold Gog Brightest, Gest NEW WELLINGTON COAL o, FURNISHED Second A APARTMENTS — room suite Phone Black 334)/ Ut THE ALASKA BOUNDARY TO Ss ohee ie oral Sie ears PAY RENT... ., oEOROEUI BE COMPL! 1 will bulld you a home on to sult you. ee acme Cc. K. YTERBERG, P. 0. Box 541 1712 Bth Ave. E moved. Third Ave., Head of Second Gra 1 in the north each win- 91-117 GEO. BK. 8ST. CLAIR. Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Broker nce Rupert Notary Pubilc. Rents and Collections ate aeeeeemmemees aati AUCTIONEER _Prince Rupert UN ITED TAILORS 0, Box 1655 “ ae eT. rn sce soe SECOND HAND GOODS focmenit inechanics AILLIA & MANSON citors, Ew 7 M. CROSBY ; tie Phone Red 243 A IVARSON & CO. Willlam McK. Logan, Agent. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work mens Lal , Manson Way LAD) Second Ave., near McBride cl and Bridge Work a Specialty. ; aa Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue WILLIAM c HOUSE PRINCE RUPER! name of Willlam B, Snodgrass for the ibuve mentioned lots which certificates are dated 12th January, 1911, and 80th iiags il respectively. i. | F, MacLEopD, District Registrar. tion clerk, intend to apply for permission Land Kegistry Office, Prince Rupert, B next «., March 5th, 1014. Seal Cove Scoop Knew Snoop’s Sweet Tooth BOAT BUILDER JOHNSTON A Im K As AN’ I SPENT MY LAST SITNEE ON THIS TWO POUNDER, OF CANOY FOR HER PY GOL \F IT GEE- SHES GONE AN’ A\INT SCOOP AN’ FORGOT YO TELL sis BUT \F THaTs CANDY YOU Ov WUZ COMIN’— BROUGHT FOR HER- ‘CAN LEAVE \TANDY) ohitect Phone Green 321 Drawn f — TAINT CAND AYW-ER-\TS © AN’ TWUZ TE HAPPENIN’ 8. TH’ HOUSE aM THOUGHT I'b sA\ HELLO - AMIN & IAURRY SOLL SAY GOO BYE 1914 (NTE OE i Bor 14 FOR FP MBING a HEATING SMITH & MALLETT GEORGE LEEK ¥ AND CLEANING Next OP. R PACE TRAN AER SMITH COAL Assignments JAIMES GILMORE