Sein 3S come eee ——_-- FUUR tuk DAILY NEWS “Salada” T Sette LUM 3 , alaga ea is 66 Sil-Grown”’ L CS > M ave you heard: the . latest en ibout Port Edward? {O2tf} al OCAL NEWS ITEMS Sesto a rn Hill- grown” tea has the small, tender leaves— ARE BLAS 9 Te. . 7 LA! € le ey) \I Phalen, jominion tele. with , rich, delicious fragrance, redolent | Try Smith & Killas’ ice cr n superintenbenG’te in the] eee ark oe ; r e) A. of the spicy tropics. er 2 ot ee are tow dawn. i s oO afe . . . ‘ ir; cee tie) FIFTH STREET, JUST BEHIND FIRE ve | ; ' urlibert, a yroperty H | Geateenen: 0s x ee ee w ALL | clothe Poon. 7° here,, arrived on the} © have today a shipment of fresh Fry) |! othes Phone 565. tii p George for a few days’ Inoludir Wits ang Vegetab ig Moody tae | e George for ¢ ’ a Dhue a | ss vis re ; Advanced piano lessons. Te! 7 m ie . | Strawberries ' moderate, London d Cukes sation | Pe ht nt D Bell-Irving, manager Cherries a ss a B. C, Packing company, came} Ban ‘aloes jae up on the mountains of Ceylon - with its native | /- “Mason Adams ret tne: Denon” a Rat apt ee Parsley delicacy and fragrance held captive in the sealed lead — Smithers today. { tl R . ee nwwenmerene s i ‘ Vill Visi ie cannery oni BLACK, GHEEN or MIXED Skeena Asparagus : . Mrs. J Anderson, 117 | Py Sag Sot Tomatoes N 7 ro we Ave. W Phone Gr | Celery , pe sors : 1e¢ Green 500 : ‘ New R 0? ma omlo hal om ome iol Omi oo » io ao Mo a 143 This is Hotere St Cur- | Cauliflower Gr ; =I — eae ® issues 0 dies’ Home Head Lettuce . ee asic oie a Feat R Buy where you can get th ae e - oe , ee most for the money that is | Post explain how they will bene-| Your patronag: No. 9—~Out out and paste in your Port Edward. , A clean swell ealtng prace. The/fit you. Call and see the El Glo cya Recipe Book. "age imaah . ; London Cafe. 8i-tf}stovo demonstrated at Parkin & PHONE 570 2 eggs; % cup sugar. *s t c P ; . " y Ward Electric Co. Ltd., local { tablespoonful ROYAL STANDARD Mrs. Paul Koffman rv Ole Grosby } } \Y vresentati cad On gt tan a d 1 tablespoonful sweet milk. this morning from a visit , wae — a r wah 109-14 —_ wna r 1 tablespoonful butter. soutl spending a couple of weeks at} . ‘ . | = 2 cups outmeal 10h. ae bias ' ’ a 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder ° p = = rison Hot oprings ret ed) Phe Scandinavians are holding ] Vanilla tw taste . the Prince George toda | ; ON INP ng, @a Beat butter and sugar; add eges } M. Sheady and V. W. Smith left ar 2 ja big Pow-Wow tonight ind and flour mixed with baki y- s yy . a . . }ooy “" e der, vanilla and eae Oe nt thi morning for a brief visit * . ! jalthough they all unile, each na ey 00 1es crisp enough, add butter. Bake in |New Hazelton. fhe Princess Beatrice came ty } { +} n moderate oven . . ° yesterday afternoon witt ful! ct Arenas sri i ndey phen ae de take et mil BETTY BROWN. : 7 an eee rs lent point of view The Norwe “ On és ONEY b k if . ? You will soon be able to pur-} argo of freight and a umber Of} pians will rejoice becau aie POCOPPOEOOOODO DLL O TTF CTCL LC et egy Fea : ih nein inelibas a 7 ] ecause e OOP by ack 1if it doesn t chase : local shingles, made in| P®*se"sel fr m the south have been delivered from the ta t b tt “th R ] | Pert Edward. 1o2tf | ro wer of Sweden. and the Swedes $s e e er e oya : : q ent Avison the provincial ice beeat ‘th t ! L h R i ecause es lave go Standard Wa Dr. Winch of Hazelton hosp _ | he alth inspector, is spending 4|pjq of Norway. while tl : Ds unc oom y a who has been south, returned | {° days in the city pric to} Tales ad : t . anes - ' Dri . ile ge for Fo a a sla 7 ane glad pecause they are So you see there’s no risk in trying ROYAL STAN- jon the Prince George today leaving for Fort George independent of both partie P Deli t DARD side by side with your pet brand.