rriday, May 22, 1044 THE DAILY NEWS 2 a rey ep ee ee ————————— = "" — 1 —— —_——__— -—— eens i ’ sect tnTr Te a ames, a ” | e poreeet P.O. Box 1706 h E. f W. t ee : —— North, South, East, Wes Y HOT ‘L 4 men and women are subject tothe numerous ailments caused . by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion and CLASS CUISINE elimination. Headaches, lazy feelings, depression of spirits hap ees Running Water In are first consequences, and eS ane ee pe Cc ‘a nn * . Hot and O°" "Roome trouble is not removed. But thousands have discover ai f t brands of Liquors and ° only * cigars kept | 3d TEL IN NORTHERW a Ss THE BEST HO UMBIA priTisH COL sHON & FISHE? } (The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) ‘ pRuDH deste are the most reliable corrective, and the best preventive of byoren ob neg Proprietore mon ailments. Better dige rm aatite o phe hans: oassanaees . ri » irits, clearer complexions are given to hose W scasion- y Fe aatatatatatatate fits SCs iis tale rte thaw Clane-touted home eg 3eecham’s Pills rare we aur : ee inéonon 1 em— r the wor ey pee ne eeeeeeeeeeeene eet you—it is to your interest to try them—for all ove y panrett | Are Pronounced Best | ly by Th Beecham, St. Helers, Lancashire, England Hale ; Directory : | "hall palrehetets Caeieaat 8. ‘Aiperiess In boxes, 25 cents, ‘ | —— — | i MISS KATHLEEN ROBB je bers P.R.L. Viatmers Association CUNARD LINER FRANCONIA OF THE OCEAN RESCUE FLEET Black embe R.L a St. Thomas ge who has} * ANNE SPAT SETI Man the t 6 a ee Ayan ieee pS St Swe ce : Pe White It shing how ofte th In notable reseues at sea. The Franconia has been accused of defrauding T. wineere We aan re ida the laurels of he p 13 passengers from the burning freighter mevaes Toronto banks cal an : ight, Prop. Columbian said she knew the manager o tits Mee ees . the bank. The pay tellers who 4 were victimized preferred to RAL } em a seca 0 NEW SAFET Y DEVICE MARKS ‘SEE THE SILVER MINES at > wenggh alah lame atagehaadi In our new F n Ai rie 1a r } | -¢ or ‘ le { be known and American Plap rather than let j “ i a ” Peter Black, Prop. AT NEW HAZELTON: that they were victimized by} Oe ae ; 7 ed ANCE IN R R OPERATION Miss Robb’s good looks. No trouble. No muss. KNOX HOTEL * : Great Chance to Get Acquainted EA — THE F. F. DALLEY CO,, LTD. rs Between Eighth and Rios With the tnterior Country SIR CONAN DOYLE TO | BUFFALO, N.Y. HAMILTON, ONT. ] oi ‘ sn, Rates 50c to 61,00 me i im RE | GRAND TRUNK IS EQUIPPING NEW CARS WITH INTERLOCK | wrer Weekend CAMP AT JASPER PARK _—__________—— eee 6 ae OLDS BODY OF CAR TO THE ret —— : > ERR TT - ea be Wr aIOK AND PREVENTS TELESCOPING New Hazelton is not only ‘mak-| pondon, May 21.,-Sir Arthur cd Vv. D. Canley ing special provision for enter- ; te f ; author a ROCKESS | CERES . ex ithe. Ania +4... |Conan Doyle, the famous a , ane ae | he president, Mr.|through the bolsters of truck and| ining Prince MpCr’ VISLOT Ris ‘anada tt eek. He HAR ae Oe nth “Sire o” ee ot ee | | 1 | vy flar it Lop and| Ye! the week-end, but is put- sails for baa ie this i ¥ tk | ff seventh Streets | e rand | ody by hea anges ¢ py ene : / ht lil ‘avels from Montreal via le | J Chamberlin, th Grand | : a : ae ting on a really good program of | trave ER 1524 PHONE No. 3 propose Pty ee el Crunk and Grand Trunk Pacific |” whit ai sa a og ere sports on Monday. Grand Trunk Pacific to Jasper THIRD ANENUE! P.O. DRAW I Chance Klotakes. | Glens Basie . . » B.! 