NkWS THR DAILY —— THE DAILY N EWS > THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. H. F. McRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. ©. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per year if paid in advance). Weekly, $2.00 per year. Ali Other Countries: Daily, $8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 Fast 23rd St., New York City. lelephone 98. United States and Mexico: $5.00 Hypro-ArROPLANE. CUSED OV f, ul . ! | TP-WeeKIy. Servi Steamer Prince George leaves Prince p Steamer Prince Rupert teaves Prince p MONDAYg aon Steamers Prince John or Prince Alb: FRIDAYS a ag | Low E TUESOAYS, vag | ra ? XCUrsion Rates To EASTERN CANADA and UNITED sro with NORWEGIAN CENTENN (A: Hica NORWAY Ino with NORWEGIAN UNO In connection 8.8. 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DENNIS OLISHIN DAILY EDITION ai SsgIO Wednesday, May 20, 1914 | —s —=~ vi Te : LL TINTHG Mackenzie & Mann, Ltd., to justify aspirations to the F DAVIDON.. 722 4 ccna; aA : <\heagl ae ai > Cr rh ¢ ssionership. | WV CG ; took contracts from the Cana- high a noe } iv CHARGE ¢ [Heavy Teaming and Baggage Express Martin Swansoy dian Northern approximating CLRIT55 FLAN7, | Moving Furniture, Pianos, Etc. é I ’ , The people want to know Excellent Storage Facilities Wee close upon a quarter of a bil- al Ry j arn | COAL — DEALERS — COAL } 3 2 s the whole Canadian Northern FIRST AEROPLANE SERVICE IN CANADA | i lion dollars. Nearly one-fifth story. The more that is |PIHONE 666 1008 THIRD AVE ene ; of this huge sum was guaran- learned of it, the more does it} Showing Pallay Brothers and Mr. MeAuley, who for a time worked with Mr. Curtiss. They are is ener Pe O\4) i teed by the government. look to be the biggest finan-| planning the introduction of an aeroplane service between Toronto and the island, a distance | JOHN CURRIE ull 4 How much money did Mac- cial jobbery ever pulled off im} of about a mile, If the service proves as successful as the initial tryouts, the example will Cont tor & Build kenzie & Mann make out of Canada, rivalling some of the} likely be followed as a sieans of transportation in other Canadian cities, ONSPACLOP uneer : vorite Houshold tag these contracts? Did they get stupendous manipulations of} |. Estimates Given on Moving Bulldings Sh Brightest, Best all the profit or did they have the United States | | aStiiae ears. TS, ala Selene are : Phone Black 294 NEW WELLINGTON on; 3 a ° wr sa as ee ; Cal to pay part of the profits to The United States with its| OU&h to carry weight with the| BROKER HAN TO Snqwatians take ebeoees j co. somebody else? If they had| enormous population can eas-| opportunists at Victoria, Sunday, May 24tn and Mon-| FURNISHED % — to divide the profits, with, ily bear the strain. Canada| The first consideration with } HAVE AN ALIBI day, May 25th, launch Wolverine | whom? |. with her comparatively small} (he McBride government is| She aiheens will leave Rupert Marine Iron-| APARTMENTS pe These are astions the dati fe ttaly ; he | ; . | works for Shawatlans Lake at 8} rency. ahi These are questions 1 population is likely to find the not, what is good for the! Knew Something Was to Happen ry is agency, a sonie have a Tiki ave 3 z : t ¢ ri | a.m., a.m., and 2 p.m., con- 8 “e-room suite a he pec ple hax a rigit to have |} load a heavy one. : country, but what is good for} in Times Square Night of ‘ice tines “anit ti area hg Lake 0] in two end three-room suit ands @ answered i | a few individuals in charge of} Rosenthal Murder in ; B eS ie eres +13. E. DYER Phone Black 334! oy With much justice the in- thé machine. pears at 3 p.m., 5 p.m., and 7 |*: ** f F( “ Bewser and McBride are re- terior << towns. are offering RPE INES 2 a, — ip.m. Fare including trip to the |}——-—"——— iLORGE LEEK # low VY *k ‘ ¢ ‘ » ae ak ~ a . j puted to be rich men. As pub- strenuous objections to the can to is to keep -fighling and New York, May 19.—Charles B./head of lake $1.00 return. 