ae : a Pace ooo — > THe > (LY NEWS ‘¢ Yeading Paper _ GRUNTY GRUNDY SAYS: EE liga ATIVE 1 7 alf the pre-holiday = is Prince R he e® made good ‘upert “AN RE \e . ALIVE Ae ky ving off trout for the CLEA next f —— neil eee ee — ~~: = SE No. 119 PRINGE RUPERT, B. C., SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENTS ‘TY WILL CELEBRATE NEAR TO NATURE'S HEART aed prec SRE eT pease CHILDREN OF TODAY TO MAKE CANADA GREAT--PRINCESS MARY ARRESTED FOR MILITANT es ( CAPT, AIN STORK ADDRESSES SALARY SCHEDULE TERMINALS TEAM WON LOBBYISTS INSOLENCE ARRESTED PRINCESS MARY GATHERING SCHOOL CHILDREN we conn nce cx vue occ rerrice scclomons ees ae wee MISTAKENFOR A MILITANT The Drydock Team. Threw ‘ipiclaipbatie Words of Mr. Nickle, | Ruling on Noon-hour Game Away. Conservative Member for 6 eae ed INTERESTING EVENT ARRANGED BY DAUGHTERS OF EM- meoess. —— Kingston lonLy DAUGHTER OF KING GEORGE WAS IN CUSTODY FOR PIRE—PATRIOTIC EXERCISES, SONGS, SALUT- re Ca a The Terminals and Drydocks| QUARTER OF AN HOUR—SOLDIER REFUSED ING OF FLAG FITTINGLY ARRANGED. The committee on salaries Of! not for the first Lime in the city| Oltawa, May 2—The: re- TO BELIEVE HER A PRINCESS. sapscncnlieadb ileal the public school board report}; canal league last. evening jmarkable speech of Mr. Nickle, os ges aah es ea A cresting ceremony took|especially for school children, ty ¥ " meeling seaeruay See.-ve There was the biggest crowd yet |Conservative member for Kings- Special to The Daily News.) and the sentry immediately rdav afternoon at the! sing. shi ae recommended Was| ut in attendance and the root-|ton, im jthe house of commons), London, May 23.—It is learn-jplaced the princess under arrest, adopted. He vividly portrayed the future / ling showed! both enthusiasm! @efinitely marks ihe end of the|}ad that Princess Mary was ar-Jabsolutely disbelieving her claim of Canada to be great, not be- Under the new schedule the | and partizanship rhere were|/dominance of the railway M42-) rested as a suffragette while at|to be a princess and expressing salaries of the two principals of ; nate at Ottawa The insclen'e | qjdershot recently with the King |with soldierly plainfiess of the schools, the high school of the lobbyist has become ‘nt«l-/and Queen, the latter of whom|speech, his conviction that she hool under the au-} ; yaughters of the i e Daug ess jcause of its maple leaves, its many ladies in the crowd an Patriotic exercises Were|hijis, its valleys or its plains. they appeared. to be all hot fans. L inder the guidance|but because of the character of| he public school, will remain a8\phe Drydocks got their support. | erable. For weeks the agents °f)has a perfeet horror of the mili-|was a suffragette. She was de- the teachers. The children|its people. Canadians had char- at present, at $150. In the case, ay, feature of the game was|the ©. N. R. have been swarming {tant woman, The princess went|tained a quarter of an hour in I" hed out into the| acteristics of their own, and as od Mgr vst Bono! assistant |ine numerous errors, and all. of} #2out the corridors of eae lbefore breakfast to the air eraft}the enclosure. before an officer chee ale teachers will start at 8 1p *. Nickle’s impassioned defence ' ake F c r dt ‘lleong as we maintained and de-|™ eee it $100] thom were gostly.. The Deydack| Mr. Nis ups jenclosure to take some photo-|who knew her happened to pass. } iting the flag as they |veloped these Canada would con-|* month, They will receive @aQltcam especially threw a victors of the indpendence of the indi-|graphs. The public is absolutely|The officer escorted her to the is - fler which they sang jtinue to be great. Rae oie tek Of. 99 * month | away by errors. The pitchers did Siti Be er of vot men jexcluded from this enclosure,|King’s quarters. ba M e Leaf Forever. | be kia ) re i oaer4 | unt 1eir salary reaches 1! cood work, but got poor support.