OILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. ==) INAMAN FOUND GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER ONLY | HIP CROWDED WITH HINDUS HELD UP BY IMMIGRATION OFFICERS — POLICE FIGHT WOMEN t epee eee ee — a DISORDERLY OPPOSITION Ee wi SHIP WITH HINDUS ABOARD i FORCES ADJOURNMENT HOUSE ARRIVE QUARANTINE STATION aL VOTE ON THE HOME RULE BILL WILL TAKE PLACE i fe WILL TRY TO OVERRIDE IMMIGRATION LAWS—THE AU- ia NEXT TUESDAY—SPEAKER APPEALED THORITIES PREPARED TO RESIST THEM—VAN- : TO BONAR LAW | COUVER OFFICIALS WILL DECIDE i : 24 As the time {uproar the opposition succeeded Special to The Daily News.) wi ye examined in quarantine a 1 to The Daily N ,will k 1 t ) te on the Trish| in forcing an adjournment Victoria, May 22.—With 375\by officials this morning, and 7 " approaches — the \ motion to adjourn was mad East Indians on board bound for |*U>seduent to securing note pris ; 2 : by the opposition This was de oa H K ie lease will be boarded at Victoria. : + ‘ he house of com ited by a vote of 286 to 176 ne: ee eer and poin *| Phe Vancouver immigration of- ra more and more |tmmediately after the vote. the in Japan, the Komogata Maru) ficials will decide whether they i 4 has now enter Unionist party having been re- arrived off William Head quar-j|will be allowed to proceed to * + , f it is felt.|fused an adjournment, entered aA antine station last night. They/their destination at Vancouver. { 4 imons will vote|UPen an uproar, loud and long- ° beds te aad “ . ————$$__—--___ —— —_____— - . . ——— a eading of the bil | °°Dtinued ; omges OH, a ae ge FINDS ONLY ROMANCE DUEL IN DIALECT ti i \ If it then passes it rhe speaker, after the conti _ aor : -_ IN THE MINING CAMPS } i espective of what at n of this uproar for some ae BEFORE P. M. CARSS i € rs to wet ds ' ; finally rose He asked Dawson, May 20.—Bronzed | i i a ] Bonar Law, the leader of the op- UNDER THE PROTECTING FOLDS OF THE FLAG OF BRITAIN oi tvs HAS i a a h today declin eae A seein nie 3 like a mocha bean and with the | Chinaman and Italian Argue Wi : act ores of the Nee le tat ata tn minh hie Refugees from the interior of Mexico boarding the British cruiser Hermione at Tampico. In a grip of a grizzly, and his eye as | Their Differences With | ‘ & dill, which he} ter ng with the progress of quiet way the British government has Jooked after the safety of her subjects, and many |clear as the sky, Robert Strang, | Much Abandon “oh : gsi : “ fe eit Gee American, French and German refugees in a way that has added greatly to her firmly estab- | ojd_time bard of the Klondike. ancient . “eh a : eee ; rs nt at ls frome Site wtb sd lished national prestige recently hiked back to Dawson. The sensation of this morn- ; fn . a ia ie Don't: anhalt ae, Liaw | ie ss icine —|He mushed down the Yuken trail|ing’s session of the police court i R > pe ee ae VTA | | from White Horse. }was a character sketch in dialect Pee inh dedi fhe ed reply to the speaker’s OK KOR RR RR REE OR : i . ‘ < pI es JACK KONG IS GUILTY * * MADE NEW MANAGER “I've been roaming the whole|etween two imported citizens. . : Oye a er eS ” | A , . ete Nicolette is a young Ital- | ae Kasei ste he speaker thereupon said] ¢ Now It Is Smithers * north, covering Fairbanks and rete ool ror e ; mas Olid Oat | e he d a $0) th | OF MANSLAUGHTER ONLY * OF COLD STORAGE (0. other camps, and going out by|!@2 who is sufficiently Ameri- te th f he declined to vepls 1e |} - : Sy J Ws pe ' he house had to} sittir would be djourned He ' i : I New Hazelton the *! PES way of Chisana since I left Daw- canized. to “put on a nonchalant ie Pe eee re oe Sie TRG Chinaman Accused of Murdering , : iemuntall ath. 4 T. H. Johnston, Who Operated)... cays Strang, “and Lam, in police court. He was i oO Orrowe if vided thers was nothir else 1o ‘ ° ens Gisf£usret | ‘ ? oy = * S ’ ‘ eas f wMorroy aed os : hing Wirs, Millard Will Escape Soa | Here Last Year, Will Be in back deter ‘ sta daa ,|¢harged with assaulting a China- | ee the persistent|do_since Mr. Law refused to as- * road expenditure and mis- * ack determined to stay with the ia the opposition | sis I Keeping order in the Death Penalty * Inanagement, have taken * phatge- aa 08 Yukon. I found nothing but ro- enn . I ih Rey has ental sia tik anac ; - " ; i! the icikyiwobiemie inboi eS “* , mance in the other camps. I The Chink was the other party i a paeee Sea s ut Daily News * oe sith hele sgeAe cane The announcement has been|tpieq out Fairbanks several sea-|to the duel. He is a restaurant if Vane el May 22.