take an-~ a — ; 4 ; GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: ‘% =< DAILY NEWS , saa T ' ports leading Paper ants nazar, aldermen, ond, sciae ere e ALIVE “i other look at that Woodworth Lake OLEAN (ABL water power. eee + mS 116 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS RAND TRUNK PACIFIC WANTS 12 MILLIONS MORE DIL GUSHER AT CALGARY SHOOTS 90 FEET HIGH--GOVERNMENT VOTED C.N.R. GUARANTEE P AND GOVT DISAGREE oo. . ANOTHER CALGARY GUSHER = * . I. ~ - ” fi pays te advertise z * The News is in receipt of @| MEA R DONAGHADEE '*% several wires purporting * ¥ to tell the whereabouts of * — AND BANGOR ~ o ie 3. M. Newt +5 sc which * ummm e ar Ss. ie BAKE CLAIM FOR ARDITIONAL TWELVE MILLION UNDER IM- WHERE GUN. es \* we advertised in a re. *| MINE HUNDRED GALLONS BALED OUT IN FOUR HOURS BUT PLEMENTING CLAUSE OF AGREEMENT—MAY BE TOOK PLACE * cent issue. The con- * THIS HAD NO MATERIAL EFFECT ON HEIGHT DECIDED BY THE COURTS * sensus of opinion is that * OF OIL IN THE WELL —_— |* he is either in Shiftyville * a Riigrsnst of Dally News tthe government under the lnple | or gnorance, at least he * PRR eee See oil was struck une lasted for : lay 19.—A railroad | menting clause of the agreement * is said to spend most of * Calgary, May 19.—0Oil spurted | ie oe alte ue O60 aude important char-|They say the government is |* his time in those places. */r.4m the discovery well ninety (our Roars Ok Eee vo See held between the/bound te pay twelve million in| le ahnl. however,’ does. nok’ #1" : ws Niet 5 thats jlons of oil and found the oil in f the govern-Jaddition to the amount alreads {* help much, for in order to #| fet in the air yesterday. This 18/the well as high when they con- Grand Trunk Pa-|paid. The government by nm |* enter those regions one *|the most forceful gusher since|cluded as when they started. ; he claims of the|means concurs in the view of the | 1% USE HAVE @ Pass FPO LCF | xenon —— —= i mal guaranteés/representatives of the railway, | ;* mayor. Others still con- * ai | | ; , British Columbia|who were informed that the gov- | ;}* firm the rumor that he is * BRIDGE PARTY WAS — ‘BURGLARS CAUGHT ad ¢ men! had objection what |}*® still in the city but that * ic G. T. P, HopmMmnmedivee lever tc’ the. dusotion ‘tettig “oud [She's “eamced" by. Mec GAN SOCIAL FUNCTION GOODS RECOVERED a the government] mitted the courts for an | * political bosses and dare * | to be Aan agree-| opinion In case the company |* not say a_ word How *|/Daughters of the the Empire Enter- | Wark & Son Get Back 98,000 een the late gov-/accepts the government's view Ee horrid to think of that # tained Society at Bridge Worth of Big Haul Made From he G. T. P., which} negotiations will be undertaken |* ‘champion of the people’ %* Last Evening [SRE ee , her guarantee of|with a view to affording some} ;* being in such a predica~- * —_—— Freee eR Y b ele the mountain|necessary aid to ensure the com- |* ment. Come on, Sam, The * The Daughters of the Empire | V. Wark & Son received a wire presented the| pletion f-the road to the Pacific * Daily News will protect #*|_ hak oe hd lolightt 1 | tis morning stating that the ‘alt ri ativ in leonat 1* you if you'll do the right #|&4Y° another o ler dengatlul))urgiars who broke into their i alterneé e o}coas } , s |e ave ay | > Te ; |* thing, It may be incon- %¥*]ridge parties last evening. They} store at Fort George last week 1* venient to be honest, but #*]eMtertained 80 guests at bridge | have been captured and $2;000 of IKE AND DUCHESS TONIGHT “THE GIRL OF DONAGHADEE 1% it pays in the long run %|in the pretty home of Mrs. G.