| 222s the arrogance o me a i Stork had been in . se ; - hadron was preset’! maximum rate of $125 a month At the hae f the fifth and aictts who, not content with se lCLEVER LIGH EIGHTS ea BW ‘ en IN~/and mude a few fitting remarks | female teachers will start in the : He ; , . vast un { : TW al é s will sti i ai inci ss da adrteist asta at iba q|vast sums 0 public money RI G resent and address|There were present also quite a same wavy at $75 a month forthe ey 7 tm | ne ans through the supine subserviency EXPLO N PARTY MEET MONDAY NIGHT § j . y aug . . . gah 7 ithe erminals won out n ie 6 } ind did so in a very number of the Daughters of the/ first year. They will receive AN} cuanth. eaiett duak. vias fallen coe the majority, threaten ant] OFF FOR THE OMINECA. ao He told of his at-|F mpire and mothers of the chil-|jncrease of $5 a month each year | Th ' a ceaata < ~' i bully those who refuse to boy | Burns ae Ae ee a soldiers’ banquet |dren, The event was a very plea*-|yntil the maximum of $100 is} Ye 3 down before them, clears the air tle an . wig kos hl where the author of|ant one and one that should be|reached. In the “Saeas of high | ¥3 rae mt ena : Em- like. a thunderstorn on a sultry Doran ining costo a eee Leaf, who himself |repeated. The thanks of all pres-|school teachers the assistants, if a ens a oa rae - Robey; Fa} night. The stinging words with | av bouni : ; on CRN teacher, was pres-jent was extended to Capt. Stork| males, will start at $125 a month 5 7 ai ee sb; Landes.) which Mr. Nickle cast away the etait: | The boxing contest scheduled appropriate it was,|for his excellent address. and willadvance at’ $5 a*month > EK wars s, *! fetters S William Mackenzit | n D ieeanpaebemiate Cel lfor Monday night at McIntyre ———— — — ——.-»>—_— = jincrease each year until $150 a Drydocks—Glees« a “s Pee sought to bind upon him will find} ait 1 it eabbpi ated: yp] Hall is attracting a lot of inter- EAUTIFUL DANCING | month is reached. If the assist-|@94@ Cochran, p; Collins, 1b3]2n echo ail over Canada, We are|*e Shown, Muning” engine est among local fans, particul- | JAPANESE FISHERMEN ants are females the minimum |Spence, 2b; Graves, ss; Brooks,'\ stil] «a nation of free men. The| Vancouver, arrived in Hazelton | a AT THE WESTHOLME | : 5 “hs P... Mira eeane ah 19) ne > | . larly those who have seen the MUST BE ELIMINATED salary will be 8100 a month,|°?" rh dy, rf; Walker, cf: Gil would-! dictators have mis-|recently with a party on his way| 5 lations sake certainly | with the annual increase of $5 aj#0d Cochran, If ‘ - ltaken « plaisafice for fear. Let|into the Omineca country. ere. cig ty 3 ae a 1 £125 s attaine ‘4s e ld the war g ail ; sabe ee 2e nh splendi oth (6 Mee: ake | month until 130. 3 ut ain d. hair tinat gas ad them th varning thai} wr Petherstonhaugh is going ibe seem to e ' Pp | Ballot to Be Brought ht Into Play by| The new rule comes into effeet|?**! MRC 8 tte Fa Ae , comes the words of the mem-} : condition after finishin two D : eae 46 i in in the interests of the Omineca & dancing partner Mr. | White Men to Force Hand June 30 this year. She Baek Peas eas x ; ‘{ber for Kingston, or they will Exploration syndieate of Edmon-| weeks of strenuous training and ah sa Ba a ae ne a — = aneess discove t, pitter gains tansf rd. and the man- of Government It pg — 2 a 4 ive S N TO st o 3 be Br a m4 By n . Abe tton, This syndicate is composed | unless the dope goes altogether if the Westholme opera | : Miter 2 er RAs 16 ss VORONGES.- Oe Se MARINE EXCUR 10 Petar ata bx ete "lof a number of the most promi+| rong they should put up a fine 5 the success achieved in New Westminster, May 22.