'Pre-ethipsion Record pai this new device it has| this ( S a e appara — ook pebtig SAY af fo Le Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director! 5 m the northerly shore 7) 5 : ; : ne t jtus into many of its newest cars. According to the annual re- g ey. thene 9 BOWIE 68, eheins the wr t f she Tatin ty a ae port of the Juneau fire depart. : ; sud westerly following the de for the travelling public | . ent the loss by fire in. thal ie ee i — == — “ e aor “os to point of greatest assurance of Lots of Fur This Year meD 2 bg ; ae ’ ss th: 2 —=F - a * containing 480 acres, ae a ld } btained } | \ e 4 lanl ‘f fur has been | own last veal was less lan ; AVID COOK STRANG , nan nits ah Sp tints lately py | $1,500, alth ugh there were E Wear them Give them W mn McK. Logan, Agent , ~t re ; Aincaaeie tee ee fires The greatest loss to any . : the only means _pré Fr old fhe] markets,|00€ individual amounted to only 9 Wy; i event the body of the} being sold on Ba or eee a real chimneys eaused na Land District—District of Coast, : Teannork ara ed that this|%209- irning ! Ay Range Five. ( n moving off the trucks | Tray per ec , ° iu {4 of the 26 fires. WS E that I, Andrew MacLean, s been the ordinary two DO ne a st f I : th ae en VE . rae er De io , "Innit their ur Ss seas no Ss g upert, int anal ee oy But with fast running i { af ii ‘ nee THE WEATHER bearer i. 0 purchase the following de- s and the constant inc rease | are bred, ane il : advisable ; : =r ; Ee] ped , Commeneing | st aso post he dead weight of passenge! ' se EAE in ur bales ' Furnished by F. W. Dowling For Holiday Social Affairs , I S evi, nena, tgBe a asporet gp |conches some stronger medium) George Tribu | a Oe ae eee ANA Shore line f an island, | { liustmen vetween truck ami is | hints ee chains to ‘the southerly vas found to be necessary This Is the Best Buy Today FA Ks an oe ge! Seethat the well known trademarks 5 ice Westerly, northerly and) bod s founc For the 24 hours ending 5 a.m.| as shown iu cuts are on every glove wibg the sinuosities of the ft nsiderable investigation, | t, 29 914. | 3 bejnt of commencement; | “\! St ld Owner will sell lot 50, block 3, May , 1944 you buy and you will then be sure ‘ acres, more or less, the car department presents | ; Barometer reduced to sea of perfect ANDKEW MACLEAN, Mr. Chamberlin for his approval] section 7, with two-room house. level . 30.054} William McK. L » Agent. | | JAVELIN 4 Vakocoees 30. } , v4. ee vr rae that appears to have ocation in Sixth avenue. PMC] Hisheit’:;, o. fee eee 78. } Style, Fit and Finish. . : ° | ; - solved the problem of preventing | ¢4 00, $300 cash, balance 6, 12 LOWOBL os... sca 48. PE M’S GLOVES. onan NOTICE separation of body and truck.Jang 18 months, or $1,100, $300 Se Dee Best dealers everywhere sel! the genuine RRI. 'HE MATTER of an application for} This device is not at all intri cash, balance 6 and 12 months Swiss embroidery, 3, 4 and 8] . — ——— ee SS ee Mt i Soliton kr ann DAF for cate leed simplicity and/No interest. Owner, P. O. Box inches, 5 cents per yard at Ja- oe + ‘ *s, Section 6, re4 th utstanding fea-|oo¢ ' 115-21] ; : 740] - iY, Block » Sec 7, City fi stre I i ‘ anaing »O, CY, bour Bros. 417-1¢ , FORO OI + ote May ood. Pe a is of its construction, Tw : . l * ! PRIA AAA AD IA IIIS ADIDAS AD IAIASAI AAS ASIAISSIAS ISIS IISA ISSA AD AI A. v1 HEREBY GIVEN that it ip} Su rCS:-O thal unt pa B The Daily New ail | ! i 1 ssue @ ® expiration e ) ( stee Keys ass! Oys, a f y News’ contes : ate