°A.|the stolen goods have been re- yAG f THE GOLDEN WEST” | te x|McNicholl, who generously do-jcovered. One of the burglars n ; od Whitehead, County Antrim, situated directly in the zone of the | nated its use to the organization.|has confessed. It is expected AGAIN 10 VISIT COAST Will Be Presented at the Empress threatened civil war, and righ icross Belfast Lough from |” ¥.% a * Te * oat ** *! The party was in charge of Mrs./that the balance of the stolen : 2 by the Royal Players Bango ind Donaghadee, Where the importations of arms -} G. R. Naden. Mrs. MeNicholl goods will be recovered. | Make Trip in July Shortly, i ot stan Forest Fires Prevention helped to receive. There were 20 i tee Oa a oeene eS Ob ah en ee |. “Phe: chief forester. at -Viethpial ete ck ce oe eee TANGO FEATURED BEFORE tion Case in Courts ; Pe “Tha | re Chie orester a etorig Oo ras excelle f sven with iS : characters of fiction is Phe | ’ lis sAiding ‘oube dnformanon tay tion was excellent and even vit LIEUT.-GOV. PATERSON ” Girl of the Golden West,” about GOVT. GOES THROUGH CHOSE F. H. A © ; so many there was no confusion. saaiglesshachil The Dally News 1s. prevent rest fires. This is}Four hands were played at each|By m , whom the play to be produced a s play a F y rs. M. Lester and Mr. Chas. Ma 19.—Both a tonight by the Royal Players at WITH C. N. R. GUARANTEE. RESIDENT DOCTOR |. done igh three modiums:|table and changes were made six] Ransford, Now at Westholme bis Chateauguay elec- sate ; ehests ‘ times.. jthe Empress is woven Reared ——— * | First, a picture in pleasing col- : et en peen eee bY trom a child in the wilds of the|Two Prominent Conservatives | | Hospital Board das Twelve Ap-|.... showing the campers put- Mrs. Youngman won the ladies At a recent dance given by the mort wit e Tre ‘igen’ « “Ose ¢ scklace, ¢ F g i a ith , . ee California hills, she comes into Vote With Opposition but Cea sg the ding oul: theintinka’® THe Herite eat a rose be : mye eeeree Knights of Columbus at Victoria ) petition and coun- oy : aiken’ a Pune , ; Mr. Irwin won the gentle 5 to trial on|tae, OF ae of her Laos Amendment Lost osition shown on tha deilcor aelonie wii nike; a: brake SnGiG ieee under the auspices of Lieutenant 6 : ttle roadhouse at a youthful | ae ; dang ional fr , Er ee tae oe } Govarnion 4 ; pikmin ‘ ued’ , atin ial ‘ ._| At a meeting of the hospital | the danger signal from June to Dainty refreshments were served.|@6Vernor and Mrs, Paterson and . ige, and as this is a convening Ottawa, May 19 I M.. Mce-i 4 = ] }September marked in red, com — : % : J ents of the Duke | | t for the mountain commu-] ponald A tion to give the six;board last evening. there were rae . tid : fe ia, . ire The ladies netted about $80 for/in the presence of over three { ‘ . m4 aie ane reer — onald s 1OvlOT V Btyve'% : ines » a fe acts showing ‘ a : ; ; : of Connaught for 15 she wins a reputation among | month hoist to the overn- | twelve applications received for ithe wealth aontaina: jie oaet their building tund. hundred invited guests, including f i } ‘ ‘ ae mo Ss Os e et 0 é “4 B — ah > “AeA Tare: ner are officially lth miners for her wisdom and|ment’s ( N. R. guarantee pro- | resident physician at the hospi-| | cts and. upaite tte eT onotebisan: I'bose present were: practically all of Victoria's elite, | include a LIP | purity and beauty The fresh-|posals was defeated by a vote yfj tal, in response to the advertise-|, The third medium of informa- Mr. and Mrs. Sinelair, Mr. and Mrs.]Mrs. M, Lester and Mr. Charles os « ee ness of her sweet nature has|444 to 64 [wo Conservatives | ment. jtion is a whetstone with instruc. |"roudhurst, Mr. and Mrs, Dawson, Mr./Ransford, whose engagement at f July, making been sullied by the deni-}and one Liberal bolted as antici-| The board decided to ballot for | < regarding fires on the back |#¢ Mrs. MeClymont, Dr. and Mrs. Me-/the Westholme opera house be- (6.55 the prin-|rens of cities nor her innate pated. R. B. Benne ind Mr,{the choice after the qualifica- The whetstone is a useful article| Nel!) Mr. and Mrs. MeMordie, Mr. and/gins tonight, danced the tango : They will return to] ment warped by the mang-|Njekle voted for the ameadment| tions had been considered, The for all who travel in the woods|™?s: H- F- McRae, Mr. and Mrs, L. W.|/by special request of his honor me ple ml er andad)iig opinions: written in books.Jand Mr. Charlton, I \ d final ballot se lected — Dr. F. H. and this form of advertising| ?atmore, Dr. and Mrs. Tremayne, Mr. and/the —lieutenant-governor. The } ‘ave Canada eee ded by the rough, hardy | qi) fe ean | After the |MeKay of the Royal Victoria hos- should. produce results in. that Mrs. Philpott, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Arnold,}dances were enthusiastically en- £ 1 : : ital, Montreal. He was request- : Tee and Mrs M. Manson, Mr. and Mrs.|cored and the papers ec nte : ; | the hills, she appears as ]a, ement f th the tl tal ine It is to the interest of every Mr. and Mr A 1 anson, r. anc cored and the papers commented G. H. Collins Back la da flower blooming aloné}ymendment the res was | ed v0 report on June 4, citizen to assist in protecting the Hemmell, Mr. and Mrs. Halsey, Mr. andjon the performance in terms of A nhs, manager Of)in the tangled wood of life. The] declared carried by the sa ma rhe board also empowered the forests, which are the source of|™®S: Burritt, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant, Mr./highest praise the next day. Fish & Cold Stor-|story of her sudden love for the] jority. Consideration of the pro prnance Conta to:make ar- i great deal of the wealth of the|@!4 Mrs. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson| Their advent at the Westholme irrived here this|young man who crosses her life posals will be taken up in com- rangements for the card system province? Murray, Mr. and Mrs, Youngman, Mr. and|is eagerly looked forward to by he Prince Rupert|but once how she saved him | mittee. |}Whereby a man can pay $4 “ i Ss LR: Mrs. G, KR, Naden, Mr. and Mrs, C. W./every one, this being the first ce of two months, | from the sheriff and after dis- — —_ month. and gets sree: Sresemont | Have you heard the latest Peck, Dr. and Mrs. Kergin, Mr. and Mrs.) professional exhibition of this time he visited the |« overing that he is a road agent Presentation to Ladies 2 eS eT ee nevis Port Edward? {02tf Stork, Mr. and Mrs. D, G, Stewart, Mr. and| world famous dance in Prince Mr. Collins has|was the instrument of his. re- The members of the Women's May Turn Tables Bast oe ae i ee a ’ =~ isa eure! Rupert. _ ome will be , ale o eep { So esdames Peters, ard, is, Clem-| give t e spec 4 after the market|form, is a tale of deep human s\niiiar’ of cite. Metlakatlab ae |, Dare aieneshohseine: deal n ' given daily any special new ( sine » eastjinterest and not lacking in dra- | ; er a Rie os atures | : ents, Jennings, Dowling, Roberson and}/gowns and costumes will be isiness in the east)! branch of the Ridley home met| The Vancouver Province says:| Just wait till we get home rule.