hse i, bt MaRS: ruk DAILY NEWS ee Follow the crowd to the Lon- THE Is increasing enormously LOC NEWS ITEMS { WHEN BUYING YEAST i Cafe—there'’s a reason AL i } SIST ON HAVING 1181f Can we tell you the ood oo . . ; es THIS PACKAGE DEMAND Reason W hy : Try Smith & Killas’ ice crea Capt. John Irving of Victoria, 4 = e MIVYYYVYTTrrerTT ere » well known mining man, came “A Trial Package will bring Enlightenment” Fort George has orga vanlahdn’ nar Wie’ Melandie band and beaten Prince R May Raa en ye al : While you wait shoe repa D>. G, Stenstrom and G. H. F. German's, opposite post Crabtree of New Hazelton are s spending a couple of days in the They are registered at the | Fresh cut flowers at the new Roval Arctic Studio, next to the Bank of ore ee ‘“ ” g CEYLON TEAS “ARE DELICIOUS TEAS” montrea 7 . 1: Gbee mi oaeoeias cio BLACK, MIXED OR NATURAL GREEN weTes. « as ; } | the city last evening. He had SEALED PACKAGES ONLY REFUSE SUBSTI fatt Barr, who has rw, JORONTO, on urea st returned from a trip to the guest of G \ MeNiclt oo ; Pa Soares, © i cher de Boule mine, and went - this morning for Vanco th th morning ! is ( . Sex = fal. ois} Park DECLINE SUBSTITUTES Ee 29 ial mo fel alo alo omic: if ito | mo jommo! mS The Alberdyce from Wa . 2a oe — lalant Réaigies aa Mrs. Geo. B. Hull left this os annery is it 1 Realty activity will soon com orning to visit her mother in eee oe. mence; buy where the industries | Vancouver Her sister, who has Rasébait is evidently | ir | Will locate {02tfi been ill, will return to Rupert Ro al No. 10—Cut out and paste in your i antptgaea antares Shs ? eet rh vith Mrs. Hull. Recipe Book. n Juneau. The business 1 ‘f : ‘ te . errr 6 that cit ave subscribed $4 ) a Ae : : St d d Scald 1 qt. milk (half water hae moa ; et tt sc oe b nd ds re ilso new styles The whole harbor echoed and | an ar _ half milk if you prefer Add ‘ . = a . soy on waists ia t w ma choed last ght with the teaspoons salt, 3 teaspoons su- : } . 2 tablespoons butter When havi sad ‘ ‘ ‘ Terms ‘ iis, ust the h g lithrob of the gasoline It was al B d warm add yeast dissolved in a MUVSRUCR PiSuo 16ssOns. 4 Cri \ . ay. ha st a n ficent night nd Imost| rea little cold water. Add 2 qts. — moderate. London diploma I { {8-19} ana ‘d ' a ~ as ‘pe Standard o O D ke stiff. - rived emers 8-19 | evervbo as 0 é joats Let rise over night. Bake 1. hour. Mrs. J. J. Anderson, 117 Fourth} ot “a . VET ee ae set sh BETTY BROWN. Ave. W. Phone Green 500. : d ; 413-19 [wo or three hur l ple] Harry Houseden of Victoria, : ee Ph witnessed the workout of Labellan old timer and mining man OYAL Standard 1S cheapest The Imperial orchestra under | #4 Burns last ight worm © ws |who is well known in the north, b i f h the leadership of James Lee, has}®"® '" & od conditic and readyj/came in on the May yesterday ecause it goes art est thon enarad the? aie Qs ee for the frav next Monday vieht. |He intends looking into some of 35 sci aa ES , ie ae the mining properties of the in- It is false economy to “shop round” for your drew s socief¥Y excursion to Port Mrs. C. A. Bainter and Miss|terior before returning flour. That cheaper brand you buy does not save site eed and sie most in quality and quantity for your money. | Stork will this afiernos yn address} Trunk Pacific ; Your grocer is ROYAL STANDARD wise. ithe school children at the Cen- Baya = Fifty head of horses were it ral school. His subject will be| Yesterday afterno fixe ships shipped on the Prince Rupert LZR F ST. T | patriotic leame into the harbor and two|this morning for Vancouver 0 Pe ot EF ul itrains came into ~ the ation | De taken over on the P. o, % flies 8 Laborde T. D. Pattullo left this mornr-|within a few minutes. Wt made]Pallway construction work. Of Uniform FLOUR Tested ling for Seattle to meet Mrs. Pat-|the waterfront very busy for a]these 18 head are the property jtullo and daughter, who have | short time f ee Stewart ene the bal. a i 2 a ance belong to A. Rankin. They F. G. DAWSON, Wholesale Distributor ee Es ites tact wave brought dows from tho :th surope. Mrs. and Miss Pat-}| td ' pix vies, PRINCE RUPERT fiilin tandal ih a ao alo alo | — os ot | There will be no special train | 311 THIRD AVENUE vice some time next week He ae ee lin Hawt \Hkentinn ABNGARe Os oxi PHONE 572 is at present in this city, but his = | . _* ‘ i ee 2 > 9 an } —, ‘ Sclobeted but special entertainment|Premier Ham .........+.+. 26c/haggage was left aboard as hy Hiss hoanadeieed: he Mae Ha.|? Peiniuin Bacon. ss isis yes 32cj intended going through to Alas lzelton citizens for week-end visi. | Premium Cooked Ham...... 36ce}ka and visit this place on his re- tore. Those: who: want: 46: vinitiemoire. Shoulders |... 4.2: -18¢ | burn He mistook the time of jthe mining town over the holi- tap Pure Lard.......... 160/the boat's sailing |day will have to leave on tomor-| Brook! eld Eggs, 3 doz. for $1.00 OR 4row’'s train. Fresh Cheese .,...... .22c Take your wife to dinner at 4. io he We Deliver Terms Cash the London Cafe these hot days. ees : - | Mr. John Morrison, formerly 118tf ro jan employee in the telephone de- — . partment of this city, and who r 8—_R s—2 Until further notice the undersigned will conduct a developed blood poisoning from ? & OUND s Grocery business at the corner of Sixth Avenue and ja wound received at work, is “Th D il N ‘ Fulton Street under the firm name of gain back in the city after € a y ews j}spending several Serpe in his d home in Cape Bret« He has CLASSIFIED ADS. Will take place o jnit recovers from the effects a Be ea MONDAY EVENING, MAY 25th of the illness and will likely be] ; F as Prince Rupert Grocery Co, f:) "0" s"e'ses ___ronnem ms mene Ha lone. aaa ~|15—Rounds Main Contest—15 clase ees sieiaeens Cicada e FOR RENT—Furnished room with bath, LSS Pt 4: for one or two gentlemen; close in Between 573 Ph 573 |, The time department hed ana). Pet 9F Dey News *10") ROUGH HOUSE CHARLIE other run out t Conrad street| FURNISHED ROOM in private family for ~ one-- | , ; ne am am rent. Close in; bath. Box 123 Dally BURNS yesterday afternoon to put out a News 1iatr brush fire. It started from a me See Vancouver We respectfully seek a portion of your esteemed |small bonfire and a small breeze FOR SALE and | sprang and started the blaze|— ————___—__——____———_ atronage and in return hope to prove worthy of its LBD EROS He eee 5 ; MO pa 5 pret " pa eyes OM pene shee Aa jrunning in the muskeg. The re- ee a, Sale, $250, FERRE aoe NTE LABEL continuance, pe J od aie y Oo ¢@ tos Pf %¢ ” , ¥ " re DANIEL W. MORRISSEY, juipped with two autos and can lyon sALe—Ranges and stoves, ebeepl weight championship 10 r janswer two calls a 1¢@ 6«6Same Jalland, cHyic street. 