—J/their rooms 15 minutes before PORT SIMPSON |= i eit s rongest towers {nent business and financial men battle \ teresting feature § ew for the first time in | Five hundred or more solid votes|Cclusses open to do hlackhoard must ¢1 nae into “dust ‘At the t>""aaonton, who realize tie re 208 An on ing fea te ork assaul . ‘om the average fan’s viewpo ri the very latest 80-/will be the strongest weapon at work — wult. ;ereat importance of this prom- i dre a seat cont haa man That their efforts | ihe command of the Fraser river Two teachers are to remain|ge, Andrew's Society will Give | jising mining country. Mr.|_ ; ; ’ blic approval is wit | é in the central scho during’ the Popular Outing on Prince CLEVER PLAY AT ve thekatarhniank': @iaacwel:.. dle. something beyond the gate mon- ; fishermen in their fight to elim-|noon-hour, and the teachers in Joh THE EMPRESS THEATRE ; oe ee “~ley to fight for. If Burns wins he large and enthu-| 4 onn, jclosed the exact nature of his has waft” Be atohed: in thin ie ces which so far |inate the Japanese fishermer.)the other schoo! must remain —- | The Royal Players added lau-jbusiness, but says he is going to} 7 inst Fr aonia Vitea ice ‘the each performance. | from the Fraser river, according|4!so over the noon-hour The excursion to Port Simpson|pejs to their reputation la fe Eanige Sng peport Ame severe lightw ‘ight ; phawpiouehie of tier cf » imagin- | we bats a. ree 5 ee Sue TNS r dpositions through: om 1 ave ‘ c + Senn penne fo plans outlined at 8 Rye Ee. Pe Church Parade under. the auspices of St \N-| night when thes presented nen PP positions ‘fimpughout we. i ‘Canada, while on the other hand dancing of Mrs. Les-|tative meeting of the Fraser] ny. second annual church pa-|drew's society promises to be althe Bishop's Carriage.” The play |i sy" district: He also statesiir Tanel gets the. decision he Ransford. There| River Fisheren’s Protective asso- dad oh a ee ;. Raelenk ; a ; rt ‘ : ! 4 =" ‘a 1S aD ithat the eyes. of mining men all wilPamake’ BY" ibs. t8 bé iniatkiad oO stionable | «i; . . pane , ade. 9 9. OVUe .v netanadi popular ouling on onday. he nes around a yretty €} testa a oe Bae é 2t s. ya objectionable | ejation held in this city recently. ,efit Society. will be held to re rinee John of the GT.|Professional thing and her male ver the continent ar direoted with Lem-Kegg; the Prince Ru- ‘ hing in fact that)An active organization commit-| snow evening at St. Andi j Steam Jvonn , Oh ito the “Ominéca at the present pert favorite, either of these morro svening at >= 1arew s eK mplice one o er esca- f ’ € C f stidious or exacting /tee covering the drifts and dis- Church. All Englishm« ess ther P, fleet will carry the crowd. The | iene’ hus Manned aden aan ltime, as railway facilities are contests to take place here on be offended at.|tricts from the Mission City] ambers of the society or als teamer leaves the G.T.P. dock]; ine pishop' 4 eo issured in the near future; and | 5445 ' 2mbers o » gsocic I e bishop's carriage. ant . : ry these dances are | bridge to the Gulf of Georgie was}... cordially invited to be pres-{at 8:30 a Luncheon will bela a DI wa ede: % } a}. {be knows of several parties rep- They will weigh in at 133 lbs ace and beauty and/appointed by President Maiden. sat Stenibers are requested to|/served on the boat from 14:30|aneed n ind she secur € hi ie jresenting American and English| yank smeathers will referee If to exercise a healthy|and an effort will be made to en- gee ae fs od i nat ; Sa ee ee f PYeleapital who are going in within | a nies Hew: dances |rolt five hundred fishermen. and meet at the lodge room in thejto 2 p.m ection \ philanthropic lawyer | ing Bere yn neh sane nit oh any faking is atlempted the bout ' : 5 | To ve ‘ Helgerson block at 6:30 p. m Phere will be a programme Of}takes an interest in the girl. uf Father dahil adidas will be stopped and declared no nthe at each perfor-|seo that their names are placed sharp.