take DAILY NEWS he Re THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by | THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. McRAF, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C relephone 98 SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico:| Daily, 50c per month, or J I $6.00 per year ($5.00 if paid in advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries: Daily $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictiy in advance, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—Nationa! York City. Seattle—Puget Sound News Co London, England—The Clougher Trafalgar Square rates on application. Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone ¥8 tn SOCIAL WASHINGTON Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New Syndicate, Grand Trunk Ruilding caxe of non-delivery or inattention on the part of The News carriers | } | TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch foatrent; | | | } | The “Conservative papers are loud in their praise of Borden's C. N. R. policy. ‘hey tell the people something had to be done to save the credit of Canada. They do not tell, however, that the same man- ipulators are still in charge of the road and that it may again be put in a worse condition than it is at present. Neither do they tell that the security given the government has no vactual value in its that Mac- kenzie and Mann are simply turning in 40 per cent of their watered stock—just think of it, forty per cent—and that before this stock has any value they must pay dividends on a bonded indebtedness of $364,000,000. What a gener- ous friend of Mackenzie and Mann this Borden government is. They pull the C. N. R. out of the hole and pledge the whole country to keep pulling them out as fast as they get in. It was a fortunate day for the C. N. R. when the Tories got in power. If Sir Wilfrid Laurier were now in power there would be a different story to tell. The interests of the people would be protected. The C. N. R. will not this year earn half its fixed charges and the only way the road ean meet those charges | is by borrowed money. The various governments guaranteeing C. N. R. issues es = a ss : = DAILY EDITION weit Tuesday, May 19, 1914 may as well dig down, because| that is what they will have to] do unless the Dominion gov- érnment takes over the whole]. burden. } iverti Last year Mr. Horne-Payne, |;,,, who is closely associated with | the Canadian Northern, did|/son, daughter of the president,” Canadian municipal securities | pag a great deal of harm in the London market, yet there can-|three not be ‘the slightest doubt that] cate the Canadian Northern has done Canada more injury in|was the past few months than all]Miss Wilson ; Washington other causes combined. . . . In fact, looking over the} f situation in the light of the}ho information now available, it seems’ certain that had it not} s¢ been for the manipulations of the Mackenzie-Mann people || and the consequent drain upon]! the resources of the country, | we would not now be suffer-|s ing from the depression gen-|a erally existing and our credit would not have received the blaek eye which it did receive in the London market. What do the people think of the financial joy riding of Bowser and McBride? A fall pretty bill will be presented | seq for payment one of these | sta days. Don't forget that the local} member, Wm. Manson, is one} of the men who is responsible for the pledging of the credit of the province to the extent ——__—__—__=__ SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBERCO. =. °°": A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager dat Ave. and McBride &t. PHONE 26 PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C. j Branch Yard at Smithers FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE ) Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery 3 rag: Wire Cable Stee! Blocks fron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rope Valves Pumps Hose Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING CUT THE BEST” FRED STORK’S HARDWARE a Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Ammunition Paint gonso will 130 days if not sett moved. 941-4417 of approximately $200,000,00' Northern people IS IN A FERMENT President's Daughter Sings a Graphophone nd fand be married at the i Beautiful gown and trimmings we Eleanor Wilson, second ey \ FOURTEENTH WHITE HOUSE BRIDE IN HER WEDDING DRESS ro by Mrs. McAdoo, formerly daughter of President Wilson, to ales Executive Mansion. SURVEYORS LEAVE WITH CREWS FOR SEASON’S WORK Each surveyor have }prii | pe Houston Cafe tuner, orders SSS | No. Holland Won aitsn Following were the sco yin civilian rifle shoo ‘CY | 47th: : 200 500 sal ® A Mathieson 32 30 iW. M. Brown i i Partington 5 “+ | Prank Holland 31 | J. Russell 29 «(27 ( RK Aver a4 ( w. 3. G z A I € 29 Ip. Yelf 24 : \D>. Brown 23 In H. Shockley 25 2 3. E. Larkis 99 «(1 ‘ Camer oa J are 1 |W. Martin a i J. kerr 23 F. Holland was winner , CARRIES MATERIAL FOR TWO ALASKA CHURCHES Material for the gonstructic two churches in the ik part of the equipment ar [es I gymnasium it vard I sula, tons of soayj rar ul 1 supplies a s s tio h ckdow! h . ind the ie@- gated s s wil M ed h I hi lo d i = i ‘ aj Pe] sa trader is- at ‘ ft = ai Ma i) The care ng Seattle aggregates 1,100 s A Pretty Bungle Hon Dr. Roche, ministe the interis stated that the Indians still held title t the ilano resery ha he on had et g ts « to h transa betw the pDand and h I vince is th I hich the - thine 1 _ NnOO S80.000 of which to two f! is ¢ he at gen eral wh egotiated the | with the Indians For Sale Fishing boat 44 feet 12 feet 7 inches broad, 9 nches in depth, equipped with 30-h. p. 4-cyele