110 WHY PAY RENT ? Phong lic men acting as trustees for} ™anner in which they are be-| nen next election takes place| uit one time press. agent and) Sr cae ies aie ; : b4 : * ing treated-by the Provincia! ee ; tl at 4} * . t _jadviser for Charles Becker, on| Announcement corma to oult you. home on meni the people of the enormous} Pecan mati e » 6 se sure that they vote for! trial for the murder of Herman| evilcenliongs | ‘ Bon ae tt see os | sovernment, someone who will stand up , Cc. K, YTERBERG, FOR PLUMBING AND HEATIG resources of the province, the Win tatantne: hee ae An. ; Hosenthal, took the stand today Payment of accounts due go © e interior has always con Be a c widibics ay 1 in u ; j° ac i ; | for their rights until he gets ‘t ; . m J P. 0. Box 641 1712 Bth Ave. E NA public has a right to have} tributed heavily to the provin- | Pate’ Wenahninit and corroborated in many de-/Scott, Froud & Go. can be made is “ SMITH & MALLETT knowledge of how they made} cial exchequer but nothing | od : tails the story of Jack Rose andj/at Peck’s shoe store up to May { Pipe oor a the money which they have ac-| like as much has been spent | Sere eet nee thers that Becker was the in-/31, on or before which date oe GEORGE LEEK ee guired. They could not get} jin public works as has been NEW HAZELTON DOES stigator of the murder plot. accounts are expected to be paid. : _ Need ot Seca ink rich out of their salaries. collected and these newer dis- | | After Rosenthal had been} 113-16 | ~ aoe dita teoela me oboe saeeeecmaemnnasnoncae i How then did they get it if) tricts which require money | ITS OWN ROAD WORK murdered, the witness swore, he | wae ; joter AUCTIONEER they are as rich as reputed? | for development purposes and | —-—- met Becker, who was indignant Skeena Land District—District of Coast, | 220) Second Ave, Prince Rupert Supposing that Mackenzie &| which are such heavy contri-| at the way the killing had wean Ringe Five. aaestellle sh Neniiettntal D, ©, STUART ; : Tong _| Disgusted With Provincial Gov- .... lished od a ‘ a Mann were able to make a butors to the older portions of accomplished, TAKE NOTICE that 1, William Meck, -ofi : > Der : | @pnment Service They Make “What is the matter with Jack |Los@® of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupa- Accountant profit of twenty per cent. upon the province from which | Up Public Pot 7 . _ "| ton prospector, intend to apply fur per- ‘ their contracts. Or cut it} meantime they must buy all} ? Rose and the bunch? Plitt Mined tek arenes ees a ate st : ale — . . —— Ss: ommencin a v0 . down lower than that and say their supplies, feel that more | oa le quoted Becker as having Said. planted 160 chains east and 40 chains Architect (Ok RUPERT, & 0 “ : sane . : Ominece ere ) wp > . aw ° ‘ 2 .* 2 he ae in round figures five million consideration should be | at : 6 Neath To pull éhe stunt the way they Snonee, embe 1808 a a Suite 4, Federal Rioek dollars out of construction shown to their needs. ve citizens of New Hazelton/did was very bad. You would north 60 chains, thence west 80 chains to | PRINCE RUPERT, 8. © t work. ine’ British” -Columbia‘| Se jare a real live bunch,and they suppose it was being done for |Speennenes parat Pepi eets creas Phone 300 P.O. Box t : aioe 4 ee Wouldn't this be a nice tidy | The whole trouble is that }have some money, too, At the the moving pictures. containing 320 ecres, more of less. POR ok hy AR es Cag WILLIAMS sum to eut up? the voting strength of the | peeular monthly meeting of the July 15, the day before the| March 7, 1914. ° ‘ ‘ Solletterna There might be enough in it! north is not yet strong en- le { vos siat last M ls _|murder, Plitt said he saw Becker Pe are tee SECOND HAND GOODS ra We | jUzens assoelation last Monday) at nolice headquarters. “Becker |Skeena Land District—District of Coast, : + oper 1G PST eT ee Se — Soo |night it~was decided to expend ajtold me,” said the witness “that | Range Five. { will buy or sell all kinds " _— | r (Ee : SE g use old rood mes ! . lconsiderable sum of money on|he and T had to have an alibi for jeumee ee eases tok eaemeen oe oc a .& Is, peonat and Wf ithe main roads in town and havejthat night. ‘Keep away from | 32 Burehene the following, described lands: tools, guns and men’s | x , , . . i& ie Us ate abou 6 \ al f , e ‘ ' ! jthem in good shape before Vie-| Times square tonight,’ he told | chains east and 6b chinins north of the | Will call any time. PAC ri TRANSFER Ob > ‘ salahrs | » 9 northeast corner of Pre-emption Record 7 2" toria day celebration gk 1838 at a point on the northerly shore | F. Mm. CROSBY Cartage | | ) B Cart New Hazelton is still an un-| What's coming off? | |itme of an island, thence south 60 chains |839 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 243 Parana ts Alka aka si laeked to the southerly shore line, thence east- YSMITH OOAL organizes : COMMUNIWY : ANG 18 Ai- | BEKCK ‘erly, northerly aad westerly following the | ~~ eS q rectly under the care of the pro- ““Never mind,’ said Becker, |Sa¥ousities of the shore Une to polat of , SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS |vineial government, which col-|‘Do as vou are told. We've got \mere or less.” ee eee A IVARSON & C0. 