—Thos. W Silversides;|sports at Port Simpson: in the af-| fights her case and determines oe, el eto las eee éanteet . vd £ , are , re’ ; ’ i ‘OL or e as ‘ ™ ‘eir stay here. on the voters’ list. President. {t}/ternoon. Tea will be served ©On|to peform her. After winning her | ie ; Coke of t} Mu oO = Gold In addition to the main event, ——___—— Yhe fishermen realize that bree ae wa 2 the boat from 6 to 8 p.m., and/hack to an honest life his inter-ee eee _Omneca. Gol |a local lightweight match has Baptist Church. they are a very important factor Will Give Bar of Silver the return trip starts at 7 p.™./est warms into affection, She or uid. oO} vance and)heen arranged between Young rr in the election. If our repre-|. 7 J. Hobin, manager of the rhe Imperial orchestra will|wil] not hear of his proposals,|... th atep 7 or them OO}Sherman and Bert Ray These orship and Sunday|sentatives at Ottawa and Victoria], ntinental Trust Co. is in re-|furnish musie on the boat. however, because she has pledg- Quartz and Vita se ane two beys were matched before, {1 a.m. Evening wor-|do not help us, are will work for ceipt of a letter from Duke Har ‘ jed herself to her former aceom- i ene has eee aoe a ¥Y tOlhut was called off. 0. The pastor will|those who will,” was the way ris of the American Boy minés Becker Found Guilty. | plice, now serving a sentence’ in ni nglish oe ce Ph oa Judging from the advance he evening on “The]some of the fishermen put me stating that he has a bar of sil Special to The Daily. News ail. Her lover, whom she. has baeag Oe Ot ee seat sale there will be a big of the World and the|matter after the nee. an Close’ fie SAM which was ’ not asen Riniké her -retagimation. [orien uf ‘ company @X-/erowd on hand when the gong f God.” All are wel-|have the votes, and we now New York, May 22.—Charles! pects to spend as much more in r taken from the Harris shipment jescapes from confinement and{, ; brings Labet and Burns together how to use them,” was the re-|wnpis he is presenting to th Becker, who has had to face his | resents Himself’ hefore. Hawi eee the next tWOland extra accommodations have mark of another. Prince Rupert board of trade to second trial for-somplicity in}.myi, convinces her that their ()°2"®: Mi! Fetherstonhaugh been provided. In’ all, there will SRT: ai ST ete ceeded have made up into a souver for| the murder of Herman Rosenthal|,,.... have- ioe apart ant ale eyed St eee and sree ee be 28 rounds of boxing, ‘the first Licenses for Churches President E. J. Chamberlin upon|!" this city, has been found) i) not follow him, A fight en- forthe” gold” “fields: “Tuesday: preliminary commencing at EMPIRE DAY the opening of the Grand Trunk | &Ullty }sues, in which the lawyer again Mino! 16:30 p.m. \> Saskatoon, Sask., May 22.—J|Pacific. The silver will be made} ee ene lrescues her and turns the eseap. Tsehh yao! — E X CURSION The city council has decided to}up into a suitable piece. Oe ROK KK prisoner over to the police Paper for S seena Crossing exact a license from all churches a ee 7 *1 An amusing court scene follows \ new journalistic venture Under ausplees ef ST. ANDREWS Qiwhich use their buildings for The Cradie. * STORE CLOSED *land the lawyer rescues the gir!|Which will attract attention from PRINCE RUPERT SOCIETY te public lectures, concerts or thea- Born—To Mr. and Mrs. F. R.|* ; */ from the accusations of her for-jall interested in the development EXHIBITION PORT SIMPSON trical entertainments, This ac-|(, Brown, 120 Seventh avenue|* P. Burns’ meat marke! *!mer accomplices by a promise of jOf the district is projected by sae tion has been prompted by alwest, a daughter, Friday, May}* will be closed all day *| marriage. Skeena Crossing people, who will 191 ~ *r Groamehip: Prinee Youn visit from several operatic stars}/22, 1914 * May 25: ; *! The play sis ful of mirth,.