1 ’ | t 1 t tt ‘ Galland, McByide § s0tf igh ampionship rounds WILFRID KELLY. | time. FOR SALE—Three lots in’ Prince George.| COUN? SHERMAN, Prince Ru- | No reasonable offer refused Phone} pert, and BERT RAY, G. T. P. | Red 183 115-47 Shops. Prener ty of four-rocm oe for out. Doors open at 10 m. Main bout = — News. 115-16 14:30 p. m Boxing commences 10:30 EMPIRE DAY nee FOR SALE—Rooming house with 1¢ Ringside chairs 843.0 reserved seat rooms in fine condition, $1,800; cash} 42.00, general admission 81 Secure your Tint your EXCURSION aoe balance monthly. See wastes ah ged eee . Store, Fitz’ Cigar bcs ; ve hee SALE or wil trade for property, 30 nder ausplees o . ANDR t. gasolime launch, new 8 h phgine. eooimry te re Everything n good’ condition. Price and PORE EEE terias arranged. Apply Box 120, Daily f ‘ PORT SIMPSON ee "' FOR A TAXI? FOR SALE—Tomato plants, per 100, f Per Steamship Prince Jehn $2.50; cabbage plants, per 100, $1.60; , w cucumber planis, per dozen, 60¢; egg * ith Bia plants, per duzei, 50c; colleetion of 100 t ‘ flower plants, $2.50. All plants picked Adults, tloket $2.60 Children, $1.25 in moss and postpaid. 1000 rates ou ap- 9 plication, Jobn King, Nurseryman, Terrace, 106-139 aaa FOR SALE—Gasoline launch “Pony,” 23 | cee Ong by Bec 4 pean, compromise stern, designed anc ullt entirely of yellow cedar. A most completely Inade ‘ PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO DISTEMPER and well designed boat, fitted with| & e | novel elevating and depressing, canopy, PII IIIA TIAA AAA AAAD AAI c istantly can make the oat Sanitary, Washable Water Paint. Over 100 beautiful art ose ul n Storinprool, kngine bed im place for} ——————___ re aan : © A) tiers YagSics Sakae pel eee, ote shades, rile > s ale ( aire y 2 ‘9 ope tanks, . shades rite for illustrated booklet “How to Decorate. gine as above. Rudder equidtoent, 8: UNION $s. COMPANY OF B.C. (tg a ‘ pace, a we 4nd all eomplete with ' — € . € bb¢ 20-ib. sack Sugar... .$1.15 aa. ee ay 98 100-lb. sack Sugar... 6.25 Ea RENT E : LR t A. J. Galland - Hardware Srash Eggs, per dosen Bee WANTED xcursion - Nates ; Pes fope ¢ ; ae nee arenes —_— Sole Local Agent Fresh Eggs, 3 dozen.. 1,00 Cream, Jersey, — &t. evgay OF contract Iain outa wort BF) = May 22nd to 26th inclusi ntrac ; May 22 ; /e, McBRIDE STREET PRINCE RUPERT Charles, Canada OG. Box 9190 OR ee rs WY SAR em sHolUsivE First, 9 cans 1.00 WANTED—Girl fer ane oi @ CBRE... oes ’ f j ly Store. Experi Wey ee Se Yakima Gem Potatoes, as fge,,,wecensary. “RLM. ets ciemaee: Return Tickets for One and One- = ‘OAb eenk 2.25 enue 106f| third Single Fare to All Points Peres eaerernenercenpnereneetN age Reet en es tae , WANTED CASH—Will sell agreement for Pr 6Port Early June Peas, 2- aale Gr sive business property secunty. 