Canmuran Fair- banks - Morse marine engine. Price $1,500 Apply Thomson & Co., Prinee or A. Bailey Inverness nery. of the at | the 90 Akerberg, Rupert, Can- 167-33 Southbound Passeng George leaving this morning for} jthe south: Mrs. D. Porter, Mrs Mate, Mrs. Smith, H. M. MePher son, Geo. Morrow, Mr. and Mi Avison and child, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Morris, E. H. Fletcher, J. D McNiven, H. Arnold, Mrs. H. 8 Woods, Mrs. G. H. Woods, C. M Atkinson, Miss A Carty W Owens, Mrs. Demers and Mrs J. Evans. Subscribe for the Daily News. = > Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Ringe Five. TAKE NOFPICE that 1, William Mck. ; Logan, of Prince Kupert, B. C., occupa- j} ton prospector, intend to apply fer per mission to purchase she followlug de- | scribed lands Commencing et & | ost planted 160 chains east and 40 chains south of the northeast corner of Ire- emption Record 1838 thence south 40 porth 40 chains, thence west 80 chains to chains, thence west 80 chains along the shore line to point of commencement; comtaining 320 acres, more or iess WM. McK. LOGAN March 7, 1914. Skeena Lend District—District of Coast, Range Five. TAKE NOTICE that 1, David Cook Strang, of Prince Rupert, B. ¢ yecupe to purchase the following des scribe 4 lands commencing @t &@ post planted about 160 chains cast and 60 chains north of the northeast corner of Pre-em —, _macere 1838 at a point on the north: si line of an tsiand, thence south 66 chal ns to the southerly shore line, thence east erly, northerly aod westerly following the sinuousities of the shore line to point of couupencement; containing 480 acres, mere or less DAVID COOK STRANG William McK. Loran, Agent March 7, 1914. Bkeena Land District—District of Coast, Range Five. TAKE NOTICE that I, Andrew MacLean, of Prince RKupert, B. C., occupatior carpenter, jntend w apply for per- mission to purchase the following de- scribed lands; Commencing 4t 4 post planted about 160 chains east and 60 chains north of the northeast corner of Pre-emption HKecord 1838 at & point on the northerly shore line of an isiand, thence south 60 chains to the southerly shore line, thence westerly, northerly and easterly, following the sinuosities of the shore line to the pojnt of commencement; containing 480 acres, more or less ANDREW MACLEAN. William Mek. Logan, Agent. March 7, 1014 NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of fresh certificates of ttle for Lot 11, Block 44, Section 6, and Lots 16 and 18, Bicck @J, Section 7, City of Prince Rupert, Map 623. NOTICE 18 HEKEBY GIVEN that it ts my intention to issue after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof fresh certificates of title in the name of William 6B. Snodgrass for the above mentioned lots which certificates are Gated 12th January, 1911, and 30th July, 1918, and are numbered 349 I and 4148 | respectively H. F, MacLEoD, District Hegistrar tion clerk, intend to apply for permission Land HKegistry Office, Prince C., Maroh Sth, 1014. Vancouver, Victo1 Steamer Prince George leaves Prince Bteamer Prince Rupert terves Prince pw Steamers Prince John or Prince Alber 5 Low Excursi To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED T with NORWEGIAN CENTENNIA 8.8. HENRIETTE carries rou For full particulars and ali inforr AGENCY ALL ATLANT with NORWEGIAN TICKET OFFICE, Har ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY Rooms: 4. m, t ii p hall rent apply COMPANY and Gaggage Express Moving Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Storage Facilities COAL — DEALERS — COAL PRINCE RUPERT TRANSFER JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder T 4 Estimains Given on Moving Bulldings eel. Brightest, Seg Phone Black 294 APARTMENTS or: _ SECOND ne Coons . CROSBY 839 3rd Ave. W. Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Boat Work P| ROBERTSON t Ave., Manson W: THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Second Ave., near McBride RU} A L BAKERY DR. GILROY, DENTIST Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue UNION TRANSFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal \upert, B. seal Cove 4 HAS. DI meaie NeW eligi NEW WELLINGTON COM @, . me FURNISHED - av Prone tH — pate three-room Lite inde gf Phone Blac on way PAY RENT 9 i will build you a home on terms to euit you. C. K. YTERBERG, FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING P. 0. Box 641 GEORGE LEEK 1712 th Ave. E SMITH & MALLETT re rh GEORGE LEEK | ‘soot Tr Ay Head of Second Grol Insurance and Loan Broker Prince Ruper, Notary Public. Rents and Collections rn ee AUCTIONEER ince Ruy Ear D. ©. STUART HARRISON a Architect PRINCE RUPERT, 8. ¢ Federal Block RUPERT, B ‘ M Ma as ccs WILLIAMS & MANSON Barris Solicitors, Ete P, O. Box 1 sell all ds ech on PACIFIC TRANSFER hone Red 243 ee oe OF LADYSMITH COAL 93 A IVARSON & CO. 7 - Prom © Cl Accow ntant s, Aa,oe ments, HARRY HANSON 0" sites isd seine Smith B ‘ Ave — sBridze W BREAD, CAKE AND pastry anc ridge rk a “a Specialty. ‘ | a (MPERIAL MACHINE Si Re Quickly Done RESIDENCE 11 PRINCE RUPERI J MES GILMORE BOAT BUILDER ee MISTER. SNOOP YOURR *\_ BROTHER, SAID T ‘DROP IN ANY TIME AN’ MEET YOU, MUS SNO0P. SO TL KKINDAH THOUGHT I'D COME AN’SEEYUH T'NIGHT- Egglebert Kistlebing Puts One Over on Scoop — OW GOODNESS- DID. “OU BRING CANDY, 10? sust PUT (T ON WHE CHAIR- (TH EGGLEBERTS CANDY” MISTERL PEANUTS- OH EGGLIERERT— COME HERE AND MEET MISTER . SCOOP. MY BROTHERS FRIEND - GLAD T MISTER SCOOP-DO YAW PLAYA PIANO? Y'Do- FO EE: MISTER, KA MISTER SCOOP= -* aaetl JOHNSTON : ; rie het Phone Green 321 | apt ea aad? Draw e EMORE TANGO } BEFORE NOU 40 HOMES ce wn MUSTER, es | \Ts TIME o~ "TO GO HOME AND SCOOP HAS BEEN ® ON “WHE JOB ALLEY