ne from “the first putiiestion| arse f vary five veners you sell|@ eae @ 0 oe eee Oe) or f ertificates of title in the! is on. vel pay § ps a j } e Of ‘iam B, Snodgrass for the | gives you a chance at a new suit * eu hed lots. which certificates | Sai ie ees late to |* NEWSBOYS’ CONTEST oe | * : ¥th January, seed WERT fern PICNI of clothes It is never too late te a { ¥ Nee ee ete et eee ae ‘ud are numbered 349 an ( ats *irst dre o . » 45 1 resy clively, levees | wart, Firat drawing dune 45 ® Every boy who sells * j ¥ e H. F, MacLEop, a No ties | Malina hte | District Registrar, You will soon be able to pur- ¥ The Daily News has a *) = 1 end to apply for permission oe , ,|* chance to win a new suit *| * ve), SLSteY. Office, Prince Rupert, B. chase local shingles, made in * Ma th, 1914, , . * of clothes every month. *| THE = = 2 Port Edward 102tf y be ae a rarer errs | ° wer * We give a ticket with */( # : * Land District—District cf Cassiar. | * every five papers sold *\t * fi P R rt d N th rn B C ; | rf i pe TICE ‘that I, Asthir i Imes * and on June 45 a drawing *| ] ¥ DAI L Y or rince upe an or e . rT ci ‘ eh ioe os o ee | * of all the tickets will take *| / 4 tend to ) 0 srmissio : pea following described lands: * place and the lucky boy . } * W S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in F thi erouiherean compen tel teed . a aan : «|| * Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of “E. Cony” thence tollering ; oa pa he “ * | } : the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all N Cor.;” thence following * se The ally News a : : ; I Bare ina sousher)y aire 1 . aie ’ *| * is the newa of {he city, and keeps in touch with events sldtely 60 chains to a post} . eat 7 H. P. 8 or,” hence cue * és ies interesting British Colum- I. Pe fy Gor. sence ius * * | t and topics interesting te Northern é - ¥ Pir innaentr ae, wOrAmA dec: AH eR RH KR KR KHER] FT care bia. It treats theye subjects with moderate opti- i, ty te ast From FKABE OF ‘] x SANE mism and Rajenility. ee sae ement, containiag 80 acres | } x ie The Daily News is the most valua * pap ae ARTHUR HOLMES ProorT. | SEEDS! SEEDS! }/ } oP advertisers because it is read by the buying public. ¥ 1914.) 8" BOR: Apaoks . + j 7 IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in May 18 to July 90, es * the vity. It is read by the class of people the ——- Why row? Have received our 1914 8pring / » INDEPENDENT m k _ Do not work hard at your) esais } x advertisers want to talk to. * | J M B R panes. te now within reach | FIELD, GARDEN, AND ) * INTELLIGENT a te oats n | E |. Motor FLOWER steos 3) THE ‘Tu e«« || Of all, Third | Agente for : | Call at our store on ; { + | site Post Office— DOMINION NURSERY & ¥ | Avenue—opposite 7 fs jand see this wonderful little ORCHARDS Co. re oe motor demonstrated. Dealers In Feed of all kinds tr } , amie ; ( CHICKEN FEED A_ SPECIALTY * Complete Line of ‘Parkin & Ward Electric 0., - ny ‘anumiieatll Mall orders promptly attended to . PUILDERS’ SUPPLIES |, LIMITED Prince Rupert Feed ( 2 WEST | ELECTRICAL and MARINE {who has presided over the Inter- rince upe ee 0. JORIS III III IR II III IA IOI SI IIIA AIA IAAG -STHOLME LUMBER O0,, Limited |) CONTRACTORS national Council of Women fcr 808 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 ¢ : Phone 186 British Columbia| twenty years. | ese. crmeeprmmermes ; i i | Prince Rupert, | pe in: ae es RT Sess i = ere ome ear nse as oe oe _ a ee ae eS Pond oa ero 4