88. Venture, 22nd for Port| ¥g ply Box 116 | Plumbing, Steamfittin : MYON ss 6 ob oe Fak 10c bP ally Nows . *¢f! Simpson and Naas; return 23rd. | at Also fresh fruit and vege- 2 MIE and ia metal work tables al lowest prices. is ISCELLANEOUS 8S. Chelohsin, 24th for Port Westen, P| Le Co ld These priece last only till 3), HAVE RENTED all eur houses ana|ol™P80n, Naas and Granby Bay; at fair prices um g oe aturday genet + Applic ations. pive as rear 25th for Port Essington and * Q * ciers. F. Kh. C. B PR Tneveen TaN e TNE Rarer an eny aan RAN eree een TEN OHS obe ep M ort Vie gle wee, eananer. ots Skeena River. ; ussallem Grocery {rsx cows 430 csuvyes mine a government tes \$ 417 Fifth Ave. E. Ph 18 thoroughbred bull. J. ¢. Christy, eat- JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent if . E. one | ae ©. Bex 20, Collingwood B, , me Gelli a 99. Carte ton and Westminste, or Second Avenue Phone 568 ,. PHONE 535 The House of Quality BARGAINS FoR Friday and Saturday ; a Correct Styles in Carefully Tailoreg Suits Elaborately designed ta lored suits, all w | | tooth black and white che bolero effect in front fa ened with silk braid and small jet butt trimmed with larg tons, collar and cuffs med with onlay f bla satin. Regular 839.00 fer $19.50 Very fine Taffeta Silk check, durable, of best q ern wear rhe regular | $1.25 Bargain at, per REDUCED PRICES FO We will give you a goods, all new and clea Cords Suitinges Cott Repps, Vestings, Seersuck: Serpentine Crepe, White I More Remnants for $24.59 10 R TWO DAYS Careful Buyers PRIDE, NAS Store open every morning 7 a. m. H & CO. Close 6:30 p.m Saturdays close 11:3¢ ; e SPELL OLIOOPERPEEEOEEDED > IMG PERE e eee A SNAP 3: §? 35~-PHONE-3} Lot 20, Block 1, Section 8 } % Price ; t $665 Cash ; t Apply Box 100 Daily News 3?) +* TAXI 5 THE ‘ TERMINAL CONSTRUCTION : COMPANY x ALF HALLIGAN Contractors & Builders t Repairs and alterations. Store and OM 0 pyppeeeeeeeeerer reer Box 510 fixtures Phone Red 69 PRINCE RUPERT BOAT 3 HOUSE aia “nies Boats and Launches ; ee77-*s "ueecrs "mS : : { All K Highest Prices Pad. for hire. Gasoline for sale ° : 4 we will ca ere ade sa ental Rooms, cometl PHONE RED 391 Second Ave. and Eighth & North End of Manson Way PHONE BLACK 503 poccococccncocceenennenntas CANADIAN PACIFIC RLY. RENT Summer Excursions FO Prince Rupert to Montreal em Rr er errr $141.00 meds se and bath Do to Toronto and return. 128.00 oe nd bath Do to St. Paul and return,. 96.00 Mode 4 house @ Do to Chicago and returm.. 108.50 i jaan Do to New York and return 144.50 Two- a partly "© Other points correspoadingly low $8 e Effective June ist. Final return nt—B ree limit October 3 tst. ; Fr ‘ ° ren neal Cheap rates te Norwegian San ; aT 8 om gerbund in Chicago, effective May ‘ posses $36 a mont 19th and 20th. ssw tueaiebile One 8 partly fu Princess Beatrice, Southbound, $20 a Sunday, & p. m. a at $16 per moth ne J. G. MCNAB, Generar Agen Lig ail sides Corner $rd Avenue and 6th Street Flats and Warehousts a insurance Fire aK ponies RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO. é ene SO Phent 160 616 Ss soeoeetttl Civil Engineers ana B, C. Land Pa ‘ g OPC OL OES 0 ae Surveyors | aa ee | Waterworks, Water Power, Whalf Con struction, Reports, Plans, Dominion and Provincial Land Surveying, Mine Survey ing, Blue Prin Electric Townsites and Subdivisions, Whitt Printing, Negatives and ts, | | | MoBride St., Prince Rupert, B. | | | Agreements Submit offerings to : Harrison, Gamble 860. Third Wanted IMMEDIATELY of Sale Discounting From $2,000 Must be Af for Up Avenue ¢ , PRINCE RUPERT JUN fl ewe ee eee Se TT ee O ent se sa Naden Co. li gecand Avenue