- Dozens Pens Pee | Rare > Such fellowship among na ca essan *he . . . . i : : ‘ ig a- of good cooks are daily won over by the splendid j The Princess Sophia arrived} H. S. Durkee, travelling pur-|tionalities who have had their behavior of ROYAL STANDARD in cookies, cakes |from the north last evening andj *‘ s relieving Purser vuridge of] political difficulties is very cor i and | , Sy © ‘ . u Ss S I om- . and pies. “How soft and velvety,” exclaims one; | sailed at midnight. |! he Prince George, who has been| mendable. ce Cream “it goes so much further,’ says another; “it’s al- ee ao: r aid up at the hospital here ways the same,” says a third. Phe steel for the fire escapes | Baye . , . ROYAL STANDARDIZE your kitchen today. Join a the Hotel Prince Rupert ar-| tud Corley claims he caught Phone 87 P.O. Box 1704 oo er the army of good cooks who fly the colors of {rived on the Venture yesterday. |the big mosquito known as the | O = ROYAL STANDARD! a Pe ee ‘Smithers live one utside the SAVOY HOTEL pening aturday, h hay 16 Your grocer is flour-wise—ask him. i : diate: furniture for sale}Royal hotel this morning. He reere mmediately. Owner eaving|fed it to the trout, who | » Pee oeC ++ OLOL+E 5 ly ' } out, o had a POOOOIIORIOND ‘town. Apply Miss Froud, Fifth |merry fight over the delicacy. FIRST CLASS CUISINE lavenue and Bowser j ? Hot and Cold Running Water in | it all Rooms Phone 575 Alb if on Qaly finest brands of Liquors and ert . 3r Avenue } It is expected that the bank|$ “ 3 Cigars kept | ibbacts aint i teat Th Dail N THE BEST HOTE F rroug down on L IN NORTHERN F. @. DAWSON, Who lesale Distributor ithe train tomorrow and taken on € y ews” SRITISON COLUMBIA } i PRINCE RUPERT iboard the boat for the south CLASSIFIED ADS, PRUDHOMME & FISHE? (y ————— bee | oe oF Propriet | John Mooney, a well known Ree If You Desire |character, was taken in charge bv LOST eoee . ‘ |the police yesterday H iy : ‘ad Shoe yes ay. é will be |liost—o e @ q C i , a doctor, as » js brooch. Finder re de 2 i = ie} 2 2) 5; — = ‘eating strang a cheese Re itl eee office. oe rs ee 1g strangely. —| : IN BUYING AND A KNOWLFDGE AS TO WHERE Yeu MAY oaT TH ae ck tte FOR RENT ' MOST VALUE FOR THE MONEY EXPENDED, « for cer Wena Alf 'Tattersfield was in BesTieier sii ’ | Af; if eae Pe which you will come ’ h with the i tae 7 his ° } / t ° t W, court this morning charged with |®URNISHED ROOM FOR RENT—Phone| : See ere {Ss O pom ee assault by George Davis. ‘The pi 97 tr s. EE : ‘ , } cide hall bhed < reminded “watt FOR RENT Furnished room with bath S l d bey { ‘ ‘ or one or two gentlemen; clos i : * se endic c 2S uil UY NOW you can afford to cook by Electricity. Monday. Hox $1 Dally News, «Atte | Members P.R.L. Vintrers Association p ulues in Cullery SPECIAL for one week only—E! Glo-stovo—the new Rice Matin FoR a PS tee cea: ee ee SCLVER Electric Stove—at half price, $3.25. | Ed Mann and his bride arrived anes : WINDOOR HOTEL are offered all buyers through the med alogue, in which ELECTRIC IRONS ai $3.00. lor n the Prince George this morn pe ae t ie ce! ra } Curner z a. Ave. and Eighth St ; the illustrations and descriptions are truly repres the re | : -|FOR SALE nges and stoves che le Wright, icles. : THIS IS BARGAIN WEEK |ing after their