—Jack | doing it by: privale Sih. tne that T. H. carat is i) sons, and last August hit off for and rooming house keeper on | aed DTK NOTHING LONONG hk fg, accused f the murder of ‘ Sti id Br nse ih ale be local manager of the Cana- Chisana. After four months Second ayenue. i BLIC NAUSEATED WITH THE TANGO| Mrs. Millard, was found guilty of) 4 goin ane Tribune, a sup- * dian Fish & Cold Storage CO.}there, IT mushed over the Glacier, Pete stood in, the prisoners’ | ; OVER SUFFRAGETTES : nanslauchter Sentence was re- |. . 11 on cfitne gewerntnenhs Dai George Oollins, who has been iN} made Gordoya, and then got. to box on one side and the Chink a ee the days of David andjserved.” The ry were "our Troms, i. taking up the eet charge here since the opening off Juneau. The Chisana -camp|Was in the witness box opposite. , E 3 ; Salome no dance has been 80 von till seven o’elo whe hel, against the vond éxpeod. the big plant, wiil be located IN} jooks to me like it contains little|The two started telling their ae Ey Oe at Vicleant La a ndl hikeiait ca s.. — Mtl iture. The Tribune wants {tle ©ast looking after the/more than what is confined in a|Version of the affair simulta- | partbdiapicseycs ng See een acs. [fine @ verdict was rendered Me cag 4 now where the mon , {financing and selling end of the! few of the box canyons. This old|"¢ously while the court sat back Sympz he dern tango ch origin- | O KnOW ere > sone siness > * x ge : ‘ suche "he Chink w : ympathy of Crowd i 1 which j + de eoing cand See business. Klondike is a marvel, and I feel and laughed. The Chink won out ' by a Argentine and spread Va tuver, May { Che jury eRe ES na cael finished * Mr. Johnston was here last the gold awaits the digger.” jin the battle of languege. te ; iy he the world over. Cer hich has x Jack Kong. |y mye interior paper says: ' | |season and handled independent- Mr. Strang is a stocky, middle-| “You say you shoot me die. | Ae Publicsop gegerations of this dance | 'e “nin " * It is a well eee Tact * ye Ie = cured salmon put/aged son of the land of the | You put um hand in pocket. You Hi i s a result Ahanmioad thie nena f Mrs. M d, retired at 1:05 to], sna) the revennecd@okived (uP 2 the Gold Storage company.}thistie, a native of Glasgow. He|kick my flend in belly. He belly fh i es ee nly nothing can be said |fCPS!4 8 Nias ab ed his section has al- ¥* Be i8 A et ae ee ab dia first came to the Yukon in 1900, _ is : ze al RB ' sa: Watanabe eel 1 hey ad ' | 6:30.16: aan dhben: ail tiaae yjnence and knows the pusinens mined on Twenty-eight below ‘You gotta da money,’ said , eve yas suc ot ato anil Sina ie wlbE ‘ e for a ver f murde! ade . the gmaieites * Andrew Johnston, father of the Sulphur, and on other creeks, | ele in rebuttal, aa : t he Westholme oper Sane! * tributed for its improve gg DOW anaes hoa the city now. and some time ago drifted to the Ihe story proyed a minor af- Aw ee | racef d bea » mel and this is doul , gjHe is of the firm of Johnston, |i, yer country. fair after all. Pete owed the A nae is that no mi hont the ‘danet Kieoes, |CONSTITUTIONALISTS *~ Jess the condition this «| o7U@ston & Co. of Hull, Eng- pe ise ates Chink a dollar and two of them re oes anything unseemly or of- | SEND REPRESENTATIVE 4 vcar, so where is the if. #| 2 One Of the big Mnstish ten “In the Bishop’s Carriage” ary to get it without process of “ie f the crowd : r y a ‘companies. Sseeriee aw. i mpared to the ordi- | * ference betwee > reve- aa { e. Or RPA it "a om Special to The Dally Nev ee * os oe ee ei eal Tonight the great play “In the| The case was dismissed. 4 } ron: Seattle ji « . pevene sci cool Sige ean ete: ishingto 1e Pee 7 ee bd s ’s Carriage” w. 2 “e icin sieeaalaenenmaidins Macias 5 ue if e in a Rowboat step in advance in the art of|., Washingtor Ma rhel* ‘being spent?’ * YESTERDAY’S BASEBALL Bishop’s Carriage” will be pre- iiolab dg and L. Lehmar g and ile phecomenal suc. | "Choe? “oneututionalisis §‘ere) ss sented by the Royal Players, and Fishing Good Off Alaska Ue 1 | 8 eek prob il : ina ; | preparing to send a representi is si ‘ ‘ oe wr ‘ J. J. Falstad, who operates Be Cr eee wee (cose is not qe ane . itive to Niagara Falls pte | Me AK a a a a eae kek ace] Ottawa, May 22.—In an ex-]0 doubt will please more than fleet of fishing boats in ‘dna: a be; Kind when)As a matter of fact these new) the South .A med Se ea citing baseball game yesterday|any other that has been present- rere en Ska, ef Ketchikan in ajdances such as the tang UR bg ee aiea has a : the press gallery defeated mem-Jed, as no more widely read book and especially off Afemneh ses if nd bottom boat ‘ f ng Ghana’ wariationsl oot the distinet é ind Baby in Badger Hole here'init ‘thin basins ae Agenmcmen ten i* y Fe . land, says the fishing is just as fit ; rboard iwozcyl f the two-step, while the hesi-|'"* that the represe live W — - , ee of 15 to 3 than this has been written, for it] good today as it was ten years xem i Kissa cadaes” meen isk titieay eile na Gariac|eye nformation regarding the Dacoma, Okla., May 24. " mi possesses the attractiveness ofjago, if not hetter, despite the en p and report that | t i improvements on the |?" v aus au - Oral P n Mary Opal Cox, two years old Northwestern being something .apart from all claims of a few that the grounds it ed less than thirty} ordinar wall Asa feria Ot se a ; ie at ‘hild of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cox, Vancouver 7, Seattle 5 others, as it is based on the ad-/9"@ Deine fished out. A poor 1 R / f) y SLs a pPriceth 10) ‘ « ! . Tacomsy: j IOor arn 5 rear r 32 3 Y ia pee " we all told Fine | exert e thev are healthfu and ( Maing aii aihicl hy 3 lisappeared in the morning fron Pa ° ma 4, P riland 7 ventures of a female crook. Miss a - wilh cause @ number of Beas : 7. a 6 5 had all the’ was s A imusement harmless Al} | her oe le ditesacd Spokane 9, Victoria 4. aes ple to set up the cry that the ‘ , |diators iy determine me 1ome, tive miles northwes oe Elliott plays the part of Nancelwaters are being fi ei of a couple of fof these ces will be shown at] f Carmen At noon searchers Old and her ‘trayal of tt eee Ae SONNE NR ey ee : fler they left S« he Westhol theatre durin found’ her “in” a sbeseseshele Coast Con, and her portt ayal of this/the following year always finds ik eye” : The Cradle ant a badger hole tn oie character is intensely human, a84jhe fish baek : a orn ; iccount of wind) this weer 1 the rst two days tl nigttien, bout : arter of ¢ Venice, 4, Sacramento 1. . ish Dac m even greater < $ , ie pasture about a quarter of a : ; she is a girl that has no chance], bers Setchik ; ; were forced to golof next v A matinee will be mile from the.1 center her Portland 8, Oakland 0 lumbers.—Ketchikan Miner. ® { . mn font, onn-—At Paris, Fran \p mule Trom the, house, niy her Fr 01 ‘e2 , [in this world and, meeting Jami- 4 = lav a ) r | ar ay as ne S san “ANCISEL , LOS geies . bs ha Banererytpe: Fe ' aan Baron and B ess dejhands and head were visible. She ees son, a young lawyer who becomes a ‘a / p Riche Rate | . pra i st -inahnaanlont “ka ak tee oa was unharmed, National interested in her and defends a <= $f |hend the evening performanc sinha her in court, wants to lift her PRINCE RUPERT ae jlend the evening performé Arctic Studio removed to Third) Boys’ Buster Brown and sailor ee i rig a eae out of the life she is following < — : nae avenue, next to Bank of Mone blouses $2.85 at Jabour Bros. Wee casita) Poe pallet Sa and reform her, but the baleful EX oe eCconggniamadinineeotnaad Interested in Mining coal 118 Se Brooklyn 4, Cinainnati 8 influence of Tom Dorgon, her od E , | : “ Ne fork 4, 8 souis 8&8. , - Lag enn ” ‘ ‘+? EVERYBODY'S DOING IT M 4 S. Millar, who has’ been an sat Fresh cut flowers at the new w York 4, St. 1 A confederate, is always pulling 1914 * 4 THI J operating for.ithe last tow yeans] “ventions we buy your old |Anotio Studie, next to the Bank of American her down. Jamison is instru- The Guaranee Subscription List me lin mining properties on Hudson|¢lothes. Phone 565 116tf | Montreal, 4t! Chieago 5, Boston 2. mental in sending him up the For a. | lp bats unetion Cleveland 2, New/ York 5. river to. the penitentiary and THE NORTHERN B. ©. AGRICUL- = a fay mountain in conjuncti ; ° Detroit 6, Philadelphia 4, takes the reformation of Nance : an O ba th a local syndicate, arrived in SAA AU UA AEA AEE AA EEE AEA di Siena a: echindias be eM cone adem Males. a TURAL AND INDUSTRIAL ASSN. ao, town last evening on the Pri . 