|.. ‘ 1 east agai jm itic episodes The card game |Pranen 1 Pik ene : the local light-| , : , | Craig worn by Mrs. Lester at each per. ete et ian | t tt l umbles with |i Metlakatlah yesterday to hid | thee hi Ring ee a ee Misses Thompson, Rae, Elliott, Grant, | formance Special feature pie two. He says thejin which the girt gambies : , ' ss|weight boxer, leaves this evening | —and s f ont”? 0 . ; ? : ' ae y ‘ Aes we Sie the sheriff for"the Aife of wher farewell - Miss eee a : gt eee Sail tive es Bence |, ee that won't ‘ll be Johnstone, Milligan, K. Jenns, S. Jenns,/tures have been arranged for ren 77. aHiae : Davies, who are leaving to live)0 ‘ ’ : jinade to ol ‘ Baso i ‘ xtra attr ies : : the G. T. P. will) lover r USES pa nie mn Pt nee Rupert A dainty meAl | Rupert, where he will box Monty | x aie aie = aus Foster, New ae ae ome see . . : ‘ @ I nee ert, ai essrs oltby -attuilo, oster, ew- rOLTE Ss mY 4 . ‘ ight, as they want|There is delightful comedy rye was served and afterwards Miss|Label fifteen rounds next Mon-j ! tae 0 Purdy, McFarlane w sthol ey apy My ese fish direct to the }ning all through this famous Gide wad TARE Lite ‘member | dae: Burns. worked: ‘out with | conn e, ee ee «Soe os ” 20lme we sOMtrA: A special vet from the plant jp! lay, 1 the character. OF We! ' the W. A. and the gold medal}| Bud Anderson yesterday and is in| FRETS), AEWIDy. 9. Patong, Oui? OPO: He IhOs.| Cee adies and children [See he Chinnets eee ee Le: the siets was presented | good condition. Label went Leod and Dr. Mcintyre Will be given Saturday afternoon, Iton. will cause much mer ; 5 ha ' , pee : , a4 Ls a ta ae ara nee La | ei rhe a of the “Girl” to het She was also given $25 | north last, week. ees ayes e a ? c i A i unt on stamped ll-|rime te Eliott, and her |i appreciation of her work The|good condition When he met} YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL anadian Admiral Dead cases, Lowels, run- 118 played oe ee re h y_ {latter Miss Davies donated to the|Burns at the Commercial club} London, May 19.—Admiral Sir pieces, dollies, ete,, | interpre f the part is con x ; Miss|last Monday night, but he will be} am 9 EAY +9. ACMILAL ER : chureh completion fund Mi Charles Carter ‘Uurv > 5 ince of the week at|sidered as the greatest piece of West was presented with a cut|all right by next Monday and is} Northwestern ao : arter Drury died here 4 116 }acting she does. Mr. Royal will Mt ai tc miiafaniation of her{confident that he can turn the | racoma 4, Portland 5. today, aged 68 years. He was = becgenu, as. the shen: tire w ce I ti 3 “qieston and her|tables on Burns, who won a close | Vancouver 3, Seattle 4. poe re seneens a rune e : ag ile OPR eof vets ’ a jj fe | and enterec 1e ritish navy in orerenegepanincsibnasssaae S0aTD) Lhe gamblet training of the. vounm, jdecision over him that night.| Coast 1859. From 1903 90 3 i . ink . j | 9. From 1903 to 1908 he was [From . PCunoe Smee. eee 38) Venice 1, Sacramento 3. second sea lord of the admiral TO - NIGHT Appointed Receiver Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.