7 : £ . axe ‘e , for | ‘ . ‘ ’ T + Fi NO, : Meal PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO lects all the taxes, in return for |to have an alibi. Tomorrow | wile be Cased tee: Blacksmiths & Horseshoers Pp . which roads, sidewalks and| you'll know why.” March 7, 1014. Boat Work k )BERTSON A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager |bridges and other necessities are . —-- - Ee KOR . r. AY 1st Ave, and McBride St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. supposed to be provided. To date aver Mitebs Skeena Land ipietrictece ries of Coast,| Phone 525 ist Ave., Manson Wa; 4 Accountant PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers ae geo . ete owners oneresiiitiah | » TAKE NOTICE that i. Andrew MacLean,j —_- ARRY H. NSON. Aud s, Aaj usimonth 1ave provided practically every-|have you seen better values. in| Prince Rupert, B.C. oceupatior HA AN 0 and Me _ ——————— —$_—_—_—_—_—- ~ ; “ . ‘ carpenter, ftend ww appl for r- thing in that way in New Hazel-|children’s footwear, at such a mlscion fo {purchase the’ following “de. Ave, since Rupe ——— an ‘a. eovar SS a tae are . | ser’ ands: Commencit t . jton. The government's share|jow cost, in this city, Call and|pisnted about 160 chains “east and eo THR AELAAELS C-URSER )}}has been almost nil. see them-for yourself and be | chains north of the northeast corner of A] BAKERY 9 nt | This year. again the. cit . |Pre-emption Record 1838 at @ point on|Phone 489 Second Ave., near MoBride Mak | : ' a tp , ; re CilizenNsi convinced that we have the | the Worsherly | shore ne of an island, s i iwere notified that there was nO | goods Peck’s Shoe Sto | hence soul 0 chains to the southerly . 5 ods. re. shore line, thence westerly, she a een a a Ee bel as aie ra ae oS tna ae A ee ele ame ee ie a Coe ® government money for this town, | , ; ah a easterly, followine oat Lie br yd — DR. GILROY, DENTIST pasTAl ae but that cannot stop the mareh For Sale eee oe bojnt of COED OCS BRI AKE AND ; . cres, 0 c *tevtay ‘ . 7 fork ¢ 710 SECOND AVE (tof progress in a live town and} Cc ee r Wittiant DREW MACLEAN, Crown and oe Work a ine ct ? ; cK. Logan, Agent. Specialty. Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery | ee | Fishing boat 41 feet long, 12} _ Maren 7, 1014. oa AS " . Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Notice feet 7 inches broad, 3 feet 9) ae Office: Smith Bik. Third Avenue cui Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns ae jinches in depth, equipped with | -— 3 eG er re IMPER! iL MACHINE "7 i} R . 30-h. p. 4-cycle Catmmuran Fair-| IN THE MATTER of an application for UNION TRANSFER C0 P ope Vaives Ammunition Storage belonging to Joe Jor-|banks- Morse marine engine | she issue of fresh certificates of ttle for j g Quickly Don if Pumps Hose Paint |gonson left in the Houston Cafe| price $1,500. Apply Akerberg, |ad 6, Block “ii, Section om city” of| GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE wE RED Hy Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron will be sold by private sale after|/Thomson & Co., Prinee Rupert, PrNO TICE. 18" ME BY GIVEN that It ts - vty Sachets tie : ——a EY owe 30 days if not settled for and re-|or A. Bailey, Inverness Can. |™y intention to issue after the expiration| "HONES: 36 Office. RESIDENCE 110 = ei SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” moved. Ll naey ley.as of ope month from the first publication] $33 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT 1A IFS GILMO ——— 91-117 GEO. E. 8ST. GLAIR ¥ sh pane. of Wulem G seckaree tee the Ree ston Ja —_————— stannic areca daapenae Vie i at ; f | _ — , 9 v4 er ere eae ea above mentioned lot rh ce , Architect ee 5 tits According to arrivals from |@fe'dated tv sanuary, 1vtt,-and 308! = BOAT BUILDER Monde FRED STORK’S HARD Henry C, Evans, pioneer piano! Vera Cruz, eggs are selling at $4 uy; 17a eee oP numbered 349 I and ae tuner, now in your city, Phone! each, and tomatoes and potatoes ii. z MscLEOD, apts ee ene oe ‘der receive t io, 35 at 5 ; strict istrar. H. JOHNSTO? “ tae rs received at No, 354 or ‘at 50 cents a pound in the city Gop clare. end te apply for permission i, JOBNSTUN KT t Adin The et re mos 6, 103-115 }of Tampico, iu, Mare bike 1014 eee MUPErh Bl goat Cove Phone Green 321°. . eunedt = —— —- —_-— <= : - —---—— - - —— -———- = . Egglebert Kistlebing B Not Get S M _ glebert Kistlebing better Not Get Scoop too Mad “ail