Pak DAILY NBWS 4 THE DAILy NEWS | | THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C H. F. McRAE, EDITOR AND GENERAL MANAGI HEAD OFFICI Paily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. ‘ Telephone 98 BRTWEEN PRINCE + On sale Saturday and Monday a SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada. United States and Mexico third for the round trip Daily, 50c per month, or $6.00 per yeur ($5 f paid in advance Weekly, $2.00 per year. Al) Other Cour s: Da EMPIRE DAY k { €8.00 per year. Weekly, $2.50 per vear, strictly Ivar : U | RSION ViVi BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES ; New York—Nationa Newspaper HKurean, 219 Fast 2 ist New TO PORT SIMPSON. Steamer “P a Work its 8:30 a. m., May 25, for Port Sim, Whart » rk Gity ‘ Tickets may be obtained from &. aA 4 trip bunt te Denia Gitend: See tia McMeckin, and Orme'’s Drug Store Williams @ London, England—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Kuilding Trafalgar Square TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—5« cents per inch. Contract a ‘ BS ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY rates on application ef es ae Subscribers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 ‘n a 4 aes ~ oS 6 2 ease of non-delivery or inatiention on the part of The News carriers m4 ™ e Se amen 8 ‘ —— ete =— Bee: sD. MA DONALD. HAS ee a a oe 2 ae Se eee oe eee ‘PRINCE RUPERT TRANSFER ‘ = e nportal or all has bee announced with re-j 2 Speeiaie It is very important for y Ma : ea so sel CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY TUNNEL IN MONTREAL — : Martin S oncernec E is city an gare 0 rhe the compan) _ |Heavy Teaming and ggage rprese ail concerned that a f i propose doing. This is a mat- The photo shows the entrance or exit on St. M que street, Montreal, of the new C. N. R. tunnel Moving Furniture, Pianos, Ete. Wanson the G. T. P. should work to- sity | , Se an ; rer ed a nia +48 ‘ints to ‘the Excelient Storage Facilities a , ¢ ter of vital interest to the city under Mount Roya rhe s e pile is the site A Sew. See a ee ae , COAL — DEALERS — COAL : gether for the development of! and the council should see to} wnart will commence at this spot. The complet f this tunnel marks one of the greatest - : 5s ee : " : seen Y eA PHONE 566 1008 THIRD AVE this north country and espe- it that something is done im- ineering feats ever a plished in Canada \h] cially Prince Rupert. This| mediately. = Pee JOHN CURRIE cl i int city has given in on many im-| : | gui is a little repairing. GOLD MINING UNDER WAY | Geod Oid Corduroy | . e e 8s > somersaul r : ae st ag j portant comksinns’ wien eis} “= THC Saeien Somersanl ofl Ne xt year it is to be hoped th ON PRINCESS ROYAL ID. Contractor & Builder Neen til putes arose which the railway the Borden government wi es tizens will place authority n Sdipmemere } A smal gang of men have re |. . Estimates Given on Moving Buildings ° Brightest, Bex claimed were unjust. Large regard to the naval program is] sane hands that will proceed onsiderable development 8 | sae d wn k on Main aren and Phone Black 294 NEW WELLINGTON COU sums in taxes have been re- rather striking. The cry x with the permanent grading.|now in progress at Surf inlet,| have pe me completed the ba 4 ‘ ge, RT bated and heavy freight rates) vear ago was that ¢{ rede in the meantime it is a need- west eoast of Princess Roya be ordu! oe — Rene | FURNISHED Secund Avs uit have been endured and passed eould do otis of itself— ess waste of money to redeck island, according | he news | ave . ue ee — are rs 5 = at ‘ ; (rag To sav the!brougcht in bv the Grar Trunk | ¢ h side of the road and the , doing this the city has shown Canadians, we were told, we re | eas the pro] erty wners cil _ Steame tT 6. vonn, | cuo0n 1rou tn 4 | g pate itself willing to help the rail- too busy making money oak should be allowed to decide;Capt. Wearmouth. The Tonopah| Main will soon be drained rhe} jin two and three-1 i t nds af a ere w mr ser Woe . nar R mant lonme ; ‘ mr 1 Sr there Tribune ‘ way along in what they know/ care for naval service. No oer eet hare Der donee Srae Beas ere \J. E. DYE! Phone Bla to be an expensive under-/| apparently the characteristi oa | manent streets especially|is now conductir g gold mining | - i FORGE LEK taking. of the Canadians have chang-| When the latter means a lower|operations and a large gang of Boy Broke His Arm ; OL ey Aan ed. The government is to es-| rate per yeer. im. m ope h ns ; er eo WHY PAY RENT 9 : 03 “e oO Pse con s. @ ‘a nadiz saval re.| ° e . ie G . P. has arranged to have Reinhold Sweglar a bov fror a In return for these consid-} tablish a Canadian naval r a i repay 4 Posts a Soaps ac a i ‘ ind, a I PU tee & hoes on * erations on behalf of the city serve. The next thing we shall} What is the sense of putting |* eee ais 7 ane) Prinee Rupert, now visiting his terms to sult you ‘ HOW FAR |S (T TO SEND ME WAN OUT SPOT CORNERS ? HOW FAR \5 TO TWOSPOT ON THE PRAIRIE AFTER. | WAL 'BOUT TEN \T TO TWostor ORNERS ? CORNERS ? ~ TEs BOU TEN eauz) (3 I M RECICON MN /