honeymoon in the| Galland, MeBride gitad, stoves, cheap | ae ; tL Me OES aks onede ane’ ie lsouth. They will reside in their j ne ee | > pce ane the quality of the goods are e s quailty . . y aS » 1 FOR SALE Concrete lawn rollers, garden ac y our house guerante- Our slivery : val Parkin & W ard Electric Co. Ltd. | new home, Summit avenue. vases; also lime in large or small quan HOTEL CENTRAL from our own factories. a ' ; a S a ties. McBride St Concrete Works First Avenue and Seventh St } Electrical annd Marine Contractors s : bet. 7th and Sth Aves 107 13] European and American Plan | Prince Rupert British Columbla 3/4 Mrs. De Museae tate tuag |. fvom= in fine “cousin, $4,800; cash | Se and rs, ye Mussey left this ae va odivon,. $1,500; casbiz ————— eer f mit | : . #80 balance monthly See Ge «| [ Dene aan a ne yr '5ce beoree| Henr irk 7 imile ning for an outing trip up| ‘es 109-16] KNOX HOTEL sUiTLUt ——— the river. They -will come back |FUR SALE Ww tra for property, First Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth } ee SEAR oA AAA AAAI OIA AIT B the major’s launch which is] Everything in sood cemditon Prine nni| European Plan, Kates 50¢ to $1.00 JEWELLERS AND + s mditi e and Je I ced up R . "a's terins arrang Apply Bo 2 D | | Wish Grate Work tuning Steanftng 2°" ee ee | oe —— . * - ’ *) * P a f SALE ny ' Re \. - nen *| sent: 3 i 4. Y. Rochester Vv. B. Ce | oe ee and sheet metal work ¥| A.J. Burroughs of the Prine ran eee TS eS ae oe 7 +8 nee ticula ma eo W P| bi a pert Lumber Co., accompanied Suppiy it Third Ave., Between Sixth an “ae - ’ eoneeeenne S eakenss Biresin | eeerercoecceroccenseretten at fair prices estern rium ing Co., Ld * | Mrs. Burrough and family, ar-|fOR .SALE—Tomato plants, per 100 Europea + ss s ee eee te. MEY ; : jrived in tov ) is ornine’ $2.50; cabbage pianis, per ivd, §1.0% > Aner to 61 Per Day j bi es canhecaiedwennant ve b ow x by oe " rning’s| cucu pints, per dozen, 0c; euy Summer Excursions 3 OR RE boat. I s. urroustis has pre- ‘ : r dozen, S0c; collection of 1uu ? flower plants, 25 1 Prince Rupert t Mo ] 1 ne rn ir en ee ee —— — _ ious to this remained in tneir in ines ana p au aid ei ieee Picked PREMIER HOTEL and Ba z ree iii oe | Fi tamrnef - ot jold home in Seattle, but is | Bitcation, “John king, Nurseryman \meriogm end European isp |] Do to Toronto and return. 128.00 [/$ modern 8 se and bath reas ; nov ferrace 106-133 F. W. Henning, marager | Do to St. Paul and return 96.00 43 ‘ jremoving permanently to Princelron saws sss tenia Do to Chicago and returp 108.50 }|$ Mode 4 se and Dat | tupert | TB wane launch “Pony,” 23 Do to New York and return 144.50 | 3 . an e stern, di peam,. compromise ROYA!. HOTEL Omer pointe correspondingly low. | > Two- ‘ partly furnish f | Z Ff - 1, yuilt enurely of cn ective June ist Fina! return {| $ $8 . allow ss” Golmpletaly sands ortey & Burgess, Pro; limit October ist 112 J. M. McIntyre of Portlanj,| hovel’ boat, fitted wit Cinna Ave. and Sixth Cheap rates to Norwegian Sa $ Fur ront—S IMMEDIATELY } f r orvian J, novel elev i depressing "4 Euro gerbund in Chi Stive a shed, immedi : : , ; id depressing canopy , ; 0, effect Mc : ‘ 4 You might as well Ore came in on this morning’s can make tha nal ss elalsciamm Pion Steam Heated 10th and 20th. ite = ” 3 poss $ onth Our styles are bright Agreements of Sale for ff) oat and intends to prospect in ine bed in place for vererhies —_———_———_—— i 3 ss a styles are brigh Discounting this disks His first thowbent i atte Port — eter GEAVER WHOLEBALE