7 i ot ln ees wudeville artist and eventually will open next week. A list of th 7 a NO, | a Te ec mM ress eatre 4|NOTED MAGAZINE WRITERS [marries her. The comedy of this|§ ‘o** subscribing, together with ae lived at Ketchikan but is now lo |* r FINISH INTERESTING TRIP|piay is chiefly around Mr. Chas. the amounts, will appear in the f ot : * »* Sr Roval as Hillar a i local papers each week. Ali intend- ty And cated in Texa Since Moving | « * — yal a illary, who has had : ¥, Ned & ie anata south he has been in touch with |¥ ee arenes + Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vander-|his watch stolen by the. girl ay are requested to : VEIN BUOCs : ee ‘ : Bg, ad he Secretary of the amount erfor a gret I ining , and | * *ihoof ant § 5 -iq | Nance Olden. He is in a continu- nanty. © : performed by a great many minit men 4 ne t Pe TO-NIGHT =... : + h ind Mr. .and Mr Edwin rs gbiaias fal taaeaieoaake ee ce ‘hes ik. dente, a , they are all enthusiastic about|+ *! Balmer arrived from the interior ' . . 0 mY P. ©. Box 1682. Mone: abl i MRS M LESTER the future of norther British . e ve ihacia wate. 1 deft for and the amusing things he does . y payable ? Columbia. Mr. Millar is going in|* 7 1 ON YORUANEAD 6. EQ. RaG: i a "land says keep the audience in a September set. bs + 4 ee oe atece ment work | for) O a a ers : the south thig morning, They}continual roar, From all indi- No other form of collection te MR CHAS RANSFORD the syndicate on 17 claims held x e Y Y/had just completed a trip across}cations there will be a rush for authorized by the Association. j ; p there Considering The work * x from Winnipeg on the G. T. P, _ to see this play, as it holds bY done in previous years he expects | % Present ~}jand made the connection in the|he record wherever it has been i $ WEST H () LM to be able to make a splendid ¢ f their best plays % interior on handears, Mr. Van-|played, Tomorrow afternoon a uF € One o eir bes ays . aia . 7 sar ni elieves *iderhoof is editor of Canada West|special matinee will be give t . We showing this yea ind believe x I given a A Sal e <2, he has one of the best properties t t and Mr. Balmer is a well known]2:30, and special prices will be uction. e i t 3 . 33 ‘list and short story writer aint dd, g g he young Op , in that diatiot ‘6e th Bi h ( ’ x|novelist and short story writer.,|maintained, giving the ydoUng- or } E R A H OUS E od - n eC 1S op s arrtage : His stories frequently appear injsters an opportunity of seeing 1] 1 Week Engagement Fi Lumber the popular magazines and many|this company. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE i nB re Destroyed x , x Bin ’ Mi May 20 to May 26 Revelstoke, May 20.—Fire at ; SPECIALTIES AETIEEN THE A z local rendarn. es ceeinn know #he eae te ee will be held in the old Custom atinee Saturday 3 p. m. Three Valley wenty miles x | high quality of them, New stories Don’t forget that you can get House on First Avenue, next to i Pe alle : . : @ : rer , west of Revelstoke, on Saturday with British CGolumbia scenesja ladies’ house dress at Jabour Merryfield & Co,, between McBride Bi Admission Bvenir voy 9 ™" : ana may be expected, Bros, for $1,00 417-49 Street and First Street, on Thurs- : igs ning destroyed three and a@ ' é 8, 00, - 100, 10 ama esa eee , eee umber afloat Reserved Seats now on sale at MoRae Bros. a While in the city the visitors . x a ea day, tte 28th instant. 1a million Tee . “tai > : 4 Matinee: in the yards. The estimated loss t PRICES: 750, 50c and 35c y were entertained by Mr. Albert Arctic Studio removed to Third \dults 45¢, Ghildren 40c is &75.000, covered by insurance z ° yi a Dey They intend taking the|avenue, next to Bank of Mon- GEORGE LEEK, Auctioneer. P Cpr one The ‘mill was not damaged FEI III I IOI RIO ORI OI TO TRIO II ©, P, R. back to Winnipeg. treal. it va ee } as ‘ i!