|Shortly begin the publication of The Quaranee Subscription List of international fame who sang —_— — -—_——- | * *! pathos and heroism. Miss Elliott |&@ Weekly paper called the Chal- a. Aduite, ticket $2.60 Chitdren, 91.45 in the churches. B. B. Haugan komme, L191 aR RR RK Cos howitehing. as a thief, and |copyrite. The paper will be de- THE NORTHERN B. C. AGRICUL- UE ; —_——_—_——_—— ‘in om — }superb as an honest woman, She|voted to the interests of Skeena 5 Insurance Companies Glad did her part exceptionally well,|Crossing and the mines of TURAL AND INDUSTRIAL ASSN. npbononia PEC UNES EA ae ABBA UBUUURRURR OUR UARE RRA RIA IE) C1 or) oe Reyal was a good.tip- Rocher de Boule, whieh are trib- will open next week. A list of According to the annual re- pler-and surprised his audience|utary to the new town The those subscribing, together with EST HO LM port of the Juneau fire depart. | h E | h ft when «he suddenly sobered to}|Chalcopyrite should be a_ pro- the amounts, will appear in. the E ment the loss by fire in that eC mpress Ca re {m ike °an announéement. The]gressive and readable — sheet, focal papers each week. All intend= t town last year was less than jeompany throughout is one of {Since it is understood the B. R ing subscribers are requested to OPER A HOUSE $1,500, although there were 26 = = ithe best to visit this eity so far}|Jones Co, is backing the venture notify the Secretary of the amount '. fires, The greatest loss to any TO NIGHT. jan dthey deserve the exeellent|and has secured the services of they will do! “hone 498. TO one individual amounted to only ee * eee | patronage they are reeeiving Jas, A. Riley as editor. P. ©. Box 1682. Money payable * NIGHT 8500, Porning chimneys esused SY September 1st. MRS. M. L {4 of tne 26 fires, Charge Against Officer 33 Tons of Glass. No other form of collection is : M. LESTER 1 pape eerrerenene Tr l he O a a ers j Denver, May 22,—Charges. of] ‘phe glazing. on the drydock authorized by the Association. and Corporation of the City of jason, murder, manslaughter and|pyildings will start next week, MR. CHAS. RANSFORD Prince Rupert. larceny against Major Patrick J.ithe first work being done on the eer Present Hamrock of the First regiment,|foundry building, The shipment in the NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Colorado National guard, were | of glass came in last week from | filed before a general court- ) One of their best plays d re - : PAVLOWA GAVOTTE From the date “the Public ee martial at the state rifle range aan: Bheme, were: $8, 10a. c Auction Sale eepeee ere eee reeren eee os of y which gives an idea of the § and the warned not to make fires ay ‘ce . > C e 3) here, The charges grew out. of a ; aye e 1 ; * amount of materia! used in these or ‘ description on their lots, or on In the Bishop § arrlage \the battle between the state San este : ; : TANGO any vaoant pounds RE CHIEF. | militia and the coal mine strikers he Meee HOUSEHOI.D FURNITURE ; SPECIALTIES BETWEEN THE AOYS jat Ludlow on April 20, and the Don't forget to be the first will be held in the old Custom 4 and other new per Tey, the | fire whieh destroyed the strikers’|man-to get a home run in Mon. House on First Avenue, nest to SOCIETY DANCES The ladies eux hold their — * | tent colony, day’s game and win a new hat Merryfield & Co., between MeBride general hospital will } A y at t | -- erty from Martin O'Reilly. 1t|3 Street and First Strees, on Thura- Feature Motion Pictures monthly meeting 00 Reserved Seits now on sale at Mone Bros. =| Bantoriie’ Plonese | Gieancte: —.—— —-—-----— gg, YO Oe ee e ‘ » ~ 0 . , , dmission: . 480 and abe $19 lock in the K ¢ PRICLS: 750, 500 and 350 | Phone 4, tf ua. + forget ie you oon eet — Children: sailor * ~——— a ladies’ house dress a abour GEORGE LEEK, Auctioneer, dren: 10¢, Boys’ Buster Brown and Fei IS IIIS III III TOIT ITI ATA II AIA ASAI I ASAT ’reeereoeoooes blouses $2.96 at Jabour Bree. | B. B. Haugan kommer. 119' Bros. for $4,00, 117-419 lnonooneontinandosseasadaaiaaanaial