Liquor oo, Princesse, Beatrice, Southbound, 3 ° $2 se, partly fw : a a . ough uk i place } = Our price is right. F lafter landing was to get in toucl Da TEL lee Neth a eee 3 + 915 per month —e iwith the Americé <¢ or t ‘ io Ru ri ; " She eee Second Ave. and Sisth st Z G. McCNAB, UWenereat agent ? L ¥ "8 a0 . Bore $2 American consul, and “ 4h Ma " ‘eR Phone 102 Corner rd Avenue end 6th. Street |was surprised to find that in so}——— ' ismeeiihiaciapi dias Flats, Steres and Warehouses 000 ras ati od fd fl. ~— important a centre there was PRINCE RUPERT imp | : $ Fire deat tnourene SWEDER BROS., Up—Must be A1 l none. mabe AP WANTED caarrED ORTING 20.. _pbhbbhabnannaannananaaer ; Strong Bos mpaniee MERCHANT TAILORS Submit offerings to - 3 ANTED—« Se e ane ee Fraser ana Sixth Sts ‘ J 3 Jj. LORNE MacLAREN en “ ? adi f Te re Sane: Phone 7 \* 35--PHONE 35 * 3 ge ee phone 180 ~ aie ary Confectionery *« ne Z18 5 Sece Ave | harrison Gantie &C FOR SALE ji" 1 eceeeeeeeeereereeerrnserrned oe } ey ~~ Fi machinist with ¢ 3 PISON, baMDIE & UO. srsout sancains in rove | sie, gaol "air'work“40"| PRINCE RUPERT TRANSFER | : r 2 € rth «? . @ . ert ¥ rhoms Yo A ME Phind: Avelwe sad 9 PeAre, commer’ Sécont Ane. bn een COMPANY ; : ) a yer Second Ave. anc Seventh St., block 24, 506x100 feet WANTED CASH--Wul §$el) agreement . * Best buy in the city today sale or give business property security wear? Teemige and Baggage Express| § 7 ¥ - a4 00—One-fourth cash, b . 2 Apply Bb i ; € a = , Urniture, Pianos, St | he Lot 23, Block 23, Section 7 Eee: ad 3 years, rig gn aed ef i x 1 ba New sou Excellent Storage Facitities” x 7 a be Seconc vé,, near McBride St —-—— | —- 5 #950—$550 cas lance ¢ 94 8 : sy Be ae RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. = $880 cash, balance | $, 19 and 1! MISCELLANEOUS COAL — DEALERS — COA ult * > $375 cash, balance 6 and 42 PHONE 666 coos . TEM: o fo rps Price $1,800. Cash $600; Civil Engineers ana B. C. Land), sot he block 28, section 8, WE HAVE RENTED all rt ! : ee |S peer ae 0 ne-third cash, balance 6, 12 a Be ; = i our houses an |* * bal. in 6, 12, 18 months. Surveyors ; months, Jot 13, blo Kk 16, osbsion my nee. ae Prine Rupe ibaa: Ade HeREseRN Neeson ANAS s : : ’ $2,3 One-third cash, balance 6, 12 l Claes , , Bee Kupert Finan ROYAL BA TI J Pe Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Cc 18 ah hag rd — , 12 and} cier Rh. C. Brown, , TY aka struction, Keports, Plans, Dominion we a shoes - lots 13 and 14, Block 35, Second Ave Ph B05 "ad bios S16, Succs * , or i i ut ays Cc. K. YTERBERG Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey- 1s rene i SORA 3 7 ’ ing, Townsites aud Subdivisions, Electric eer FRESH COWS AND CALVES coming in, a! Formerly known as Clifton's ; 1721 5th Ave. E. Box 541 Blue Printing, Negatives and White P Mi thoroughbred bun, Srvernmeas tested] BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY ; -ripts ‘ cL hl S PG bul C. Christy, cat r ei ue dealer, P. 0. B : ; McBride St., Prince Rupert, B.C. | achian Phone Colliaswooe $64, ener ood E. We deliv ; { ) 1, ewood 99-K. Corner Carle We deliver to any part of the cits 2 BOX 324 lon and Wettminstec nica” r Car ‘ ft the city ; Lot s oc hird Avenue Phone 363 5 For all shoes - Easy to use NE Life] 3 RS a Our NEW ae aD De (iG Rule ia DALLEY 5-room house with bath $35 FOR SALE Small Safe, $60 PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVE. we were rece - . OPO OPLERE EAE LEAL FOE IAEAAAL AAA OL EE Ken EHD * Try a Want Ad in The News * eee f *f t ion 7