| figuring on going to Fort George Poriena’ 6 ‘Oakland’ iJon ne a ee A. 8. B. Lucas has been ap-|Phone 4, ef 12 /mne innings. UR ieee THE pointed receiver. for the British eee eee , Million Pounds Malibut { Ss a ‘onstruction *hiladelphia 41, Chicago 6, a F North American Const a alii inka iaiah oh tinier ai E ADO ISL: >. 3 Seidalad ” aston 6. Pillabure 7, There have been to Nate ache Co,, formerly the Matthew aN t * | Spepetiggstenae aege Mae tia : } a million pounds of halibut , rhe late Mr. Dow will be » | New York 5, Cincinnati 2. ’ : ; O ee ake I , ‘ tre * | Brodklyn 2, St. Louis 6. landed at the Canadian Fish & ‘ remembered here as the a * eC Mm FESS ea + ae Cold Storage company dock this “ae tractor for the wharves at M t * : : e month, and big catehes are now dry dock, Mr, i a pee x poe Se ¥ ene 3, ee 0, coming in daily, This morning ; after the assets of the estate anc St. Louis 3, New York 0. the Chief Zabass: ‘ i \ Other “Naw « doalaty ifter eared ; , ie Chief Zabassa, a six dory : ; the completion of the contracts |* HT Detroit 4, Boston 6. boat, came in after ¢ il Dances aig a a |. , ‘ ; : at, ca after an eight day oni by undertaken. His duties will take ¥ TO NIGHT TO NIGHT TO NIG x Cleveland 2, Washington 4, trip with 60,000 pounds. 7 MRS M LESTE several months’ time but will not * Nae n A : pita i ° R require him leaving the city, + REV. SYLVESTER HORNE, M. P.| Defeated Candidate Takes Life Realty activity will soon com- R / ) x Pa iis tas: al Broth- ayer) menee; buy where the industries And | | President of the National Broth Oregon City, Ore. May 19.— ’ , Salmon Fishermen Organise he oyal layers | echood Couneil ‘of England, 7 sg P: a eo yo i : will locate. 102tf a CHAS. RANSFORD The independent salmon fish- + who dropped dead on the|James K. Pardee, his mind un- ermen organized a mutual pro- | steamship Corona just after|balanced. by the recent death of Special Feature Mov- tective association on May 16, I Present | the vessel entered Toronto}his wife and his crushing defeat F li ’ Pictures at the is to be known as the Skeena i Bel (c atamoie Dike harbor. He was on his way to|for county treasurer in the Re- ulter § . n’'s asso- { ‘lasco's Ié 5 ) Pei . . ‘i a Independent Fishermen ¥y ‘ Davit e1ase address a mass meeting of the|publican primary, shot and _ in- WEST H () L ME ciation, The president is J, Mat- ° x| Brotherhood in Canada at the]stantly killed himself at his GRO CER y son and E, C. Parsons 18 secre~ on ( ve l th ( : ld W, t *! Metropolitan ehurech, and to}lome in Gladstone. On Satur-|% — rn A. $1 fey ipoasure! ay clemiadita he irl O e€ \soiden es } appear before several other|/day he was in Oregon City and 911 THIRD AVENUE OPE R the association !8 10) © Ady Xt! organizations, but in every|threatened to kill himself, but PHONE 572 “RA HOUSE the Orientals and to keep up oa {| case the services were (urned]his assertion that he intended to - A ere price which the canneries mut * into memorial services, Death|end his life was not taken seri- — open, We carry a firet- dmission; 1B5c and 260 3)pay for fish Reserved Seats now on sale at MoRae Bros, *! was due to overwork and ajously, ban quate ona oon Mee : r | pal . The r eR a ee otabi Childron; 100 : should know : PRICES: 750, 50c and 35c | weak heart, s The remains etc, We deliver promtply. @ive Special Mati 8 What everyon ine” Lanth | were taken to England by Mrs A clean swell eating place. The us a call, : nee Saturday People of Se ai BE Unido IG ISIS ICIS ISIS IIS IIS a oa —-Worne and friends. London Cafe, 8i-tf {3 4 *etreroorrvosccoveccoooocoroes | dine at the G », Cale, .